40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2110: Save yourself!

It's like a hundred billion suns exploding in a narrow vertical tunnel at the same time, converging into a storm of light that can penetrate the entire universe, destroying and rushing toward the depths of the tunnel unstoppable.

There are still many immortal cultivators under the vertical tunnel. They are scared to death by Li Yao's mighty power. They dare not face Li Yao face-to-face, and are about to escape to the depths of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" Go for help.

But the sharp sirens from Jing Brain and the burning sensation of their nerve endings made their bodies completely stiff. Driven by instinct, they turned their heads in fear.


They saw an ocean of light and heat, shock waves, super-radiation and high-energy particle streams, and they smashed their heads and brains, engulfing them in an instant.

The crystal armor melted, the skin and flesh scorched, the blood boiled, and the bones turned into ashes. The soul was torn apart and turned into tiny bubbles in the ocean of light.

These wicked cultivators, before even screaming, are dead, their souls are destroyed, and they will never be super-born!

All the prisoners in the surrounding cells were pierced by the extremely brilliant light.

Even more flames and shock waves poured into the cell through the cracks in the transparent glass wall, whizzing past their heads, raging crazily.

It was like a river of raging magma, flowing endlessly above them, setting off stormy waves.

They could only put their heads firmly against the ground, opened their mouths wide, scratched the floor fiercely with their ten fingers, screamed hysterically, and blended their anger, hatred, and even all their souls into this light and shock wave. In the huge waves!

The roar of light like a huge eruption of a solar storm lasted more than half a minute.

The prisoners were completely white in front of them, and they couldn't see anything at all; besides their ears, there was the sound of air burning and flames rubbing at high speed, just like what they heard when they were in the landing capsule when they rushed into the atmosphere at super high speed.

Suddenly, everyone felt that there was a dull explosion from the depths of the "City of the Sky, Manjusawa" under their feet, followed by a rock and a quake, as if something was completely destroyed. Destroyed the same.

The flame storm finally stopped a little bit.

The whiteness in front of them gradually faded, replaced by a trace of blood-that is the capillaries on their eyelids, they can see clearly.

Before the prisoners could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a series of earth-shattering explosions deep in the soles of their feet.

As if responding to the flame storm just now, endless mysterious light, shock waves and high-energy particle streams, all in the form of volcanic eruptions, sprayed up along the vertical corridor, all the way through the gates, and sprayed out of the hive prison!

The prisoners moaned in pain again, buried their heads deep between their arms, and a mess of brains was thinking about two questions:

First, can such a violent psychic impact, can that...extremely strong weirdo stand it?

Second, hey, their arms can actually move? You can protect your head!

This, this is the "Sky Net" big array, has it gradually failed? ,

The second round of psychic energy gushing from bottom to top lasted intermittently for more than a minute, and in the end it became the end of the force.

The energy system of the honeycomb prison seems to have all gone wrong. Even the lighting talisman and the defensive shield have stopped functioning, not to mention the super-strong magnetic field that bound the prisoners tightly!

The prisoners swayed up from the ground, wiped away the blood flowing from the corners of their eyes, nostrils, ear holes and mouths, shook their dizzy brains vigorously, watching suspiciously the fading of their wrists and ankles. Shackles, I don't understand what happened.

They only know...

First, the crystal magnetic shackles have failed, and they can use the lightest and swift body techniques they want!

Second, after so many rounds of repeated ravages, the transparent glass wall in front of them is riddled with holes. Even if it has not completely collapsed, it is easy to knock out a small hole.

Third, all the jailers in the hive prison have no place to be buried. Now, this prison belongs to them@!


All the prisoners cast their eyes of incomparable shock, surprise, bewilderment and admiration to Li Yao, who was still suspended in the vertical corridor, in the center of the thousands of cells!

First, a large number of cells and mitochondria were burned, and they all turned into the purest energy to bombard the energy relay station of the hive prison. Then, they hardly resisted the backlash caused by the explosion of the energy relay station, and even used part of the escaped psionic energy for their own use. In Li Yaohua Under the protection of the spiritual flames of the gods, the "Xuan Bone? Blood Wings" at this moment showed no signs of damage. On the contrary, under the pair of wide wings, another layer of volatile flames was wrapped around, which seemed even more arrogant. , Reporting and strength.

Such a strong form almost made all the prisoners excited and gave birth to the impulse to worship.

"Who is he?"

"Why is it so powerful!"

