40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2287: Cannibalism!

The three-dimensional image of the hospital behind Li Linghai gradually dimmed, replaced by the image of an old man with a childlike face, a benevolent eyebrow, and a spirited spirit.

No, in addition to gray hair and deep eyes, this is a middle-aged man who is full of vigor and vitality in every gesture.

"Eastern Benevolence, Dean of Tianxing Hospital, Vice President of Imperial Medical University, Vice President of the Imperial Royal Medical Association, one of the 500 veterans of the Empire, a doctor, meditator, pharmacist, and psychiatric expert of the gods, At the same time, he is also the elder brother of Dongfang Patriarch, the prime minister of the empire, Dongfang Wang—a long-span elder brother. He is already 390 years old this year. Can't you tell?"

Li Linghai pointed to the three-dimensional light curtain, and said lightly, "Two hundred years ago, Dongfang Renxin was the empire’s leading'xenogeneic organ transplant expert', and was best at eliminating all kinds of xenogeneic materials, namely monsters, spirit beasts, alien animals in the sky, and The rejection reaction of the human body transplants the organs of these wild beasts into the human body, using this unique method to strengthen the combat effectiveness of human beings.

"In the most successful case, he replaced the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys of a critically ill patient...all the organs of the five internal organs with heterogeneous organs from monsters. After that, this critically ill patient, who was undoubtedly dying, was still alive. After eighty-two years, even retaining the original technique and strength, he didn't die of organ failure in the end, but was killed during the fight.

"In other words, if you keep quiet, you can live forever. This'comprehensive xenotransplantation' is a great success, and it is much better than the conventional'psychic prosthetic replacement surgery.'

"As we all know, the most troublesome issue in organ transplantation is rejection. Human and human transplantation still has to face severe rejection reactions, let alone humans and monsters, but Dongfang Renxin managed to solve this problem. In question, many monographs have been published, and he has won the highest award in the Imperial Medical Circle, and he has become a member of the Imperial Royal Medical Association.

"After he became famous, he expanded his research field to the refining of various potions, exploring how to refine the monster blood, monster bones, monster pills and monster cores of powerful monsters into the most efficient potentiation potions. Everyone is a **** of transformation. High-ranking immortal cultivators should know that enhanced potions made from biological materials also have a strong rejection reaction with the human body. They need to be "refined" slowly. If they are not careful, they will get into trouble. Right?

"The problem that Dongfang Renxin wants to solve is this problem, but no matter how well he solves it, the gap between humans and monsters and spirit beasts is always too great, let alone the alien beasts in the starry sky that are completely different from humans. There is no matter how.

"In practice, there are very few monster organs that can match the patient's body perfectly, and the matching degree is often less than one hundred thousandths. That is to say, a patient with a defective organ finds Dongfang Renxin, at least It is possible to screen 100,000 monsters, only it is possible to find a matching monster.

"This has created a very high threshold for the implementation of'xenotransplantation'. Although the technology is very good, not many people can enjoy it, and it has become an out-and-out'dragon slaying technique'.

"However, if you think about it differently, human beings are also a kind of beasts. Physically speaking, they are not very different from monsters and spirit beasts. Monster beast organs can be transplanted, and human organs can naturally be transplanted. Monster beasts can refine medicine. , Can human beings concoct medicine, the demon pill and demon core are swallowed to make a lot of nourishment, and the spirit root and golden pill are also very nourishing when swallowed, and the rejection reaction is much smaller?"

Li Linghai licked the corner of his mouth with a smile, as if he was enjoying it.

Even though everyone is cruel and vicious, immortal cultivators still feel shuddering.

Li Yao breathed deeply for dozens of times before he could barely stop his soul.

"The way of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. And the more you practice to the upper realm, the more difficult it will be to achieve success. It takes countless efforts and resources to barely maintain it. It is like a parabola. The peak is easy, but it’s extremely difficult to maintain the peak. The higher you go, the faster you fall. No matter how high or low, you will eventually fall. Just take you yourself, and you must have a deep understanding of the taste of'too cold at high places.' Right?"

Li Linghai carried his hands on his back and continued coldly, "Birth, old age, sickness and death, the laws of nature, and the way of cultivation are going against the sky. When old age declines, it is bound to be revenge from God, and no one can escape this disaster.

"Furthermore,'cultivation' and'power' are fundamentally contradictory sides. Cultivation is about being single-minded and single-minded. However, if you control power, you will inevitably have to deal with all sorts of things, be disturbed by all kinds of trivial matters, and there are mountains of official duties to deal with. Three hundred and sixty-five days a year, 24 hours a day to socialize.

