40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 214: Hurricane

The melodious music sounded, and a faint sandalwood wafted in the air, giving people a sense of calmness.

Thousands of test-takers crawled out of the eggshell with difficulty, their faces covered with exhaustion and haggard.

Many people sighed and shook their heads.

Some people groaned with relief and walked towards the rest area in twos and threes.

"This year's test questions are really too difficult. I only completed 70% of the questions at the end, I'm afraid I won't pass the test!"

"Yes, this topic is getting more abnormal every year!"

"Fortunately, I have two big questions. I have reviewed the same type of questions in advance. Maybe I can get 600 points."

"That monster Jiang Shaoyang is so exaggerated. He handed in the paper more than an hour in advance. I don't know how many points he can take on the test. Will he break through 800?"

"Jiang Shaoyang's scores are normal, but there is another guy who is submitting papers at the same time as him, who is that?"


Dozens of candidates with relatively good grades from Deep Sea University walked to Jiang Shaoyang naturally, and saw him sitting in a chair alone, and came up to say hello to him.

"this is--"

When they saw Jiang Shaoyang's hands spread on the coffee table, they all gasped.

Jiang Shaoyang's hands were red and swollen. They were 30% more swollen than normal. They were steaming, as if they had just been steamed in a steamer.

"what happened?"

Everyone was shocked.

"It's nothing, it's been a long time since I was so happy."

Jiang Shaoyang sighed intently, his slightly sluggish expression instantly turned into a strong excitement, his eyes pierced, like two shining gems inlaid in his eye sockets.

"Hey, do you know—"

There were also some candidates from Deep Sea University who didn't know what was going on. They just watched many classmates gather here, so they also surrounded them.

One of them was excited and grinned, "Didn't there was a guy who was submitting papers with Shaoyang at the same time? I just found out that it was Li Yao!"


Now everyone is happy.

The mature and respectful classmates couldn't help but laugh, and the more frivolous-tempered laughed. "No, that guy is Li Yao who claims to challenge us? It's ridiculous. He couldn't even hold on to the five-hour written test, so he gave up halfway. !"

Li Yao carried a big bucket and walked over calmly, turning a blind eye to hundreds of Deep Sea University candidates and inserting into the crowd.


Countless sharp eyes penetrated him instantly.

Everyone didn't expect this guy to be bold enough. After uttering such nonsense, he dared to go deep into the siege of hundreds of "enemies".

Although I heard that Li Yao is very good at fighting, but everyone is a craftsman, is a gentleman, and doesn't fight.

But at least...you can look down on him, laugh at him, and tease him, right?

"What is this guy doing?"

"I don't know, he is holding something in his hand, it's chilly."

"I heard that this guy is very violent. Will he come to find faults and fight with us on purpose? Go to the invigilator!"

Li Yao was like a bloodthirsty shark, patrolling in the deep sea. Little fish and shrimps gave way for him. No one dared to stop him for half a second.


Li Yao walked straight to Jiang Shaoyang and poured a large bucket of ice on the coffee table. Then he sat down and inserted his hands into the ice mountain, sighing extremely comfortably.

His hands were the same as Jiang Shaoyang, red, swollen, and steaming hot.

Jiang Shaoyang inserted his hands into the ice mountain to cool down, while staring at Li Yao, and said:

"Among my peers, I have never met a master like you. Today's battle was very enjoyable, but after a long time of fighting, it was still evenly divided. It's a pity!"

"Fortunately, there are also three rounds of the registered instrument mixer exam, which just allows us to distinguish between the superior and the inferior."

As soon as this statement came out, all the candidates from Deep Sea University were stunned and turned into puppets.

Everyone was dumb and silly on the outside, but inside was a great uproar.

"I, I heard it wrong, right?"

"It turns out that the master Jiang Shaoyang said is Li Yao!"

"It sounds like Jiang Shaoyang has already competed with him, and the two are actually tied."

"This Li Yao's strength can actually be comparable to the tenth star Jiang Shaoyang?"

For a time, the hundreds of eyes cast at Li Yao changed from contempt, contempt, and ridicule to surprise, panic, and shock!

At this moment, several faint exclamations suddenly sounded from all directions.

The hall, which was still slightly noisy just now, was silent for an instant

On the half-curved dome of the dome, a huge light curtain emerged, projecting the results of thousands of candidates one by one.

The names and scores of candidates with more than six hundred points are all displayed in ambiguous golden runes.

Candidates whose scores are less than six hundred points are displayed with slightly dim green runes.

Among the large number of green numbers, the golden numbers are sparse.

Most of the golden numbers stay between six and seven hundred, and very few can break through seven hundred.

Among all the numbers, there are two numbers starting with "9", which stand out from the crowd and are particularly dazzling.

"Shenhai University, Jiang Shaoyang, 931 points!"

