40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2238: The overall situation is set!

Lei Chenghu finished speaking decisively, without allowing all the captains to argue, he cut off the communication screen on his side, only adjusted a **** countdown and displayed it on the other side's light curtain.

Through the communication screen that the other party is still opening, it can be seen that all the captains, first mates, staff officers, and even members of the bridge team of the starship are all shocked and in a hazy semi-hypnotic state.

Someone grinds their teeth quickly, probes their brains around, and looks at the reactions of others; is someone nervously rubbing the saber and saber on their waist, their eyes are full of confusion; there are also some members of the bridge team after whispering, turning their vigilant eyes on their own Sir.

The countdown continued mercilessly, two minutes and fifty seconds, two minutes and forty seconds, two minutes and thirty seconds.

Both the starship and the detection magic weapon in the Shenwei Prison Control Center all screamed-not far from the low-Earth orbit, countless large-mass and high-density objects tore the barriers of three-dimensional space full of holes, as if from deep. Like giant beasts emerging from the fog, one after another revealed hideous minions.

They shook off the debris from the stars on their bodies and rushed towards the prey.

"General, our air defense fire net is far from repaired to the extent of the second launch, and even a spar war shuttle can't be defeated!"

Yun Chenghua asked in a low voice, "What if someone refuses to surrender after three minutes?"

"First, there are a large number of our people in the Shenwei fleet. Under their leadership, all starships will land and surrender in no more than three minutes, at most one minute."

Lei Chenghu said very calmly, as if he was explaining an obvious fact, "Secondly, if a handful of starships refuse to surrender after three minutes, then order the starships that have surrendered to take these stubbornly stubbornly All the ineffective'traitors' were struck down."

Yun Chenghua's eyes widened: "This..."

Lei Chenghu smiled slightly, stopped talking, and even no longer focused on the Shenwei fleet, but fixed his eyes on the deep-sea fleet that had jumped out of the four-dimensional space and was gathering on a large scale outside the low-Earth orbit.

The empire admiral's eyes were covered by solidified blood, and he didn't know what idea he was thinking of, deep in his eyes, straight into the realm of the soul.

This is a difficult psychological see-saw.

But hovering in the air, just saw the flagship volley exploding, lacking enough intelligence, not only had to resist the strong pressure of the deep sea fleet behind him, but also infiltrated a large number of "innovators" inside, the dilemma of the dilemma of the divine mighty fleet is doomed to lose.

With two minutes left before the countdown, the Shenwei fleet collapsed, one after another starships withdrew their psychic shields and lowered them to a relative height of one hundred meters.

The power of the role model is infinite. The more starships land, the more starships that are still hanging in the sky, the more conspicuous they are. The more pressure they bear, the denser the locking ripples that hit the shells of these starships. "Bobo Bobo" sounded endlessly, before tearing apart the starship's psychic shield, it severely ravaged the eardrums and nerves of everyone on the starship.

As a result, even if the captains of these starships wanted to delay for a while, the scorching eyes and swords of the bridge crew forced them to land with the flow.

Three minutes later, all the starships landed 100 meters above the ground, and the colorful psychic shields were removed, like bare chickens in the cold wind.

All the captains sent a signal to the Shenwei Prison Control Center through the public channel: "Willing to obey the orders of General Lei Chenghu and Liao Haihou of the Empire, let General Lei urge you!"

And the commotion inside Shenwei Hell, also in the killing of Shura Hell, came to an end.

No matter how strong the belief is, the Saint League prisoners of war are ruthless, fearless, and fearless. They are the most sophisticated killing machines-but after all, their number is too small.

Most of the prisoners in the Shenwei Prison are still vicious and frantic criminals.

The number of these dangerous criminals is more than ten times that of the prisoners of the Holy League. Even if there is a slight gap between the combat effectiveness and organization of the two sides, it is quickly wiped out by such a large number gap.

When the violent wave of wild beasts came, it was doomed to the demise of the prisoners of the Holy League.

In the end, the guards of the Shenwei Prison had to join the battlefield, just to rescue a few Saint League prisoners from the crazy criminals and leave alive for interrogation.

If not, all the prisoners of the Holy League will be torn to pieces by criminals and chewed into meat sauce!

Of course, when the prisoners of the Holy League were almost slaughtered, the criminals who could not change the feces began to attack each other. Perhaps they thought that as long as enough people were killed, the credit could be taken away, and Lei Chenghu would take the rest. Take away all the people.

Lei Chenghu didn't stop the criminals from doing this, and this kind of acquiescence in the prisoners' view was encouragement.

He even ordered Yun Chenghua to continue to seal the exits of the first and third prison areas to the outside world tightly, and if necessary, reduce the concentration of oxygen input into it, so that the prisoners would die due to lack of oxygen at any time.

At the moment, there is no need to do this now, let's spend a little bit the strength of the prisoners and reduce the number of beasts.

It has not been more than half an hour since the Holy League assassin kicked his door.

Within half an hour, both the Shenwei Prison and the Shenwei Fleet had fallen into the hands of the Imperial Admiral Lei Chenghu!

