40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2296: Fight in secret!

Li Yao coughed slightly, and a few bulges slightly bulged in his lower abdomen, as if a few mice were scurrying all over his body, gradually rushing into the trousers.

When it came out from under the trousers, it was four palm-sized, small and exquisite spider-shaped puppet war beasts!

The four puppet war beasts shook gently on the ground, and immediately entered the invisible state, "swish swish swish", towards the bright moon in the east-or Li Yao met in the ancient sacred world, neither male nor female, enemy or friend, The unpredictable old opponent "Long Yangjun" rushed over.

These four puppet war beasts were controlled by Li Yao's divine mind, their movements were gentle and agile, and they shuttled dexterously in the crowd. They didn't even touch the feet of half a passerby, and instantly swept to the feet of Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun curled his lips, and seemed to dislike Li Yao's moves as too uncreative and easy to deal with, and not at all challenging.

Li Yao sneered. The backs of the four invisible puppet war beasts suddenly split, and hundreds of ultra-miniature puppet war beasts, which were smaller in size and not much bigger than a flea, were also in the invisible state, silent and not lifted. The slightest disturbance, rushed towards Long Yangjun's whole body!

Although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, on the flea-sized metal and spar body, there are hundreds of aggressive amulets engraved, and the capsule in the abdomen stores the venom that can see the blood seal the throat, and even the dantian can erode—— This superb refining technique can only be displayed by Li Yao, an ancient refining master who is proficient in hand forging.

The attack of hundreds of "invisible fleas" finally caused Long Yangjun to let out a whisper, causing passers-by to look at him.

Two red ripples suddenly appeared on her cheeks.

Knowing that these "invisible fleas" could not trap Long Yangjun, Li Yao strode forward and once again squeezed into the endless stream of people, quickly calculating the height of the buildings on both sides, the angle of light brought by the scorching sun on the glass curtain walls of the high-rise buildings. , The speed of the crowd and the structure of the block, thinking about the most perfect battle plan.

Sure enough, after three seconds, the divine connection between him and the puppet war beast was all cut off, and hundreds of small windows in his brain were all closed-all the "invisible fleas" were solved by Long Yangjun.

There was a heat wave of anger and anger coming from behind, and you didn't need to look back to see Long Yangjun biting his lip to catch up.

There is a crossroads ahead. Although most vehicles travel in mid-air, some public vehicles and special vehicles drive on the ground, and when the crowds are too turbulent, the crowds will also collide. So , There are still traffic lights, and countdown to show the time that can be passed.

At this moment, it was Li Yao who was passing through, and there were five seconds left.

Li Yao's spiritual thoughts rolled toward the traffic light like an invisible octopus, wisps of psychic energy invaded the control chip of the traffic light, unconsciously speeding up the countdown by 20%.

In this way, if Long Yangjun continues to maintain the same speed, when he just crosses the intersection, Long Yangjun will be blocked in place.

Long Yangjun really quickened his pace.

At this moment, she still maintains the disguise of an ordinary office worker. If she uses her best posture to shuttle through the crowd like mercury, it would be too weird. She can only pretend to be in a hurry and push away the passers-by in front of her.

With two seconds left in the countdown, Long Yangjun came to the intersection.

At this time, the sunlight happened to be shining down from the curved glass curtain wall of a building on the left, as if being focused by a magnifying glass, unbiased, and shot into Long Yangjun's eyes!

This is a trap carefully set by Li Yao for Long Yangjun, turning the ordinary environment into the most deadly weapon.

It's just that Long Yangjun was a peerless master at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage a few decades ago. He is not an ordinary human being, but has an ancient bloodline from the Primordial Era.

In the battle of the Star Federation against the extraterritorial demon, she swallowed a large number of extraterritorial demon's power, and gradually activated the mystery in the depths of the bloodline. Even without eyes, she could clearly perceive the whole world, not to mention just being dazzled by the sun.

Her retina only contracted for 0.01 seconds and immediately returned to normal.

And within this 0.01 second, she also felt Li Yao fiddle with something with her toes in front, and then her figure fell short, and the breath of the whole person disappeared without a trace.

When I squeezed forward to look, I discovered that it was a sewer manhole cover, which had been covered in dust for a long time, but now there were signs of loosening.

A wrinkled old man next to him looked at the manhole cover in surprise, muttering in his mouth, as if to say whether he was dazzled, why did it seem that someone had suddenly disappeared?

Long Yangjun sneered in his heart: "It's really a dog that can't change eating shit!"

Carefully pick up the edge of the manhole cover with his toes, release a ray of spiritual thought to explore, suddenly felt wrong, and his pretty face instantly turned pale.

She also used the magical powers of seeing, seeing and hearing, keeping in mind the appearance and figure of everyone around her, but the white-haired, wrinkled old man next to the manhole cover has never been in her impression. appear!

