40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2118: This! on! Yes! repair! true! By!


The blood-colored wings on Li Yao's back instantly staggered into a spiral shape, and from the center of the spiral there was a dazzling flame comparable to that of a Star Sea battleship when it moved forward at full speed.

The intensity of the raging flames was so strong that it even soared thousands of meters away, scorching seven superalloy bulkheads in succession!

The black bones? Blood wings screamed like a wild beast, and the shock of the armor turned into a shock wave, which blew out all the mutant prisoners with muscles and holes, like dead branches and leaves, and Li Yao's speed instantly soared to its limit. Withstand the heavy rain-like bullets and mysterious light from the opposite side, and hit the immortal cultivator's defense line!

Dozens of immortal cultivators were swept into the air by him, and before they had time to dance and struggle, the crystal armor all over his body burst into cracks, and all kinds of firearms such as blast guns, Vulcan cannons, and crystal magnetic cannons were all destroyed. Sucked Li Yao's body.

Li Yao didn't even bother to look at these immortal cultivators--since their formation had completely collapsed, they were handed over to the mutant prisoners who swarmed up to deal with them.

The two wings behind Li Yao fold forward, and the feathers formed by the condensing of profound light and spiritual flames rotate at high speed, turning them into indestructible psychic drill bits. They hit the indestructible gate on the last line of defense with a fierce drill, melting the metal and white smoke. Diffuse, drill an orange-red hot channel!

Stepping on the molten metal, Li Yao drove straight in like a **** hurricane, stepping into the core control center of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", facing hundreds of management and research cultivators-those biochemical experts, Crystal brain experts and managers of the "Killing Live" platform.


Just as many immortal cultivators were dumbfounded, shivering, and looking at him in horror, no one noticed the crystal eyes scattered all over the control center. At the same time, they aimed at the majestic and murderous profound bones? Blood wings. , And a large number of deadly viruses have been injected into the ultra-high-speed crystal brain...

"bring it on."

Li Yao grinned and opened his arms to the limit. Hundreds of arrow guns, Vulcan cannons, crystal magnetic cannons, Chaos crossbows, and Taiyi thunder magnetic cannons slowly unfolded behind him like a fan, among dozens of universe rings. More rain-like spar bombs spewed out, all resembling a neat array of chess pieces, evenly distributed around him, slowly spreading around him.

"Since you want to see it so, let you see what a true cultivator is!"


Nine soil, underground, the global sword net strike system control center, "the temple of cultivators."

Under Wei Longtao's provocative bewitching and the intimidation of countless psionic puppets, most of the Starlight Organization resistance fighters have collapsed.

Someone sat down on the ground, their faces pale, their eyes dull, and all thoughts were ashamed.

Some people even leaned against the corner, weeping softly, not for the impending destruction, but because-they never really existed at all, everything is a lie, their resistance, their indomitability, their pride, all are A joke!

"No, it's impossible, none of this is true!"

Only a handful of people, such as the bald tattooed female warrior "Zuo Jingyun", are still stubbornly resisting, but their stubbornness is not so much a belief in the word "cultivator", but rather the hatred of being killed by blood relatives. The boundless anger at Wei Longtao's betrayal.

"How could this happen, really, is there really no ‘a cultivator who has lost thousands of years’?"

Two little guys from the barren world, Liuli was holding the pot of golden barley seeds, and Hante was holding Liuli, both of them felt the disorder of each other's breathing and the dimness of their voices.

For the first time in their lives, they felt deeply lost and felt the boundless malice in the adult world.

Not far from them, Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi, the pair of masters and apprentices, who had a special relationship, simply gave out a desperate chuckle, and their eyes were full of death, ready to fight for a happy break.

Perhaps only the boxing champion is the only calm person now.

Because it is not a "person" in the true sense at all.

For it, there are no emotions such as anger, despair, fear, or frustration. As long as its metal body can still move, its crystal brain can also filter out the most suitable tactical options for the current situation from the decision-making library. Will continue to fight as always.

"Wake up, stop being obsessed with it!"

Seeing the army of psychic puppets approaching, Wei Longtao's forehead oozes beads of sweat the size of a bean, and said with a heartache, "The cultivator is destined to be extinct. It should have been completely extinct as early as a thousand years ago! These ghosts, these. The old antiques who can’t eat the past, these pretending innocent idiots, are totally incapable, incapable, and impossible to survive in this world! Only the empire, and only the cultivator, should be the only master of this sea of ​​stars! Zuo Jingyun, in the organization, You are my most promising warrior. We can work together for'Sky City, Manjushahua' and become a member of'Sky Eye Group'. There will be a bright and brilliant future waiting for us, as dark as the gutter mouse now. Life is a hundred times better, a thousand times, ten thousand times better!

"Come on, believe me, I have never missed my choice, and it is the same this time. I will show you hope!"

He very sincerely gave a hand to the left Jingyun.

