40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2273: I am a lieutenant general!

"Excuse me, how about taking a closer look?"

Zhao Zhenwu used to say the awkward word "excuse me" when he was in his hometown of Wuthering Mountains and forests, when he did not have his own business. However, in the general school class, he learned quickly. He carefully considered his tone and kept his position as low as possible. He smiled and said, "This is the magic weapon of a serious eight hundred heirlooms. The bare blade is made of copper, mithril and solar crystal gold nine stacks of nine calcinations. There is also the most advanced control chip inside the handle, which can store hundreds of channels at a time. The offensive magical powers are not sent, and they can automatically fly out of the protector when encountering danger. I have saved my life on the battlefield several times. I can't wait to use my own efforts to maintain it. How can it be "no chip, no rune, no magical power" What?

"Just to go back to the maintenance, it cost me a thousand coins! The current price is three thousand? That's not a smile... Anyway, you let go, eight thousand, eight thousand, OK, I will redeem it the next day Come."

The hairless young appraiser drooped his eyelids, pushed the war knife back, and said, "Tattered war knife, the price is three thousand, one more coin-no!"

Zhao Zhenwu froze with a smile on his face, his face changed three times, his eyes were a little confused, he slid from the seven-star broken jade knife to the tip of the appraiser's nose, and from the tip of the appraiser's nose to the lobby.

For fear of encountering acquaintances, he specifically chose to be a young man. At this time, the lobby of the pawnshop was empty. Only two guards with big waists, sturdy backs, temples and eyebrows were raised, holding their arms and leaning on the side. Looked at him coldly.

Looking at the appraiser, the two eyelids were about to stick together, his head couldn't help drawing circles, but he didn't look at his knife and his people again.

Zhao Zhenwu took the family heirloom knife, twisted his waist and his hips fiercely, walked out in a big stride, walked halfway, bit the back teeth, turned back, put the knife down, and took out a silk scarf from his arms. Stacked and stacked small bags, opened layer by layer, took out a piece of iron engraved with the Huafu Array, put it on the cabinet, breathed out: "Excuse me, please come out again, give this an estimate. Price, fifty thousand, I'll take it if there is fifty thousand!"

The young appraiser rolled his eyelids lazily, without even looking at the iron piece, and said with a smile, "Land deed?"


Zhao Zhenwu calmly said, "The land deed on the resource planet of the Xinguangfu area is a hundred li in radius, three hills, ready-made mining bases, and ancillary facilities from the ground to the ground-this is not a common magic weapon, please ask the real estate department of your bank Come out from the experts, take a good look."

The young appraiser smiled, cocked his fingers and fiddled with the title deed, then pushed the small piece of iron back, shook his head and said, "No."


Zhao Zhenwu was stupid, anxious, and unable to take care of the offender, and shouted, "This land deed is absolutely true, and it is covered with the big seal of the emperor and the Senate, and the procedures are complete, etc. The mining base has been cleaned up. No matter how little profit is in a year, there will be several million coins. I will be 50,000 now, why not?"

"It's so... the general knows."

The young appraiser said, "This is not the rule of our "Dongshan Xing" family, but the rule agreed upon by all the **** shops in the 36th district. The land lease is naturally a good thing. If it is the land lease and mine ownership in the inland of the empire, it is The hard currency of pure gold, no matter how high the price is, we can still afford it-but the Xinguangfu area is another matter."

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Zhenwu gritted his teeth and held the title deed in his palm, "It's all the territory of the empire!"

"Yes, the whole world, could it be the imperial land, of course the land is the land of the empire."

Seeing his red face, the young appraiser patiently explained, "But everyone knows that the Holy League used a scorched earth strategy during its retreat, causing all the resource planets in the Xin Guangfu area to be a mess, almost every time. A mining base was completely destroyed, and even the mine veins of several thousand meters underground were also contaminated.

"If you want to control pollution, rebuild mining bases, and resume operations, it is impossible to succeed without more than ten or two decades and hundreds of millions of dollars.

"This mine of yours is the same if you want to come?

"Of course, normal production can really be resumed. It is possible for millions or tens of millions a year, but with such a huge initial investment, how can the time and cost be calculated?

"You are now using this land deed for 50,000 yuan. It seems that we have taken a big advantage, but if you don’t come to redeem it and this thing hits our hands, can we still travel thousands of miles to the Xinguangfu area and smash it? Do you have a lot of manpower and material resources to develop mines?

"The most important thing is that although the front line is now stable, who knows if the Holy League will come back someday? When we really squat a lot of time and cost, it will take more than ten or two decades to restore the mining base in order. As a result, it turned into a war zone again, reduced to scorched earth, and the bamboo basket was completely empty, so we had to wipe our necks first and then hang up!

"It is precisely because of this concern that all **** shops, pledge shops, or private property rights trading centers in the 36th District are very cautious about the land deeds and mine ownership in the Xinguangfu area. In principle, they will not accept them. , But you have to really wait for the money to be used. I made an exception and broke the rules. How many days can I keep 10,000 crystal coins for you?"

