40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2222: Fame forever or stinking for thousands of years

"Stop talking nonsense."

Lei Chenghu said coldly, "Go ahead, what on earth does the Special Investigation Committee want you to do?"

"My father should know."

Lei Honghai stared at Lei Chenghu, and said, "The Senate, the Special Investigation Committee, and the children all hope that Father Father can make a public statement and energize all the troops on the front line to support the Senate’s investigation of the'Blood League Incident'. Attack the militants in the expeditionary army and persuade the members of the Blood Alliance in the Thunder Fleet to come forward-at least I hope that my father can issue an order to restrain the Thunder Fleet so that when the Special Investigation Committee is stationed, there will be no bloodshed."

"Enter the Thunder Fleet?"

Lei Chenghu's pupils suddenly shrank, "The Special Investigation Committee-and the four major electoral families behind it, dare to risk the world's disgrace and attack the thundering fleet with a century of **** battle on the front line?"

"My father, don't worry too much. It's just to clear out the radicals from the Thunder Fleet."

The corner of Lei Honghai’s mouth evoked a smug and rebellious sneer, “The Senate does not intend to dismember the Thunder Fleet. It just wants to ensure that the Thunder Fleet is absolutely loyal to the Empire. After the review and cleaning are completed, it will still be commanded by'we'. of."

"'We' or'you'?"

Lei Chenghu squinted his eyes and looked at the eldest son's eyes. The stunnedness disappeared, and the sarcasm and sadness gradually surfaced, "Anyway, I refuse, you go, if it is not for the death penalty of the Senate. The verdict, there is no need to come again."

"Father, why are you so stubborn to such an extent!"

Seeing Lei Chenghu’s cast iron, oil and salt, and stubbornness to the end, Lei Honghai became furious and blushed and roared, "The situation is very close. The militants in the imperial capital are about to be eliminated. The major warlords and The fleets of the small and medium-sized nobles have also expressed their allegiance to the Senate. Only a few large fleets have become the targets of public criticism, but they have been stuck in their throats, like a turtle in a urn and a fish swimming in the bottom of the cauldron. Our thundering fleet is one of them!

"The sea of ​​stars is vast, but we are duckweeds without roots. Even if the Thunder Fleet is powerful, there is no stable rear base. All weapons, ammunition and fuel for the starships galloping horizontally and horizontally depend on the expeditionary base camp and the Senate behind the base camp. supply!

"People don't need to use force to solve us at all. As long as we cut off our logistics supply channels, why do we fight with the four major electors' families and rely on the trophies collected on the spot by the front line? That can be consumed in a few days!

"The situation is better than people! The war has ended, we have won, and the historical mission of the expeditionary force has been completed. It is the general trend to be dismissed and reorganized, and no one can resist such a general trend!

"It’s rare that the Senate is so sincere now that it can guarantee the independence of the Thundering Fleet to the utmost extent, and it can also give us the richest world as a hereditary territory. I don’t know what you are still insisting on, so you can resist the Senate. In the end, to you, to the Thundering Fleet, and to our Lei family, what are the benefits!

"Please, think about it, my father!

"From childhood to adulthood, you have not always taught us-people are not uniform, do their own things, and government orders are not unified. It is the source of the greatest disaster of the empire. As a glorious empire soldier, you must never fight for your own selfish desires. Do you want to fight for the benefit of the empire and all mankind under the dominion of the Senate?

"Now, the Senate has personally issued an order to abolish and reorganize the expeditionary force, and the method of reorganization is not too harsh. Our Thunder Fleet is originally only part of the expeditionary force. There are four major electors' families in the courtyard working against them?

"Tell you the truth, my father, the Senate must solve the expeditionary problem at all costs. If it can't be solved by a bloodless method, then use a **** method.

"Yes, with your control and prestige in the Thunder Fleet and even the entire front line, as long as you cough gently, most of the soldiers in the Thunder Fleet may fight to the end, but what is the use, and for what? You really want to destroy the thunder-thunder fleet that you built up so hard a hundred years ago, and you want all the thousands of people in our Lei family to be buried with you. At any rate, you have to have a reason, let us die!"

Listening to the eldest son's merciless complaint or even reprimand, Lei Chenghu was silent for a long time before speaking slowly, and said in a somewhat difficult voice: "Everything done for the father is neither for himself nor for The Lei family is not for the thundering fleet, but for the entire empire, for the supreme human civilization.

"Yes, my father used to teach you that military obedience is the bounden duty, and immortal cultivators should be'cowardly fighting and fighting for the country.' They should only be under the control of the Senate for the benefit of the empire and human civilization. Fight.

