40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2298: Long Yangjun’s voice!

"and many more!"

Li Yao was anxious and stretched out his hand into the darkness, "Don't go, Long Yangjun!"

"Why, haven't you enjoyed it yet?"

Long Yangjun's laughter was misty and unpredictable, "It's okay, continue next time!"


Li Yao didn’t know how to say, “You know, I’ve walked this way, from the Celestial Realm to the Flying Star Realm, to the Blood Demon Realm and the Ancient Sage Realm, and finally to the center of the Xinghai. I used to be enemies with countless people, and I have personally killed many strong men. Of course, some of them were full of evil and deserved to die, but others didn't need to die if they didn't want to go their own way.

"If these people are alive and change their minds a little, maybe they can make the world better instead of worse. Everyone can even become friends. Even if you sit down, eat, drink, and chat, it's better than fighting to death and living to death. Much better.

"What I want to say is that I have killed enough enemies. Looking back, it’s not very pleasant. Even if you are really not a human being, you are a mixture of Pangu and Nuwa, even if it is a monster. It doesn't matter, as long as you are not determined to do some heinous and maddening things, I still want to be friends with you, not just a collaborator, let alone an enemy, this is the truth, trust me!"

Long Yangjun didn't seem to expect that Li Yao would reveal his true feelings, and he was stunned for a while and said: "What is the so-called'great sin, madness'?"

Li Yao said: "What you know is the kind of things that big monsters and big villains often do, for example...destroying mankind."


Long Yangjun laughed loudly, and the laughter was particularly long in the dark tunnel. "Is your imagination too rich? Do humans still need me to destroy them? In the work of "destroying humans", you I’ve done a good job myself. I just need to squat aside and admire slowly with my cheeks. Why should I do it myself and superfluous?"

Li Yao said seriously: "Okay, let me assume that you are not very malicious to humans. If so, you may as well tell you honestly what you are going to do. Maybe I can help you as a'friend' without asking for anything. Return."

Long Yangjun was stunned for a while, and said, "Why?"

Li Yao said, "Do you still need a reason to make friends? Everyone who comes out to cultivate is to emphasize loyalty and affection! If you really want to give a reason, then I think you are not bad-in the depths of the Nuwa battleship, explore Pangu In the clan’s underground laboratory, you can actually take advantage of the familiar terrain to cause greater damage to the expedition team, but if you didn’t harm anyone, you sneaked in the escape pod and slipped away by yourself, which made me feel...whatever you say The above is more mean, but from the bottom of my heart I still have a faint attachment to human beings, or what I am looking forward to?"

Long Yangjun coldly snorted: "When did you learn to be so nauseous?"

Li Yao said: "What I say is true. If you are willing to believe in me as a human being, then I am also willing to believe in you. No matter what you want to do, I can help you!"

Long Yangjun was silent again. When Li Yao thought she had slipped away again, he slowly said, "What I want to do, I told you everything before leaving the Star Federation. I didn't lie.

"I came from an'ancient world', I grew up as a human being, and even lived in human society for a whole hundred years. I completely regarded myself as a real human being. Apart from those weird dreams, I had no first place at all. Two thoughts.

"But one day, I awakened a new bloodline and identity, and not one, but two. I found that I was no longer a member of the world familiar with the past, but from a more distant time and space, my compatriots. All of them fell hundreds of thousands of years ago, and I was the only one left to be...forgotten till now.

"The dual bloodlines of Pangu and Nuwa entangled and fought fiercely in my body, treating my cells and souls as battlefields. Is it absolute order or absolute chaos? I face such a split every second. Tangled, but also faced a difficult decision about his identity.

"Who am I, where do I come from, and where do I go--everyone, or every intelligent life from the very beginning, is looking for answers to these three questions?

"From the coast of Xinghai to the center of Xinghai, from the ancient sacred world to the Xingyao Federation to the real human empire, what I did, the only purpose is to find the ‘ultimate answers’ to these three questions.

"I'm standing on a fork in my destiny. There are three roads to the future ahead of me. I can choose to become a Pangu, or a Nuwa, or... if possible, continue to The identity of humanity goes on.

"How to choose? I haven't figured it out yet. Let's take a look. Is this a "choice phobia"? Haha!"

Li Yao took a deep breath, and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "Can you continue to evolve into the Pangu tribe-the **** of the holy alliance?"

"Is there a problem?"

Long Yangjun chuckles, "I found that regardless of the Federation or the Empire, you have a great prejudice against the Pangu tribe and the Holy Alliance, Zifeiyu, Anzhiyu is unhappy, you always say that you want to liberate. All the holy ally, help them'awaken' or something, how do you know that the holy ally needs you to liberate, and want to'awaken' it?"