Zhao Zhenwu was dumbfounded, and tremblingly stretched out a finger: "Ten thousand?"

"Ten thousand, all at this price."

The young appraiser said sincerely, "Not only the 36 districts, you just fly out five thousand miles, and the other districts are the same. As long as the super mining groups with big money do not accept it, no one dares to ask for this stuff. !"

"This is the grace of your majesty!"

Zhao Zhenwu grinned his neck and roared, "It was Lao Tzu's fleet that had fought in blood for more than ten years, and how many lives were exchanged for it. It is said that it is estimated to be the least expensive-eight million!"

"Since it is your majesty's grace, then go to your majesty!"

The young appraiser’s tone also became cold, and he glanced at the two big-waisted guards next to him, and sneered, "Or you go back and find a way to restore this mine. As long as normal production can be restored, let us Experts in the real estate department carefully assessed that, let alone eight million, eighteen million is also possible-who doesn't know in the 36th district, our Dongshan trip is the most honest and reliable, and honest."

The two guards straightened their waists, and the magic weapons hanging from their waists collided and clinked.

Zhao Zhenwu was so dizzy and helpless. He was dizzy and took out a few hard-tied iron pieces from his intimate inner bag and lined them on the cabinet. He trembled and said, "These, these medals, plus this. Mouth knife, ten thousand crystal coins!"

The young appraiser sighed, took out a dark red monolithic frame from his arms and placed it on his right eye, looked for half a second, and said lightly: "There is no deed, three thousand swords, two thousand medals, total Five thousand imperial coins, should it be inappropriate?"

"two thousand?"

Zhao Zhenwu was completely shocked and immediately furious. His cross-hand pushed the medal in front of the young appraiser. "Look clearly, open your eyes and see clearly. There is a second-class Baoding Medal, a second-class Qingyun Medal, and another. The third-class Black Star Medal is the Black Star Medal! The Black Star Medal exchanged for this eye and this arm of Lao Tzu is only two thousand? Only two thousand!"

"Baoding and Qingyun are both five hundred, and the third-class black star is one thousand. That's the market."

The young appraiser was unmoved and said, "In the past six months, many military masters like you have come to the Imperial City. They have little on their bodies, that is, they have the most medals, and the goods are cheap. No one wants them! Yesterday a military master came. When a second-class black star medal, the price of two thousand five hundred crystal coins was issued, and people did not say anything. You, a third-class black star, one thousand is a fair price. This is still today. It's cheaper when it comes to heaven, but 800 may not be accepted!"

Two thousand five, one thousand, eight hundred.

Many things are cheap, no one wants it!

Zhao Zhenwu only felt that something in his mind exploded fiercely, his two ears buzzed, and the second-class Black Star Medal kept magnifying, and the stars as the background seemed to turn into the starships of countless holy alliances, casting thousands of pieces. The heavy spar bomb brought his team together with him, exploding flesh and blood, and torn to pieces.


Zhao Zhenwu's blood pierced the pupils, his face was hideous, his mind had not yet reacted, his right hand first drew out the miniature arrow gun from his waist, and slapped it on the counter.

"This is a special gun for the generals of the empire. How much is it worth?"

He roared, and severely plucked his spar left eye, and smashed it on the counter.

"This is the eye of a lieutenant general of the imperial army. How much is it worth?"

He twisted, twisted, pulled, and ripped off the psychic arm, and threw it towards the young appraiser.

"This is Lao Tzu's arm. How much is it worth? Say, how much is it worth, how much is it worth!"

He seemed to have returned to the glorious years of being a star thief, completely released from jealousy and rage, and even rushed to the counter in one step, trying to pull the collar of the appraiser.

However, the counter may seem empty, but in fact a powerful defensive talisman formation was erected between Chaofeng and the customer. As soon as he reached out, dozens of arcs shot out from the corners of the counter and smashed him out. He fell on the ground.

Before he could scream, the two wolves and tigers had already rushed forward, and the arc-winding short sticks stabbed him all over, turning the screams into foam and sprayed out.

"You can't do this!"

Zhao Zhenwu's madness all turned into grievances, and he screamed heartbreakingly, "I bleed on the front lines, I have done meritorious service for the empire, I am an upright lieutenant general of the imperial army, the commander of the lieutenant admiral fleet!"

"Lieutenant General?"

The two guards smashed their heads, and one of them grinned and said, "Damn old man, do you know where this is? Imperial Capital! A magic weapon hit the streets of Imperial Capital, killing ten, five heads, and eight lieutenants! "

"I killed you!"

Zhao Zhenwu reached out and touched it, trying to touch his seven-star broken jade sword. Only then did he remember that the family heirloom sword was still lying on the counter, and that the sword did not have enough spar to drive, and he could not exert the magical power of automatic defense, so he could only die. The duck screamed hard, "Wait, you wait for me, wait for me to regain my strength... I am a lieutenant general!"

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