40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2228: The terrifying computing power of the old monster of the god!

When Li Yao carefully looked at the thousands of holy allies through the holes, these holy allies also seemed to have received some kind of signal, and all looked up at Li Yao.

This is a stranger feeling.

Even if an ordinary person hears an explosion above their head, there is a ventilation duct or a large hole in the ceiling, if you want to look up, it will definitely be uneven, one after another, one after another.

The facial expressions after raising the head should also be intricate and completely different. Some people are surprised, some are scared, some are confused, and some are instantly alert that there are new enemies above their heads.

But the reaction of the Shengmeng was totally different.

It was as if they had received some kind of signal, and within half a second they raised their heads in unison, staring at Li Yao very seriously in a neat and uniform posture.

Thousands of pairs are unfathomable but without half ripples, eyes that seem to be frozen like ink, while staring at themselves, even Li Yao, such a nerve-racking powerhouse, can also feel a few strands of chilly coolness.

Then Li Yao heard the voice.

It was like an ancient curse and a babble of a demon. It was more like when someone slept alone in the middle of the night and was sweating profusely. Someone whispered in his ear, and then suddenly awakened and realized that it was the cry of a baby outside the window.

This weird voice is like an invisible whirlpool, entrenched on the heads of all the Saint Allies.

Li Yao's seven senses are fully expanded, and every brain cell stretches to its limit like a blooming epiphany. Not with eyes and ears, but with mind and soul, "seeing", "hearing", and deeply perceiving At this terrible sound.

He "sees" that the brains of every sage ally's brain "gurggle" like a fountain of sulfur, spraying out brain waves, and all the brain waves rise up into the air like a strand of black air, condensing slowly. In the flowing vortex, there are countless ripples and ripples in the vortex. In this way, hundreds of millions of information flows are rapidly exchanged, analyzed and deployed.

Li Yao's mind turned around and understood everything instantly.

I understand why these holy allies, who were still behind bars, can form a uniform formation so quickly, acting in a unified manner like a well-trained army.

They are not like ordinary people, communicating through voice and movement.

Rather, the brain waves that stirred each other formed a temporary local area network, a special "battle net."

As long as one or two secretly infiltrated Holy League spies, they can deploy a full set of combat plans through the "battle net" to the depths of the brains of every Holy ally, and even make every Holy ally to upload their physical data instantly. , The strength of the fighting force and the supernatural powers, after calculation, optimize the assignment of all tasks.

This kind of combat efficiency is naturally much higher than that of the mobs in the first prison, who can only cry and howl, have no brains, and fight wildly.

This is the method of combat often used by combat puppets.

Unexpectedly, it can also be used in humans.

Also, in the eyes of Pangu civilization, isn't the so-called human being a relatively special kind of "battle puppet"?

This was the first time that Li Yao truly understood the meaning of the three words "Holy Leaguer", and he really felt like his heart was screwed up.

Thousands of holy allies stared at the dome of the prison cell at the same time, thinking that new enemies would appear above them.

Unexpectedly, it was only Li Yao alone, and Li Yao was wearing the orange prison uniform of the first prison prisoner, and he was immediately judged by them as not threatening.

The Saint League once again focused on the jailer in front of him.

The number of jailers and battle puppets pouring into the third prison cell from all directions like tides was indeed several times more than that of the first prison cell.

After all, the first prison are all criminals. They are unorganized mobs. Even if they really escaped from the Divine Mighty Prison with a one-tenth chance, there is no possibility of survival on the harsh surface of the icy and snowy planet, so I don’t want to freeze. Cheng Bingtuo can only return to prison obediently and get caught.

But these Holy League prisoners of war are completely different.

Their companions can make such a big scene, and God knows how many responses are left behind?

Suddenly, all the elite soldiers and generals of the entire Shenwei Prison gathered in the third prison.

However, the holy allies were fought with the jailers vigorously under the weird "brainwave local battle network" organization-of course, these holy allies are extremely valuable and important prisoners of war, and the prisons have not made up their minds to be thorough. To kill them, only non-lethal imprisonment and coma magic weapons were used at the beginning. When the situation was completely out of control, it was very difficult to restore it.

Li Yao ignored the battle situation like a pot of hot porridge above and below.

What he cares about is the passage of time every minute.

It has been nearly twenty minutes since I first felt the explosion on the soles of my feet.

Li Yao is almost certain that under the cover of riots and riots, the Holy League assassins have silently plundered the place of General Lei Chenghu's house arrest.

As for the powerhouse in Shenwei Prison, he might also be by General Lei Chenghu's side at this moment, threatening Lei Chenghu to transfer.

He has been entangled by jailers and prisoners for too long. If he follows the original route, he will probably fall behind the Holy League assassins and the mighty prisoners!

"No way, re-plan the route, fast, fast, fast!"

