40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2301: Queen without ambition!

Li Linghai showed a disdainful sneer, and said slowly: "Our Majesty Shenwu Emperor, on the best, is an innocent idealist. On the worst, we are aspirational and talented, self-serving, indulging in our own fantasy. In the middle, he thought that the brilliant victory of the empire's counterattack was really his credit, and he could really restore the glory of the era of the Black Star Emperor, and make all soldiers and nobles surrender to his feet.

"In short, this is a guy who has not succeeded in success, and has failed in success, so even if it falls into Dongfang Wang's hands, it doesn't matter."

Li Yao turned his eyes and said, "Uh, how can he be the Queen's...husband, and you have more than a dozen children."

A touch of hatred and hatred flashed across Li Linghai's face, and he said coldly: "You should know that being the wife of this pig is the thing I hate most in my life. If I follow my will, I can't wait to see him die.

"However, considering the overall situation of the true human empire for thousands of years, a nominal emperor is needed anyway. As long as he does not commit self-defeating stupidity, after he is rescued, he will continue to respect him as your majesty-this is also My promise.

"Speaking of which, Li Yao, I think what you really want to ask is not Emperor Shenwu, but me? You want to know what position I will be in after the mission of the'Renovation Empire' is really completed. Will he become a certain degree of dictator, something like a'Queen of Generation', right?"

Li Yao smiled awkwardly, which was considered tacit.

Li Linghai snorted and said indifferently: "I told you a long time ago that everything I do is to save the empire, not just to seize power for myself, even if one day I really control the supreme power. It will definitely do better than the four major electors.

"In the reformists, we have also discussed several sets of solutions to the imperial political situation after the partial collapse of the four major electoral families. One of the plans is to include at least two hundred and fifty reformers among the five hundred senators in the Senate. Members, check and balance old interest groups.

"This plan is too difficult to operate, and it is very easy to cause strong resistance from the old veterans, which will completely intensify the contradictions. Therefore, there is a new plan to divide the Senate into the upper and lower houses. The current Senate becomes the upper house. In the House of Representatives, the respected status and favorable treatment of all elders remain unchanged, but there is another three-thousand-member House of Commons. The senators of the House of Commons are selected by a wider interest group, representing the interests of the majority of people, and are in control. Real power.

"These two plans, including other plans on how to divide, check and balance power, and form a truly fair, clean, and efficient large government, have all been circulated within the reformers for a long time. Everyone actively participated in the discussion and agreed with them. It is much better than the current oligopoly and politician rule of the four major electoral families. Do you think that based on this kind of thinking, a cruel, tyrannical, life-and-death dictator might emerge?"

Li Yao's eyes rolled round and round, and did not speak.

"I can understand your worries as a cultivator, but these worries are all unfounded."

Li Linghai's tone was softer, and he seemed to be whispering, "What are the two most important elements to create an iron-blooded dictator? The first is the army, the second is prestige, and these two The two elements are combined into one, which is to require countless strong people to swear personal loyalty to me and loyalty to me Li Linghai.

"But is it really the case now?

"As for the military, the Deep Sea Fleet is completely under the command of the Eastern Saint General. I never ask the slightest details, let alone interfere with his personnel selection and promotion. Let alone General Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet, its independence is so strong that it cannot be added. , I can only say that it is my ally rather than my subordinate.

"In terms of prestige, I never thought about engaging in a cult of personality among the reformers. Whether Dongfang Sheng, Yue Wushuang or Jin Yuyan, they did not worship or be loyal to me and joined the reformists. They all have their own reasons. , And agree with the innovative ideas, so that everyone can come together.

"This is even more true for you and General Lei Chenghu. Tell the truth, do I have the slightest ‘prestige’ in front of you?

"In short, I am a guide for the reformers, but I am by no means the unique leader of the reformers. If I really want to be a dictator, like what you said, "a generation of queens" is so vulgar, I would never create a reformer. To become what it is today, it is even more necessary to firmly control the military power in your own hands, right?

"After all, no matter how powerful my individual combat power is, it is useless to face the overwhelming starships and the army that whispers the tsunami.

"From the very beginning, I did not do this. When the reformists have expanded to this day and have my own will, it is even more impossible for me to control the military power and establish personal prestige, but these are not important. Am I reformist or even The leader of the empire is not important, as long as it can create a stronger and eternal new empire, that's enough!"

Under Li Linghai's impassionedness, Li Yao couldn't find too many loopholes for a long time, so he could only say: "It seems so."