"If you want to maintain your peak state, you have to practice in retreat for at least half of the time, but if you really spend twelve hours in retreat every day, how to control your power, how to drive your subordinates, and how to handle official duties? Played and applauded by the people below?

"Which fellow daoist here doesn't have such distress?"

"What the Queen said is extremely true."

Li Linghai's remarks were to everyone's heart, and Lei Chenghu said, "To be honest, since becoming the commander of the third theater, almost every second has been overwhelmed by frontline battle reports, by the entire fleet and the entire theater. The ups and downs are swallowed up by all kinds of messy and weird affairs, and there is very little time for thinking, summarizing and practicing, and the body and soul are seriously overdrawn.

"Although it is still in the realm of transforming the gods, it is all eating the old foundation, and I dare not easily activate the calculation power of the transforming gods series, and then burn and overdraw like this. As we get older and older, I still don't know how to transform. How long does the God Realm last?"

Li Yao deeply agrees.

He was young and strong, just in his prime, and in the period of rising combat effectiveness. After he came to the empire, he had a series of adventures and gains. He received such treasures as the "Emperor Flame Orb", and his realm has been soaring.

But Li Yao also knows very well that his realm is like a flying sword that is straight up and rushing forward. It needs a steady supply of energy to continue accelerating. When the energy is exhausted or only insufficient energy, it will definitely fall down. .

The universe is eternal, and practitioners are nothing but brilliant fireworks. The pursuit of instant brilliance will eventually be extinguished.

——Why did Li Yao control the golden eagle, be able to dominate in the imperial capital, show off his might, and look like the world is invincible? Really no one is his opponent, no one comes out to take care of this vulture?

Of course not. There are an endless stream of masters from the four major electorate families. Not to mention Li Linghai, there are many masters whose combat power is higher than him, but these masters have cultivated to the level of **** transformation according to the conventional method, and the youngest is almost 300 years old. , They are all uncles, elders, a handful of old bones, how could they come out and merge with Li Yaohuo without a last resort? Even if Li Yao is killed with great pains, maybe he will die after returning home?

Excluding hibernation, Li Yao's true age is less than one hundred years old. If nothing else, he should be the youngest battle **** in the sea of ​​stars. Taking advantage of this big advantage, this is the biggest capital of his arrogance and coquettishness!

How to maintain the peak realm at all times, one Yen Ying, one lifetime Yuan Ying, one day transforms the gods, and the whole life will transform the gods-this is really the ultimate ideal that all cultivators have dreamed of throughout the ages!

Li Linghai said calmly, "Everyone agree. For the high-ranking monks who are powerful, powerful, and declining, maintaining the realm is really difficult to reach the sky-let's say that our ancestors of the Li family,'Yin Fox' Li Jiande is fine. After becoming prime minister of the empire, he was also troubled by many trivial chores, and finally fell into a madness and fell from the realm of distraction.

"Although there was a lot of playfulness afterwards, he was absolutely true when he became crazy.

"But as for the Dongfang family, if you think about it carefully, don’t you think it’s weird. Over the past 100 years, many of the older generation masters in the Dongfang family have all maintained their peak state. People who are more than a hundred years old can rise to the next level and break new realms!

"According to the'average peak time', the strong of the Dongfang family is obviously longer than the other three strong, and they grow almost twice as long. If they can maintain the peak state for 50 years, they can maintain it for a hundred years!

"On the other hand, the proportion of'genius youths' in the East in the past century has been so high that it's scary, and something like'a rare cultivation genius in a century, a rare existence', a joint ratio held within the four major electoral families In the battle, the youngsters of the Dongfang family won the first prizes again and again, and they have shined in dozens of times, and are called the "golden generation".

"It is precisely relying on the elder generation's great talents, coupled with the sudden emergence of the younger generation, that the strength of the Dongfang family has continued to expand. To this day, it is far superior to the other three. Have you ever wondered if this is what it is? why?"

Lei Chenghu said solemnly: "His Royal Highness, are you trying to say that someone in the Dongfang family is ‘cannibalizing and practicing’?"

"'Cannibalism practice'? This term sums it up brilliantly!"

Li Linghai smiled and said, "Yes, that's what I meant. With Dongfang Renxin as the head, there is a secret research team that specializes in helping the core seniors of the Dongfang family and their children,'cannibalism and cultivation', and that's what the Dongfang family is today. !"

Lei Chenghu took a deep breath: "This is a big matter, and there must be conclusive evidence. Where did Her Royal Highness get such appalling information?"

Li Linghai pondered for a moment, and said, "Such confidential information is naturally not detectable from the outside. It comes from within the Dongfang family."

Lei Chenghu frowned and said, "Why someone inside the Dongfang family would leak such information? Isn't this self-defeating?"

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