40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2266: Ultimatum!

"Ahem, ahem, ahem, hahahaha!"

Li Jiande seemed to cough up his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and like a crow that was about to die of his breath. Two small rays of light were released from the constantly pulsating wrinkles, and he stared at Li Linghai incomparably. Secretly connected many small and medium-sized forces on the periphery of the empire, and developed a large secret armed force by himself, stirred up the blood and blood, and put the family on the stove.

"When things get out of hand, I just jumped over the wall and went back to the family to take a bite, killing thousands of family children without blinking, destroying most of the family's elite fleet.

"If you do such things like eating inside and out, and rebellious, you dare to tell me without embarrassment that this is for the future of the family. I really think... Does the Li family have no family law!"


Seemingly dying, the old man who could not bear even the weakest cold wind suddenly stared with round eyes, his skinny palms slapped fiercely, and even the three three-dimensional light curtains were rippling waves of fine ripples, almost by him. The palm smashed.

"The old ancestors stay calm and don't worry, it's not too late to listen to your grandson to explain slowly."

However, Li Linghai was not intimidated by the lord of the Li family at all. He did not even tremble half of his crystal-clear eyebrows, and still smiled slightly. Those in power have no eyes, look forward and backward, fear the head and tail, and do nothing, such as a pig like my father. If the grandchildren directly tell their plans, they will not only scare them, and let them get rid of my mind. There will be no second result.

"Only your ancestors, you are a great man who has a broad-sighted vision and can see the changes in the situation hundreds of years later.

"But after all, you are getting old. In the past, you worked hard for the family, worked hard and consumed too much. Now most of the time you have to retreat and cultivate. The many things in the family are inevitably faked by others. As a result, Being dragged down by these pig-like teammates.

"I’d like to ask, if not in this way, even if I have the opportunity to meet you smoothly as a dignified queen, let these pigs shut up, let the family believe in the possibility and seriousness of this matter, and let you Do you listen to your grandson carefully?"

"What if I don't want to listen?"

Every wrinkle on Li Jiande's face exudes a blade-like cold light, he leaned forward in front of the light curtain, and said every word, "Good granddaughter, you can hear clearly, I don't know how many you have besides the Thunder Fleet. Strength, but Rain God is a strategic place where the family has worked hard for hundreds of years, including I personally designed and perfected Rain God’s defense system.

"The entire Rain God is full of battle fortresses, both large and small, light or dark, and there are millions of battle puppets and elite armorers waiting in battle. The underground weapons and food are enough to support the high strength for several years. Resistance, without three or five years and countless flesh and blood filling in, you never want to take the rain god!

"Huh, let alone three or five years, in just ten days, the four major electoral families can mobilize a large number of elites and jump to the Gu Yu world.

"Yes, we have lost the jump coordinate signal of Gu Yujie. It seems that you have occupied and destroyed the three star gates, making our fleet unable to form a large-scale jump, right?

"So what? What we have is a portable assembly star gate component mounted on the starship. As long as a few starships jump to the edge of the rainy valley, a few small star gates can be built within a day or two, and a large force can be called to come.

"How many starships do you have in your hand, is it possible to monitor the entire vast outer star field of Gu Yu Realm, and find out all the small star gates secretly built and destroy them one by one?

"What's more, the Gu Yu fleet is not so easy to be completely wiped out by you. Even if they are all pigs, they are also pigs armed with the most advanced starships and crystal armor. I don't believe you can completely control the entire Gu Yu world within a month. !

"So, I was very curious and told me, my dear granddaughter, why on earth do you think that just doing this step can force the whole family to sit down and negotiate with you?"

Li Jiande sat back again.

Small black eyes the size of mung beans closed slightly, as if they had lost interest in this conversation, and would cut off communication at any time.


Li Linghai pursed his mouth and laughed, his jade-like fingers swayed slightly, "Old ancestor, you made a mistake. I am not here to negotiate with the family, but to give an ultimatum to the family."

The eyes that Li Jiande had just closed opened again.

The extremely fierce gaze, as if even the breastplate of the heavy crystal armor could be pried away.

"I never thought about occupying Rain God or any habitable planet of the family, so I would never send troops into the atmosphere to engage in **** landing battles street by street, so stupid.

"I just want to get the resources stored in low-Earth orbit warehouses, warehouses and Star Wars Castle, mainly fuel and ammunition."