This idea just circulated in her mind, and this "old man"-Li Yao had already taken action!

The ten fingers seem to twitch nervously, like the habitual shaking of ordinary old people, but each twitch means that a wind blade of broken gold and cracked stone condenses and shoots at the vital point of Long Yangjun's body.

Long Yangjun’s pale cheeks bloomed with tender red flowers again, and his ten fingers, slender like green onions, gently fiddled, eliminating all the wind blades invisible, and even cutting off Li Yao’s spiritual control, twisting a few of them. In the direction of Dao Fengjian, he rolled back towards Li Yao!


Within three seconds, the two had already fought thousands of times.

However, the passers-by who were close at hand turned a blind eye, and didn't realize that the two most terrifying "monsters" were hibernating beside them, making a thrilling contest.

Long Yangjun’s swordsmanship is obviously better than Li Yao. He reacted from the initial surprise and quickly seized the initiative. The strands of wind blades were like hundreds of invisible and thin flying swords. Li Yao's eyes were pitted.

Seeing that Li Yao was rushing to deal with it, and when he was about to be in chaos, from the foot of Long Yangjun, in the sewer manhole cover that had just been moved, a few strands of transparent monocrystalline mica were sneaked out and twisted towards her legs. past!

Although these monocrystalline mica filaments have not reached the level of monomolecular arrangement, they are almost the same, but the sharpest ones, and any psionic shield and reinforced armor have a chance to be cut.

Everything was a cover up just now, this is Li Yao's ultimate move!

Long Yangjun gritted his teeth again, and this time he became her in a frantic manner, evading the entanglement of the monocrystalline mica filaments a little embarrassingly, and severely cut off the monocrystalline mica filaments. When he looked up again, Li Yao once again He squeezed into the crowd, but turned to the street on the right.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

At this moment, deep in the high-rise building behind the two, there were bursts of explosions.

The Witch Hunters of Yue Wushuang really believed Li Yao's judgment and retreated as soon as possible, avoiding stepping into the trap and destroying the entire army.

However, they inevitably ran into the demon hunters who became angry and embarrassed and started a thrilling chase.

Hundreds of crystal armors criss-cross between high-rise buildings, displaying the most destructive and dazzling magical powers with sound and light effects, just like the blossoming fireworks in the daytime.

But it was so violent that the glass curtain walls burst one after another, and the fragments fell like a goddess scattered flowers.

The passers-by who were shuttling down the street were suddenly in chaos. They screamed in exclamation and rushed into the shops and buildings on both sides to take refuge.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun were mixed in the chaotic crowd, and the ever-changing battle situation became more complicated.

But the panic of the crowd, the shards of glass scattered by the goddess and the continuous explosion of the sky also gave them more room to shoot.

Both Li Yao and Long Yangjun could vaguely guess each other's concerns.

With the strength of the two of them almost the same, if you really want to fight, you must spread all the cards.

But they have too many secrets in their bodies, and many magical powers and magic weapons do not want to see the light easily.

Especially Long Yangjun, she—it is not a human being, but “the Nuwa tribe who was invaded by the power of the Pangu tribe in the embryonic state”, such a strange existence that no one can tell.

Even if she could cause serious damage to Li Yao, she would definitely show her true shape-in ​​an empire that regards the Pangu tribe as a major threat, doing so is undoubtedly seeking a dead end.

Therefore, neither Li Yao nor Long Yangjun were willing to attract the witch hunter, the demon hunter, or even other immortal cultivators, but hoped to solve the problem in their own way.

The glass shards that were falling rapidly in mid-air suddenly seemed to be infused with weird life, one by one flew out sideways, "snapped", collided with each other, and hit into white powder.

And these white powder, under the control of mysterious power, condensed into a flying sword with the thickness of embroidery needles, and in a strange and quiet way, it shot at both sides of the street fiercely.

At this moment, there was no one on the street. Everyone fled to the malls and shops on both sides, leaving the glass shattered to the ground.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun lined up on one side of the street, and walked forward without hurriedly. After a "glass rain", the "glass flying swords" passed by them dangerously and dangerously. It turned into a fluffy white sand again, and fell lightly.

Although there was no sound or gunpowder, the battle was fierce, but it was a hundred times more dangerous than the battle between the hunting witch and the hunting witch.

Suddenly, Li Yao stood still.

In front is a station for underground crystal rail trains. From the shopping malls on both sides of the street, there are separate entrances and exits.

This is a big station, the intersection of two underground crystal rail lines, extending in all directions underground, and there are many fork roads.

With a spit, he launched Long Yangjun with the last glass flying sword and shattered it. His figure flashed lightly. He sank into the crowd like headless flies, and squeezed towards the underground crystal rail train station without looking back. go with.

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