40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2075: Horrible beings!

"These people are very strong!"

Under the perception of Li Yao's soul, all the prisoners turned into groups of colorful spiritual flames and life magnetic fields.

With the flames burning and jumping, Li Yao had a rough assessment of their strength.

These prisoners are extremely dangerous guys. On average, they have high-level foundation, peak and even alchemy cultivation bases. In the center of many people's life magnetic fields, there is also a group of very condensed existence that is burning like a small sun. Rotating-that is their second brain, which is the legendary "Golden Core"!

"Even the strong Jindan can be regarded as prisoners and'experimental bodies.' The master of'Sky City, Manjushahua' is really extravagant!"

Li Yao continued to observe attentively, and found that these prisoners were not as simple as ordinary foundation building and pill formation-most of the prisoners' bodies had undergone various strange and varied transformations. Some were covered with bone spurs, and some were strong. 'S arms are covered with metal scales. Some people simply integrate composite armor directly into their chests, turning them into half-human and half-mechanical monsters-I don’t know how the cultivator resolves the conflict between metal and flesh and blood. The level of integration seems to be more perfect than Zhou Hengdao, the "Tie Shuai" of the Federation.

Li Yao faintly smelled a familiar feeling in these prisoners.

Yes, the body mutation and transformation of these prisoners is exactly the same as the gangsters he saw in the boxing champion army, but it is more mellow and perfect, as if it were their upgraded version, it was like...

"It's like'Sky City, Manzhushahua' first experimented with various crazy technologies and supernatural powers on the evil bandits, and after obtaining a large amount of mature data and techniques, they applied them to this batch of more advanced'tests'. On the raw material, a more advanced "ultimate test body" is prepared."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said lightly.


Li Yao's heart was stunned. It should be like this. This is a complete "new-type magical power and transformation technology pipeline". From the bottom to the top, everything from the criminals of the evil soil to the criminals of the cultivators is "experimental materials"!

Condense the souls and observe carefully. Although these prisoners are powerful and have received various cutting-edge enhancements, they do not have the slightest temperament of a strong person. They are lifeless, showing depression and despair, or hysterical. Anger and hatred, his dim eyes widened, and he stared at the guards outside the prison.

Everyone's hands, feet, and necks were all smashed with heavy shackles. Each pair of shackles was engraved with dense runes, and it was also inlaid with flickering spar, which was running wildly.

Li Yao squinted his eyes and immediately "see" between the shackles and the strong arc and magnetic field between the shackles and the surrounding copper walls and iron walls.

The slightly twisted weird postures between the prisoners' gestures made Li Yao react instantly.

"In the entire honeycomb prison, there should be some kind of super strong magnetic field control system. Between the shackles and the walls of these prisoners, a strong magnetic field is generated, leaving them with a strange power, like carrying a million tons of boulders. Can only move hard.

"The strength of the magnetic field should be adjustable. Once it is adjusted to the limit, they might be able to stick their shackles on the ground or wall, or draw two or three prisoners together, then they will be completely immobile. Butchered!"

"It seems that the cultivators are also quite jealous of these prisoners and have to use the strictest monitoring methods to suppress them."

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned and said, "Hey, do you think these prisoners had a comfortable life in the "Sky City, Manjusawa"?"

Li Yao frowned and said, "Nonsense!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon continued: "So, although they are all immortal cultivators, they should all have a deep hatred of the owners of'Sky City and Manju Sawa'. Once they find an opportunity, they will absolutely ruthlessly strip the owner of this room and cramp. , The corpse is broken into pieces?"

Li Yao's heart moved: "Yes, the immortal cultivators are all cruel and tyrannical guys who must be retributed to the canthus. Once these extremely dangerous prisoners can get rid of the shackles and regain their freedom, and the immortal cultivators in the hibernation barn above can all unfreeze... these words It's strange that people don't upset the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'!

"However, what exactly must be done to release all these people?"

"It's very simple."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said, "With these dangerous criminals' strengthened and remodeled bodies and the combat power of the pill series, it is difficult to trap them by the copper walls and iron walls. The main control method should be the ubiquitous super-strong magnetic field system.

"And for the super-strong magnetic field system, there must be a control center and an extremely large energy supply is needed.

"If we can sneak into this control center, infiltrate and seize the master crystal brain here, and in turn manipulate the entire super-strong magnetic field system, wouldn't we be able to do whatever we want?"

Li Yao quickly blinked: "Can it be done?"

"As long as you can find the control center and the master crystal brain, it will definitely be possible."

