40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2226: Bloody killing array!

In short, the current situation within the Shenwei Prison has been out of control. Although a large number of formed defenders are guarding the periphery, it is impossible for a time to completely rush into this furious vortex and calm the situation that is more chaotic than volcanic eruptions and stormy waves.

And Li Yao hadn't even begun to infiltrate, and he was still in the underground Star Harbor of the Godly Hell, which was the entrance.

The area where General Lei Chenghu was under secret house arrest is naturally the deepest part of the Shenwei Prison.

A three-dimensional structure diagram of the entire Shenwei Prison emerged in Li Yao's mind. Every underground building and every corridor quickly rotated, collided, and connected, and instantly analyzed the shortest route from here to the secret house arrest area.

It is a pity that to reach the secret house arrest area by the shortest path, he had to pass through the area where the criminals were held, and then through the area where the Shengmeng prisoners of war were held—then he could reach a maintenance corridor so that he could slide directly into the area where the secret house arrest area was located. Sixteen floors underground.

If you don’t want to cross the two extremely dangerous and extremely chaotic out-of-control areas, you must bypass the main part of the Shenwei Prison and sneak in slowly from the tortuous ventilation ducts and maintenance ducts next to it—naturally, these ducts are full of such The guards facing the enemy and frightened birds also did not allow him to sway through.

"The Holy League Assassin will appear in front of Lei Chenghu at any time."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said, "Also, the Shenwei Prison may also transfer Lei Chenghu to a new location at any time. Even the deputy warden who has taken refuge in the reformists may not know-we must race against time and can only venture through the world. Criminals and Holy League prisoners of war are in the "riot" area!"

While analysing the route and drawing up the battle plan, the guard squad leader who had passed out was completely wiped out. The squad leader's figure resembled Li Yao, and his walking posture was somewhat similar—this was also Li Yao's choice. One of the reasons.

However, just when Li Yao was about to sneak into the smoke and fog of gunpowder silently, he found that the atmosphere was faintly wrong.

When I looked up, I found a team of jailers came out of the fog, staring at him dumbfounded, as well as the guard uniform in his hand, and the captain like a white chicken at his feet.


Li Yao glanced at his orange prison uniform and said calmly, "Calm down, everyone, I can definitely explain it!"

"Holy ally!"

Several jailers screamed at the same time.

"How can I be a holy ally?"

Li Yao yelled, pointing to his varied expressions, "Have you seen it? I can cry and laugh. I have a lot of emotions, but the hibernation chamber failed, and I was unfrozen for some reason..."

"It's a Saint League senior spy who is filled with virtual emotions and can simulate human emotions and desires!"

The jailers screamed, calling out more companions and fighting puppets. Before Li Yao could explain, barrage rushed to him in all directions, trying to drag him into the vortex of destruction.

"It's terrible!"

Li Yao had to shoot more smoke bombs and flash bombs from the ring of the universe, and flied out under the reaction force of the shock wave, passing the first round of the jailer's attack.

Although the ranks of these jailers are not too high, he has the ability to balance hundreds of people in an instant.

But after the hundreds, there are hundreds more, there are ten times more puppet war beasts, and I don't know how many reinforcements are coming here.

However, no matter how modified and strengthened the profound bone battle armor, the fuel and ammunition that can be carried are ultimately limited!

Li Yao can only run wildly and run away!


The profound bone battle armor spewed out from the ring of heaven and earth like dozens of life-bearing mysterious lights, and instantly surged all over his body, solidified into a hideous and fancy armor under the reflection of gun smoke and firelight, "咻咻咻咻咻Shoo." Hundreds of ultra-miniature flying swords that were not much thicker than the hair were shot out. Under the blessing of Li Yao's spiritual thoughts, they turned into hundreds of high-speed rotating meteors, disrupting all the jailer’s attacks. Li Yao Take the opportunity to run wildly towards the depths of the Shenwei Prison!

The first 10,000-ton gate that entered the Shenwei Prison from the Underground Starport had been overlapped a long time ago, but this could not stop Li Yao in the slightest. While the profound bone battle armor was still in the air, the four black crystals from the Emperor’s Tomb They are gathered together, and spin like a drill.

The speed of rotation made the entire underground Star Harbor filled with the roar of black crystals, and then, dragging a long black tail flame, it hit the gate heavily.

Sparks splashed and molten iron flowed across, and the 10,000-ton gate was forcibly drilled into a hole with a diameter of one meter by the black crystal. The inside of the hole showed a dim orange color, which was a sign of being melted. In the next second, Li Yao controlled it. The profound bone battle armor? The Emperor's Blade, drilled through the hole, and then returned with a shot, blasting back several chasing soldiers who had tried to drill down the hole, and then controlled the gate next to it with a single shot. The panel smashed into a mess, making the chasing soldiers unable to open the gate for a while.

