40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2255: Sacrifice the flag!


There was another commotion among the warlords, landlords and fleet commanders from all walks of life.

Although he had known Lei Chenghu's intention to summon them here, but hearing such a murderous secret edict, he still couldn't help the ups and downs in his heart.

The righteous people all over the world punish them!


Lei Chenghu sounded like a bell, and every word was thunderous like a cannonball exploding, "The country is in such a crisis, and there is no time to hesitate. Reform the empire!

"For the past thousand years, all the heroic spirits who have sacrificed for the true human empire must not have their blood flowed in vain! We cannot allow those traitors and rebelliousness to destroy the great empire! For this, even if we pay all the price and bear the'treason' I don’t hesitate to name it! Because I believe that when we really get rid of the traitors and rescue your Majesty, we will surely get the recognition and dignity we deserve!

"Can there be martyrs who are loyal and righteous, are you willing to raise the banner of'respecting the emperor and rebelling against the emperor and reforming the emperor's martial arts' together with me and countless heroes of the stars?"

The words were enthusiastic, and there was a final word with a taste that could not be questioned. How can anyone dare to say a word?

At the moment, the commander of the Scarlet Cloud Fleet, Wei Guanghui, was the first to call out: "Everything is for the empire. All the immortal cultivators in the Scarlet Cloud Realm are crushed to pieces, their livers and brains are smashed to the ground, whatever it takes!

"Follow Liao Haihou and Li's special envoys to the death, crushing bones, liver and brain, and I will not hesitate!"

"Hu handsome, please give the order, our sons and men are all conscious, for the birth of the new empire, do not hesitate to fight!"

For a time, the crowd was enthusiastic, rhetoric was flying everywhere, and everyone blushed and roughly expressed loyalty and "patriotism" to Lei Chenghu and Li Yao.

"it is good!"

Lei Chenghu nodded his head, his eyebrows unsheathed like a saber. "You can rest assured that I will never fight an unsure battle, let alone take so many soldiers from all over the world to die for nothing! "Renovation" is not to completely smash the Senate, let alone start a full-scale civil war. It is only to use our blood and will to carry out "soldier admonitions" so that the Gunguns of the Senate can hear our voices, that's all!

"We believe that most of the elders in the Senate are still loyal to the empire and your majesty. These veterans and your majesty are all deceived by a small group of traitors. Even the'Blood League Incident' may be a conspiracy by these traitors.

"These treacherous nephews are very likely to have a lot to do with the extraterritorial demon!"

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Everyone looked at Lei Chenghu in confusion, wondering what he was going to do.

Are there any extraterrestrial demons in the real human empire? Of course there is, otherwise Yue Wushuang's "Tian Demon Tribunal" would not be necessary.

However, the demon at most engaged in cults and sacrifices on certain remote planets far away from the emperor. The limit is to play "the demon descends" on a certain planet. As soon as the empire arrives, it will immediately "spin up." The end of "Extinction".

For thousands of years, the extraterritorial demon has not caused a fundamental blow to the human power in the center of the star sea—or, the conspiracy of the extraterritorial demon has been so sophisticated, even if it really swallows a lot of benefits in the dark, The world has fostered countless interest spokespersons, but they have never been discovered.

Many warlords and realm masters naturally do not believe that the extraterritorial demon will come to disturb this muddy water.

Because, the extraterritorial demon who advocates chaos, disorder, and desire, and the covenant alliance are also immortal enemies.

The will of the holy ally to eliminate the demon outside the territory is even stronger than that of the imperial ones.

Once there are traces of the activities of the demon outside the territory, the Saint Allies will even give up their grievances with the empire and launch an attack on the demon regardless of everything.

So... even if there is an extraterritorial celestial demon, it is reasonable to lean towards the empire a little bit, and first kill the fanatics of the Holy League.

After all, the living soil of the extraterritorial demon is a human with seven emotions and six desires and powerful emotions. If the Saint League rules the Xinghai and transform everyone into a puppet without emotion and will, who can the extraterritorial demon erode and pollute?

Think about it, this matter can't stand scrutiny.

But since Lei Chenghu said so, there must be his truth, everyone waited with bated breath for his successor.

With a light high-five from Lei Chenghu, the door of the conference room opened, and two guards dragged in the "demonized" fleet commander of the special investigation committee, Dongfang Yuan.

At this moment, Dongfang Yuan was hit by a triple restriction again, and his body was tightly bound with chains engraved with lightning runes.

He gradually woke up from the effect of the excitement potion, showing a frightened expression, so that his nose soaked one by one, "Eh yeah," he wanted to explain, but he had been infused with anesthetic agent that paralyzed the vocal cords a long time ago. Can't speak.

"This guy came to the Third War Zone half a month ago and claimed to have been ordered by the Special Investigation Committee and the Senate to thoroughly investigate the'Blood League Incident'. However, it turned out to be chasing after the wind. In the Third War Zone, there is a lot of trouble, and everyone is in danger. Where is there any fighting power?"

