40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2275: Things are going to be big!

When Zhao Zhenwu woke up again, his wife had already left, and the cabin was neatly packed, leaving no breath of her and her son.

Zhao Zhenwu sat on the edge of the bed in a daze for a long time, somehow he touched the gun on his waist.

Both the medal and the sword were snatched away, but no one wanted this general with a gun. About this gun is the same as the generals in the imperial capital now. It's as many as a feather and it's worthless, isn't it?

Zhao Zhenwu took out the miniature arrow-burst gun and affixed it to the base of his thigh and rubbed it carefully. The muzzle burst out with crystal clear brilliance. Somehow, full of strange attraction, he couldn't help but open his mouth. muzzle……

"Boom! Boom!"

Someone smashed the door.

Zhao Zhenwu was agitated, and threw the gun away like an electric shock. He calmed down and said, "Who?"

"Old Zhao, it's me."

The familiar voice muffled outside.

When I opened the door, it was He Peng, a classmate in his general school class.

The cultivators have absolute confidence in their own strength when the spring breeze is proud of their horseshoes. Naturally, they are in intrigue, intrigue, and fight against each other.

But when it comes to the battlefield, scrabbling on a planet or even a trench, and occasionally forge deadly friendships.

In particular, everyone was blown to the top and fell into the fire pit of the generals school class. There is nothing to calculate and use. With the same illness, the friendship is quite pure!

Immortal cultivators are also humans, and sometimes they will talk about loyalty. This "Lieutenant General He Peng"'s fortune is almost the same as Zhao Zhenwu. The two have a good temper and have a good friendship on the battlefield. Now they are both fallen into the world. It is a close friend.

Seeing He Peng came to the door, Zhao Zhenwu was still a little worried, thinking that he knew the contradiction between himself and his wife, so he came to comfort him.

However, I was optimistic about the sad look of my brother, not very similar, and frowned at the moment: "What's the matter?"

He Peng sighed heavily, shook his head and said, "Zhou Lifu is dead. He died so miserably, alas!"


Zhao Zhenwu was shocked.

What they said was Zhou Lifu who was also a classmate of the generals' study class, and the commander of the Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army. He was a fierce and reputable man in the outer world of the first quadrant decades ago.

This gentleman was born as a gladiator, cruel, and tyrannical. It is said that he has won thirty-five games in a row. At his peak, he cultivated to the elementary stage of the Yuan Ying stage, and he was known as the "ghost butcher"!

In the general school class, Zhou Lifu is also a very famous student. This man has a bold personality, a wide range of contacts, and faintly is the core figure among many students.

Unexpectedly, he died silently.

"Lao Zhou is different from you and me. I'm naked and don't worry about it at all. You are just a wife and a son. The burden is not too heavy, but Lao Zhou has five sons, and they all look talented in cultivation, and they all need them. Throw a lot of resources to support."

He Peng walked into the house, sat down, patted his thigh and said, "Half-sized son, poor old man, five strong guys waiting to be fed at home, how can I just rely on Lao Zhou's allowance and subsidy?

"The child's future is very important. There is no other way. I have to go back to the old business. I somehow contacted a dark arena in the underground world of the imperial capital and went to play again.

"Hey, does he think he is still the'ghost butcher' decades ago? After so many years on the battlefield, the egg was destroyed by the holy ally. What kind of a ghost, what kind of slaughter? Relying on drugs Exciting, I barely won two games. I met a tricky character last night, and I was greedy for a lot of bonuses. It seemed to say that I would endure one more round, even if I lose, I can get an extra money. I ended up playing on stage... died!

"Fucking, the'Blood Slaughter Troupe' that he led eight hundred gladiators to form back then was so domineering, powerful, and tyrannical. For so many years in the front line, the holy ally was not killed by the holy ally. You die so wretched!"

Zhao Zhenwu had mixed feelings in his heart, and he felt a sense of sorrow. He couldn't help but moved his true feelings and sighed.

"It doesn't count—"

He Peng wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "The corpse was transported home. The guy in Lao Zhou's house was wrong on the spot, and he didn't cry or make trouble. He also said thank you to the staff in the arena. When it was almost dawn, I had to take my five sons with Lao Zhou!"


Zhao Zhenwu was taken aback, but forgot that he almost stuffed the gun in his mouth just now, "How did you do such a stupid thing, did you save it?"

"Fortunately, there is a family who wants to take the account. I went to his house before dawn and found it in time, but it was all right."

He Peng said, "It's just that what about saving it back, Lao Zhou, the pillar of support, is gone, and this family also collapsed. How should the five little guys go on the way back? Without sufficient resources, they will be in a stalemate for the rest of their lives. To be the'primitive'?

"Now all the classmates in the school class have gone to Lao Zhou's house. Lao Zhou had a good time with everyone before his death. Everyone discussed it, and we must work together to help and deal with his affairs together-we can't live in vain. , You're so useless when you die, right?"


Zhao Zhenwu categorically cut the railway line, "Go, go, go together, go together, I don't believe it, so many generals and lieutenant generals gathered together, it is impossible to bury a comrade-in-arms!"

The two imperial army lieutenants held the package and bowed their waists, pressed against the root of the wall, with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and walked towards Zhou Lifu's shack in the depths of District 36.

He Peng naturally noticed Zhao Zhenwu's strangeness and asked him what was on his mind.

Zhao Zhenwu was embarrassed to say that his wife ran away with someone. After thinking about it, he told the story of the family heirloom knife being stolen.

After finishing speaking, he sighed and said bitterly: "Ten years ago, such a virtual guard, I hit eight of them with one hand!"

