40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2263: Golden Reaper!

This heavy giant soldier named "Nebula Tiger" is also controlled by a strong man at the peak of the Li family's Yuanying stage. When the murderous attack hits, it also agitates a large number of impurities floating in the vacuum, forming a growth in the whole body. The gleaming belt of several kilometers is really like a cloud of tiger nebula with teeth and claws.

However, Li Yao's own combat power is a realm higher than his opponents, and he is constantly devouring the purest power of the "Emperor" from the depths of the Emperor Flame Orb.

The predecessor of the "Golden Eagle", the "Nine Youxuan Bone", is an original magic weapon excavated from the depths of the Nuwa battleship, 100% intact, and a large number of emperor's secret treasures have been strengthened and transformed.

Regardless of the strength of the rider or the rank of the giant soldiers, the two sides are far apart.

Doomed to this earth-shattering collision, there is only one result.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The golden streamer and the Tiger Nebula slammed into each other, and even the naked eye could see hundreds of surging psychic ripples, spreading in all directions like shock waves in the atmosphere, and even crystal armor a few kilometers away was affected. Influenced, the psychic shield was torn to pieces in an instant, and the power rune burst one after another, turning into an icy iron coffin--before that, the armor master inside had been bombarded with internal organs and even his brains. Died without pain.

The first giant soldier, the "Nebula Tiger", was hit by the "Golden Eagle" before it even had time to wield the sword. The magic weapon failed, and then he was locked with his arms and twisted his wrists. The driving joints of the elbow and scapula are all crushed.

Between breaths and breaths, Li Yao could clearly grasp the most subtle structure of the opponent's giant soldiers, and launched an attack as smooth as a cat's solution to a cow and mercury to pour the ground.

Psionic energy bursts into the cockpit of the "Nebula Tiger" like a volcanic eruption, causing heavy damage to the rider, and at the same time flowing through the entire giant soldier along the psychic circuit, almost destroying the perception chip and power unit of every limb , Making the "Nebula Tiger" twitch violently like a lame three-legged cat, and the orange-yellow lubricating fluid and coolant lashed out, turning into a billowing mist in a vacuum.

At this time, the second wave of barrage from the Gu Yu Fleet arrived with lightning.

Under the precise control of the cluster fire control system, the originally different speeds of destruction mysterious light, psionic missile, and psychic projectile blasted towards Li Yao almost simultaneously.

Li Yao coldly snorted. In the red and black eyes, the two shiny golden rings became hotter and hotter. The golden eagle's palms were joined together into two impenetrable hand knives, which deeply pierced the "Ning Yun Zhi The "tiger" breastplate completely paralyzed the opponent's ability to move. Then, the golden eagle shrank into a ball and completely wrapped the body with wide golden wings, like a golden dome.

The "Tiger of Nebula" has become the shield of the "Golden Eagle", and the attacks of hurricanes and rains, destroying the world and destroying the earth all blast on the back of the "Tiger of Nebula".

Li Yao's speed is so fast that any detection magic weapon can hardly capture his most subtle movements. Most of the starships, giant soldiers and crystal armors only scanned a series of light **** like a deformed tumor that swelled wildly. Two giant soldiers completely swallowed.

Although one of his own giant soldiers also fell inside, the commanders of the Gu Yu fleet at all levels were panicked to the extreme. The continuous long-range attacks like flooding did not dare to stop at all, and it lasted three minutes before they reported. One paragraph.

However, just as the grape bunch-like ball of light collapsed and annihilated, the golden eagle jumped out with a posture a hundred times more dazzling than the ball of light, and grabbed one of the legs of the second giant soldier.


Thousands of golden arcs sprang from the palm of the golden eagle, and the second giant soldier could not move at once, but after being swiped by the golden giant eagle for a few laps, he threw it towards the third giant soldier!

The third giant soldier was several kilometers away from them, so it was naturally not hit by the second giant soldier, but his hurried evasion also prevented him from being 100% vigilant towards Li Yao.

And the facts have proved that even 99.99% of the vigilance of such a peerless murderer as "Vulture Li Yao" is not enough!


Everyone on the battlefield saw perhaps the most dazzling golden stream of light in their lives.

This streamer not only tore the bleak sea of ​​stars, but also severely tore their retinas, making them feel like burning pain from the eyeballs to the bottom of their hearts.

It was the light of the sword that was swiftly moving, dragging for ten kilometers, being stirred by the spiritual flame, and not annihilated for a long time-perhaps it will never be annihilated!

At the end of the knife light, the golden eagle wielded the sword to the extreme. The knife didn't take its sheath, and people didn't look back.

And on the winding road of the blade light, the two giant soldiers respectively assumed extremely strange postures, twitching like dying zombies.

In the end, two dazzling golden lights burst out at the junction of the chest and abdomen, tearing two shocking gaps at the same time, seeming to lose most of their mobility.

One stab, paralyze two giant soldiers!

All the officers and soldiers of the Gu Yu Fleet, especially the armor masters surrounding the four giant soldiers, are like falling into the most terrible nightmare, their hearts are broken and their souls are scattered.

