40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2219: Rounding is one hundred percent

"……It's nothing."

Li Yao squinted his eyes, his expression was quite sullen, and he said every word, "It’s just that I don’t understand it. With such advanced technology, so advanced magic weapons, and all kinds of modern defense measures are emerging in an endless stream. The super prison actually uses primitive means such as'manpower' to defend the ventilation ducts? Why not get some... The super high-precision, various dazzling automatic unmanned defense arrays, etc., are particularly dense at first glance. The kind that is ventilated and impeccable, so there is no need for anyone to guard it?"

"Yes, everyone knows that the ventilation duct defense system of the Shenwei Prison is stupid, but this is where the empire's ills lie."

Li Linghai said, "There are so many people from the four major electoral families who want to resettle. Naturally, they seize every opportunity to expand various government departments and try their best to stuff their own close tribes inside.

"Shenwei Prison has a very high level in the imperial prison system. Every year, a large amount of budget can be obtained from the Senate, which is specifically used to house the idlers of the four major electoral families. A large number of idlers are squeezed in and they are not allowed to go. What else can you do when guarding the ventilation ducts?"


Li Yao was stunned for a long time, and sighed, "I really didn't expect that the empire was so rotten to this degree. As a loyal and loyal patriot, I really feel heartbroken!

"So, if the connecting air ducts are full of jailers, how can I penetrate into the Shenwei Prison and find General Lei Chenghu?"

"This is your plan of action."

Li Linghai pointed in the middle of the three-dimensional light screen, and quickly started to operate. He immediately took out the structural drawings of a transport ship and a frozen hibernation chamber, and explained, "Because the'special investigation committee' was secretly transporting General Lei They did not want to show any abnormality when they were put under house arrest in the Shenwei Prison. Therefore, the Shenwei Prison has been receiving and releasing prisoners normally recently.

"Three days later, a transport ship full of frozen prisoners will arrive at Shenwei Prison. The deputy captain of this transport ship has long been ours.

"Your task is to silently move closer to the transport ship when it has just jumped into the profound ice world, but has not yet reached the low-Earth orbit of the Shenwei Prison, pass through here, and sneak into the transport ship."

Li Linghai pointed to a complicated structure behind the transport ship.

Li Yao took a closer look: "This is the spiritual flame jet port of the transport ship. The temperature is extremely high. Even if I put on the crystal armor, it is difficult to resist for more than a minute, and once it is destroyed from the inside, the master crystal brain on the starship must be There will be a response."

"Under normal circumstances, yes, but this deputy captain who belongs to the'innovationist' will destroy the power unit of the spiritual jet pipe in advance, causing the crystal brain to temporarily lose its perception and remove the damage in the pipe. If the temperature drops below a thousand degrees, then there is no problem at all."

Li Linghai continued, "All the prisoners on the transport ship have detailed data recorded, but we will arrange for you in advance a prisoner with the closest figure and appearance, and prepare his blood and even bone marrow for you, enough to deal with it. All checks.

"After you sneak into the transport ship, our deputy captain will meet you, make a facelift, change the sky, and dispose of the real prisoner, and you will enter the frozen hibernation chamber as a prisoner.

"The difficulty here is that you have to reduce your breathing, heartbeat, and even brain waves to a negligible level just like being hibernated. At the same time, your body must show the characteristics of being deeply frozen, but you can't really be hibernated. Only by maintaining the most active situation can we cope with all emergencies.

"In this regard, we will give you a special freezing potion to assist your skin, flesh, and internal organs to show the effect of'false freezing', but you also need to have extremely precise control over your body. Row."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then nodded, "No problem, it can be done."

"Well, after you pretend to be a frozen prisoner, you will be sent to the Immortal Prison, where you will of course be subject to strict inspections. The first inspection is during hibernation. Our people are secretly protected. There should be no problem; second The re-examination is an interrogation performed by three jailers together after thawing and awakening.

"The reason why we chose this time period three days later is precisely because our deputy warden was on duty at that time. Within two hours, the entire jailer system will be managed by him. As long as the orders are not too outrageous, they will be faithfully executed.

"When you are cross-interrogated by three jailers, our deputy warden will find an excuse to call two of the jailers away, and then move the monitoring crystals everywhere in the interrogation room for a few seconds.

"You must kill the only jailer, put on his uniform, and let him put on your prison uniform and your identification bracelet within eight seconds after the monitoring crystal is removed. To blast him beyond recognition, it is best to blast his entire head with a blaster.

