40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2305: The blood **** on earth!

From the perspective of the ultra-miniature psychic spider, the inside of each spar bomb is like a colorful and weird new world.

A variety of fine crystal lines gleaming with faint mysterious light, forming the blood vessels and bridges of this new world; wafers thin as cicada wings are built together in the most incredible way to form an intricate labyrinth; the symbolic array will bring spirits It can be shaped into beautiful different forms, like a crystal-clear energy flower, blooming in the depths of the maze.

It seems to have a life-like new world, and it is so sensitive and fragile, even if it is slightly frozen by the "Chalcedony Marrow", it still looks like a sand tower suspended by spider silk, and the whole world will collapse with a light touch.

Now, it's Li Yao's turn to do his best!

Taking a deep breath in the cocoon-shaped cabin, the pores all over the body slightly expanded, and countless small bubbles appeared in the nerve buffer, especially in the circle next to the head. The bubbles formed foam and poured out of the cocoon-shaped cabin.

Li Yao's spiritual thoughts surged to the limit, like a mighty river of spirit, rushing around the Wuming Hospital.

All the ultra-miniature psychic spiders danced lightly at the same time, like ghosts and charms carved from a group of crystal stones, dancing wildly on the tip of a knife.

Destroy the cow, peel off the cocoon, and go deep into layers. The psychic spider uses a surgical operation, absolutely precise and consistent movements, to peel off the sensor chip and the detonating chip of the spar bomb layer by layer. Each movement cannot have even 0.01 silk. The error, while peeling off, continue to spray "Chalcedony Marrow", the deeper part of the frozen crystal stone bomb.

Chalcedony can also interfere with remote remote control while freezing the perception of the chip. Only Li Yao, a spar bomb expert with a level of transformation, can operate with ease in such a harsh environment.

Dismantling dozens of spar bombs at the same time consumes a lot of spirits, and Li Yao's forehead oozes a drop of cold sweat.

He obviously didn't hold anything in his hands, but the backs of his hands were blue veins prominent, his fingers trembled slightly, and the joints made a slight "cracking" sound.

"I saw you..."

Li Yao muttered to himself, in the shadow of his mind, dozens of slightly reddish chips appeared in his mind, as if he had pushed the petals layer by layer and saw the most secret flower stamen.

That is the core trigger chip of the spar bomb.

As long as dozens of core trigger chips are frozen and pulled out instantly, the operation of the self-destructing device can be prevented.


Li Yao's eyes suddenly turned quickly, and a faint feeling of danger was born, and he always felt that things were not that simple.

"The guy who buried this group of serial spar bombs must be a master of masters. No matter the polishing of the spar bomb shell, the erection of the true and false crystal lines, and the structure of the control chip, everything is impeccable. Very few people can break through such a strict Line of defense.

"However, his thoughts seem to be too straightforward, not even half a trap? It doesn't seem to resemble the style of such a master.

"There must be a mechanism!"

Li Yao stopped at the last juncture, thinking quietly, and then released the super-miniature psychic spider out to explore.

"We are in different places. If it is me, how should we set up such a vital self-destructing device?"

With a thought, Li Yao retrieved the topographical map and structure map near the nameless hospital again, and put himself in the perspective of the designer of the self-destructing device to consider the problem.

The underground city of the imperial capital was originally overcrowded, filled with densely packed cave buildings, like honeycombs and ant dens.

Since it is a secret research institute, it is impossible to have too much space to move around.

Therefore, the space for burying the self-destructing device is also extremely limited, and there is not much room for designers to play.

Most of the spar bombs were discovered and controlled by Li Yao. If there are hidden spar bombs, they must be buried in the most vulnerable part of the nameless hospital structure in order to blow up all the evidence at once, then...

"right here!"

Li Yao found the last spar bomb in an extremely secret tunnel below the nameless hospital.

The location of this spar bomb is extremely insidious. It is exactly on the central axis supporting the entire 27th area. Once it explodes, it may cause the collapse of the entire underground city, and a lot of rocks and metal structures will collapse. The unnamed hospital and the 27th district were completely crushed, and even spread to deeper underground towns, and eventually, the entire underground cracks were buried.

If so, the number of innocent people buried alive is more than hundreds of thousands!

In order to destroy the evidence, he did not hesitate to bring hundreds of thousands or even millions of people to the funeral—Li Yao had a new understanding of how cruel the immortal cultivator could be.

The original reason why Li Linghai's team did not detect this spar bomb was because it was wrapped in a shell made of special metal materials, and it was sealed by a rather complicated prohibition, and it was in a dormant state.

After investigating for a long time, Li Yao found that the trigger mechanism of this spar bomb is quite interesting-dozens of spar bombs on the periphery will send an extremely weak wave to it every ten seconds, as long as dozens of waves are received at the same time. , It will always be dormant.

