40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2245: I am also patriotic!

"How can it be such an exaggeration, General Lei wants to make a difference."

Li Yao said without changing his face, "Actually, I was only with this brother'Huang Feng'. Since I was young, I have been practicing in the secret base of Her Royal Highness. I rarely come out to contact the society since I was young, so people are relatively simple. Occasionally, it seems very upright. There is no secret in my heart that is sneaky and shameless. What can General Lei see through?"

Lei Chenghu's brows were frowned like two unsheathed swords, and he was about to slash down at Li Yao's carotid artery.

He clenched his fists, his phalanx creaked, as if he was restraining his impulse with amazing willpower.

"it is true!"

Li Yao's face was sincere, and his eyes were as pure and transparent as a baby. "Presumably General Lei can see that I am not really old."

"……Yes it is."

Lei Chenghu was silent for a long time and nodded, "Your cells are very vigorous, and the ripples from the soul are full of vitality. You are not the most powerful **** of transformation I have ever seen, but you are definitely the youngest one. I guess, except for practicing in retreat or long-term hibernation, your true age should not exceed one hundred, or even eighty, right?

"It's unbelievable that you are under eighty years old, what kind of monster you are, and how did you cultivate!"

"I'm not a monster, I just spend all my time practicing in retreat."

Li Yao said, "If it weren't for'ignoring things outside the window' and grasping every minute and every second of crazy cultivation, how could it be possible to hit the realm of God Transformation in just a hundred years? General Lei had never heard my name before, and Can’t search for any of my information? That’s right, because I’ve never been out of society, this is the first time, so I don’t have much experience, and the whole person looks very young. If you say something wrong or do something wrong, Please also forgive General Lei."


Lei Chenghu took a deep breath and said, "Listen well, I don't care if your nonsense is true or false, and whether your Queen is under the banner of the grand-sounding'Renovation Empire', whether there are other purposes. But for me it is one thing-to do the duty of a soldier!

"Tell me, do you love empire?"

Li Yao raised his chin and saluted a textbook-like unity ceremony: "Unlimited love!"

"But I hate the empire, and even hate this empire where all the pores exude a rancid smell."

Lei Chenghu said with a gloomy expression, "It's just that no matter how many flaws the real human empire has, it often appears too dark and cruel, and even used by traitors and Xiao Xiao, and reduced to a tool for their selfish desires. The empire is always a human civilization. The strongest shield, the sharpest sword, and... the only home.

"The empire may have problems like this, and there are countless reasons for being hated by people, but after all, it has gathered the power of the vast majority of humans in the sea of ​​stars, so that hundreds of millions of humans can unite together to fight against the holy alliance, the demon, All kinds of strange starry alien races, and even the universe itself, which is too dark.

"The sea of ​​stars is too vast, and the ambitions of human beings are too strong. If there is no righteous name of the'Empire of True Humans', do not believe it, even if there is no invasion by the Holy League, the Heavenly Demon, or any alien races in the starry sky, within a hundred years, there will be scattered sand. Each of the human worlds will split into different kingdoms, put up colorful battle flags, and kill each other for all kinds of absurd reasons.

"At that time, without any monsters and demons at all, humans alone can turn all the heavens and stars into the Shura Blood Hell, just like the thousands of years between the collapse of the Xinghai Empire and the establishment of the Xinghai Republic!

"and so……

"Even if the empire today has many shortcomings, even if there are many dark spots, abscesses and tumors on its bloated body, even if I hate it to death, I will do what an empire soldier can do. Responsibility, smash my flesh, bones and three souls to defend it, and defend it forever!

"Please tell your Queen, if she is worried that my will will be shaken, it is not necessary. I have been under house arrest by the four major electoral families for more than half a month. I have thoroughly understood that I have been too weak for the past 100 years. , Too hesitated, too concerned about the honor and guidelines of the so-called "soldier", and did not do everything possible to save the empire.

"But today, I have fully realized my own path. No one can stop me from using steel and flames, or even using shameless and shameless means to save the empire!

"If the ultimate goal of Her Royal Highness is as fair as she said, then I will always be loyal to her, and even when her personal interests and the overall interests of the empire are unified, help her become an unprecedented empress, and What can't it?

"However, if I find that her ambition is too violent and will harm the interests of the empire, our cooperation will break down instantly. I will stop her and destroy her at all costs, understand?"

Li Yao nodded hurriedly: "I understand very much!"

"It's the same with you."

