40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2259: Thunder and lightning!

The tens of thousands of monitoring crystal eyes floating near the star gate number three clearly reflect the starry and seascape within hundreds of thousands of kilometers. After calculation and analysis by the super crystal brain, they are projected to one of the giant light screens in the control center. on.

It can be clearly seen that at the ninth jumping point near the No. 3 star gate, the empty three-dimensional space suddenly resembles a spring water spewing out, spreading circles of black ripples in all directions.

In an instant, the faint ripples turned into turbulent and colorful waves, and even reached the nearby jumping point, the starship that had jumped out of the gap in space.

These starships rushed to full power and evaded in panic. Many of the starships' psychic shields all bloomed with brilliant brilliance. First, they were under strong pressure.

The center of the ripple, or wave, is a firework that is extremely gorgeous and annihilated in an instant.

When millions of tons of matter reacted violently and completely annihilated, the released energy left indelible white spots on the dark star sea and the eyes of every observer. The white spots gradually turned into a skeleton form, representing destruction and death.

Every monitoring magic weapon in the control center screamed, telling all the staff that a terrible "overlap jump" accident occurred!

The two starships that jumped from different worlds to the planet Humming, the ghosts and gods jumped to the same coordinate at the same time, each magic unit on the starship, each cell of the crew, and even these magic units and Every atom of the flesh and blood overlaps.

The consequences of this overlap are catastrophic.

Even if only 10% of the hulls overlapped, the resulting super explosion still engulfed the two starships in an instant, and all the crew members did not even have time to panic. They were torn to pieces in the cell and even the atomic level.

This is just the beginning.

The two space ripples brought by the two starships collide together to form a space vortex, with extremely strong suction, like a small black hole, sucking in all the matter that is vying to escape, all turning into destruction and death. Part of it, even nearby starships that were too late to escape were gradually sucked in, showing signs of being involved in a series of destruction.

"how so!"

The surveillance light screen presented an extremely gorgeous and horrible picture, which caused the control center to fall into a moment of suffocation and silence.

The director of the Navigation and Dispatching Command Center of Stargate 3 uttered a hoarse roar, "Who is in charge of dispatching the jump point on the 9th, why would he send the same precise jump coordinates to the two starships!"

The sea of ​​stars is vast, and the scale of the universe is far beyond human imagination. In theory, it is impossible for the starships to collide with each other.

But in order to maximize the accuracy of jumping, human ancestors, Pangu and Nuwa people created magic weapons such as "Star Torch" and "Starry Sky Gate", which are like a beacon in the dark night, attracting travelers from all directions.

In this way, the jump coordinates of the starships that "pass through" the starry sky gate are concentrated in a very small range, and there is a one in ten thousand possibility that they will interfere with each other and even overlap and merge.

Two starships abruptly overlapped in the same space, or two flesh and blood bodies jumped to the same place at the same time, and the consequences would be disastrous.

The navigation and dispatch center of Stargate is just to avoid such accidents and set up a management department.

Each star gate will divide the nearby star field into different jumping points according to its scale and navigation distance, and each jumping point has a unique jumping coordinate and control code.

Under normal circumstances, the opponent starship will send a jump request to the target star gate before implementing the star sea jump. After the target star gate's control center approves the identity and mission, it will send the target star gate's jump coordinates, Jump time and control code.

In this way, the safety, order and speed of Xinghai Jump is guaranteed.

Therefore, in a normal jumping mission where the two sides communicate closely, there will be very few "jump overlap accidents" in which two starships collide together.

The identities of the two overlapping and annihilated starships have been extracted. They are the two transport ships that normally came to Guyu Realm and Hades to transport supplies. They were carrying out transportation tasks once a month. Their jump application was made as early as a day ago Already sent!

Then, there is only one possibility.

This was a man-made accident. The dispatcher gave two starships control codes at the same time and at the same coordinates!

The director of the control center of Star Gate No. 3 blushed instantly, and his sharp eyes shot towards the dispatcher at the jumping point No. 9.

I don’t know if he perceives the boss’s scorching gaze, the dispatcher trembles violently, his throat makes a "hoho" sound, his face is blue, and a large amount of white foam is sprayed out of his mouth with a "click" sound. He fell to the ground on his back, convulsing nervously, and incontinent in all his urine and feces.

It looked like something bad had happened.


The director of the control center was slightly surprised, "Doctor, call a doctor!"

At the moment, all the jobs in the control center of Star Gate No. 3 are in chaos.

The riot caused by the "overlapping" of the two starships is far from easy to quell. Although the main body of the two starships has been annihilated and has no salvage value, the space ripples and the thousands of fragments sputtered by the explosion still roar. Swept the entire star field.

