40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2293: Dark war!

The dark war between the Heavenly Demon Inquisition and the Demon Hunter Association has begun!

Since ancient times, as long as a country sets up intelligence and spy agencies, there is no reason to set up only one. At least two departments that overlap and check and balance each other will be set up.

If only one intelligence and spy agency is set up, like the Star Federation more than a hundred years ago, with the "Secret Sword Bureau" dominating and completely controlling intelligence and secret law enforcement power, it will be extremely easy if the head of the leader has a little ambition. Blind and evade the higher rulers, causing extremely bad consequences.

The "Patriot Rebellion" initiated by Lu Zui with the Secret Sword Bureau as his team is the best example.

Therefore, in the new federal era, the federal intelligence and secret service departments have split into the Secret Sword Bureau of the Spring Breeze and the Dark Moon Foundation of Jin Xinyue. There are competition and cooperation with each other, and dynamic balance like a seesaw can ensure that no matter what. The expansion of either party's ambitions will not threaten national security.

In the true human empire, the same principle is true. When the imperial power was in its heyday five hundred years ago, no matter how the demon court was favored, the emperor never moved to abolish the Demon Hunter Association; then five hundred years later, regardless of the four major electorate families How powerful and domineering, the Demon Hunter Association has given them so much credit for secretly seizing power, but it has not been able to completely eliminate the Heavenly Demon Trial Chamber.

This is the way of checks and balances, no matter whether the person in power is the emperor or the four major electors, they will not completely trust these intelligence and spy agencies.

These two intelligence and spy agencies had to be entangled in the gloomy fate, fighting forever, proving to those in power time and time that they were the colder, sharper, and more efficient dark swords!

Now, the action of "respecting the emperor's rebellion and renewing the martial arts" has progressed to the second step.

The Dongfang family sensed the faint hostility of the other three families, and was even more afraid that Lei Chenghu's thundering fleet would desperately rush into the Dongfang family's hinterland and wreak havoc, playing tricks of death. Therefore, the main force of the family fleet never dared to act rashly.

Neither Lei Chenghu nor the senior leaders of the other three major families wanted to fight a full-scale civil war, and no one wanted to mobilize the fleet to die in the stars as a last resort.

Under the guidance of many powerful people and respected veterans, the four major families and the reformists, the five forces reached a temporary tacit agreement-this table named "Empire" cannot be lifted, whose fleet is the first To open fire is to completely throw the table apart, to smash everyone's cake, to be an enemy of all other forces, and to be attacked by a group!

All the force on the bright side is restrained, and it is a good time for the dark armed to show their talents.

There are four major families, especially Eastern parents, who have been transfusing blood for many years. The size and strength of the Demon Hunter Association is far superior to that of the Demon Inquisition. It is conservatively estimated that the number of "Demon Hunters" is at least five times that of the "Witch Hunters."

But the advantage of the Trial Court of Heavenly Demons is that the enemy is bright and I am dark. They have been very low-key for the past 100 years. They are so low-key that they seem to be insignificant Qingshui yamen. No one knows that they will accept the secret modulation of the Queen in the last few decades. The witch hunter trained by the peerless magical powers in the tomb of the emperor, the fighting power is no less than the most powerful demon hunter, and is even worse in terms of strangeness and viciousness.

More importantly, the Heavenly Demon Tribunal is on the offensive and can choose the "hunting target" at will.

You should know that dozens of the nearby Great Thousand Worlds with the Extreme Celestial Realm and the Celestial Star as the core are nominally governed by His Majesty the Emperor himself, and the bureaucratic strata here are all directly dispatched by His Majesty the Emperor.

Of course, with the decline of imperial power and officials in power, the so-called "direct dispatch by the emperor" has long become empty talk. The bureaucratic class and administrative institutions of these dozens of emperors directly under the world have long been infiltrated by the four major families. , Almost controlled by them more than half.

But this also means that there are a large number of immortal cultivators from the Eastern family and extremely vassal families who occupy high positions in the imperial capital and must live and work here.

These people are backed by the Eastern family. Naturally, they are not good officials with two-sleeved breeze and uprightness. Under the guise of the emperor, they squeeze the immortals of other forces and the lower-level people, and while continuously conveying benefits for the family, they also pluck their feathers by the way to satisfy themselves. The selfish desires-these are all "conventions" that are accustomed to the commonplace.

Since Li Linghai made a vow to "renovate the empire," he has secretly collected a lot of evidence, which is the so-called "cannonball."

In the past, the status of the Dongfang family was indestructible. These shells would be easily resolved even if they were shot. Even the other three major families would help the Dongfang family to cover up, and even half of the news would not appear on the Lingnet.

But today is different from the past. Now the reformists have shown great power. In the previous stage, the Dongfang family was beaten to a terrible level, which made people faintly see the weakness of the Dongfang family, so it can get the support of the Li family and the Yun and Song families. Acquiescence.