Lei Chenghu's eyes were sharp to the extreme, as if he could penetrate Li Yao's body, and then penetrate the three layers of bulkheads and the atmosphere outside, "I don't care whether you are slick or nonsense, or really'simple, green and straightforward'. , As long as you are sincerely defending the empire and safeguarding the interests of human civilization, I am willing to call you a "friend of the daoist" and fight side by side with you to fight to the end!


"If I find out that you still hide any secret, and this secret hurts the interests of the empire, believe me, there will be 10,000 warships’ shells hitting your head at the same time, and even if you escape to the edge of the star sea and after a thousand years , I will be crushed and annihilated to find you and kill you!"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief: "That's good!"

Lei Chenghu frowned: "What's so good?"

"Then I can rest assured."

Li Yao blinked his big clear and transparent eyes, and his eyes suddenly glowed hotter than the sun. "Because I pledged by my personality, I am absolutely a loyal patriot. I love my motherland infinitely, and General Lei. They are also willing to throw their heads for the motherland, sprinkle blood, grind all the bones into powder, burn all the powder into ashes, turn the ashes into water and turn them into mud and sprinkle them on the motherland's land-just love to such an outrageous level!

"I firmly believe that my motherland must represent the highest interests of human civilization, so I will definitely not betray the motherland. No matter how strong, fierce, and fierce enemies I face, I will fight to the end, even if there is only one enemy left. The cecum, I will use this cecum to roll up a war knife and continue fighting!

"So, what General Lei said will never happen, so of course I can rest assured!"

When Li Yao swore the curse, Lei Chenghu kept staring into his eyes, and even made no secret that he was prying into Li Yao's heart.

And Li Yao frankly let go of his mind, allowing Lei Chenghu to feel it.

Lei Chenghu felt it for a long time, his brows loosened slightly, but the suspicion on his face remained for a long time, and he muttered: "Why...what you said is true, there is not even the slightest taste of falsification?"

"It was true at first. I am a steadfast, unwavering patriot. It is out of my infinite love for the motherland and human civilization that I am willing to take great risks to come here!"

Li Yao was stern, "I really don't understand why I'm telling the truth, and General Lei just refuses to believe it? Is it possible that under the vast starry sky, there can only be General Lei as a patriot?"

"...Forget it."

Seeing Li Yao's big face without flaws, Lei Chenghu chose to give up very rarely, "Anyway, thank you for your life-saving grace in Shenwei Prison. If you are a true patriot, I believe we will get along very well. Pleasant, Li... Fellow Daoist.

"Now, let's go back to the third theater!"

Lei Chenghu used the newly installed psychic prosthesis to straighten his military cap, strutting out of the command room and onto the bridge.

Above the bridge, they had just been assembled together, and there was still some anxiety deep in their hearts, but they were the officers and soldiers who were concealed by ten times the excitement and excitement.

A middle-aged officer who was covered with bandages all over his body, his left hand and left foot were replaced by psychic prosthetic limbs, seemed to be suffering from severe pain, a twitching face limped and came to Lei Chenghu. Lei Chenghu saluted a very beautiful military salute: "All officers and soldiers have assembled, please military training!"

This person was drawn up by the four major electors’ families just a day ago, betrayed his father, and in turn was severely taught by his father. He smashed a **** path in the depths of the Shenwei Prison. Lei Chenghu’s eldest son, Lei Honghai !

Lei Chenghu nodded expressionlessly, and slowly looked around, allowing the strange fire in his eyes to detonate the lava in the hearts of many officers and soldiers before he came to the console.

Lei Honghai gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain of rubbing wounds with unsuitable psychic prostheses, and opened the public communication channel covering the three starships.

"All the soldiers of the First Task Force of the Shenwei Fleet!"

Facing the intricate faces on hundreds of light curtains, Lei Chenghu yelled with breath, "The war that determines the future of the empire and even human civilization has started, and you and I are the only protagonists in this war!"

"Before today, you were still a group of mobs and unknown people, the losers of the family competition, the scraps of no one's attention, and the remnants of being kicked to this icy and snowy ground without mercy. It is a prisoner who is not worthy to leave a name anywhere, even the "zero" that does not exist in the genealogy, even violates the law, offends the powerful, and is destined to rot the last bone in the dark prison!

"But after today, your names will resound in the sky, and will be cheered by thousands of people, and will be engraved on the monuments in the central square of the imperial capital's'extreme heavens, celestial stars' and every habitable planet in the empire!

"The empire will not forget, history will not forget, civilization will not forget everything you have done today, and will not forget your sacred and glorious name-the Imperial Army!

"All ships have it, all personnel are prepared, the Xinghai jump unit has full power output, target the third theater, and move forward!"

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