Under normal circumstances, even transport ships have a certain strength of psychic shield, which is sufficient to resist most of the debris.

But don't forget, here is near the gate of the starry sky. Every minute, a starship jumps out of the void, condensing from the state of the broken void into a stable form.

This is when the starship and crew are most vulnerable.

Even the Nascent Soul and even the powers of transforming gods, in the state between the three-dimensional and four-dimensional, are so weak that they can't be added, and they can't even completely control their own souls.

If an unbiased explosion fragment just hits the starship’s power unit or ammunition depot, or a starship just jumps from the void onto these fragments and overlaps with the fragments again, the chain reaction will be absolutely It is a tragedy of serial destruction.

Therefore, both the control center and every bridge near the starship uttered heartbreaking roars.

Everyone is desperately operating like hands cramping. Each monitoring crystal is aimed at the starship that has jumped out of the void. More than 90% of the computing power of the master crystal brain is used to re-plan the jumping channel and the starship. In the sequence of jumping, both the human brain and the crystal brain are overloaded, emitting white smoke like steam.

In the chaos, no one noticed. At the farthest distance from the No. 3 star gate, the star field near the No. 19 jumping point, which is usually used as a backup, is a pitch-black ship, like a battleship integrated with the universe, silent and silent. Interest emerged from the void.

This is a crystal clear warship that looks like a black gem.

The application of various energy-absorbing and anti-interference materials reduces the ripples caused by tearing the three-dimensional space to the limit, just like a crocodile poking its head slowly out of a thick swamp.

Until the slender and powerful body completely surfaced from the "cosmic swamp", exposing the lightning coating surrounding both sides of the ship's hull, coldly condensingly stared at the chaotic star field, no one had noticed its existence.

This is the first crocodile.

Soon, the second, the third, the fourth... the tenth crocodile all emerged from the void dozens of kilometers away from it, as quietly as it, except for the faint ripples filled with black mist, almost There was no sign of the slightest sign, only the very abstract tiger-shaped lightning painting, faintly exuding surprising murderous aura.

This painting of "lightning thunder and thunder, tiger descending" is the symbol of the thundering fleet.

One star sea jump, only a few tens of kilometers away from each other, can form a battle formation in an instant. This is a perfect swarm jump.

Until this moment, the third Samsung gate control center finally detected the trace of the uninvited guest.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

Looking at the light spots on the surveillance light screen that quickly assembled into battle formations like wasps and ant colonies, the head of the third gate became pale, "How could it be possible that so many unknown starships without permission, all of a sudden All jump to the rain god... where did they get the jumping permission and control code, it's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

For the sake of safety, there will not be an embarrassing situation where the enemy will drive straight in and burst into your own hinterland with a large army group in an instant. Both the empire and the Holy League have always controlled their own starry sky gates very tightly, especially the frequency of the mysterious light emitted by the starry sky gate. It is highly confidential.

Each starry sky gate constantly changes the frequency of mysterious light every day, and piece together different navigation signals. Only by knowing the navigation signal of today or even this time period, that is, the series of top-secret data contained in the "jumping code", can the stars be maximized. The navigation function of the door makes the jumping accuracy reach the limit.

Even if the coordinates of the star gate are known, it is impossible to decipher the flashing jump code of the star gate. 99% of the possibilities are to jump to the edge of the target world. It may take ten and a half months to cruise at sub-light speed to reach the resources in the center of the world The enrichment area is the planet where humans frequently live and mainly survive.

But these mysterious invaders suddenly jumped to the close proximity of the rain **** star, there must be some——

The director of the third Samsung gate control center was shocked, and his instinctive reaction took the miniature arrow gun out of his waist.

However, all the navigators, dispatchers, and operators in front of them all looked confused, their hands were honestly carrying out the prescribed operations, and there was no slight change.

"Step! Step! Step! Step!"

The sound of military boots inlaid with steel plates sounded in the corridor, the guard responsible for guarding the third gate.

The director of the control center of the third Samsung gate was slightly startled, saying that he did not order the guards to come. When I looked back, the gate of the control center had been kicked open. There were more than 20 soldiers wearing crystal armor and armed to their teeth. He rushed in aggressively, and behind them was the deputy captain of the guard. He did not wear a crystal armor. He was still wearing the uniform of the Imperial Army, but the uniform was stained with blood, as if someone had just killed someone.

On his left arm, representing the Li family, the armband of Gu Yujie has been severely torn off, and the new armband replaced by the four murderous characters "respect the emperor to beg for rebellion."

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