"Dahuang Zhanyuan, Li Yao, 901 points!"


The hall that has been silent for ten seconds is like the dull ocean before the storm, after the strange tranquility, bursts of surging energy!

"Jiang Shaoyang scored 931 points on the test, really worthy of... what? Someone else has scored more than 900 points on the test? Li Yao? This is impossible!"

"Li Yao! Li Yao from the Great Desolate Battlefield! Isn't he that ignorant and fearless madman? He actually scored more than 900 points in the exam!"

"I remember that this guy seemed to be submitting the paper with Jiang Shaoyang at the same time. Both were more than an hour ahead of schedule. I didn't expect his strength to be so strong, no wonder he dared to speak wild words!"

"Monster! Both are monsters!"

The candidates at Deep Sea University were even more shocked.

They looked at their pitiful six to seven hundred points, and looked at Li Yao's shiny 901 points over and over again, how could they not believe it, and asked themselves over and over again in their hearts whether there was a problem with their eyes and ears at the same time?

"In the first round, you won."

Li Yao said calmly, he was not surprised by this result.

He was born in a wild road, and in terms of theoretical solidity, it is impossible to surpass Jiang Shaoyang's academic genius with a family background.

A gap of 30 points is normal.

"I can't win by force."

Jiang Shaoyang admitted frankly, "Many of the people who wrote the questions were from the Department of Deep Sea University. I am very familiar with their style of writing questions. It is only natural that I can get more than 900 points in the test. It's different, but you can get more than 900 points in the test?"

"Strong! You are really strong!"

"I am more and more looking forward to defeating a strong like you in the next two rounds of competition!"

There is not much rest time between the three rounds of the registered mixer exam.

This is not only a contest of knowledge and skills, but also a contest of spirit and will.

After the results of the first round of written examinations were announced, the failed candidates retired under the command of the military and went to rest in a guest house specially prepared by the military.

The remaining 844 candidates re-entered the examination room and once again sat in the eggshell-shaped examination pod.

As the runes on the eggshells flashed one by one, the examination cabin sank into the ground, bringing the candidates into the huge underground base.

Thousands of mixer furnace simulators are neatly arranged in a large-scale training room.

This kind of simulator only has a ring control interface composed of more than a dozen light curtains, and is not connected to the refining furnace system that covers a huge area.

The crystal brain with super computing power can simulate various complex conditions that occur in the refining furnace, and even simulate thousands of intricate faults.

What the examinee has to do is to eliminate all faults and complete hundreds of refinement tasks.

Every time you successfully complete a task, you will get the corresponding points, which will automatically accumulate and complete a thousand points within five hours. Even if you pass the second round, you can enter the final "practical test" link.


In front of Li Yao, the ring-shaped control interface slowly unfolded like butterfly wings.

The second round, simulated mixer test, start!

In an instant, the control interface that was still light green turned into a burning orange, and various performance indicators jumped wildly, suddenly soaring to the limit, and suddenly dropping to zero.

A scarlet reminder message suddenly rushed out, showing that this "refining furnace" was on the verge of exploding!

The first test is to find out the cause of the impending explosion of the mixing furnace, and through the control interface, eliminate all the faults and restore the normal state!

The first hand is a super difficult topic, and many candidates exclaimed desperately.

Li Yao, however, was arrogantly warrior, his slightly red and swollen hands seemed to be surrounded by red lotus-like flames!

In the monitoring room, more than a dozen light screens showed the refining images of Li Yao and Jiang Shaoyang.

Although their styles and techniques are different, they have one thing in common.

Fast, fast!

Three well-informed senior refiners, silently watching the peak duel of two monster-level candidates, sweated profusely and couldn't calm down for a long time.

When the two of them were in a state of madness and rushing their hands to the limit, Dong Liuqi finally couldn't help it. Six fingers wiped a cold sweat and groaned:

"The young people now are really amazing. Neither of them is over twenty years old, right?"

"I'm twenty years old, ten of them won't be enough for them to stuff their teeth!"

In the main control crystal's brain, the points of the two were transformed into two progress bars, which were displayed very intuitively in front of the three main examiners.

With the completion of each task, the progress bar of the two of you chased me, hurriedly fast!

at last--

After three hours, fifty-two minutes and thirty-seven seconds, Li Yao's progress bar slammed, breaking through the end, and taking the lead in winning the next thousand points!

Two minutes and nine seconds later, Jiang Shaoyang's progress bar was long overdue.

"In the second round, you win."

In the simulation training room, countless candidates were trapped in intricate tasks and couldn't help themselves. They were so busy with cramps and foaming at the mouth.

Li Yao and Jiang Shaoyang confronted each other quietly.

"In the first two rounds, we were tied again."

"But you and I know very well that both the written test and the simulation exercise are just boring games."

"The third round, the actual test, is the real contest!"

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