40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2268: Seek skin with tigers!

Li Jiande laughed. The more kind he smiled, the more ferocious the light in his eyes: "So, my dear granddaughter, you think the covenant between the four major electors' families is so unreliable, you will be provoked by such rhetoric. Divorce? If it is true, the four of us have fought out hundreds of years ago. How can we work together to maintain the balance of the empire until today?"

"The grandson did not instigate discord, just tell the truth that others dare not say, do not want to say, do not want to say.

Li Linghai calmly said, "The most direct example is right in front of us-the blood alliance event, using such a simple, rude and reckless method to assassinate an oriental veteran is definitely not my style, and it does not benefit us reformers. It's really not what we did. I would dare to ask whether this matter was planned by the four major electoral families, and did the Li family participate in it?"

Li Jiande was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "I can guarantee this matter with the word'silver fox'. The Li family has absolutely no plan or participation, and has no prior knowledge."

"I didn't do it, nor did the Li family do it. Is that the Dongfang family made it themselves?"

Li Linghai grinned and showed sharp teeth. "A veteran died and became the biggest victim. After that, he formed a special investigation committee with a thunder and thunder. The tentacles reach out to many war zones and get a lot of benefits for themselves.

"As a result, the Dongfang family got the largest piece of the cake, but the four major electors’ families were required to carry the cake together. Dongfang Wang was able to make a good calculation. Let me ask, such a despicable and shameless act can be said to be against the covenant of the four families. Are you loyal?"

The wrinkles under Li Jiande's eyes shrank, as if a mosquito that didn't exist was pinched to death, and he didn't refute Li Linghai's words.

Li Linghai was encouraged and became more excited. He raised his voice again and said, "Old ancestors, this is the most degraded and darkest era of the empire, and it is also a great era that has to face earth-shaking changes! The empire's counterattack in the past ten years has been completely completed The national treasury has been emptied, a large expeditionary army needs to be maintained, countless disabled veterans need to be compensated, a lot of money to be invested in reconstruction of the dying new Guangfu area, and countless remote worlds whose economies are on the verge of collapse need to be comforted. Rest and rejuvenate.

"All this requires money and resources, a lot of resources, astronomical resources!

"Yes, the four major electoral families rely on their wealth and strength, and their boats and guns. They can ignore the many miscellaneous soldiers and immortal cultivators in remote worlds, but you do not leave them a way to survive. Will not sit and wait for death.

"Today, as a revolutionary leader, I ask for the support of the Li family, but even without me, even if I was completely obliterated by the family, this force of struggling for survival and one-minded change will never disappear out of thin air, but will be completely eliminated. Out of control, it becomes a flood, destroying everything you see along the way!

"How can this crazy force be contained? Where do the trillions of money and astronomical resources that need to be maintained and rebuilt in all aspects come from? It's very simple. Four fat beasts fall down casually. Enough for others to eat for decades, and survive the most difficult period of construction of the new Guangfu area!

"Wait until the new recovery area that was greatly destroyed by the Holy League is rebuilt by us, and various resources are continuously produced again, and the local people gradually get rid of the brainwashing of the Holy League, that is the turning point for the empire to prosper again!

"In short, the rejuvenation of the empire requires the sacrifice of a giant beast. If you don't want to see the giant beast of the Dongfang family fall, it will only be the giant beast of the Li family that falls. There is no third choice!

"You have seen and heard, the anger and hungry neighs of thousands of immortal cultivators in remote worlds have converged into a torrent of change. This torrent has surging in front of you. Instead of being stubborn to fight it, It is better to firmly control this power in your own hands!

"I am willing to lead all the reformists, as well as all officers and soldiers of the joint fleet, to become the sharpest sword in the hands of the ancestors and the Li family, and to be on the front line against the Dongfang family. We only need the Li family behind to help push one. One hand is enough!"

Li Linghai's words were awe-inspiring, impassioned, and his snow-white skin was full of bright red.

Li Jiande remained unmoved and said coldly: "But...I heard a lot of gossip that the purpose of the reformists does not stop here, not only to deal with the Dongfang family, but also to overthrow the four major electors' families! "

"Yes, I have said that on many occasions."

Li Linghai didn’t deny it, and wrote lightly, “Of course the ideals and doctrines are like this. Otherwise, how can I attract so many passionate and noble daoists to gather around me, and how can I make them willing to cooperate with the Li family? Become a knife in the hands of ancestors?

"As for whether this knife will get out of control, or even backlash against the holder of the knife, it depends on the level of the ancestor's sword dancing. Don't the ancestors even have the confidence to control these reformers?"


Li Jiande smiled and said, "What benefits can you get from it yourself, don't say that you are just for the revival of the empire and the future of the family."

