40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2253: Say you are, you are!

When Li Yao led Li Jialing into the secret room behind the Jinglei Fleet’s flagship command center, only Lei Chenghu was in the secret room, staring quietly at the three-dimensional light curtain surrounded by three hundred and sixty degrees.

On the light curtain are the stars shining, and the stars of the heavens are slowly revolving around this perfect immortal cultivator.

Returning to his fleet, Lei Chenghu entered the sea like a dragon, and his aura soared ten times compared with when he was behind bars!

Li Yao even faintly felt that the soul of this "God of War" turned into strands of nerves and blood vessels, extending infinitely from this secret room, connecting to every starship in the Thunder Fleet and even the third theater!

Lei Chenghu is completely integrated into the fleet, each starship is a cell of him, he is the fleet, the fleet is him, he is composed of countless starships, the incarnation of the imperial army!

"General, the elite of almost all the fleets in the third theater are all here, even if they haven't rushed here, they are still intensively preparing for the star-sea jump, and they will appear at the ... scheduled coordinates at the same time."

Li Yao glanced at the troop deployment map on the surround three-dimensional light curtain, and said, "How about the fleet of the four major electors' family systems? Has it responded to our actions?"

"We have been back to the third theater for three days. No matter how stupid these people are, they should realize that they are not good, but they still don't know what we are going to do. They just dispatched troops near the third theater and cut off our supply line. , But still dare not rush into the third theater to find death."

Lei Chenghu sneered, "Unfortunately, in the vast sea of ​​stars, any barriers and defenses are useless. Offense, offense, and bold offense are the only way to win!

"Within eight hours, the greatly expanded Thunder Fleet and the Third Theater Task Force can launch a large-scale star-sea jump, appearing at the predetermined coordinates, but this attack that leaves no room will also exhaust all of our spars. Fuel, weapons and ammunition, in other words, this is a desperate battle. If we can't get enough resources, we are dead!

"Hope your Queen’s information is as accurate as she said, and the rest of the ‘reformers’ daoists can also work hard together with the belief of ‘sacrifice the ego and build a new empire’!"

"Although the general can rest assured, Her Royal Highness's Deep Space Fleet is already ready to go. It will definitely meet at the scheduled coordinates and the Thunder Fleet, and the destination we are about to strike has long been infiltrated by the reformers. It's definitely not a problem. It will definitely catch the enemy by surprise and get the most sufficient resources at the least cost."

Li Yaodao, “As for the rest of the ‘reformers’ daoists, don’t worry, as long as the Thunder Fleet and the Deep Space Fleet raise the flag of revolt at the same time, and the fire of reform burns the entire empire, do they have a second choice?”

Lei Chenghu stared at Li Yao deeply, nodded and said, "Well, for the sake of the empire, let us take everything and make a bet!"

He tapped on his wrist crystal brain and said, "Bring it in."

The door of the secret room slid open silently, and two steel guards who had been highly transformed by the psychic prosthesis and were loyal to Lei Chenghu dragged in a middle-aged man who also wore the black uniform of the Imperial Army.

The door of the secret room closed again.

Look at the gleaming silver skull on the shoulder of this middle-aged man, he is a lieutenant general of the Imperial Army.

However, he was locked in his hands, legs and spine by the magic weapon of iron thorns, and he couldn't move at all.

It seems that he was forced to take anesthetic and hypnotic drugs that suppressed spirits and psionics. He was weak and weak, and his thinking was confused and slow.

The monarch's name is Dongfang Yuan, and he is the highest commander of the "investigation fleet" under the special investigation committee.

That is, under the order of the Senate, came to the third theater to dismember the Thunder Fleet and arrest the leaders of the radicals.

I originally thought that the thunder-thundering fleet with no heads of dragons was the fish meat on the chopping board, but the tigers would be killed silently without thunder protection. There was also a tyrannical super giant who played a perfect "decapitate". Tactics".

Dongfang Yuan didn't have the courage to provoke a civil war in the empire by killing Chengren. Under the intimidation of Li Yaorui's unbearable blade, he could only obediently become a prisoner.

——Until this moment, he still doesn't know all the ambitions of Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai or even Li Yao.

I thought this was just an ordinary mutiny, at best Lei Chenghu wanted to use him as a bargaining chip to threaten the Senate for more benefits.

Therefore, as soon as he saw Lei Chenghu, the investigating fleet commander hurriedly shouted: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Liao Haihou, everything is a misunderstanding. As the saying goes, the military cannot be left alone. Considering that you are under investigation in the rear , The third theater cannot be commanded by no one. The Expeditionary Force Command will temporarily send a humble post to replace you to strengthen the defense of the third theater. Now that Liao Haihou has returned from the rear, the humble fleet will naturally not stay in the third theater to get in the way. , I also hope that Liao Haihou puts the overall situation first, don’t...don’t kill brothers!"

Lei Chenghu and Li Yao glanced at each other, they both sneered at the same time, the laughter was full of contempt and cruelty.

"Liao Haihou, what on earth do you want to do!"