Li Yao blinked, and the depths of his pupils, which were as dark as ink, seemed to have dripped in two drops of condensed paint from a rainbow of seven colors, instantly rippling with purple and red ripples.

The brain cells are burning, the brain cells are screaming, and stormy waves are set off across the entire cerebral cortex, jointly pushing Li Yao's computing power to the limit of transforming spirits and monsters!

Li Yao felt that the sky was spinning around the world, as if the speed of the planet's rotation increased ten thousand times in an instant, and he couldn't help feeling nauseous.

This is a symptom of a severe concussion.

In order to stimulate the strongest computing power, he forced the brain to run at super high speed, which also caused the brain to hit the hard skull with a frequency of hundreds of times per second.

If I changed to an ordinary person, I was afraid that it would pass out in three seconds at most, become a vegetative or even brain-dead.

There is no way, the natural physiological structure of human beings, after all, was not designed for monsters such as the "transfiguration powerhouse".

From a certain perspective, people who have broken through the realm of the gods have stolen power from the mysterious universe that should not belong to them, and should not belong to all mankind!

Paying the price of a severe concussion, such ultra-high-speed computing power shock, of course, in exchange for the structure Li Yao wanted.

"Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick...a..."

The whole world slowed down in front of Li Yao, as if submerged by some kind of extremely viscous liquid.

Whether it's the flying bullets, the turbulent mysterious light, the shock wave from the explosion, and the thousands of fragments engulfed by the shock wave, or the expressionless holy ally, the screaming felon, and the jailer who is screaming, they all become almost A static statue, a group of actors performing burlesque mime.

Life is two, two begets three, three begets all things, Li Yao’s spiritual thoughts have also turned into thousands of strands of lightning, entwining every holy ally and jailer at the same time, observing their postures, eyes, muscle lines and even With a slight expression, they can calculate their combat power, fighting will and combat intentions from this, so as to design a path that can cross the battlefield the fastest and easiest.

These lightning-like spiritual thoughts are Li Yao's virtual nerves. The continuous spread and interlacing of virtual nerves has swallowed the entire battlefield into Li Yao's brain, making him the absolute master of the battlefield!

All information is fed back into Li Yao's soul at the speed of nerve conduction in an instant.

As a result of a large amount of data analysis and output, the entire world has gradually become transparent.

First, the crystal armor on the jailer's body gradually crystallized, and then the muscles of the jailer and the prisoner of war were stripped off. The blood vessels and neural networks were all visible. The peristalsis and contraction of the internal organs were delicately grasped by Li Yao, even the heart to the blood vessels. No matter how much pressure was applied, and how fast the blood was flowing, they couldn't escape Li Yao's perception.

No matter how weird the brains of the Saint Allies are, they are ultimately based on the flesh and blood of "humans" as their carriers.

No human being cannot be killed.

Li Yao grasped the Achilles heel of everyone on the battlefield while breathing.

And this is far from over.

The walls of the prison, including the seemingly sturdy ground, were all exposed to the frantic impact of Li Yao's spirits, exposing its most original material and composition, and allowing Li Yao to analyze its weakest stress-bearing point. Look, all the walls and tunnels have also become crystal clear, dozens of layers of walls and passages are superimposed together, like an intricate crystal labyrinth.

In the end, all the forks and dead ends of this crystal labyrinth disappeared, leaving only a nearly straight passage.

At the end of the passage, Li Yao felt more than a dozen groups of extremely vigorous life energy, which were madly releasing and colliding.

"No, it must be a strong man in the divine mighty prison, fighting the Holy League assassin!"

These dozen groups of life energy levels are dozens of times stronger than the jailers and prisoners of war here, and they must be masters on both sides.

But the powerhouses in the Shenwei Prison are all on the bright side, and since I have conducted a detailed study on them before sneaking in, there is no reason for the Holy League Assassins not to do this.

The Holy League assassin is lurking in the dark, as long as one assassin slips through the net, it will be terrible!

"It doesn't matter, you will be exposed. Within half a minute, you must arrive at your destination!"

Li Yao took a deep, deep breath, and almost absorbed all the air in the entire ventilation duct, even if it was mixed with a lot of poisonous mist and corrosive components.

With the catalysis of this air, all the muscle fibers are fully burned, releasing a powerful energy comparable to the main thruster of the Xinghai Battleship.


Flames flowed out of his pores like magma, and instantly enveloped him into a dazzling little sun, but the two sides who were fighting underneath were ignorant-because the speed at which he "transformed" was too fast Quickly, until the little sun was torn apart and the profound bone battle armor? The Emperor's Blade arrived majesticly, only a few of the most sensitive jailers and prisoners of war, slowly wrote the words "horrified" in Face.


Li Yao blasted to the ground like a meteor, and the shock wave sent out dozens of jailers and prisoners of war fighting around.

Thirty seconds of extreme craziness, timing begins!

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