After finishing all this, when Li Yao landed, the profound bone battle armor? Emperor's Blade had already taken back the Universe Ring, and the prison uniform on his body had also been replaced by the uniform of the prison guard.

Even this uniform has become tattered and riddled with holes, which can indicate that all the epaulettes of his class are torn down, and the badges and armbands that represent his identity are also contaminated by gunpowder and blood stains. Even his face is full of smoke. It was scorched and distorted to the extreme, like a sudden attack, causing a nervous breakdown!

The interior of the Shenwei Prison is a hundred times more chaotic than the Underground Star Harbor.

The Shengmeng’s penetration of the Shenwei Prison was probably not a temporary intention, and perhaps there was a plan to robbery. He knew all about the geological environment near the Shenwei Prison and the Achilles’ heel of the Shenwei Prison’s defense system.

The introduction of magma and earthquakes destroyed the energy supply system; he invaded the defense network and implanted crystal brain viruses, releasing a large number of prisoners; and put a large amount of highly toxic and super corrosive gas into the ventilation ducts-a three-pronged approach, presented in Li Yao In front of him is a terrifying abyss.

There were explosions everywhere, screams everywhere, wolves howling in excitement, and poisonous fog that swallowed everything with teeth and claws everywhere.

Naturally, there are also such momentous Li Yao-like jailers everywhere, panicked, and scurrying like flies without their heads.

The so-called "bronze and iron walls, a prison that has never been escaped for hundreds of years" seems to be a paradox.

Just because no one has escaped for hundreds of years, and no one has thought about attacking such a prison, the jailers here have never received a real test.

Any immortal cultivator who is ambitious, capable, and eager to make contributions, will not be willing to fall here and live a life of calm, obscurity, starvation, and hunger.

In the end, it is conceivable what qualities the jailers sent here are.

Especially in the "Imperial Counterattack" for more than ten years, the front line has achieved a series of brilliant results today, as long as you have a little ambition, and there is a little way behind the cultivator, you have long tried to transfer to the front line to get a lot of military exploits. Up.

The jailer staying here is really not ready at all to fight such a tough battle!

The smoke, as strong as ink, permeated the entire prison. There were no fingers in many places, and people with red eyes and loud coughing were everywhere, which made it easy for Li Yao to sneak in.

With his smoky defender uniform, coupled with his stumbling footsteps and vivid acting skills, Li Yao successfully infiltrated the third underground floor in just two minutes.

But his good luck seemed to end here.

A group of formed guards, with a commander who was fairly calm-headed and very dedicated to his duties, unexpectedly gathered all of them, the stragglers, and courageous soldiers, and forced them to rush into the No. 1 cell together.

Prison No. 1 is the area where criminals are held.

Criminals who are eligible to be imprisoned here are at least burdened with a cumulative sentence of more than five hundred years. They are beasts among wild beasts.

When Gate No. 1 slowly opened, the scene Li Yao saw was 10,000 times more spectacular and 10,000 times more terrifying than what he saw in the honeycomb prison in "Sky City, Manzhushahua".

Without the restraint of suppression and the threat of electric arcs, no matter how strong the iron fence is in the hands of these prisoners, they are not much stronger than matchsticks. They were instantly twisted and twisted, and they rushed out of the nest, as if hungry. Flocked together like wild beasts, venting their cruelty and tyranny on the jailer who was caught off guard.

Seeing a new group of jailers arrive, these fierce beasts roared, roared, grinned, turning into a black and crushing storm, and rushed towards the gate.

Although the number of jailers was small, they had an absolute superiority in firepower. The first attack of thousands of fire snakes left countless prisoners torn apart, **** fog flying, and killed on the spot.

If it is an ordinary prison, such fierce firepower is enough to quell any "riots."

But for the prisoners detained here, they smelled a strong smell of blood and broken flesh, which in turn inspired their fierceness to penetrate into their bones.

What's more, many prisoners have seized weapons from the jailers, and the poisonous gas that is constantly gushing out of the ventilation ducts contains some kind of ingredients that stimulate the central nervous system and adrenaline secretion, which is extremely exciting!

The felons launched the second round of offense brazenly.

The formation of the jailers began to scatter, some were hesitant, and some simply retreated.

What really gave them a fatal blow was the "Metal Venomous Bee" that did not know where it came from.

The secret weapons of these holy alliances have just caused great trouble to the defenders in the underground starport, and at this moment they exploded in the gap between the jailer's helmet and the armor.

Even if it failed to kill all the jailers, it caused great chaos.

When the jailers hurriedly dealt with the "Metal Venomous Bee", the vicious prisoners had already rushed forward-these were a bunch of lunatics who really dared to use their teeth to bite the crystal armor.

The most tragic hand-to-hand encounter, it's started!


Sorry, brothers and sisters.

It's coming on June 1st. It's a rare long holiday to spend two days with my son, so the update time is not stable.

However, two changes a day are still guaranteed. After Children's Day, Lao Niu will replenish everyone!

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