40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2112: Total destruction!

The closest large facility to the Hive Prison is the laboratory and the residential area for researchers.

There are tens of thousands of well-known experts in the field of biochemical research and magic weapon refining of the real human empire. Many people have been working and living in the large laboratory of "Nietu" since their ancestors hundreds of years ago.

They are Wu Yinglan's Tianyan Group, Li Lingfeng's Li family, and even the entire real human empire, truly precious wealth.

In order to facilitate the extraction of "test materials" and save their time, the laboratory will be close to the hive prison.

At this moment, these experts were the first to bear the brunt of the disaster!

They have just been concentrating on various experiments, or tracking and observing the situation of a certain "test body" on Nietu through a three-dimensional light screen.

The whole laboratory was calm, and everyone was at ease.

However, Li Yao did his best to bomb the energy relay station of the Hive Prison with the "Cell Annihilation Cannon", which caused a series of explosions that also spread here.

After a deafening roar and the shaking of the mountain, countless experts who were experimenting were all shaken on the ground, the lighting symbols on the ceiling flickered rapidly, and the corridors and laboratories were swallowed by darkness, "Puff puff puff puff. "The automatic fire extinguishing system sprayed out a lot of heat-absorbing foam!


The experts were caught off guard and didn't know what happened. Many people were overwhelmed by the collapsed cabinet and operating table, moaning in pain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of giant artillery bombardment came from a distance, and it quickly turned into a "crash" sound, and the indestructible gate opened!

"Tatatatata, Tatatatatata!"

They heard rapid footsteps coming from the end of the corridor and corridor, long and short twisted figures emerged from the gunpowder smoke, followed by a little scarlet light swaying in the darkness.

At first, they thought it was the glimmer released from the crystal armor of the immortal cultivator's rescue force.

But the strong blood, and the heavy beast-like gasps, caused their pores to shrink suddenly, the adrenaline secreted to the limit, instinctively reacted-it was a pair of pairs mixed with anger, hatred, pain, despair and vengeance. Eyes of fire.


These biochemical experts and magic weapon refiners have personally prepared them, racked their brains and spared no effort to stimulate them to grow sharp claws and fangs, turning them from unarmed civilians into cruel and tyrannical monsters and killing machines. , They will finally return this "generous" gift to the biochemical experts and magic weapon refiners!

Thousands of prisoners rushed into the laboratory like a flood of fangs and sharp teeth!

"Don't come here!"

Many experts and magic weapon refiners opened fire one after another. In all fairness, as senior cultivators, even if they are not a pure combat type, they are still better than ordinary prisoners.

But in the face of the amazing vitality of the prisoners and the sheer amount of crushing, they can only hit the prisoners who rushed in the front at most, and then they were completely overwhelmed by the tide of anger!

"Boom boom boom!"

Rows of prisoners fell, but more prisoners jumped from all directions at a speed far beyond the limit of normal people, and thundered and thundered the experts to the ground.

They bite with their teeth, grabbed with their claws, and grabbed the expert’s throat, esophagus, and even the internal organs. They didn’t let go, and they had to take out all their organs.

The laboratory instantly became a **** on earth. No, it was originally a **** on earth. Almost all prisoners have tasted the taste of life inferior to death here. They have seen the abnormal changes in their own body and even experienced the life and death of their loved ones. Heartbroken feelings permeated every inch of space here.

Now, they are going to pour all this kind of pain on the cultivators without any leakage!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Oh, oh, oh, die, die, die, die!"

As long as it falls into the hands or "mouths" of the prisoners, all experts and experimenters will become **** and fragmented bones within half a minute.

Some people struggled desperately to escape, but they were all mad prisoners on all sides. They were finally caught back helplessly, only leaving deep claw marks on the ground.

Naturally, there are experts in the huge laboratory, and these experts are Li Yao's goal.

Li Yao dormant among prisoners like crazy, using the prisoner's tall figure and the hidden bones? Blood wings to hide his magical powers, until finally, he jumped out from behind the opponent unexpectedly, one by one, against the enemy. Fang master implements "calling".

There is a small arms depot next to the test area.

All stored in it are the most cutting-edge magic weapons being studied by the "Nietu Lab".

Compared with the magic weapons that the cultivators put on the evil soil, the cutting-edge magic weapons here have passed the first and second rounds of actual combat tests, and their natural performance is more stable and powerful.

Li Yao had heard of Xiaolong and Scarlet Heart Demon a long time ago, and he knew the location of the small arsenal.

Of course there will be restrictions on blocking the arsenal, but although Xinghai is large, there are very few restrictions that can stop the old monsters of the gods—very few.


