40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2120: The focus of the entire empire!

After one minute and three seconds arrived at the latest, all Big Thousand Worlds cut off the information transmission of the Tianyan Group's killing live broadcast platform.

But at this time, the Scarlet Heart Demon has completely controlled the Lingwang base station of "Sky City, Manzhushahua", and compressed the images of Li Yao's galloping and killing Quartet into data packets, and has gone through heavy camouflage, unscrupulously. It fired at all nodes of the empire's spiritual network, and all the spiritual network addresses that can be found in the Star Wars Castle Crystal Brain database.

Those Lingwang nodes and addresses may be a professional academic forum somewhere in the empire, or an open mailbox of a certain strong man, or even the official website of a certain Deep Space Fleet.

As a huge universe that encompasses hundreds of worlds, tens of thousands of planets, and hundreds of millions of people across the entire star sea, the real human empire cannot ignore the role of the spiritual web even if it is closed again, no matter how high-handed, no matter how dictatorship is. .

The super-light-speed Xinghai Internet communication network is the foundation of the existence of the universe and the tool of domination. There is absolutely no reason for a complete disconnection.

If someday the true human empire really loses the spiritual web that connects the various worlds, within twenty-four hours, the empire will definitely be torn apart and completely collapsed.

Therefore, after the Scarlet Heart Demon sprayed Li Yao's battle or massacre video on a large scale to various spiritual web nodes in the empire, there would be no power to prevent it from spreading exponentially.

"What a terrifying speed, what a fierce move, and this set of magical crystal armor-among the cultivators, there is such a master?"

"Unbelievable, it's too exaggerated, is this the one who dominated the entire star sea before our immortal cultivator appeared...the cultivator?"

At this moment, countless cultivators, including the junior and middle-level young officers of the Imperial Army, recalled the days when the entire universe was ruled by cultivators, and recalled that the creators of the former hegemony of the universe, the "Star Sea Empire", He is also a self-proclaimed "cultivator"!

"Who is he, who is he?"

Numerous immortal cultivators have frantically searched for Li Yao’s information in high-level private forums and intelligence websites. No strong man can fall from the sky. For Li Yao’s sake, he should have been somehow in the past. Clues.

But unfortunately, after countless cultivators shared each other's information, they just couldn't find out the origin of Li Yao, only the battle scenes about this mysterious powerhouse spreading, spreading, and spreading!

Mystery, extremely mysterious cultivator!

Even many high-ranking empires, including the masters, elders, world masters, and princes of the Yuan Ying and the transformation of the gods, all noticed the existence of Li Yao with jaw-dropping surprise.

The real superiors, controllers, and manipulators hidden behind the scenes of these empires were originally concerned about Li Lingfeng.

In their eyes, the inexhaustible cultivators like the beasts fighting, the cockroaches and the mice are not too much headaches. Compared with the fierce fighting on the front line, the small-scale military operation in the rear has no impact on the empire. Foundation.

Rather than saying that their interest lies in the "Starlight Organization" of the Cultivator Resistance Group, it is more in Li Lingfeng.

Li Lingfeng was a leader in the Mesozoic empire. It is said that many elders of the Li family are very optimistic about him, and they have a good chance to be promoted in the future, and even become the Patriarch of the Li family and one of the four major election emperors.

Perhaps in the near future, one or two hundred years later, Li Lingfeng will also be eligible to enter the room, join the small circle of these big men, talk and laugh with them, intrigue, and maintain the balance of mutual interest.

This "Starlight Shattering" operation is a small inspection of Li Lingfeng by the older generation of the empire, to see if he is really qualified to become a pivotal "elect emperor" and enter a real person who can call the wind and rain, control the stars, and dominate the universe. Supreme Hall!

Therefore, this time the Li family did not mobilize all the resources to give Li Lingfeng too much support, just to see if he can solve the problems of the cultivator simply and neatly by his own ability.

Many big brothers in the empire, including the Patriarch of the Li family, thought that the cultivator was just a turtle in the urn, who had already bitten the loach of the hook.

Even if Li Lingfeng was really not capable enough to control an action of the scale of "Star Breaking Starlight", it would at most drag the battle and the publicity effect was not satisfactory, or let a few fish slip through the net, that's it.

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly kill a "Vulture Li Yao" Li Laomo, and give the "Sky City, Manzhushahua" a heartbreak, and bring Li Lingfeng to the point of collapse and embarrassment!


In the picture, the chest of another immortal cultivator burst into a burst. Looking back through the **** holes between the internal organs, I can see countless immortal cultivators burning and dancing wildly, as well as the devilish blackness. The crystal armor is still there to show off its strength and power.

At this moment, the "City of the Sky, Manzhushahua" has gathered numerous elites from the immortal cultivator family. There are many outstanding young people who are the hope of the family. They are really instructed by the "kindness" of the family elders. Come to the "Nietu Paradise" to experience.