The Scarlet Heart Demon laughed and said, "Don't forget, we swallowed most of the nether energy fragments of the'Lingwang Demon', gained all the inheritance of Professor Mo Xuan, and broke through the realm of God Transformation!

"It may not be possible for us to'create' in Lingwang, but'destruction' has always been 10,000 times simpler than'creation'. Isn't it impossible to even plant a few viruses and completely destroy the entire system?

"Take ten thousand steps to say that it is really impossible to do it completely. Then use the simplest and rude method to directly explode the energy center that supplies energy for this super-strong magnetic field control system. There is no energy, and it depends on what they use to generate it. Magnetic force prohibition!"

"That's what you said..."

Li Yao murmured, "I can't wait to see the entire honeycomb prison get out of control, and all the angry, vicious and dangerous criminals rushed out into the depths of the'Sky City, Manjushahua'. The picture is up."

Xiaolong continued to descend, and the surrounding prison cells gradually turned into a huge circular space hidden in the dark. In the black fog, there were countless humanoid objects standing naked, but the whole body was entangled and filled with pipes.

"It's a person, someone who falls into a deep sleep state."

Li Yao doubted, "The breath is also very strong, but the brain activity is very weak, as if it has been suppressed by some kind of prohibition. What is this..."

"Perhaps it is the master's army here."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said coldly, "People have spent so much cost to maintain such a huge laboratory, and painstakingly conducted so many experiments, there will always be some'results', right?

"And after the most advanced and cutting-edge results are taken out, isn't it a logical thing to enrich one's own armed forces first?"

Staring at the black mist filled with hoses and crystal lines, the motionless figure, Li Yao's primordial spirit rippled with cold ripples.

"Ho, **** ho **** ho ho!"

At this moment, a faint roar from the bottom of the hive prison attracted the attention of Li Yao and the Scarlet Heart Demon.

It was an extremely large prison cell or test field, where two extremely vicious creatures were fighting desperately.

A living body is like a mixture of a spider, a scorpion and a crocodile, enlarged to four or five meters in length, covered with sharp bone spurs and sharp scales, like a jungle of swords and swords growing out of flesh and blood.

On the other side of the "life body" was a weird person who looked like a Yasha.

It-he should be a person, or a deformed gorilla, covered with needle-like green hair, a pair of big bulging eyes protruding out on both sides of the head, burning more violent than a tsunami The spiritual flame.

Although the opponent is twice as big as him, his aura has completely suppressed the opponent.

When Li Yao saw the fight, the green-haired Yaksha-like monster was sitting on the crocodile monster, regardless of the sharp scales and bone spurs on the opponent. He abruptly broke the opponent's big mouth and tore his entire head up and down. half!


With a burst of blood and a spray of blood mist, Lu Mao Yasha was unsatisfied, his fingers were sharper than a chain saw sword, and he thrust into the back of the crocodile monster, fumbled for a moment, and pulled out his heart abruptly!

The crocodile monster with strong vitality was still struggling to death, but Lu Mao Yasha showed a satisfied smile, holding the blood-red heart in both hands, and swallowing it with a big mouth.

Outside the test room, more than a dozen immortals in airtight suits pointed and recorded test data.

"This guy is so strong!"

Even Li Yao was a little frightened, "Almost no drop of psychic energy overflows from the body, all of which are used to nourish every cell of oneself, so that the body can release the most powerful combat power. This is the practice and combat of the'former warrior' Idea, this green-haired Yaksha should be a'former warrior' who has cultivated or transformed to the extreme!"

At this moment, the researchers seemed to have received some order, and after whispering to each other for a while, they quickly operated on the crystal brain.

Suddenly dozens of small red dots appeared on Lu Mao Yasha, followed by dozens of light red liquids, which shot into his body like water arrows.

At first Li Yao thought that the immortal cultivator would destroy this "test body", but after the green-haired Yaksha jumped up and down for a while, he staggered, staggered, and fell to the ground like a drunk.

Only then did Li Yao understand that the anesthetic that was injected into his body just now should be an ultra-high intensity and dose of anesthetic.

After confirming that he was under deep anesthesia, a few immortal cultivators wearing crystal armor and facing the enemy came in, tied his five flowers, carried him into a giant metal bag, and sent a floating dish, slowly descending .

This is the "test body" that Li Yao has seen the strongest combat effectiveness so far.

Since it is the strongest combat power, it means the most advanced strengthening and transformation technology, the most core laboratory, and the great figures of "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

Li Yao thought: "Come and see, where are they going to transport him?"

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