All officers and soldiers of the Thunder Fleet, including the giant commando team that rushed to the enemy's wings under the leadership of Lei Wuya and Shen Tumeng, were also shocked by Li Yao's shocking performance and could not calm down for a long time.

Xin said that the royal family has a thousand-year heritage, and the centipede is dead but not stiff. This "angel" vulture Li Yao is truly extraordinary!

By now, apart from Lei Chenghu and Li Jialing, no one doubted Li Yao's identity as an "angel" on this battlefield.

The facts are in front of us-if it were not for the nourishment of the royal family's thousand-year heritage, how could the golden eagle arouse such a strong domineering spirit!

Under the gaze of thousands of intricacies, panic, or adoration, the golden eagle once again turned into a fierce, domineering golden streamer. In a flash, it hurried thousands of miles, slashing into and following the three giants. The crystal armor of the **** soldiers attacked the cluster.

The battle between giant soldiers and giant soldiers, crystal armor is only an aid.

Now, almost all of the three giant soldiers of the Gu Yu fleet have lost their combat effectiveness, and the remaining crystal armor is naturally not Li Yao's opponent.

Where the golden eagle flashed past, the fireballs swelled rapidly, spreading into a monstrous magic flame, and hundreds of the most advanced crystal armors were all destroyed by the golden eagle.

If it’s a hundred years of **** battles on the front line, the experienced and determined fleet and the Crystal Armored Corps, they should understand the truth that "no matter how terrifying the giant soldiers have their limits", such a high-intensity battle, regardless of the durability of the armor. The ammunition and fuel stored are still being consumed frantically.

For the golden eagle, this cruel truth is also insurmountable.

Therefore, the more this situation occurs, the more you have to fight to the end, using human tactics to grind the golden eagle to death, and even use dozens of crystal armors to explode to severely damage the psychic shield and armor of the golden eagle. , And then use dozens of crystal armors to trap the limbs and power units of the golden eagle. In the end, hundreds of starships and ten thousand cannons slammed together-it is certain that it is possible to kill the enemy's super giant soldiers.

But this kind of experience, courage, and courage to feel like home is impossible for the Gu Yu fleet, which has been pampering and enjoying its achievements in the rear.

In the middle of the battlefield, Li Yao's crazy performance greatly shocked the Gu Yu fleet flagship and the central fleet.

On the flanks, the giant commandos led by Lei Wuya and Shen Tumeng also dealt a serious blow to the arsenal ship and the psychic jammer deployed by the Gu Yu fleet. The giant soldiers on both sides fought in chaos, serious Stopped the formation of the Gu Yu fleet.

And near the Star Gate No. 3, not far from the battlefield, taking advantage of the harassment and deterrence of the Titans, most of the main battleships of the Thunder Fleet all jumped out of the star sea, and the ripples in the space on their bodies were cleaned up. To join the increasingly large and rigorous battle formation.

They are not eager to launch an offensive, as if the enemy on the opposite side is already in the bag, a fish in the bottom of the tank!

Facing such a situation, the Gu Yu fleet showed signs of collapse across the board.

The thing is clear, their only hope of victory is to defeat the Thunder Fleet's vanguard composed of all giant soldiers before the Thunder Fleet has fully jumped over, and then "half the strike" to beat the Thunder Fleet by surprise.

The Thunder Fleet has gathered the elite combat power of dozens of great worlds in the Third Theater. Once the jump and the formation of troops are completed, it is destined not to be their incomplete regional defense force that can withstand it.

The gunfire of the Gu Yu Fleet became messy.

The arc-shaped attack formation that was originally perfect has also become uneven. Many starships hesitate to move on or flee.

Li Yao keenly grasped the enemy's panic.

These stupid guys really shouldn't give him so much time to adjust his breath and prepare.

The golden eagle stood in the flames of the void, with its huge wings and arms open at the same time, and its psychic energy turned into hundreds of profound lights visible to the naked eye to extend in all directions, covering the remains of the crystal armor that had just been destroyed by itself.

In the dual reaction of psionic energy and fuel, the raging wreckage was disassembled by him into the most basic fragments. All the fragments continued to condense and recombine, turning into a handle of different lengths and shapes, but equally gorgeous, A ferocious, sharp sword.

A series of ancient awkward spirit patterns appeared in the void, and they were absorbed by the giant swords, turning them into inscriptions like living things on the swords.

In a short while, hundreds of golden swords hovered around the golden eagle, and with Li Yao's breaths and breaths, they moved gently, bursting with a piercing light.

The golden eagle slowly raised his right hand, and the tips of hundreds of great swords trembled frantically, like a poisonous snake that found its prey.

Li Yao’s black and red eyes instantly shrank into two pinpoint-sized golden flashing dots, and he manipulated the golden eagle to slash his right arm, and the golden light lingering around hundreds of great swords turned into hundreds at the same time. The psychic channel caused the giant sword to shoot out after its rapid rotation, sending out a scream enough to tear the vacuum, and hitting the remaining crystal armor to attack the cluster!

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