"At the same time, you have to wear the human skin patch we have prepared in advance, and then change your muscles, try to disguise as the appearance and figure of this jailer.

"Even if the time is short, it doesn't matter if you don't look a little bit different, because you can also make some shocking injuries on your face and cover your face with blood.

"In this way, it looks like a bloodthirsty, rebellious prisoner who launched a surprise attack when there was only one jailer in the interrogation room, and was killed by the jailer's counterattack.

"Of course this thing looks strange, but we don't need to cover up too much time. Under the order of our deputy warden, you will be sent to the medical room, which is here."

Li Linghaitiao took out the internal structure diagram of the Shenwei Prison, and continuously enlarged the three-dimensional picture which was intricate like a maze.

Li Yao reluctantly scanned the ventilation duct like a large aorta, focusing his gaze on the position Li Linghai pointed to.

"Our deputy warden will personally come to the medical room to see you and ask about this'extremely rare prisoner attack', and then he will cover you and leave the medical room secretly."

Li Linghai continued, "In this way, in the surveillance system that covers the entire Shenwei Prison, the jailer you are pretending to should stay in the medical room to accept the inquiry of the deputy warden. Within the authority of the deputy warden, Can give you twenty-eight and a half minutes.

"The medical room is here, and the secret detention area where General Lei Chenghu is suspected of being under house arrest is here, and the two areas are 3.5 kilometers apart in a straight line.

"It doesn't seem to be too long, but what is terrible is the intricate corridors, the monitoring crystals and sentries in the corridors, and the mysterious rays of light that are invisible to the naked eye all over the space-these rays are extremely sensitive, even if If one of your hair is cut through the ray, it will activate the scan, letting all the nearby outposts know your existence.

"Once scanned, your body shape and gait data are not in the database, and you are not supposed to be nearby jailers, then the highest level alarm will be triggered, and the alarm will go directly to the warden’s office and control center. The warden has nothing to do."

Li Yaozai carefully watched this winding, winding, intricate "shortest route", and said: "In other words, I must avoid one hundred and eighty-eight people in 28 minutes. The jailer and the sights of 2,544 monitoring crystal eyes have to flash through these invisible rays of mysterious light with the most bizarre way of being before they can reach the area of ​​General Lei Chenghu under house arrest?"

"Yes it is."

Li Linghai nodded, "Of course, there are our people in the jailer, who will **** you with all their strength, so it's not as difficult as it seems. After my precise calculation, if you or Yue Wushuang are a master at this level, the chance of success is still very high."

Li Yao frowned and said, "How high is it?"

"At least more than 50%."

Li Linghai smiled slightly, and a crazy flame ignited in the depths of his eyes again, "That is almost 100%, right?"

Li Yao curled his lips and said, "If I can really touch this special detention area, then what? How do I know in which cell General Lei Chenghu will be detained?"

"If all goes well, the moment you arrive at the secret detention area is when we, under the guidance of the Shenwei fleet, jumped out of the void and launched a fierce attack on the Shenwei prison."

Li Linghai said, "When the time comes, the inside of Shenwei Prison will definitely be in chaos, and the opponent will definitely transfer or execute General Lei Chenghu as soon as possible. No matter the transfer or execution, the person with the strongest combat power must be sent to execute it, so you follow these. People can find General Lei Chenghu.

"After the meeting, I will send you all the data and battle videos of the strongest warrior in Shenwei Prison for your careful study. Shenwei Prison is not luxurious enough to use battle gods to act as jailers, so you will be able to instantly Control the scene and rescue General Lei Chenghu.

"I don't know if the other party has confiscated General Lei Chenghu's Universe Ring, so we will prepare a set of crystal armor and various magic weapons for General Lei. General Lei himself is also a master of many battles, as long as he is equipped with a super-class crystal armor, And he made up his mind to commit a murder, self-preservation is never a problem.

"The key is how to persuade General Lei to cooperate with us and join the cause of'respecting the emperor's rebellion and reforming with the martial arts' to truly defend the empire!

"However, I am very confident in your'persuasive ability' and believe you will not let me down, will you?"

"His Royal Highness, don't worry!"

Li Yao raised his chest again and said awe-inspiringly, "The subordinates must do their best to persuade General Lei, even if he smashes this three-inch tongue, so that General Lei can be with us to smash the bones, the brains, and the emperor. Defend the rebellion, the martial arts reform, the defense of the empire, the defense of the emperor, and the defense of the queen! Long live the empire, long live the road of immortality, long live the emperor!"

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