40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2079: Old monsters and little monsters

Regardless of whether the mysterious boy found himself or not, Li Yao decided to risk contact with him.

Since the immortal cultivator has a master of the transformation level watching this young man, it proves that he must be the key to a certain project or plan.

And seeing the mysterious young man who was tragically ravaged just now, is now lurking with minions, and has an extremely strong desire to survive, it does not seem to have any good feelings for the owner of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", but a little bit of nostalgia for this place.

Mysterious boy and Li Yao are natural allies.

Li Yao's time is limited, and now the "epic mission" of the immortal cultivator is unfolding step by step. If the Starry Sky Organization really wants to throw itself into the net, it should be three or five days away.

"City in the Sky, Manzhushahua" is a giant starry sky battle castle with a large scale, winding paths, and a labyrinth of complexity. Li Yao cannot guarantee to find and destroy its Achilles’ heel in just a few days. .

Perhaps this mysterious boy can tell him more valuable information.

And he and Li Yao's foster father are still inextricably linked...

Even if he put aside the deep feelings between his adoptive father and himself, the adoptive father still asked him to come to the real human empire to find Li Linghai. As a holy ally, the adoptive father had no reason to know too many imperial people, so this mysterious boy and Li Linghaizhi In the meantime, does it matter, even as the Scarlet Heart Demon said, the womb is secretly knotted and messy?

Li Yao's infiltration into the empire alone this time is not and impossible to completely destroy the empire. Regardless of his original intentions, the Federation and the empire will coexist for a long time, and even face the Covenant Alliance and Pangu. The threat of civilization and even extraterritorial gods

This is an objective fact, and cultivators are most concerned about seeking truth from facts!

Whether everyone is fighting or making peace, if you can find a way to meet the imperial queen Li Linghai, Li Yao will definitely be able to create a broader space for the Federation's next choice.

"Does this mysterious boy have anything to do with the empire's empress Li Linghai?

"If it's relevant, how could the dignified queen let him fall here and become a brutal ‘experimental body’?

"Or, immortal cultivators are all human beings who exterminate humanity, as long as they are valuable, they can be squeezed, not even their own flesh and blood?"

With a mind full of doubts, Li Yao manipulated the Xiaolong ship to sink to the top of the teenager's head at a near-static speed, sending an extremely weak wave of psychic energy to his brain, equivalent to the highest level of "biography". The sound enters the secret".

Li Yao said, "Hush, don't talk, don't move."

The young man twitched slightly, and the bright and violent flames in the deepest part of his eyes reappeared and disappeared in a flash.

Li Yao has never seen such a flame in the eyes of his foster father.

I have often seen it in the mirror, my eyes are burning like this.

Perhaps the boy is the same kind of person as him.

At least, the boy is definitely not so gloomy and cowardly as it looks!

"Perceive my psionic tremor, so that your soul is trembling at the same frequency, and then we can communicate with brain waves."

Li Yao said, "Judging from your performance just now, your spirit is quite powerful, so simple brainwave manipulation skills, can't it be difficult for you?"

The boy blinked, grunted vaguely, and turned around.

I don't know if he didn't hear Li Yao's words, or was unwilling to respond, for a long time he didn't send out his own spirit fluctuations.

"Who are you, why were you locked up here, and what kind of research did those people do on you?"

Li Yao patiently continued to ask.

The young man still looked at the ceiling stupidly, his eyes completely frozen, and the fleeting flame just now seemed to be an illusion of Li Yao.

Li Yao smiled. He is a very funny little guy with a very personal character, but he is still a little tender to fight with him, the old monster of transformation!

"It seems that you are very satisfied with your current situation and don't want to make any changes, so forget it."

Li Yao said unhurriedly, "After three seconds, I will disappear and never reappear-you also know how strong the defenses are here, how difficult it is to sneak in once, there will never be a first It's a second chance.


"who are you?"

When Li Yao prolonged his tone and counted to "one", the ice in the young boy's eyes finally burst, and the extremely longing light gushed out like magma, sending out a brain wave somewhat awkwardly.

Li Yao smiled: "Why was you silent just now, doubting me?"

The teenager hesitated for a moment, and said honestly: "Yes, I suspect that you are a man of stern spirit, use this method to test me."

Li Lingfeng?

Li Yao was slightly startled, he naturally knew that Li Lingfeng was also the hottest side of the real human empire. He was the elder brother of the current queen Li Linghai, and he was very likely to become the next Li Family Patriarch and one of the four major election candidates!