At this moment, they all died tragically at the hands of Li Yao or mutant prisoners, their deaths were extremely ugly.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

All the moving targets were slaughtered, and Li Yao began to blast the surrounding bulkheads frantically, exploding all the magic weapon units that could be exploded.

The screen even jumped out of the Star Wars Castle and switched to the outside of the "Sky City, Manjussahua", so that all the cultivators could clearly see that this blood-colored other shore flower was submerged by the fireball, constantly splitting and disintegrating, spewing out large masses of metal Fragments, the tragic situation of Chao Wu Yingxing slowly falling down.

Demonstration, this is an out-and-out demonstration.

"Who is he, who is he, I want you to use all means to find out in the shortest time!"

Including the four major election emperors, the true bosses of the empire were all angered by Li Yao!

The entire empire was blown by Li Yao's "little butterfly", and the storm that was rolled up was deeply shocked, not to mention the starry sky battlefield that was close to "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

Regardless of the imperial fleet commanded by Li Lingfeng or the combined fleet of the Starlight Organization, all received the data packets madly sprayed by the Scarlet Heart Demon, and presented wonderful and **** pictures on public channels.

"this is--"

The cultivators and cultivators who were fighting fiercely couldn't believe their eyes. The hot battlefield was cooled for three seconds because of Li Yao's amazing actions.

They also wondered if this was some kind of botched joke.

However, the collapse and fall of "City in the Sky, Manjusawa" are clear facts that are happening.

All starships have scanned the psionic disorder and orbital undercutting of the Scarlet Peanut.

The Star Wars Fortress rubbed against the atmosphere at high speed, and the Scarlet Peanut was instantly surrounded by colorful flames. Even if they were separated by hundreds of thousands of kilometers, they could clearly perceive the frantic and struggling dance.

A starlight organization's captain tentatively fired a destructive mysterious light at "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

The expected psychic shield neutralizing defense did not appear. Xuan Guang drove straight in, hitting the target in just ten seconds, and provoked a huge ball of light on the surface of "Sky City, Manzhushahua". When the ball is annihilated, a torrent of metal gushes out!

"The target, the target's psychic shield has failed, all have failed!"

"There is also the force field distortion big array also disappeared, no matter the Crystal Magneto or Xuanguang Cannon, you can easily hit the target!"

"'Sky City, Manzhushahua' is falling, and it seems that it is difficult to stabilize the synchronized orbit!"

This incredible discovery made all cultivators ecstatic.

They were originally determined to die, and came here to do a big job, and they died together with "Sky City and Manjusawa".

The opportunity is here, no matter how much you pay, you must grasp it, and you must... blast down the cannibal cave!

Countless starships of the Starlight Organization seemed to have received a unified command, and they rushed towards the Scarlet Bianhua in desperation.

They completely ignored the artillery fire that the immortal cultivators madly poured on themselves, but they sprayed all the anger and hatred on "Sky City, Manzhushahua"!

The simplest word problem-both sides also pour the strongest firepower on the enemy, but no matter how tattered the starships of the Starlight Organization are, at least they are protected by a psionic shield and a large force field distortion array. Before exhaustion, at least 70% of the attacks can be offset.

However, the goal of "Sky City, Manzhushahua" was large, and it lost most of its energy supply, causing the defense system to be completely paralyzed, and had to withstand 100% attacks from practitioners.

Which side is more harmful to such a confrontation?

Suddenly, the morale of the cultivators was like a rainbow, but the cultivators were faintly disorganized-you must know that they did not regard the task of "destroying the starlight" as a real battle. This is just a game, it is a game!

God knows why this happened!

"Who is he, who is that mysterious man!"

Countless immortal cultivators wailed heartbreakingly on the starship.

"Who is he, is he a cultivator who has been dormant in the evil land-Wuying world, is he an old predecessor who entered hibernation at the peak of Wu Yingming a thousand years ago? Is it the legendary'the cultivator who has lost a thousand years'? Could it be that we have heard all the big legends since we were young, and he really exists!"

Including Gao Dakang, countless cultivators were excited and excited.

They thought about it and couldn't think of the second possibility.

The legendary heroes descended from the sky at the very moment, and fought side by side with them, completely reversing the entire battle. This is true, this is true—

"As long as there is a starlight among the billions of stars, we cultivators will always exist, fight forever, burn ourselves forever, and illuminate the entire universe!

"The starlight is immortal, and the cultivators will never die, there will always be cultivators!

"Chong ah, go ah, let those **** immortal cultivators see clearly, this! That's it! Yes! Cultivation! Really!"

Gao Dakang laughed and burst into tears, stimulating the psychic shield of the armed mining ship "Dashan" to its limit, as if a meteor tearing through the sky, rushing towards the "City of the Sky, Manjushahua" Past.

"The legendary cultivator, let us help you!"

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