Li Linghai also laughed and licked his lips with a smile: "If I said, I want to serve as the queen of the empire and serve as the head of the Li family, I wonder if the ancestors would think it was too much?"

Li Jiande said calmly: "The empire has been established for a thousand years, and there has never been such a precedent."

"Precedents are created by people."

Li Linghai said without retreat, "The empire has been established for a thousand years, and has never encountered such an era of great change at this moment!"

Li Jiande and Li Linghai looked at each other for a long time, but they first gave in, and they changed their conversations: "You reformists, how do you specifically support the Li family?"

Li Linghai did not hesitate, and quickly stated his request: "First of all, I want the Guyu fleet and all the armed forces deployed on the rain **** star to surrender to us. No, the word'surrender' is too sharp, so I invite them to We completely handed over command. From now on, Gu Yujie has become a temporary base for our reformists. As long as we disarm and hand over the arms, we will not interfere with the normal operation of the rain god. Of course, we must ask the ancestors to continue to give us a source. Continue to deliver materials to maintain the normal consumption of our fleet. The specific list of materials will be delivered after I discuss with General Lei."

The wrinkles on Li Jiande's face were very stable, and he calmly said, "How do you explain this battle to the family and the outside world?"

A malicious smile appeared at the corner of Li Linghai's mouth, and he spit out four words lightly: "Exercise accident."

Surrounded by huge silence, Li Jiande said half a minute later: "Continue."

"Secondly, I hope that the elders of the Li family and the vassal family will propose a motion in the Senate tomorrow to express doubts about the direction of the investigation of the'Blood League Incident', request the reorganization of the special investigation committee, reduce the membership of the Dongfang family, and end the current arbitrary The tendency to expand investigations."

Li Linghai said quickly, "Of course, all the suspects in the blood alliance incident that have been arrested indiscriminately must also be released. Considering the complexity of the problem, half of them can be released first.

"Third, there is another proposal regarding the granting of the rank of marshal by General Lei Chenghu. I know that the Senate has entered the process a long time ago. In principle, there are no major obstacles, but the original idea of ​​the Senate was to grant the rank of marshal. After the rank of Marshal, Marshal Lei was allowed to stay in the imperial capital, but we felt that the front line was still unstable and an important general was urgently needed. Therefore, Marshal Lei took over the position of the new expeditionary army commander and was fully responsible for the reorganization of the expeditionary army. , Couldn't be more appropriate.

"Fourth, please coordinate with the Li family to ensure the safety and smooth flow of all media and networks of the reformists. I want to ensure that every voice made by the reformers can be clearly heard by everyone in the entire empire, at least by all immortal cultivators. ——In the past few decades, I have collected countless shocking scandals and heinous crimes about the Dongfang family, just waiting for this moment, turned into countless cannonballs!

"Fifth, it is the final blow. The ancestors personally came forward to impeach Prime Minister Dongfangwang, and let Dongfangwang's cabinet fall completely!

"The wall is down and everyone pushes it. As long as the cabinet of Dongfangwang is down, it will naturally trigger a series of chain reactions. All the power of the empire will stand on the opposite side of the Dongfang family, madly tearing two pieces of flesh from this crumbling behemoth. When the time comes, Naturally, the Li family can take its place, at least to get the largest and most plump flesh and blood, right?"

Li Jiande laughed blankly: "If I were two hundred years younger, I might be incited by you, but if I really do it, how can it be so easy as you said? You want the Li family to stand on the opposite side of the Eastern family, and endure endlessly. The blood feud!"


Li Linghai said loudly, "If we don't know the attitude of showing that we are incompatible with the Eastern family, how can we reformists completely trust the Li family?

"Okay, ancestors, all the grandchildren that should be said are finished, you are tired of listening, I have a big body, it is time to think about it, think carefully, but grandson's footsteps of burning jade and stone will not stop. Yes, if you can't get a satisfactory answer within 24 hours, let the whole Li family bury your grandson!"

Li Linghai's expression was violent, with an indescribable rejection between his eyebrows and eyes.

Li Jiande seemed both speechless and unable to bear her intimidation. His eyes widened and his eyes gradually solidified. He suddenly snorted and slumped slantingly.

There was a sudden turmoil on the other side of the light curtain, and the picture continued to spin, and there were bursts of panicked shouts. When the crystal eyes were squared again, Li Jiande was no longer visible, only Li Linghai’s father Li Mingxuan was pointing at the picture furiously. Trembled: "You, you, you heinous witch, do you dare to destroy your family?"

"What do you know, idiot."

Li Linghai laughed from the bottom of his heart, leaned against the back of the chair comfortably, sighed for a long time, softly bowed a fragrant sweat, and said lightly, "There is nothing to do with you here, the ancestors have already agreed!"

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