40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2086: The mastermind behind the scenes!

Listening to Li Lingfeng whispering, Li Jialing was sluggish for a while, his lips trembled for a moment, and he spread his fingers into his blood-entangled hair. After thinking about it for a long time, he looked up at Li Lingfeng for a while, and his apple was rolling for a long time. This said: "Why didn't you tell me the whole truth before?"

"First, it is very rare for you to be contaminated by the sanctuary. No matter I or Wu Yinglan, the owner of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", I don't know how to do it without causing any side effects. Crack."

Li Lingfeng frankly said, "Using external force to forcibly break the seal of your brain and even the depths of your soul is very likely to cause damage to your soul, affect your future development and even your normal thinking ability. This is an extremely undesirable solution. .

"Applying a certain degree of stimulation to you, allowing your brain to accumulate super-high pressure, and breaking through the seal of the'Three Principles of Origin' from the inside out - this is probably the best way.

"It now appears that our thinking is correct. You really rely on your own strength to overcome the shackles of the'Three Principles of Origin'. Congratulations!

"Second, there is a more important reason, and that is for your safety.

"You know, the power against me within the family has always existed. As my position in the family is getting higher and higher, there are naturally more and more people who are jealous of me, hate me, and desperately want to pull me off the horse. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. I am now the target of many people. Those people are eager to catch my painful foot.

"Think about it, once they discover your true identity and know that you are still a'polluter', how will they treat you and use you to attack me? In the hands of those people, you really can't survive. , I can't die!

"So, just to protect you, I usually turn a blind eye to you, and put on a look that allows you to fend for yourself, for fear that the ubiquitous eyes peep out the true relationship between you and me.

"Until today, you have completely smashed the shackles in the depths of the soul and awakened your true power, so that I can tell you everything and make you an upright super soldier representing the future of the Li family!"

Li Jialing took a deep breath, as if he was in a daze by Li Lingfeng's sweet words. After a long time, he said: "It turns out that this is the case, so what should I do next?"

Li Lingfeng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and patted three times on the young boy's muscular shoulders, and said: "You have completed the first stage of cultivation, and then you can stay by my side and receive my personal teaching.

"Believe me, there are many worlds waiting for you to conquer, there are many enemies waiting for you to hunt, there are many glory waiting for you to capture, haha, hahahaha!"

"At the moment, we have a game that is not big or small. The epic mission of the "Starlight Organization" of the Cultivator Resistance Group is very worthy of you to have a good time. It is better to go to the control center together. I will ask Wu Yinglan to introduce it to you in detail. ."


Li Jialing was a little uncomfortable with Li Lingfeng's enthusiasm, and said in a trembling voice, "I don't know, my mind is still very messy, I want to be quiet and slow down by myself, is it possible?"

"Of course, absolutely."

Li Lingfeng spread his hand very generously, "I asked Wu Yinglan to arrange a senior suite for you. You should take a good rest and wash the stench all over your body by the way-don't you really want to do a comprehensive inspection?"

Li Jialing trembled all over, and subconsciously said: "After a few days, I feel very good now, can I have a checkup in a few days?"

Li Lingfeng smiled and said: "Yes, then clean yourself up and come to the control center to find me."

A light of joy and disbelief flashed in Li Jialing's eyes: "Can I really go to the control center?"

"Yes, don't forget—"

Li Lingfeng once again patted the boy's shoulder, "Among the hundreds of thousands of children in the Li family, you are my most optimistic and the one I have devoted the most effort to. One day, I might even have a chance to become my true successor. , You can go anywhere, whatever you want!"

"You can do whatever you want..."

A beast-like light flashed under the young boy's eyes, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a hideous look.

This hideous touch made Li Lingfeng's smile even deeper.

"Me, I have the last two questions."

Li Jialing summoned his courage.

"Ask, I want to know anything."

Li Lingfeng smiled more amiably.

"First, who are my biological parents?"

Li Jialing said, "It shouldn't be as simple as the pair of lower-level fighters you told me?"

"It's not, but it's not a big man."

Li Lingfeng said, "The information about them is contained in the jade slips of the Origin Project. The combination of the seeds of life is an incomparably mysterious thing. It is not that the stronger the fighters can produce the stronger the seeds of life, and two incomparable ones. The combination of tyrannical seeds of life may not be able to produce the strongest fertilized eggs. There are too many uncalculated factors involved.