"Isn't this obvious?"

Li Yao said angrily, "These holy allies have been deprived of their emotions and free will. They are incomplete, they are miserable machines!"


Long Yang Jundao, "I told you when I left the federation that the original humans didn’t have such things as emotions and desires, but they were invaded by the gods in the brain, just like the crystal brain infected with the virus. What emotion and will.

"There is nothing wrong with emotion and will of course, but even if there is no emotion and will, it is just another normal state, and there is no need to be saved by anyone.

"Unevenness is originally the normal state of life. If all lives are exactly the same, destruction will not be far away. Humans with emotion and will are like birds in the sky, and humans without emotion and will are like fish in the water. , Perhaps Asuka thinks that fish swimming under the water is a kind of confinement and suffocation, but forcibly catching the fish out of the water will cause a real tragedy.

"What's more, you'flying birds' have a mess in your own lives. A few kilometers down this tunnel, there are countless smog underground towns, where tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people live there. The humans living there all year round. Without seeing the sun, what a miserable and painful life you are living, should you have heard of it? Why, do you want to liberate the holy ally, and then let them live the same life as the people at the bottom of the empire?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while.

He really couldn't ignoring his conscience to say that the "primitive people" who lived at the bottom of the empire and were allowed to squeeze or even kill would have to live better than the "humanoids" of the Saint League without emotion and will.

Long Yangjun became more and more excited when he spoke. It seemed that Li Yao seduced all the deepest resentment in his heart: "The more I know about humans, the more I am afraid of you, smart and cruel creatures. I thought I grew up in The ancient and backward ancient sacred world, everything around is like this, but when I came to a more advanced, more civilized, and more modern federation and empire, I found that nothing has changed, and even worsened.

"You have invented a variety of powerful terrorist weapons on the grounds of conquering the Xinghai. These weapons are a hundred times more powerful than the magic weapon of the ancient sacred world, but they have just been refined in one second, and the next second Will be put on the head of the same kind by you without hesitation...

"Your elites and leaders are speaking all kinds of grand-sounding and awe-inspiring rhetoric, deceiving the innocent and the ignorant to fight each other under various majestic banners-the intensity of the fight and the number of deaths are 10,000 of the ancient sacred wars. Times, a hundred thousand times! But after the gunpowder has cleared and all the rhetoric is peeled off, you can always find the sneaky selfish desires.

"Compared with the ancient sacred world, the material in your modern society is obviously extremely rich. The rich, powerful and powerful people have resources that can't be spent in ten lifetimes. Even a mere business leader or even a senior white-collar worker will be able to spend ten lifetimes. The days are more enjoyable than the emperor of the ancient sacred world, but in the corners deep underground, there are still people starving to death after crying all night. Why is this?

"In the past, I was also a member of such a human being, but I awakened my blood, came from ancient times to modern times, from the Federation to the empire, and saw so many... things that are incomprehensible or even unimaginable, what reason do you want me to use? Can I persuade myself to become a “human” again? Suppose, suppose I don’t want to get along with the evil, and go to the Holy League and evolve into the real Pangu, leading those who have no emotions, no selfish desires, and no will and no evil, Seeking a completely new way of life and civilization-is this considered frantic, unforgivable, and unforgivable?"

Li Yao was deeply shocked by Long Yangjun's words.

He felt that the other party's words were even sharper than the other party's invisible wind blade and air sword just now.

Many cross-examinations did not answer, but he clenched his fists and said: "If you want to change the world, you don't have to go to the Holy League. You can change by staying in the Empire! Stand by my side and fight with me. Let’s help the reformers. Our two travellers from the Star Beach get together and have mutual support. No matter what training resources or magic weapons you need, the Eastern family has it, and the reformers are not lacking!"

Long Yangjun said with a "pouch": "Hey, hey, are you too deep into the play and can't pull it out, or are you really brainwashed by the imperial queen Li Linghai and transformed from a cultivator to a cultivator? Why did you help her? Guest, persuasion to surrender?"

"Of course I remember that I was a cultivator, and I knew exactly what I was doing."

Li Yao said seriously, "It's just that the hundreds of worlds in the center of Xinghai are involved, and earth-shaking changes can never be achieved overnight. The two evils are the lesser of power. At least for now, the reformers are more advanced than the four major electoral families. Some, then stand on the side of the reformists first, and wait for a way to defeat the four major electoral families, and then slowly transform the reformists and implement my will step by step!"

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