40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2248: Fight it!

This is of course impossible, it's just a vent of grievances.

No matter how harsh the empire treats their miscellaneous troops in these remote worlds, they will not be able to defect to the Holy League.

Because the price of joining the Saint League is to deprive the seven emotions and six desires, unable to dominate their own will as they like, which is more uncomfortable than killing them.

What's more, there is only a division of labor within the Saint League, and there is no high or low. They are all called "brothers" and "sisters", and they are both known as "lambs, tools and messengers of the gods", even if they have the ability to reach the sky and move mountains and seas. The super strong, and the weak who have no power to bind the chicken, are also on the same level.

How can Wei Guanghui say that he is a senior Nascent Soul, the overlord of the Scarlet Cloud Realm and the supreme commander of the Scarlet Cloud Fleet, and an ambitious and lustful cultivator. How could he abandon everything now and escape to the holy? Meng has lived the life of fading out the birds?

It is impossible for Wei Guanghui to defect, and it is impossible for other miscellaneous army leaders and local armed leaders to defect. The four major electoral families have taken them for granted, exploiting and squeezing them unscrupulously, and calling them like dogs. Go, deceive like a pig again, it is tolerable, which is unbearable...

Wei Guanghui panted like a cow, his bloodshot eyes rounded, staring at the list floating in mid-air, wishing to **** the list to pieces.

The list is a virtual item outlined by Xuanguang, and it is naturally impossible for him to tear it apart.

Just as he knew the plot of the four major electoral families, but he could only watch the noose around his neck tighten.

What else can be besides Shinobi?

"Father, do we really have to behave well? Look at this list. They are all the key roles of the Scarlet Cloud Fleet. Many people are involved in supporting our Wei family for hundreds of years, a loyal brother, and more. Many officers have made great achievements in the **** battles of the past ten years, and even saved the Scarlet Cloud Fleet countless times!"

Wei Guanghui can bear it, but there are many people who can't bear it.

The first one to jump out was his adjutant and his most promising second son Wei Yuanjia.

Wei Yuanjia is usually a middle-aged man with deep scheming and uncompromising emotions and anger. He pays great attention to proportions. He has always been called by his position and rank in the army, but at this moment, he has moved the word "father" out. This shows the bottom of my heart. Also irritated to the extreme.

Wei Yuanjia trembled with anger, pointing to the last line of the list and said, "Father, please see, even Ah Xiao's name is on it!"

The last line of this arrested list is surprisingly "Wei Tianxiao", which is Wei Yuanjia's eldest son and Wei Guanghui's grandson.

"If you really follow the picture and send everyone on the list to the special investigation committee, it will completely chill the hearts of all the immortal cultivators in the Scarlet Cloud Realm, and our Wei family will really betray their relatives and leave!"

Wei Yuanjia hissed, "How to lead soldiers in the future, how to explain to the many immortal cultivators who have supported our family for more than a hundred years, how to go back to see the fathers and elders of our hometown, and who will support us such a boneless patriarch to inherit the world? Lord's place?

"Think twice, father, think twice—"


Wei Guanghui stared at his second son fiercely, his eyes were so venomous as a snake with broken fangs, he gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think I am willing to teach people? Do you think I don't think twice?

"The surname Wei is a senior Nascent Soul, the master of the Scarlet Cloud Realm, and the highest commander of the Scarlet Cloud Fleet! When Lei Chenghu, the **** of war, saw me, he would bow his hands and say, "Friends of Daoist". '!

"Today, the four major electors’ families sent such a small Jindanian **** with no hairs to grow up. He dared to swagger into my fleet on a transport ship and slap this **** list on my face. , I have to hand over the future of our Scarlet Cloud Realm to my old brothers who have been born to death for decades, as well as the children of these old brothers!

"Not to mention, there are my grandsons in there!

"This is simply a slap in the face. It knocked me out with all my teeth. It's a shameful shame, a shameful shame!

"You think I want to swallow my anger, you think I'm willing to knock out my teeth and swallow blood, do you think I don't know the consequences of surrendering these people?

"But, what can I do? You are my adjutant. You know the current situation of the Chiyun Fleet best. We are trapped on an extremely unstable planet that doesn't even have an atmosphere, food, ammunition, and spar. Fuel is extremely dependent on the rear supplies. As long as there is a slight cough in the rear, we can't even eat shit!

"Don't say that all the mining bases here were completely destroyed during the evacuation of Shengmeng. Even if the mining bases are intact, they can mine a large amount of'Nickel Fusion Spar', what's the use? Can you eat it? Can it fill us? As fuel in your reactor?

"If you don't hand over the people on the list, it's a dead end. Without waiting for the elites of the four major electoral families to use force, we will be wiped out in minutes!

"That little **** of the Golden Core Stage has only considered this point before daring to show off his might in front of your Lao Tzu!"

"But surrendering the list is also self-defeating, but it's just a bit slower and worse."