"Guardian Yundian, deploy your most trusted guard to the ground and perform two tasks."

There is no sadness or joy on Lei Chenghu's face, as if he and Li Yao seized a huge prison and surrendered to the fleet of gods, these are trivial things that are not worth mentioning. It is as simple as seizing a toy from a child, he said indifferently," First, I searched the snowfield within a radius of 100 miles. I highly suspect that Dongfang Lei, the spy of the Holy League, did not die in the explosion just now. Most of his remains must be found. If he is still alive, kill him!

"Secondly, please come to the Shenwei Prison for all the captains of the starships of the Shenwei fleet and key figures in the bridge team, just say...I want to commend them face-to-face for being fearless at the most critical moment, making the right choices and saving the lives of countless officers and soldiers Tell them again, I will personally go to the Imperial Capital to ask for their merits.

"Also, at all costs, repair at least one energy supply base station as soon as possible to restore the initial defensive capabilities of the Shenwei Prison. As for the prisoners and prisoners who are still fighting, don't worry about them for the time being, and wait until they are tired.

"Finally, where are the political prisoners, you and I can go together and release them."

Everyone in Yunchenghua and the control center couldn't believe it, so... easily surrendered the entire superpower fleet.

After a long pause, the warden stood at attention with a "slap", resisted the excitement in his heart, and executed the order.

Lei Chenghu cast his cold gaze on Li Yao again, and used sound transmission to enter the secret passage of God: "Well, now you can go to your master and prepare for the negotiation between the two parties, but before she shows enough sincerity, I won't go to her starship. If I want to talk, I invite our incomparable Queen to come to the "My" God and Mighty Hell to talk.

"Don't worry, what you say is my savior. I won't make you embarrassed. As long as you bring your words, Her Royal Highness will definitely be honoured to God's Mighty Hell. After all, the current situation should be yours. Be anxious-I have the Mighty Fleet. As long as a starship can launch a super long-range star sea jump, you can return to the third theater, my thundering fleet, and Her Royal Highness has been hidden in the dark for so many years, but today she is full I am afraid that the arrow has left the string, and it is out of control, right?"

Facing Lei Chenghu's posture in control of everything, Li Yao quickly blinked and said, "Uh, it's not anxious to contact Her Royal Highness, can I release all political prisoners with General Lei?"

Lei Chenghu was stunned again, and the eyes staring at Li Yao added a little more confusion. He really didn't know what kind of person Li Yao was, and how did the imperial queen Li Linghai send such a cargo to perform such a critical task: "Aren't you... afraid that your master is waiting in a hurry?"

"First, it is said that Her Royal Highness is not my master. I am absolutely free. I am only loyal to the Taoist Immortal Road and the real human empire."

Li Yao said sternly, "Secondly, before I came, Her Royal Highness exhorted me to protect General Lei's life. This is my top priority.

"Furthermore, the strong personality charm and boundless domineering that General Lei just demonstrated has also deeply impressed me, and my admiration and admiration for General Lei has reached an unparalleled level.

"Now that the Shenwei Prison is still in such chaos, what if there are holy league spies hidden in the political prisoners? So I must stay with General Lei every step of the way, and if necessary, give my life to defend General Lei!

"As for Her Royal Highness, it doesn't matter if she waits for a while, anyway, the Shenwei Prison and the Shenwei Fleet have been settled, it is still the safety of General Lei that matters!"

Lei Chenghu: "...You want to follow my **** and make friends with political prisoners who are most likely to make a comeback?"

Li Yao: "Hey, hey."


In the end, Lei Chenghu still hadn't frustrated Li Yao.

After all, with Li Yao's strength, it was stuck on the back of Lei Chenghu's **** like a dogskin plaster, no one wanted to tear him off.

And Lei Chenghu didn't want to completely tear his face with Li Linghai, even if he said it hard, in fact everyone really needed each other.

Therefore, those political prisoners who once controlled the vital points and hubs of the real human empire, are considered high-powered in the imperial capital, the heavenly realm, and the celestial star, but have offended the four major electoral families, and once fell from the clouds to the abyss, they are cold and cold in the dark. After staying in the dungeon for more than ten years or decades, the first ray of hope I saw was composed of three people, Li Yao, Lei Chenghu and Yun Chenghua.

Lei Chenghu and Yun Chenghua are naturally no strangers. One is the dignified "God of War", and the other is the warden of Shenwei Prison.

And Li Yao especially left a deep impression on them.

Whenever he goes to the prison, Li Yao will release the surging weather of the old monster of the god, the ray of golden light and all kinds of dazzling sound and light effects hit himself without money, and set himself up so majestic, like a god. .

Before Yun Chenghua opened the door, Li Yao snatched it up, using his hands filled with psychic energy to forcibly break the iron fence, smash the door lock, and kick all the defensive talisman formations.

"In the name of the new empire, you have been born again. My "Vulture Li Yao" will definitely protect your safety to the best of my abilities. Don't worry!"

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