"In the past two hundred years of military and horse career, being a father has also practiced this principle every minute and every second. I dare not compete with many famous generals in the history of the empire and command art, but I can say with great pride, No single bullet was used for personal gain, and every enemy that the sword was struggling to kill was an out-and-out "enemy of the state."

"Even if the order issued by the Senate conflicts with my personal interests, and I even know that a certain senator or a certain family member is secretly playing a ghost, but for the overall stability of the empire, in order to set an example for other warlords and local troops, In order to make the whole empire truly unified again, I also executed meticulously, and I never dared to neglect it at all.

"This time...

"The Senate was really wrong, and committed a fatal mistake that could destroy the empire and human civilization!

"I didn't say this for myself, nor for the Lei family, nor for the thundering fleet, but for the benefit of the real human empire-the expeditionary force must not be abolished and reorganized, but must continue to expand and strengthen it. Independence, at least to maintain the current scale, and be prepared for another 30 years of major battles, it is possible to consume the enemy alive.

"This is a matter of life and death in the military state. How do you tell me to retreat, take a step back, the entire empire will fall into an abyss!"

Lei Honghai couldn't hear it at all, and he sneered repeatedly: "There are so many high-powered and brilliantly intelligent people in the Senate, who have a hundred times more information than us, so how can they make mistakes?

"The overall situation that they can't even see clearly, but let the father see it, this is'everyone is drunk and I wake up alone'?"

"The Senate may be a lot of people with deep wisdom and lightning fast calculations, but they all have selfishness. Once people have selfishness and are involved in the whirlpool of power and interests, they will be dizzy, and the five senses will be cut off. Become a slave to desire and ambition, or a donkey with a carrot tethered to its head, can't see through even the simplest trap."

Lei Chenghu sighed and said lightly, "I don't think I am'everyone is drunk and I am alone.' The empire is so big, there must be many people who are awake, but in such a muddy world, many people don't Wish to wake up. Many people dare not wake up. Many people just opened their eyes and wanted to shout, and they were shot to death. They really couldn't wake up again."

"I don't know what Father Father wants to say, but if your attitude is not softened, I don't know whether the empire will fall into the abyss, but you, the Lei family and the Thunder Fleet, will all fall into the abyss, you will be crushed. The catastrophe is over!"

Lei Honghai blushed with a thick neck, and roared with resentment, "Since childhood, have you ever considered for your family and close relatives? I just dispatched my starship to transport some contraband. That’s it—everyone in all the fleets did this, even the troops of the four major electors’ families did it, it’s long been an open secret, an unwritten convention, but you have to explode this matter, take me, you His eldest son was ruined and implicated hundreds of my contacts, making me offend all my friends in the aristocratic circle!

"There is also a little brother, he is only one line away from the realm of the golden core, what is wrong with trying to attack the golden core? You said that he is not talented, maybe so, so what? The children of other noble families, each of them has different talents. Isn't it the supreme realm that you used massive resources to repeatedly attack and bludgeoned with heaven and earth treasures?

"As a result, you didn't even give him an extra spar, so that he could only take risks and break through with secret methods. In the end, he really went into a madness and fell into a state of dying. At this time, you can save him by moving your fingers, but You still die!

"Hmph, my relationship with my little brother isn't that good, but it's not as inhumane as you!

"Why, do you think you are great, very impartial, a pure cultivator, a brave and loyal minister of the true human empire?

"But do you know how others are talking about you behind your back? Others say that you are not without selfishness, but that your selfishness is all placed on the word'name'. You are trying to seek the name of'loyal minister'. But you are using your own son as a sacrifice!"

These words may have been held in Lei Honghai's heart for decades.

All vented at this moment, his eyes were bloodshot with excitement, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with white foam, unspeakable hideous and happy.

When the eldest son mentioned the younger son, Lei Chenghu's pupils obviously shrank in the depths, as if both eyeballs were about to collapse, turning into two black holes.

However, he concealed it well, and immediately filled the "collapsed area" of his eyeballs with a hard as iron light. The eldest son was again immersed in resentment, and he did not notice the strangeness of his father.

"I act like a tiger, just ask for a clear conscience, without explaining to anyone, and don't care about anyone's comments."

"God of War" Lei Chenghu took a deep breath, paused each word, and said slowly, "Those snakes, insects, rats, ants, wolves, tigers and leopards must serve others by themselves, and treat me as a person who is worthy of fame, and they will live forever It doesn't matter whether it's stinking for thousands of years. I didn't fight for these things."

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