Zuo Jingyun's face was dumbfounded, his almost transparent eyes stared at Wei Longtao's big hands for a long time, took a deep breath, and gently exhaled a word.


The bald female warrior slowly raised the sword and pointed it at her leader, the tip of the sword trembling.

"We, we are cultivators!"

Hante and Liuli looked at each other, the two little guys gritted their teeth, and also raised the chain saw sword and the concussion war knife like Zuo Jingyun, and looked at each other with some uncertainty, "Right?"

The boxing king stretched out his fists, Xiahou Wuxin and Xin Xiaoqi supported each other to raise the sword, and countless resistance fighters also cried bitterly, gritted their teeth, and raised the broken sword.

"There will always be cultivators."

Zuo Jingyun looked at Wei Longtao and said every word, "Even if you can kill all of us, you won't kill all the cultivators in the sea of ​​stars. Someday, there will be latecomers, for sure.

"Remember why our organization is called'Starlight'? Every shining star in the dark universe represents a cultivator. As long as there is a little starlight that is immortal, there will always be a cultivator, alone in the depths of the stars. The ground is burning!"

Wei Longtao felt his big rough face sting like a needle.

For some reason, he was afraid to look at Zuo Jingyun's eyes.

"Well, this is your own dead end, no wonder I, then... go to death with these idiots in Xinghai!"

Wei Longtao pointed to the blazing star in the huge light curtain above the temple to organize the starship, and smirked to cover up his frustration and loss.

Thousands of remote-controlled psionic puppets all started to fight, and the black muzzle condensed deadly stars at the same time, all aimed at the center of the temple.

The last cultivators of the Wuying realm stood side by side and back to back, clenching the chain saw sword and the concussion war knife, and uttered an earth-shattering roar.

at this time--

Floating above them, the huge light curtain specially used to dissolve their morale suddenly flashed through a few weird ripples, and then the screen flashed, and it switched from the starry sky battlefield to the inside of "Sky City, Manzhushahua"!

The three-dimensional three-dimensional light curtain, which was as lifelike as a relief, brought a gorgeous, tyrannical, and powerful black crystal armor to the eyes of all the cultivators, cultivators and defectors.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The black crystal armor surrounding the mysterious light and barrage are like colorful butterfly wings. The beautiful but dangerous flame enveloped everyone's horizons, as if the entire world was under his raging and suppression. Booming flesh and blood, torn apart, exploded, and messed up!

"this is--"

Wei Longtao was stunned, his beard trembling constantly, unable to react at all.

Zuo Jingyun also opened his mouth, telling her instinctively that this did not seem to be the scene where the cultivator slaughtered the cultivator, but it was a bit like...

Hante and Liuli couldn't speak for a long time. Look at me and I look at you, the two little guys are full of ignorance.

All the cultivators were stunned, a series of spar bombs exploded on the tip of their noses, exploding them to the extreme and shocked them to the extreme.

In the sound transmission symbol array on both sides of the light curtain, a series of violent music condensed with spar bombs was exploded, and the drums of the hurricane and rain quickly smashed the eardrum and heart of people at the same time.

But no matter how violent the music is, the master of the black crystal armor can't suppress the master of the black crystal armor, and shouted with a spirit: "Keep your dog's eyes clear, this! That's it! Xiu! Really! One!"

WTF? Cultivator!

There was silence in the "Sanctuary of Cultivators". Everyone, both the Cultivator and the Cultivator, became frozen statues, even the psionic puppets who entered the state of battle, from the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua". "The remote control signal seems to have a very serious problem, causing these killing machines to tilt their heads and tremble slightly, even turning around, the weapon compartment opened and closed, but it was unable to lock the target.

"This is, this is the inside of'Sky City, Manjusawa', and it is the core control center!"

Xiahou Wuxin, who has a certain understanding of the Scarlet Beside Flower, was the first to wake up and screamed ecstatically, "The cultivator in the starry sky has even penetrated into the core of the'City of the Sky, Manzhushahua', and is opening up inside. Killing, killing the control center into a river!"

"This big beard has been lying to us."

Han Te clenched Liuli's hand tightly, bursting into tears, and muttered, "Look, such a powerful cultivator! The legend is true. The cultivator who has been lost for a thousand years really exists, the most powerful cultivator in the sea of ​​stars. It’s here!"

The young man yelled out these words with almost tearing his chest, making Wei Longtao tremble all over, his face as gray as death.

"No, it's impossible!"

He looked at the heroic figure of Li Yao on the light curtain at a loss, and stammered, "Where is there a cultivator who has lost thousands of years? It is clear that everything is under the control of the cultivator, obviously--"

He hasn't recovered yet, a metal storm has already rushed towards him!

"Stop talking nonsense and go to war."

The boxing champion said lightly.

In the "Cultivator's Temple", there were shouts of killing, and the spirit flames skyrocketed, and many Starlight Organization resistance fighters all roared at the words that Li Yao had just roared.

"Keep your dog's eyes open and see clearly, this! That's it! Yes! Cultivation! True! One!"

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