"It's a pity that you and I were both seriously injured on the front line. Now it's people's turn to hit eight of us with one hand."

He Peng smiled bitterly, "The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by a dog, and the world is so cold that it's so **** good!"

The two sighed and talked about the current situation of familiar classmates and fellow daoists, but they were all tragic and sorrowful, and there was no half-hearted news.

Speaking of the "God of War" Lei Chenghu, Zhao Zhenwu reluctantly cheered up and said that he heard a news that Hou Lei Chenghu in Liaohai couldn't see the misery of the miscellaneous general and the polished commander, and he was very likely to appeal to the Senate to improve their situation. If it is true, it will be better; He Peng smiled bitterly and shook his head, brother, this news is out of date. The latest news is that General Lei Du Ni Bodhisattva will not be able to protect himself by crossing the river, and even his military power will be cut off. How can there be spare power to control them?

Zhao Zhenwu uttered "Oh", shrunk his head and stopped talking, and the two of them walked boringly all the way, and soon they came to the back alley of Zhou Lifu's house.

At this moment, this poor street less than three meters wide is already crowded with stray generals and polished commanders.

Pieces of black, gray, and tan uniforms cover the ghosts that are not human, ghost, or ghost, and the atmosphere is solemn and solemn, and it is suppressed to the extreme.

Deep in the alley, there seemed to be a woman crying like a ghost singing an opera, and Zhao Zhenwu was upset by crying, and somehow thought of his wife again.

I shook my head vigorously and looked up. They were all familiar or unfamiliar classmates-brothers and sisters who had the same disease. Most of them were like him, with the word "distress" written all over their bodies. Some sighed, others gritted their teeth. Someone glared cross-brows, some were whispering with their mouths closed, and some nodded lightly at Zhao Zhenwu and He Peng, as if they had concluded some secret agreement with each other.

Zhao Zhenwu and He Peng squeezed into the crowd. Suddenly they heard that besides crying, there were also human voices shouting hoarsely, calling a poem without knowing the suicide note, Ying Ying Chuo Chuo heard these words:

"Athlete who died tragically on the battlefield, the heroic soul wandering in the sea of ​​stars, open your eyes and take a look, look at the blood-colored giants piled up with your tired bones in the back!

"You died in vain on the front lines, and your family was starving in the back. Those corrupt officials and powerful celebrities used your flesh and blood in exchange for singing and dancing, feasting, and wanting extravagance!

"Who can pity you, who will remember you, and who can protect your innocent family members? Let the miserable wind and rain come more violently and cover up your terrible cry!"

Zhao Zhenwu clenched his fists and asked in a low voice, "What kind of poem or song is this, and who wrote it?"

"do not know."

He Peng shook his head, "Which student who is extremely depressed is always compiling it? Many people have been compiling and singing in the past two days-otherwise, what else?"

The two finally squeezed into the mourning hall, and saw Zhou Lifu’s widow kneeling on the ground in a dazed manner. There were five little guys beside them who were a little at a loss, staring at them with big round eyes. Around these "generals" who should be majestic.

A female military officer was whispering to Zhou Lifu’s widow. I don’t know what to say that touched the sadness. Zhou Lifu’s widow suddenly cried again with a "wow" cry: "I don't want to die, I want to live, I want to live well. Go on! But eldest sister, how to live, how should we live?"

After a word, the female officer was stunned for a long time, and it hit everyone's sore spot, and even cried with his widow.

The cry was contagious like a virus, and weird things that might never have happened in the history of the real human empire were staged. In the poor streets, hundreds of immortal cultivators were touched by the scene and weeped one by one.

The atmosphere was rendered in place, and even Zhao Zhenwu and He Peng shed a few sincere tears.

Everyone was crying to the point of sadness, and an officer suddenly shouted in the depths of the crowd: "Everyone is an upright imperial soldier, and the empire has fallen to such a degree. Should we just cry secretly here?"

The heads were crowded, and under the swaying lights and shadows, it was hard to see who was talking.

Another person retorted: "Now everyone has no soldiers or guns, most of them are wounded and sick, and their realm has plummeted. Even if they want to serve the country, but what else can they do besides crying?"

The first officer said: "Even if you can only cry, you shouldn't cry secretly here. No one knows if you cry to death. If you want to cry, go to the gate of the Senate and cry openly and earth-shattering. Let all the people of the empire know what happened to us!"

The second officer continued to retort: ​​"Who doesn't know that the imperial capital is under martial law. The elites of the four major electoral families have enclosed the Senate, I am afraid that we will be found before the Senate is one hundred and eighty miles away. After being arrested, where can it be'shattering the world'?"


The first officer finally stepped forward and stood up high, filled with outrage, saying, "Dear friends, classmates, and brothers who were born and died together, the highest authorities have unloaded their grievances and killed donkeys, crossed the river and demolished bridges to such an extent, we really can't bear it! What General Zhou encountered today is the fate of all of us tomorrow. Do you really want to accept it and wait to die, just waiting for death like this?

"Yes, we are unarmed, let alone want to commit chaos, but everyone has no livelihood and desperation. They gather together and cry, demonstrate to the highest authorities, and cry out to hundreds of millions of people-don't you even have this courage? There's none?

"The Senate is guarded by heavy soldiers, so naturally it is impossible to go, so... By the way, the imperial tomb, let's go to the imperial tomb, facing the true human empire for thousands of years, and facing the black star emperor Wu Yingqi, the ancestor of the immortal cultivator. In the mausoleum, we cried happily, telling us our grievances, and ask Black Star the Great in the Spirit of Heaven to be the master for us who have been wronged by future generations of immortal cultivators!"

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