Wei Yuanjia said solemnly, "My father knows very well that the so-called'Blood League Incident' and this list of radicals are just the first steps of the four major electors’ families. As long as we really hand over the people on the list, they Naturally, there is a way to succumb to the attack and place charges on us at will. When the time comes, we will all sympathize with the militants, and even participate in the suspicion of the'Blood League Incident'. So how do you say?

"Huh, the wolf ambition of the four major electoral families is simply revealed. It is nothing more than offensive instead of defensive, using the'Blood League Event' as a bargaining chip to offset our impressive military exploits. Fortunately, when they pick the fruit and share the cake, But kicked us back to our hometown!

"But we will never come home empty-handed.

"Father, it's not that the child is reckless, but the Scarlet Cloud Realm has reached the point where it is precarious and will collapse at the touch of a touch.

"You know, the local finances of the Chiyun Autonomous Government actually collapsed as early as last year, let alone fighting for more than ten years. There are so many disabled veterans in the Chiyun Fleet who need to be compensated. It's easy to say, but most of the immortal cultivator officers have the support of sects and groups behind them. It is our basic plan. How can we default?

"The Senate put it nicely. The expeditionary base camp is responsible for all the pensions for disabled veterans. However, every pension and veteran's payment is muddy and unhappy. The disabled veterans in the rear are waiting to buy them. I went to the pot and bought spar to practice. I couldn’t be in arrears for a day. As a result, we had to use the local finances of the Scarlet Cloud Realm to fill this hole first, and even borrowed money from the major banks in Xinghai Central to barely maintain it—needless to say, these damned. The bank is the industry of those powerful and powerful!

"Even so, the holes that are getting bigger and bigger, and the interest on borrowing one day higher than one day, can't be filled in any way.

"From the fleet to the rear, from the immortal cultivator to the primitive people, everyone complains, like a spar bomb that is about to fire!

"Now, the reason why the officers and soldiers are still willing to listen to our Wei family's urging, and the reason why the major sects and groups in the rear are still willing to continuously send supplies up, all believe in our promise and believe that we can help Chiyun after the war is over. In order to obtain sufficient benefits for them, the Guangfu District Development Group and the major mining and transportation groups can use these things to make up for the wounds of their blood and sacrifice for more than ten years!

"But... now the **** in the center of Xinghai have made it clear that they are going to cross the river to demolish the bridge, and they will take the victory!

"If our people realize that they have been fighting for more than ten years, they will get nothing but a mirror image and a completely collapsed economy, without even the slightest benefit. Believe it or not, there will be a mutiny in the next second, you and my father and son. The two, as well as all the members of the entire Wei family, will be torn to pieces by angry disabled veterans, disappointed immortals and even hundreds of millions of crazy primitives, and swallowed them down, leaving no bones and scum?"

Wei Guanghui was silent, trembling horribly and horribly.

"Perhaps, this is the true purpose of the four major electoral families."

Wei Yuanjia looked curiously, pointing to the list and whispering, "Don't my father think that there are a little more people on this list who are loyal to our Wei family, but there are not a few key figures who are loyal to the Huang family?"

Wei Guanghui was startled, and he pondered for a moment, his eyes widening.

Sure enough, most of the so-called "radicals list" were confidants who were loyal to their Wei family, or these confidant children.

However, although there are a few people from the "Huang Family", another important family of cultivating immortals in the Scarlet Cloud Realm, they are all peripheral members, so it is irrelevant.

Wei Guanghui's heart tightened suddenly.

The Wei family didn't rule the Scarlet Cloud Realm five hundred years ago. The original Wei Family was just a humble little cultivator family in the Scarlet Cloud Realm.

However, the original ruler of the Scarlet Cloud Realm did not respect the big figures in Xinghai Central. In short, he insisted on the principle of local first, and was extremely vigilant about commodities and investment from Xinghai Central, and was eventually replaced by the "Miracle Rise" Wei family.

In other words, the Wei family first served as a dog for the four major electoral families before becoming the ruler of the Scarlet Cloud Realm.

It's just that people and dogs are different after all.

The more the dog is raised, the more mature, and the more loyal it is.

People are more healthy, and more ungrateful.

Today, two hundred years later, Wei Guanghui has long forgotten the experience of his ancestors obediently serving as dogs for the four major electors' families, and he has a vague desire to refuse.

But he didn't forget that the big figures in the center of Xinghai can cultivate another dog to replace them at any time, just as they replaced the earlier "Scarlet Cloud Realm Master".

The same thing has happened countless times in many remote worlds.

In a remote world where the whip is too long and worthless, raising a few dogs of different colors and letting them bite the dogs—this was originally the dominance strategy of the four major electoral families.

The Huang family is another dog in the Scarlet Cloud Realm. In the past year and a half, it has been fighting fiercely with the four major electoral families. The ghost knows this detailed "radical list", whether there is any credit for the Huang family. !


Wei Yuanjia observed his words and expressions, and saw that his father's face was covered with dark clouds, but his eyes were filled with flames of fear and anger. He hit the railroad while it was hot, "We can't just sit and wait, and we can't die so uselessly-let's fight it!"

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