Li Linghai raised his wrist and looked at the time and work progress on the miniature crystal brain. "Within twelve hours, my fleet will remove all the materials on the outer orbit of Hades and be captured by us. For those starships, all the spar ammunition and psionic fuel on it will also be transferred.

"Later, I will bundle these captive starships with the Starport, Dockyard, Star Wars, and other facilities on the synchronized orbit, and use the powerful power of a dozen or twenty starships to drive all the facilities on the synchronized orbit. The starry sky facility cuts into the atmosphere and crashes straight to the ground.

"As for the goal, I have already set it up, that is, the twenty most densely populated cities on the Hussein. I believe that the Humenus must be very tightly defended, but there are dozens of starports with a weight of ten million tons. Smashing down with the Star Wars Fortress, and pushing the speed to the limit, what a huge mass and impact will be formed, no matter how advanced anti-aircraft artillery is, it is impossible to annihilate such a large mass invisible, right?

"I guess that in the end I will be able to completely destroy ten of the twenty megacities of the Hades. If you are lucky, maybe fifteen?

"Then, the entire Rain God will be shrouded in terrifying smoke, and the strong smoke will obscure the star's shining. In more than ten or two decades, the Rain God will become a sub-zero cold hell, perhaps It will take thirty to fifty years before you can enjoy the beauty of spring again. Those who have survived, just wait patiently!"

Li Linghai looked at Li Jiande with a smile.

The more fierce the other person's eyes, the brighter her smile, taking that look as a kind of admiration.

"This is just the first step, my grandson hasn't finished it yet."

Li Linghai continued, "After pushing all the facilities on the low-Earth orbit and all the captured starships to the major cities of the Hades, our reformist combined fleet will leave the Gu Yu realm and jump to other big cities in the Li family. The world goes.

"Since ancient times, only Thousand Days has been a thief, and there is no Thousand Days to guard against thieves. No matter how hard the family is, it is impossible to evenly distribute all the forces to every great world? If it is so stupid, it would be fine.

"Yes, of course it is impossible for the grandson to control all the star gates of the great world, but the ancestors also said that there is a magic weapon in the world called the'detachable small star gate'. Unfortunately, the grandson's fleet happens to be He also carried several such star gates, enough for his grandson to start a protracted harassment and destruction within Li's family!

"Every time you jump down a new world, you will destroy the fleet stationed there, devour all materials, and do your best to directly destroy all habitable planets and resource planets, or at least destroy the living conditions of habitable planets, so that these planets The environment has become extremely harsh.

"Before the main force of the family can react, we can complete the destruction, destruction and transfer, and then look for the next target, or simply dormant in the vast sea of ​​stars for a period of time, anyway, the resources looted are enough to consume.

"When all the worlds with weaker defenses are looted and destroyed, we will jump to the core world of the family, in front of the ancestors, and fight to the death with the most elite power of the family!

"Yes, maybe the establishment when we jumped over is very incomplete, and it's not a half-lattice type. All starships are scattered in the vast sea of ​​stars, which is sure to be defeated.

"But I believe that, with the determination to die, with the goal of'burning the jade and stone, and ruining together', I can at least drag the 30% of the family's elite into the Nine Nether Yellow Spring together before the ashes are wiped out?

"This is my plan, my ancestors, even if a slight discount in actual operation does not matter, as long as there are seven or eight planets plus three or five elite family fleets to bury me, I will be satisfied."

A huge silence lay between Li Linghai and Li Jiande.

"Silver Fox" Li Jiande, in his prime of life, was known for his cruelty and rushing to kill him. Tens of millions of people fell to the ground without blinking his eyelids, and he had done many things.

But I don't know if the older the person, the softer many organs, and the coldness and mercilessness on his face began to crack slowly.

Li Linghai pierced through Li Jiande's shaking with a glance, the smile in his transparent eyes became more intense, his soft tongue licked his sharp teeth, and said: "The four major electors are like four hungry and hard-to-fill tigers. Unite as one to fight against hyenas, jackals and leopards on the periphery, but are they not eyeing each other?

"A mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. Although the sea of ​​stars is vast, four tigers are too many. If one of the tigers is seriously injured, with its skin open and fleshy, it exudes attractive blood and meat. Old ancestors, guess, the other three hungry tigers will do. Heal it, help it regain its strength, or should it take advantage of the fire to rob it, fall into the pit, divide it up completely, and eat it into the abdomen, so that there is no bones left behind?"

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