Once it fails to receive the signal of other spar bombs in time, it will immediately explode without hesitation, breaking the support shaft of the entire underground city, triggering a chain reaction, killing tens of millions of people, and all crimes. Together, all the evidence is annihilated!

Li Yao squinted his eyes and clenched his teeth unknowingly.

For such a malicious self-destructing device design, he must pull out Dongfang Renxin, the devil doctor with human face and beast heart, and completely destroy Dongfang Family!

Now that you know the trigger mechanism of the last spar bomb, it's easy to handle it next.

Li Yao looked back and studied the dozens of spar bombs in front of him. Sure enough, in the deepest part of these bombs, he found a set of small signal transmission chips. Every ten seconds, there will be a specific wave. The fluctuations of the spar bombs are all different, it seems to be a certain number or password.

All signal transmission chips are connected to the control chip of the spar bomb. If the control chip is removed or suspended, these signal transmission chips will be burnt at the same time, and the transmission of fluctuations will stop.

Time is tight, and Li Yao has no time to simulate dozens of different signals.

After pondering for a moment, he reconstructed the psychic circuit of the spar bomb, disconnected the signal sending chip from the control chip, and connected it to a new circuit.

It is equivalent to cheating the signal transmission chip, making them mistakenly believe that they are still connected to the main line.

After completing this crucial step, Li Yao finally breathed a sigh of relief and began the final disassembly work.

One hundred and eight ultra-miniature psychic spiders started at the same time, carefully twisting dozens of "stamens", and then slowly pulled them out.

Self-destruct device, destruction is complete!

Li Yao jumped up from the cocoon-shaped cabin, spit out a mouthful of nerve buffer, and grinned!

With gestures, Li Jialing brought the towel over and opened the communication channel unhurriedly.

Sure enough, Yue Wushuang, Tu Zhengdao and others shouted anxiously on the communication channel.

Li Yao smiled and said: "The self-destructing device has been cracked, you can rest assured to attack boldly!"

As soon as this statement came out, the flames and explosions from the direction of the nameless hospital suddenly became intense.

The secret research carried out by Dongfang Renxin here was not seen after all, and it was even hidden from many people inside Dongfang's home.

Therefore, although there are expert guards like the "Thirty-Three Limits", after all, it is impossible to draw a few elite armor masters from the crystal armor battle group over and guard them blatantly.

In order to capture this long-planned raid, the reformers have mobilized all the elites to come out. For this reason, they even gave up a large number of ground strongholds, which is obviously aspirational.

The two sides did not stand in a stalemate for too long, and the reformist arrest team broke through the door of the unknown hospital, drove straight in, and penetrated into the secret research institute of Dongfang Renxin.

A large number of images from the secret research institute were transmitted to Li Yao's portable crystal brain in real time through the monitoring crystal eyes on the crystal armor of the capture team soldiers, allowing him to see the whole picture of this cannibal cave.

In the frozen crystal vessel, the suspicious nutrient solution is immersed in various weird and even deformed organs, and it is impossible to see whether it comes from a human or a starry animal.

Many organs are connected with a crystal thread, with a bulge and shrinking, it seems that they still have life!

There are also dozens of human brains connected to **** spine bones. The ends of the spine bones are slightly enlarged like eggs, showing a dark golden luster-it is the brain, spine and "golden core" of the strong golden core!

The rest of the shocking and disgusting scenes even made Li Yao unable to help himself.

That scene is simply more disgusting than the scene he saw in the "Youfu Laboratory" of the ancestor of the blood demon world Youquan, transforming humans into monsters!

At the end of the secret research institute is an operating room.

On the two platforms, both like an operating bed and a demon altar, lay two teenagers respectively. They all fell into a coma, but one of them was locked firmly by the restraint and could not move.

His Heavenly Spirit Cover has been opened, and there are obvious signs of atrophy in his brain, as if all the souls from the root to the soul have been extracted and transported to the brain of another teenager.

The other adolescent with an aristocratic face widened his eyes, his pupils dilated, and he had already died of anger.

It seemed that it was the critical moment of the ceremony, interrupted by a surprise attack, and something went wrong, causing the young man who had "reborn and cleansed the sutra" to violently die on the spot, and the body was too late to be taken away.

"Haha, this time Dongfang Family is really over!"

The commando captain Tu Zhengdao laughed happily from the communication channel. “We found more than a dozen masters from the Li family, the Yun family, and the Song family in the Secret Research Institute. All of them were turned into training materials and specimens. Many people have disappeared secretly on the battlefield, and this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are more specimens, materials and information that are too late to be destroyed, all of which fall into our hands. It seems that the number of victims is no less than thousands-look at the East Hope, how do the two Dongfang Renxin brothers confess to the four big families!"

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