Li Lingfeng, Li Linghai, this mysterious young man, plus his adoptive father, what are these four people doing?

Li Yao turned his mind and said, "Then how do you dispel your doubts now?"

"I didn't dispel my doubts, but there seemed to be no choice but to give it a try."

The magma flowing freely on the surface of the young boy’s eyeballs freezes again and turns into that “sorrow is greater than death”, a zombie-like appearance, but there is a weak fighting spirit in his brain waves, like a desperate gambler, "If you weren’t People from Li Lingfeng are members of the'Starlight Organization'. I didn't expect that there are such masters in the Starlight Organization, who can manipulate magic weapons to sneak into a place across the wall of Li Lingfeng without being discovered by him!"

Li Yao was shocked. Only then did he know that the tyrannical life energy just now was one of the four major electors of the empire in the future. No wonder he was so scared that he didn't even dare to put a fart.

The rigorous thinking and calmness of the mysterious young man's mind were even greater than he expected.

"who are you?"

Li Yao asked for the second time, "Why am I being locked up here, and presumably I am from the Starlight Organization?"

The boy said blankly: "I can tell you, but should you also tell me some information? If you really come from the Starlight Organization, then we can cooperate completely, or to put it more simply-save each other's lives."

Li Yao carefully scanned every subtle change in the boy’s face and pupils, and denied the possibility of this being a trap. He pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, let’s talk about your identity and history first, let’s see how we can cooperate. ."

The teenager blinked his eyes, perhaps because he realized that his environment was worse than the mysterious Xiaolong. He did not bargain with Li Yao on this issue, and honestly said: "My name is Li Jialing, I am a man. Ordinary Li family child——"

"and many more."

Li Yao interrupted him and reconfirmed, "The Li family, one of the four major election emperor families?"

Li Jialing said: "Yes."

Li Yao said, "You mentioned Li Lingfeng just now. That is a big figure in the Li family. What do you have to do with him, are you his descendants?"

Li Jialing shook his head and said: "No, the Li family has been developed for thousands of years, and there are many collateral branches. There are hundreds of thousands of children. My parents are just ordinary soldiers of the Li family. After the family died, I became After being an orphan, he was adopted by a big man in the family in accordance with the rules, and since then lived a life under the fence, and was later sent to a secret school in the family to be trained, leading a life of bullying and bleakness."

After a pause, a faint sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and he continued, "But that's just a superficial identity. In fact, I don't know if the pair of lower-level fighters are my biological parents. Anyway, others say that. I just listened to it!

"As for Li Lingfeng, he should have been observing and monitoring me secretly, and every year he would take me here secretly to receive various enhanced modulations, turning me into... what you just saw, no matter what I was Yasha couldn't be killed no matter what.

"Perhaps, I am really a descendant of Li Lingfeng. I heard that many big figures in the empire will use their blood to carry out various strengthening and transformation experiments, and then apply them to themselves after obtaining a relatively stable effect. Therefore, choosing one's own blood can be closer to one's own genes and spiritual form, and the experimental data has a higher reference value."

The young man faintly talked about the appalling past.

Li Yao felt that things were not that simple. After weighing it up, he asked straightforwardly: "Have you seen Li Linghai?"

"Li Linghai?"

Li Jialing turned over again and lay on the ground, "She is a queen, and naturally she will spend most of her time in the palace of the Heavenly Realm and the Heavenly Star. There is no intersection with a family like me. , I naturally had no chance to meet her with my own eyes.

"However, why did you suddenly ask Li Linghai, who are you, and what is the purpose of sneaking into'Sky City, Manzhushahua'?"

Li Yao really didn’t know how to explain it, and he didn’t necessarily say directly to this extremely keen kid—little brother, you look like my old father who died more than a hundred years ago, and he is very likely to be with you. Queen Li Linghai has a leg, right?

After thinking about it, he changed the subject: "You just said to cooperate to save each other's lives. What do you mean?"

"So, are you a member of the Starlight Organization?"

Li Jialing didn't answer the question, "If it is, I have the bargaining chip to trade with you; if it is not, I can only admit that I am unlucky and die with peace of mind."

The youthful and old-fashioned tone made Li Yao a little uncontrollable.

He recalled the time when he was a boy, fighting wits and courage with old and cunning monsters such as "Bai Xinghe".

At that time, he was obviously scared to death in his heart, but he still had to hold up a calm and talkative appearance, lest he would be seen by the old monsters.

Unexpectedly, the time has passed, and now I will play the role of the "old monster".

Li Yao smiled and said, "Suppose I am a member of the Starlight Organization?"

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