40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2089: This soup is good!

Li Jialing was stunned again.

Li Yao's words made him think about it for a long time, and the self in the mirror was also shrouded in a layer of confusing mist.

"What you said seems to make sense."

Suddenly, Li Jialing's eyes were so sharp that he couldn't be more sharpened. He tore the mist completely to pieces and pierced himself in the mirror. "Who are you, why do you feel that you know everything? Or, you didn't appear by accident, but always said Am I the target?"

"Uh, this is not the case. My goal at the beginning was really not you, but Li Lingfeng, Wu Yinglan, or'City in the Sky, Manzhushahua'."

Li Yao said frankly, "It's just that you do have something that interests me very much, so I will risk approaching you - as for what it is, when you have a chance to escape from Li Lingfeng's control, and I Let's talk about it after we can destroy the'City of the Sky, Manjusawa'. It is unnecessary to say it now!"

The boy's eyebrows raised again: "Are you really going to destroy the'Sky City, Manjusawa'?"

Li Yao said, "Why, do you have different opinions?"


The boy laughed, "Just to my liking."

Li Yao also laughed: "That's good, by the way, we have been talking about these conspiracies and tricks for a long time. It is really annoying. Can we change the topic to improve our communication?"

The teenager frowned: "For example?"

Li Yaodao: "For example, talk about your mental journey from childhood to adulthood, and discuss your outlook on life, world outlook, and values. Well, I now somewhat understand how your radical and vicious character came about.

"A lonely child who lost his parents' asylum since he was a child, and was thrown into the Li family's Longtan Tiger Den, where he was bullied and humiliated, and was still about to be sent to the laboratory to receive the cruelest modulation. However, after concocting a tyrannical and unmatched power, he was restrained by the weird restriction, unable to release the anger and hatred in his heart to his heart's content.

"Want to get rid of such a dark fate, it is a peerless powerhouse like Li Lingfeng who is manipulating you with a thread on it; who wants to live a free and free life, but is faced with the omnipresent shadow of the'Li Family'... Over time, it will distort you alive to the way you are today, which is really embarrassing!"

Li Jialing touched the corners of his mouth and said, "What is ‘this look’? I think I’m pretty good now, what do you want to say?"

Li Yao said sincerely: "What I want to say is that although fate is quite unfair to you, we should not completely give up hope. We must believe in the existence of light and justice. It’s not bad to be able to do what is right and to help the weaker, especially don’t pour others into the darkness of you, and pour into the innocent people arbitrarily..."

"Wait, Brother Yao."

Li Jialing interrupted Li Yao unceremoniously, "Are you... ill?"

Li Yao: "What's the matter with you kid!"

Li Jialing closed the nozzle and wiped his wet hair: "If this is not a trap for rhetoric and you are not sick, are you really a legendary cultivator?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, if the Starlight Organization were about to strike or moths into the fire, it would be impossible for him to die, so the identity of the "cultivator" was destined to be exposed.

At least in front of Li Jialing, there is no way to hide this.

What's more, he doesn't want to conceal it—he can't just watch this little guy who is suspected of being his righteous father and son become the "most perfect immortal cultivator"?


Li Yao generously admitted.


Li Jialing blinked, "Really a cultivator, then why don't you know about the Starlight Organization?"

Li Yao said, "Just treat me as a wild cultivator. Why do you have such a surprised expression, haven't you seen a cultivator before?"

"Indeed, I haven't seen it."

Li Jialing said honestly, "The stupid and naive thing of the cultivator was almost extinct from the entire empire hundreds of years ago. Occasionally there are two or three kittens who jump out and scream, but they can't make any noise. storm.

"To be honest, I’m not surprised that there are a few cultivators occasionally, but I didn’t expect that among the cultivators there is a strong person like Brother Yao. It’s really amazing-with your naive and idiotic ideas, How can you cultivate to this state?"

"It seems that you still have a misunderstanding about the cultivator."

Li Yao smiled and tried his best to turn the ripples he released into spring breeze-like ripples, "It doesn't matter, we will have time later. I will discuss the road of cultivation with you. I believe you will understand many things, such as'The Great Chivalrousness' Believe me, you will suddenly become enlightened, reborn, and reborn!"

Li Jialing: "...Can I not listen?"

Li Yao: "Of course I can. I am very reasonable. As long as you have a way to stop me from sending ripple messages to the depths of your brain, you can refuse. Come on, you can try to resist my surging ripples. what!"

Li Jialing: "..."