"The Hive Prison was completely out of control. The prisoners somehow got rid of the suppression of the ‘Tianluodiwang’ array, rushed to the test area and the experts’ living quarters, and are carrying out a brutal massacre."

The garrison captain said dryly, "Moreover, they seem to have opened the cutting-edge armory attached to the laboratory and seized a lot of magic weapons that we are studying."

Wu Yinglan only felt a whirl of the sky, the muscles and blue veins on her face twitching at the same time, she didn't know whether to cry or laugh, she almost couldn't stand steady, and fell to the ground.

He has just set foot on the pinnacle of his life, and a brilliant future is slowly unfolding in front of him. His ambition, his hegemony, and his world are gradually condensing into reality from the elusive illusion.

But now, these dirty and humble prisoners actually gave him a slap in the face!

These experts, these magic weapon refiners are all his most precious treasures. Many people are invited from many worlds at a great price. They are "Sky City, Manzhushahua" and "Sorry." The foundation of the existence of "Earth Paradise"!

Now, it's so easy and inexplicable to die in the hands of a bunch of **** prisoners!

"Who did it, who did it!"

Wu Yinglan wanted to look up to the sky and howl, grabbing the collar of the guard captain, shouting hoarse and desperately.

But his eyeballs stuck to the light curtain and quivered for a long time. He still took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and said every word: "Find a way to stop them!"

"We, we are thinking of a way."

The guard captain stammered, "But now most of our forces have been put into the Xinghai Battlefield to deal with the Starlight Organization's combined fleet. You see, the fleets of the two sides have been completely entangled together, in a canine teeth situation. We have a lot of The armor masters all left the mothership and even invaded the opponent's starship. At this time, it is really difficult to bring them back immediately!"

Although the combined fleet of the Starlight Organization is a waste of scrap copper and iron, as the so-called trapped beasts are still fighting and dogs jumping over the wall, it is really at the last moment of death. With the mentality of "burning jade and stone, and ruining together", the fighting power stimulated is quite impressive.

The two sides have already tangled their canine teeth together. At this time, they rushed to mobilize a large number of troops to come back. Isn't it clear to tell the enemy their weakness here? A little carelessness, it is very easy to "defeat like a mountain"!

What's more, even if a large number of troops can be transferred back? Now the enemy is not attacking from the outside of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", but directly raging inside the Star Wars Fort! Do they want them to fight an earth-shattering "street fighting" in the "Sky City, Manzhushahua"?

The picture was so beautiful, Wu Yinglan felt the urge to vomit just thinking about it.

"Is there no way to stop them?"

Wu Yinglan's eyes were red, and her voice was hoarse, "Cut off the passage from the test area to here, drain the air in the test area, or simply remotely control, open all the airtight gates to the Xinghai in the test area, and **** them all out. !"

"In that case, all of our experts will die together."

The security captain reminded me cautiously.

Basically, with the scale of "Sky City, Manjusawa", once all the experts die, they will never be able to get the same number and quality of experts to supplement within a few decades, this Wu Yinglan spent a hundred years of hard work to establish an experiment The room was completely destroyed.

Wu Yinglan stared at him viciously.

"What's more, even remote control operations are difficult to do."

The Guard Captain said, "The other party is still constantly interfering with our network, planting all kinds of weird viruses in our crystal brains-those viruses are somewhat like models that were popular in the empire a hundred years ago, but they have gone through a lot of The special upgrades and mutations, in short, are a bit tricky."


In the depths of the master crystal brains above the heads of many immortal cultivators, the Scarlet Heart Demon manipulated the Xiaolong, humming a little tune, and deeply pierced hundreds of crystal filaments dozens of times thinner than the hair. In the intricate chip.

Basically, the crystal brain virus that he implanted in the control system of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" is the type of "Tian Mo Xuan" implanted into the Federation super crystal brain, and it is a super variant that has been fully upgraded and strengthened by extraterritorial gods. Crystal brain virus.

The difference is that Tianma Mo Xuan wants to use such a crystal brain virus to fully control the federation's super crystal brain, so it consumes extra psychic energy and computing power.

The Scarlet Heart Demon doesn’t care about control and manipulation at all, as long as he unscrupulously carries out all-round destruction, can disrupt the opponent for ten to twenty minutes, and gives Li Yao time to rush into the core area of ​​"Sky City, Manzhushahua". Up.

"Destruction! Destruction! Destruction! Hahahaha, this is what I should do!"

The Scarlet Heart Demon grinned wildly, "This kind of rampage, unbridled, pure destruction is really cool!"

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