"Then what are you worried about?"

Li Linghai smiled slightly, "Stop thinking about it, go ahead and prepare, believe me, what you are doing is to maintain the balance and stability in the center of Xinghai, and more lives will be saved because of you!"

Li Linghai cut off the communication screen.

Leave Li Yao alone in the dark mist.

His worry is even more serious.

The Scarlet Heart Demon said in the depths of his brain: "Have you noticed that Her Royal Highness's tone today is very gentle, eager to argue for herself, for fear that we may have a misunderstanding, which is completely different from when we first saw her."

"Naturally found it."

Li Yao said, "It's not a good phenomenon for a person who has always been cold and frosty to suddenly become so gentle."

It's just that Li Yao and the Scarlet Inner Demon thought about it and couldn't figure out where the problem was.

Li Linghai is right in saying that no matter what conspiracy, ambitious plan, or frenzied idea, in the final analysis, it must be implemented by the military.

But Li Linghai did put all his troops down, and even the deep-sea fleet he had formed was under the full command of the “outsider” Dongfang Sheng, which was magnanimous and selfless to the extreme.

Li Yao had been in contact with Dongfangsheng several times, but he couldn't see that the fleet commander of the Huashen rank had any absolute loyal worship to Li Linghai.

Let alone Lei Chenghu, if Li Linghai is really moved, the first one to stand up and destroy her is Lei Chenghu.

Including the reformist ideals, the political structure of the new empire is indeed much more advanced than the miasma rule of the four major electoral families. Most of the reformers are inspired by ideas to join the great cause of the "renovation empire" and are loyal to them. It was the word "renovation", not Li Linghai himself.

So, suppose Li Linghai really has any ambitions, and there is a huge conspiracy operating behind the scenes, and how can it be realized, so that hundreds of worlds and soldiers in Xinghai will obey her? It's totally impossible!

Relying on her peak of transformation-even if the strength of the distraction phase is good, after all, she is lonely and can't swallow the entire empire.

Li Yao couldn't think of the key to it even if he tried to break his head, but Long Yangjun's words that day seemed very reasonable, and his head would explode if he wanted to.

He simply called Li Jialing in: "Come here, come here, brother, Brother Yao will help you check your body, how is your progress in cultivating the Emperor Flame Orb recently?"

At this moment, Li Jialing, although still full of golden hair, has a faint layer of light golden flame on the tips of his hair. The temperament of the whole person looks fierce and gorgeous, really like a majestic golden lion.

However, in front of Li Yao, who was half a master and half a mentor, this golden lion was still as meek as a small cat, and obediently took out the small fragment of the Emperor Flame Orb and spread it out in his palm.

"Wow, so fast!"

Li Yao was taken aback, and saw that the fragment of the Emperor Flame Pearl in Li Jialing's palm was dim and dull, and pinholes appeared on the surface that was originally smooth as a mirror. The texture was like ordinary rock, faintly flowing inside. All of his powers dried up, no, it was sucked up by Li Jialing!

Li Yao has had continuous adventures for hundreds of years. He was reborn, washed the marrow and cut the scriptures again and again. His flesh and blood body was too strong to describe with pen and ink. He thought that his cultivation speed was fast enough, but he did not expect Li Jialing's cultivation speed to be fast enough. He was even better than him. In just one month, he swallowed up all the "overlord spirit" contained in the fragments of the Emperor Flame Orb!

Although Li Jialing's fragment is a little smaller than his fragment, the efficiency of this cultivation is too horrible... depressing!

"Come, try your current skill."

Li Yao stretched out his hand towards Li Jialing, and the palms of the two were tightly clasped together.


Around the two of them, two light golden flames of the same light rose up, forming a "crackling" arc around them, and their chests and arms continued to bulge with thick blue veins, bringing the terrifying power in the deepest part of the cell to a steady stream. Transfer to the palm of the hand.

Suddenly, the palms of the two of them all became crystal clear, and the muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves and bones inside were all clear.

After another ten seconds, the palms of both of them turned bright white, like steel heated to the point of melting!

Only at this moment did Li Jialing show a trace of pain on his face, snorted, and wanted to let go.

Li Yao didn't let go, because the power in the blood vessels of his arm rushed towards Li Jialing's arms and body like a tide, really touching each other's limbs, the odd meridian and eight meridians, and even the dantian.

But no matter how he fumbled, he didn't find any weird power that invaded Li Jialing's body.

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