Once these shells exploded, their lethality was absolutely earth-shattering.

The most important thing is to catch these Dongfang Cultivators who are stealing high positions in the imperial capital!

There are tens of thousands of such immortal cultivators, and the Heavenly Demon Trial Chamber can choose the target of arrest at will.

However, the Demon Hunter Association must be exhausted and fortified everywhere, every important role of the Eastern clan must not be overlooked, and all of them must be protected.

Even if the number of demon hunters is large, plus the Dongfang family's own team of bodyguards, it is far from enough-it is not always possible that every Dongfang family's immortal cultivator goes out to work, and there are 70 or 80 fighting immortal cultivators. Those who call forward and then embrace the ground to protect, right?

It was even more impossible to evacuate the imperial capital and return to the Dongfang family's own territory.

This behavior of fleeing without a fight would be considered by the Li family, the Yun family, and the Song family that the Dongfang family was showing weakness. Once the three vacillating and ambiguous stances completely turned to the reformists, the Dongfang family would really be wiped out.

Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, it must be sustained until Dongfangwang completes the deployment of troops and generals in secret, and reaches a secret agreement with the other three families to obtain a unified position, and then it will win.

Who is the one who will kill you?

Entering the extreme celestial realm, celestial star, and main continent in May, come early to the hottest summer of the year.

And a series of news that shocked the entire imperial capital, no, it was the whole piece of Xinghai news, even in the hot wind, mixed with a strong smell of gunpowder smoke.

On May 2nd, Dongfang Yu, the director of military education responsible for the management of 71 higher military academies in the empire, was arrested in a raid by the Demon Tribunal on his way to a meeting. The Li family’s media revealed the following day A shocking case involving multiple unfair distribution of military exploits was followed by hundreds of members of the military education system. Of course, most of the people involved in the case were named Dongfang.

On May 5th, the president of the “Empire Bank of Montenegro” ranked among the top 20 in the empire was arrested in his private residence. Although the bodyguards with upgraded defenses and firepower conducted desperate resistance, the Tribunal of Heavenly Demon was still arrested in his private residence. Before the masters of the Demon Hunter Association arrived, they captured the people alive and left. As for where they were caught? I'm sorry, no one knows that the public headquarters of the Tianma Tribunal has been empty for a long time, and only a few of the lowest-level civilians are still working in a serious manner. As for Yue Wushuang and her most elite hunting witches, no People know where they are hiding and which target they are focusing on.

May 7th...May 8th...May 10th...

Almost every day, cultivators from the Dongfang family and the vassal family are secretly arrested, and their charges will be exposed in the media under the Li family the next day, some of which are private fraud, and some of them involve criminal cases that have been sealed for a long time. It is normal for the cultivators to fight and kill, and even the families of the victims would not choose to use the law to solve them. Instead, after practicing their magical powers, they would try to lynch and retaliate. But in theory, the law can of course punish them. It’s not important to sin, but it’s not important to let everyone in the entire Xinghai see clearly that Dongfangjia is not invincible!

The forces of immortal cultivators in the empire are like sharks big and small. The blood of the Dongfang family will definitely drive them crazy. As long as the blood shed enough, all the sharks will pounce on the Dongfang family at all costs. .

Facing the long-planned attack of the Heavenly Demon Inquisition, the Demon Hunter Association naturally countered strongly.

At the same time that countless bureaucrats and wealthy merchants from the East were secretly arrested and put on the hat of "devil repairers", the Demon Hunter Association also took the initiative to attack the reformers and the Li family of immortals.

However, the strength of the Li family is not as good as that of the Dongfang family. There are not too many people infiltrating the imperial capital. The reformers have been hiding their heads and revealing their tails, acting in secret, and wanting to arrest them in a hurry. How can it be so easy?

The red-eyed Demon Hunter Association acted more and more crazily and unscrupulously. It didn't care how much damage it caused to the extreme heavens and the celestial stars. After a few losses, they really found several demon courts along the vines. The secret base, the merging of the two sides in the dark, is a hundred times more cruel than the duel of the fleet in the sea of ​​stars!

Every day, there are countless demon hunters and witch hunters in the poor streets and alleys deep in the imperial capital, silently piercing their swords into each other's bodies, then holding them together, falling into the abyss and perishing together.

Every minute, there are scenes of conspiracy, fraud, bribery, betrayal and rebellious betrayal.

Every second, there are 100% human beings, who are branded as "Demon Race" or "Demon Cultivator" because of conflicts of interest, and are thrown into the bottomless black prison.

Perhaps, the slaughter of mankind by mankind is always more cruel than mankind's war against monsters and demons.

On May 19th, the Celestial Pole Star hosts the west coast of the mainland, in the special city of Baishi.

On the outskirts of the shuttle vehicle assisted on the high-speed magneto-magnetic track, a new raid is underway in secret.

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