Lei Chenghu kicked Dongfang Yuan to the ground, pointed to his nose, and said sternly, "Now it has been found out that he is a shameful demon repairer. It's chaotic fate, it's hypocritical fate!

"Our true human empire is the only inheritor of the Xinghai Empire in the past. We are all descendants of the Xinghai Empire! And the Xinghai Empire was destroyed by the hands of the extraterrestrial demons. We and the extraterritorial demons hate the country and are destined to be incompatible!

"Be wary, fellow daoists, it's very easy for the extraterritorial celestial demon to get into the weakness of human nature, amplify your seven emotions and six desires infinitely, and then make you a slave of desire! Not only this guy, now the Senate and the center of Xinghai Among the nobles and cliques, there are also a small group of elders who are not firm in their will. They have become the minions of the demon from outside the territories and become hidden cultivators!

"Our military remonstrance this time is not against the Senate, nor against the nobles and clans in Xinghai Central, but to help them and unearth this small group of deeply hidden demons. I believe they will understand our difficulties. I believe that all the people of the entire empire will support us vigorously after they know the truth!"

Lei Chenghu finished speaking in one breath, and didn't give many warlords and landlords time to question, Humu stared at Dongfang Yuan, and motioned to let the other party get up.

Dongfang Yuan was already trapped in the turmoil of the sky, and stood up unconsciously. He wanted to beg Lei Chenghu for mercy, but saw a blazing sword light violently from Lei Chenghu's waist and blasted towards his neck. , And then the whole world whirled swiftly, as if a battleship exploded, engulfing him in a **** vortex, half a second later, he didn't know anything.


The blood was like a waterfall, sprayed three or four meters in the air, and also sprayed Lei Chenghu.

Scattered blood stains quickly penetrated into the black uniform, blended with the military uniform, and evaporated by the turbulent spiritual flames, turning into a cloud of red, covering Lei Chenghu's body and the top of his head.

The holographic projections of many warlords and realm masters were penetrated by blood beads, rippling faint ripples.

The headless man in the uniform of the imperial general staggered a few steps before he fell to the ground with a "click", convulsing nervously.

Numerous holographic projections looked at the wrecked corpses and the tumbling heads in silence. He didn't expect Lei Chenghu to be so cruel, and he didn't leave any way behind.


Lei Chenghu threw away the blood bead on the blade, slowly put the saber into its sheath, and said lightly: "I have already killed this demon sacrifice flag. Next, it's your turn.

"There are far more demon repairers in the investigation fleet than this one. I have imprisoned all the other'suspected demon repairers' in a target ship, removed the target ship’s psychic shield, and filled a large amount of it. Spar ammunition.

"Everyone, send the coordinates of the target ship to your flagship now, and in one minute, please fire at the target ship at the same time to eliminate these'suspected demons'!"

The word "suspect" is used brilliantly.

A string of very precise coordinates was instantly transmitted to the flagships of all roads, within a short distance, there was no possibility of a missed shot.

Above the heads of Lei Chenghu and Li Yao, a brand new three-dimensional light curtain appeared, as if a tattered target ship shivering in the dark sea of ​​stars.

The warlords and landlords from all walks of life stared wide and small, seeing the chill in each other's eyes. He didn't expect Lei Chenghu to play so wonderfully.

The so-called "investigation fleet", since the Senate sent to dismember the Thunder Fleet and suppress the remaining fleets in the third theater, they are naturally members of the four major elector families, and commanders at all levels are the backbone of the four major elector families. Even the blood relatives of all parties.

Who knows how many people Lei Chenghu stuffed into this target ship, and what identity are they? Whose son or grandson or true disciple is it?

After this shot, they really can't look back, they can only bite the bullet and "renovate to the end" with Lei Chenghu!

However, the Thunder Fleet is watching and watching, and they are distracted with their own concerns. If they don’t keep it, there are people who want to express their loyalty in front of Lei Chenghu and Special Envoy Li. If they lag behind others, they are the two ends of the first mouse, and the two ends are not good. , Really "renovated" the empire, I'm afraid there is not much cake.

Lei Chenghu and Li Yao stared at them coldly, not giving them a chance to discuss and think. Their flagship and the third theater general flagship Tieliu were already connected to each other, and it was clear whether they had fired or made a hit.

Lei Chenghu even stuffed the target ship with spar bombs. In other words, it would be useless to deliberately hit the unimportant parts of the ship with thick skin and flesh. It would still cause a series of explosions and kill everything in the entire starship. The captives can't clear their own guilt as well!

One minute passed quickly.


Lei Chenghu stared, "What are you waiting for, let's do it!"

Many warlords and landlords gritted their teeth, and some people's eyes were almost squeezed out of wrinkles, and at the same time they made up their minds.

A series of mysterious lights, one after another psionic missile containing high-explosive spar, one after another superalloy projectiles that were violently pushed out by the crystal orbit, flew towards the target ship from all directions.

The target ship with the direct descendants of the four major electoral families turned into gorgeous fireworks, which bloomed in the eyes and hearts of every warlord and landlord.

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