Ten thousand question marks appeared in the hearts of the prisoners.

They may not be immortal cultivators, but they grew up in a place like the real human empire where the weak and the strong eat the strong and the victor is the king. They have a natural awe of the strong. The mystery and power of Li Yao are like red-hot nails. Nailed into their hearts!

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Behind Li Yao, the wings of thirty to forty meters were collected, rolled, and bombed, like a gust of wind and rain, shooting out thousands of wings all around, and each wing was like a small flying sword, piercing ten thousand. The transparent glass wall of a thousand prison cells.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao's hands were sealed, and tens of thousands of handprints were instantly changed, and thousands of spiritual silks faintly extended from his fingers, pulling thousands of wings.

Thousands of wings changed from red to gold, and from gold to dazzling white, turning into raging raging flames. On the transparent glass walls of all the cells, a hole two meters in diameter was burned!

Now, even if the prisoner cannot escape the cell by his own strength, he can still breathe the freshest air!

"Long live!"



Many prisoners jumped out of the hole anxiously before waiting for the orange-red material on the edge of the hole to cool down.

They first stared at Li Yao deeply, and then looked down curiously, wanting to see what damage Li Yao had caused by the blow just now.

At this look, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Far below the honeycomb prison, the tunnel and the metal structure have been completely melted, turning into a boiling magma, looking far away, a red and orange interlaced.

It can be vaguely seen that the outer shell of the energy relay station has been completely bombed, and a series of small-scale explosions have occurred in the interior. It seems that not only the honeycomb prison has completely lost its energy supply, it may even further spread to the "city in the sky and Manju." The main source of "Sahua".

If the main power source of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" is disturbed or even completely destroyed, it means that this starry sky battle castle has lost the ability to drive the psychic shield and anti-gravity rune array, then... it's fun. It's big!

"Is this... really just done by one person?"

"It is more exaggerated than the destruction caused by an entire army!"

"Who is he and what does he want to do?"

Seeing the destruction caused by Li Yao alone, all the prisoners trembled deeply, and every bundle of nerve endings swayed under the pressure of Li Yao.

More and more prisoners rushed out of their cages, but they did not know what to do next-they were all in the dark and boundless sea of ​​stars, there was nowhere to escape!

Thousands of prisoners, these non-human and non-ghost monsters, the tortured poor people, the ordinary miners, farmers, and even the unlucky low-level immortal cultivators, all looked at Li Yao at a loss.

The **** march that has always bombarded the honeycomb prison has not stopped. Even if the energy supply of the entire prison has been exhausted, the sound transmission symbol array has all been bombed, and the inflammatory and explosive music has become more and more exciting and loud. This time , It broke out directly from Li Yao!

"Don't look at me like this, I'm not here to save you!"

Li Yao's first sentence completely stunned all the prisoners.

What do you mean, killing so many jailers, destroying the "Tianluodiwang" formation, releasing them all, but saying that they were not here to save them?

"I am a cultivator, a resister who is not willing to be enslaved forever, tortured forever, and forever living a life inferior to death, a dark and bleak life!"

Li Yao looked around coldly, his voice was like a rolling thunder, surging around through psychic waves, "Our army of cultivators is attacking the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua', and will destroy it to the death. That's it. simple!"


The prisoners were in an uproar.

In the propaganda caliber of the true human empire, "cultivators" are not too powerful enemies, and often appear only as foils for holy allies and extraterritorial heavenly demons.

However, the powerful destructive power shown by Li Yao just now is enough to subvert all the prisoners' inherent impression of "cultivators".

And Li Yao's explanation to the cultivators aroused a strong resonance in the hearts of the prisoners.

"To be enslaved forever, tortured forever, and forever living a dark and bleak life that is worse than death!"

Isn't this just a portrayal of their lives?

The prisoners swallowed **** saliva with difficulty, and many people looked at Li Yao's majestic appearance, breathing gradually became faster, and clenched their hands with sharp claws into fists.

"No one can save you, only you can save yourself!"

Li Yao continued to growl, "Now, our fleet of cultivators is fighting fiercely with the fleet of cultivators in the sea of ​​stars. We are willing to sacrifice all of them here, and we will all explode the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua'!

"In order to completely wipe out the cultivators, the cultivators mobilized most of the forces in the'Sky City, Manzhushahua' to go deep into the star sea. This place is already empty to the extreme, only one-tenth of the troops left, and...we! "

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