Perceiving the murderous meaning of Lei Chenghu’s pores, Dongfang Yuan swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and his voice became sharp and thin, “Don’t mess around, all the resources of the third theater depend on the supply from the rear. , With your lone army, you can't make the slightest storm, you, you must think clearly, don't harm so many brothers in the Thunder Fleet——"

Speaking of this, Dongfang Yuan’s voice came to an abrupt end, his eyes seemed to be sucked out by negative pressure, and he stared at the surrounding light curtain behind Lei Chenghu and Li Yao. In an instant, sweat fell and his teeth bumped. stop.

He saw the mighty fleet that jumped out of the void one after another on the surrounding light curtain.

The fleets that were originally stationed in the various worlds and resource planets of the Third Theater, at least the most powerful starships in these fleets, all jumped to the anchor star field of the Thunder Fleet, forming a combined fleet covering the sky and the sun. .

This is a very unusual transfer, and certainly not approved by the Expeditionary Force Command.

Dongfang Yuan was also a leader of the army, and naturally knew that this unusual transfer had only one purpose.

Lei Chenghu is about to exhaust the power of the third theater to launch a large-scale offensive-where will his goal be?

Dongfang Yuan's thoughts turned, his pupils instantly shrank to the limit, breathing hard, unable to utter a word.

Lei Chenghu looked at him coldly, without saying a word, suddenly tore off the Imperial Expeditionary Army armband on the left sleeve of his uniform and replaced it with a new scarlet armband.

In the center of the new armband is a three-star blitzkrieg emblem. On the left side of the emblem is "Zunhuang", and on the right side is "Rebellion", four murderous small characters.

The black uniform, the red armband, the emperor's controversy, shocking!

"Take out some courage and courage, don't be so unbearable, even if you are invaded by the heavenly demon, cultivate phantom energy, and become an evil ‘demon cultivator’, you are still an upright imperial soldier.

Lei Chenghu flattened his armband, straightened his crown, and said to Dongfang Yuan, "I will take you to sacrifice the flag later. Don't lose the dignity of the imperial soldier!"

"Devil? What demon!"

Dongfang Yuan’s mung bean eyes had three points of confusion, and it seemed that he had grasped the last straw, and hurriedly said, "Heaven and earth conscience, how does this have something to do with the alien demon? I am not a demon cultivator, definitely not. Liao Haihou, this must be a misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding!"

Anxiously, he didn't think of the word "sacrifice to the flag" after Lei Chenghu for a while, and then reacted after speaking. He was even more stunned and wronged to the extreme.

Lei Chenghu winked at the two steel guards. One guard kicked Dongfang Yuan to the ground, and the other guard took out a fluorescent green mysterious potion from the steel iron bones of his psychic prosthesis. When the aorta of the neck of Dongfangyuan was reached, all the brains were injected into it.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Poor Dongfang Yuan really did not expect the situation to become so bad, his will was slightly weak, and he was obediently arrested when he still had the strength to fight. Now that he sees through Lei Chenghu's wolf ambition, it is too late to regret.

He rolled around like a drunk prawn, convulsed violently, with an expression of pain on his face.

The white foam gushed out like a fountain, but it turned into a viscous green liquid for a while, and it was faintly mixed with countless threads of blood.

Lines of blood vessels as thick as leeches crawled all over the body, and the blood vessels faintly glowed with black air, terrifying to the extreme.


He ignited a black spiritual flame all over his body, which was more violent, ferocious, and ferocious than ordinary auras. It seemed to have a life-like teeth and claws, making a "creak" sound.


Even the magic weapon that imprisoned him was shattered by an astonishing strange force. The frenzied Dongfang was far like a fierce beast that was burning, screaming and rushing towards Lei Chenghu.


In the next second, he was blasted to the ground by Li Yao, one hundred bones were broken and fifty bones were broken, and the ferocity stirred up by the medicine suddenly disappeared.

Li Yao stomped Dongfang Yuan's head fiercely and frowned, "This is the'Nether Energy'? Has he really become a Demon Cultivator?"

"No, it's just a stimulant potion that is very similar to Nether Energy."

Lei Chenghu said indifferently, "It's just that the expressions of the alien celestial demon are ever-changing and curious. No one can tell what the real nether energy and demonic cultivator are like. In the current situation, we say he is, he That's it.

"The Holy League is too special after all. It is unreasonable to accuse our enemies of taking refuge in the Holy League, but it is eroded by the outer heavenly demons and reduced to the minions of the heavenly demons-this is much more reasonable."

Li Yao looked at Lei Chenghu and said, "I originally thought that General Lei was an upright soldier, and he never bothered to use such tricks...that can't stand up to scrutiny."

"I used to disdain such boring tricks."

Lei Chenghu said frankly, "But that doesn't mean that I don't know anything about these tricks.

"A soldier is a soldier. There is no distinction between being upright and despicable. There are only two types of soldiers-those who have won battles and those who have suffered losses.

"For the empire, no matter what means I use in this battle, I will definitely win!"

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