"The important thing is not the strongest, but the most suitable.

"Your biological parents are indeed top-notch players in the family, but they had sacrificed for the family before the Origin Project began. I extracted their seeds of life from the family’s frozen seed bank-this is also considered to be for the family. The hero, leaving a trace of blood, there is nothing unreasonable to do so, right?

"Their ashes are now sealed in the hall of the family hall, but I suggest that you do not go to worship in the past two years. After two years, your cultivation level will be increased by a few more levels, and my status in the family It’s more consolidated, and it’s not too late to disclose your secrets completely."

Li Jialing pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "It makes sense, I will listen to you, and I will act carefully."

Li Lingfeng smiled and said, "What's the problem."

"There is another crucial question."

The flames in the young man’s eyes suddenly condensed into swords, "You said just now that many people in the family have been opposed to you, and even dared to use the means of'borrowing a knife to kill people' and using the power of the holy ally to destroy the'origin project', almost I am strangling in the embryonic state-do you have anyone to suspect about the mastermind of this matter?"

Li Lingfeng was startled slightly, and said, "There are naturally many suspects, but the other party is acting very curiously and secretly. I can't easily tear my face until there is no real evidence."

"Tell me, who is that?"

Li Jialing paused and said, "Who is the person who tried to kill me in the embryonic state?"

Li Lingfeng groaned: "This...it's hard to tell, it's really hard to tell. I don't want to create any negative preconceived impressions of you, which will affect your judgment. What's more, the other party, like me, is considered a high-level figure in the family. , For you now, it is a behemoth that cannot be confronted head-on."

"It doesn't matter, just tell me the name you most suspect and beware of. I won't act rashly."

Li Jialing said seriously, "No matter how much I hate you in the past, but at least now, I am... your person, the other party is very likely to open a breakthrough for you from me. I should always know that after I return to the Li family, Who should you watch out for?"

"...Well, if that's the case, then you can listen to me with your ears up."

Li Lingfeng lowered his voice and said every word, "I very much suspect that the mastermind behind the destruction of the'Origin Project' and almost killed you is the queen of the real human empire, my sister, Li Linghai!"


"Sky City, Manzhushahua", in the highest-level VIP suite, in the steaming bathroom, Li Jialing was enjoying the short-term comfort and tranquility in the mist. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the floor mirror on the opposite side. Nearly perfect body.

It's like a combination of a cheetah and a tiger. Every strand of muscle is a combination of strength and agility, and it blends together impeccably.

Obviously, there was only a **** battle, and at this moment, there were no scars. The crystal clear skin really looked like the purest crystal marrow carved out. Every drop of water would splash the most beautiful spray.

The young man admired his perfect and young physique, his eyes were deep and treacherous, where was the last bit of confusion and confusion when talking with Li Lingfeng just now?

He condensed his brain waves and sent a message to his abdomen very calmly:

"Why don't you speak? I have felt it. There should not be any eavesdropping and snooping devices installed in this senior suite. It seems that Li Lingfeng thinks that he has finally established trust with me, and is not willing to easily trust this trust. break in."

The teenager's abdomen was silent for a long time before Li Yao heard a very tangled ripple: "...I'm a little afraid of you."

"fear me?"

Li Jialing was startled slightly, and smiled, "What is terrible to me? My strength is far from your opponent. You have embedded your vital magic weapon into my vitals, and you are almost at the mercy of you. It should be me. I am afraid of you, or you are afraid of Li Lingfeng."

"No, although Li Lingfeng is very strong, he is only terrifying in a general sense. I have seen a lot of this kind of'big demon' before, and I have killed a lot. Maybe it will be a little tricky to deal with, but it's far It's not scary."

Li Yao said, "But you are different. You are not more than twenty years old now, and you can dig such a big hole to make Li Lingfeng jump. If you hadn’t known you had a secret plan, just listening to the conversation between you and Li Lingfeng, you thought you were. Stepped into his rhythm thoroughly and was led away by him.

"As everyone knows, he is the one who makes the wrong judgment!

"When you are seventeen or eighteen years old, you can already do this kind of scalp numbness. If you are cultivating for decades by your hidden minions, how terrifying will it become?"

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