Li Yao: "But first of all, let's go to the control center of Li Lingfeng and Wu Yinglan first to see what these two bad guys are doing!"

Li Jialing let out a long sigh of relief, put on a loose robe, rubbed his stomach and said, "Yes, but before that--"

Li Yao said: "How is it?"

Li Jialing smiled: "I'm hungry."


"Sky City, Manzhushahua" is a high-end restaurant specially prepared for VIPs who come to participate in trials and visits.

When Li Jialing stepped into the restaurant, he happened to encounter a group of immortal cultivators who had gone to play in the "Nietu Paradise" or had a trial.

These people carried the dust and **** smell of the evil soil on their bodies, and they had not yet escaped the extreme stimulus of the battlefield killing. One by one, they were arrogant, gesticulating, and spitting, and the hall was full of their laughter and laughter.

"Eight, killed eight in one go, cool!"

"You haven't seen it, those criminals are really a little clever, like a mouse hiding in a gutter. It is not easy to grab their tails, and they can only be burned in a fire, hahahaha !"

"I'm not addicted, I was called up before I really had the addiction!"

"Isn't this to prepare for the upcoming epic mission "Break the Stars"? You will have fun at that time!"

Many immortal cultivators were so energetic that they banged their cups and dishes into "jingle" noises.

There are also many Li Jialing's peers who are not qualified to participate in the real trial mission in "Nietu Paradise", they can only stay in "Sky City, Manzhushahua" to participate in simulation training, and wait for a few days to be epic. After the mission is over, go to the "Nietu Paradise" to experience it.

At this moment, they also flocked to the adult immortal cultivators one after another, listening to their brothers and sisters with envy, telling the story of the killing vividly.

Li Jialing swept over the crowd like a pile of moving ice, took a few simplest meals at the self-service window, sat in the corner, and chewed slowly.

Drinking the soup slowly, his **** and white eyes rolled around slowly, casting his sights on the lively crowd.

This kind of rampage sight is provocative in many places.

Li Yao said, "Aren't you hungry, do you want to cause trouble?"

Li Jialing tore the steamed bun into small pieces and threw it into his mouth at will: "How do you know?"

"Nonsense, a junk boy who has been bullied by his fellow clan, suddenly possesses strong strength, and'unknowingly' encounters his fellow clan who despise him-pighead knows what will happen next!"

Li Yao sighed, "It's really unlucky for these people to meet you."

Li Jialing smiled slightly, and deliberately drank the soup so loudly.

Sure enough, someone soon found him sitting alone in the corner.

"Hey, you kid!"

Several young people from the Li family who were tall and mammoth, as Li Jialing had expected, all grinned and walked to him swaggeringly.

The height of the first young man is 1.5 times that of Li Jialing, his neck is thicker than his waist, and his short hair rising up into the sky is as hard as a steel pin. The energy and restlessness that has nowhere to vent seems to be from Every pore overflowed, making him look shiny and shiny.

This person's name is "Li Hero", and he is among the best in Li Jialing's "small account book".

"Why haven't I seen you these days? We have been conducting simulation training at the highest level. Where did you go?"

Li Yingxiong banged Li Jialing's table hard, knocking his pot of soup "crashing", "I won’t be frightened by what we said that day. I thought we would really kill you in the simulation training, so I was frightened. Are you hiding? Hahahaha, just kidding with you, anyway, there are so many people from other families here, if you really want to kill you, you have to go back to the Li family to talk about it, how can you let others look at the Li family here? What about the joke?


Li Yingxiong suddenly sank his face, adding three points of anger in his voice, and shouted, "The brothers in the family have just returned from the trial of'Nietu Paradise', and everyone is going up to greet them. Why would you dare to sit here alone? Drinking soup slowly, your eyes are covered with shit, can't you see them coming back? Are there any rules!

"Hmph, even if the eyes are really blurred, are your ears blocked, have you heard me talking to you!"

Holding the bowl in both hands, Li Jialing took another sip of the soup with great enjoyment. After a moment of aftertaste, without raising his head, he said slowly: "This soup is very good, you are lucky."

Li Yingxiong was startled slightly, and he glanced at the next few teenagers of the same race who often insulted Li Jialing, frowned and said, "What are you talking about!"

"I said--"

Li Jialing was not in a hurry, looked at the bottomless soup bowl, smiled and said, "You are really lucky, the soup here is delicious, so if you shut up now, maybe I will choose to drink another one. Bowl of soup instead of knocking out all your teeth."

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