40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2311: Exposing experience

The ocean in front of it seemed calm and calm, but under the sun, it bloomed with a shocking red color.

The red awns skyrocketed, forming a scarlet plume of smoke, which lasted for a long time and could be seen clearly from hundreds of miles away.

That was the vanguard who came here before the big army, and the coordinates of the submarine base that were accurately marked were right below this smoke column.

At this moment, a batch of the fastest assault ships had already rushed to the vicinity of the smoke column, and a large number of depth charges were released from the assault ships. They "pumped" and fell into the sea, sinking all the way to a depth of three or four hundred meters. Exploded fiercely.

The depth of water bomb is so powerful that it even makes the shock wave penetrate hundreds of meters of sea water, exploding brilliant sprays on the water surface, making the entire ocean seem to be boiling.

According to intelligence, Dongfangwang’s submarine base was built in the submarine mountains more than 2,000 meters below sea level. Naturally, these depth-water bombs could not damage the submarine base at all.

But it can stir up a turbulent undercurrent on the seabed, interfere with the teleportation array, and disrupt the starship's intention to launch directly into the starry sky from the seabed.

Dongfangwang's last escape route was completely blocked.

Hundreds of assault ships carrying nearly 100,000 elites, flew over the blood-colored smoke column, and a **** hunting was about to begin.

Dongfang Wang in the submarine base seemed to realize that he had no way to retreat—even if he escaped to the starry sky by chance, there was no place for him because of the size of the empire.

But it is absolutely impossible for him to be arrested as the dignified predecessor of the empire and the Patriarch of the East, **** by the five flowers and sent to the trial platform, and to be slaughtered like a pig.

Negative Yu stubbornly resisted, fighting to the last moment is the only ending.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly there were hundreds of serial loud noises from the bottom of the sea, and then hundreds of water pillars that were as strong as flood dragons suddenly rose up and flew all the way to an altitude of hundreds of meters.

Thousands of flying swords, tens of thousands of mysterious lights, and hundreds of thousands of palm thunders flew out of the water column, and they shot at many assault ships.

The psychic shields of all the assault ships were shot in circles, changing into a colorful luster, many of the assault ships’ shields were pierced, the power unit and the anti-gravity unit were ruined, and ugliness rose. Smoky.

But more assault ships have locked in the direction of the attack. Crystal Magneto, Xuanguang Cannon, Vulcan Cannon and Bombardment Cannon fired back one after another. The vast ocean was shot to pieces, and hundreds of millions of tons of seawater were filled. Evaporation, turned into a big storm.

The two sides shot at each other for a long time, and the rhythm was a little slow, and there were many crystal armors and giant soldiers from the assault ship and the swarm of bees also flew out and jumped into the sea.

Regardless of whether the crystal armor or the giant soldier, all choose the extremely pressure-resistant model, and add the deep-sea combat fin kit, even under the heavy pressure of thousands of meters of sea water, they can exert at least 60% of the combat effectiveness.

In an instant, the originally turbid sea water was shining crystal clear by the flames of the crystal armor and giant soldiers, just like a large piece of colorful crystal, exuding a faint chill, with a kind of creepy beauty.

"Let's set off too, if we can successfully rescue His Majesty the Emperor, it will be considered a great achievement!"

Li Yao grinned and said to Li Jialing half-jokingly, then suddenly got up, moved his limbs a little, ran two steps quickly, and jumped up from the bow of the assault ship!

When the person is still in the air, the crystal armor shines brightly around, outlines a splendid feather, just like a super giant gold-winged bird whizzing out of his body, wrapping him around, the giant golden eagle, once again Debut!


The golden eagle plunged deeply into the sea and swept all the way towards the dark and endless seabed!

The battle in the deep sea is very different from the ground and the vacuum of the universe.

Sea water is a natural barrier, which will cause strong interference and delays in the transmission of psychic energy fluctuations.

Even the speed of weapons such as flying swords and bullets has become extremely slow in the sea.

Not to mention the keen perception of human beings, as soon as they enter the deep ocean, they will automatically be shielded nine out of ten.

The most terrifying thing is the pressure in the deep sea. At a depth of several thousand meters, the weight of the sea is enough to compress a spar chariot weighing tens of tons into a seamless iron lump with needles. Can't get in.

Even if the powerhouse of the transformation of the gods has super-resistant crystal armor and giant guards, fighting in this environment is extremely dangerous.

The reason is very simple. The so-called "God transforming powerhouse" does not mean that you can maintain the God transforming realm every minute and every second. In a fierce battle, the intensity of the God transforming series is good for two or three times. Most of the rest At this time, it can only be maintained at the Nascent Soul or even the Golden Core level to reduce the consumption of life and spirit.

The newest naval gun of the true human empire has a barrel activation life of about 3 minutes, which refers to the superimposition of the moments of each firing.

The principle of transforming the gods is the same.

No barrel can withstand continuous firing for dozens of minutes, and no **** transforming powerhouse can withstand the continuous burning of life and maintain the state of transforming God for dozens of minutes.

However, the pressure of the sea water is continuous and will never cease. Unless you escape into the submarine base, there can be no relaxation for a while.

From this perspective, Dongfangwang, backed by a submarine base, has a better advantage than the offensive side.

When Li Yao dived to a depth of 500 meters, the entire seabed had become a mess.

There are turbulences everywhere, vortexes everywhere, and dazzling electric arcs from invisible prohibitions everywhere, fires everywhere are squeezed into strange shapes by sea water, and colorful and faint fluorescence blooms, consuming countless lives silently.


The main control crystal brain of the Golden Eagle issued a warning, and the entire submarine mountain range was simply managed by Dongfangwang into a dense flying sword forest. Thousands of flying swords rode on the undercurrent, silently shooting towards Li Yao!

While Li Yao was able to dodge with ease, he threw his spiritual thoughts to the limit, spying on the reality of the submarine base.

At this moment, the elites of the two sides have collided together. Dozens of giant soldiers and ten thousand crystal armors stirred the sky on the bottom of the sea. One is determined to win, and the other is stubbornly resisting. No one can take a step back. It's really hot!

"Li Jialing!"

Li Yao locked his position, his eyes flashed, and he used the point-to-point private communication channel to greet the golden lion cub, "Go here, come with me!"

The golden eagle is as agile as a shark, avoiding the last flying sword, and sweeping towards the bottom of the sea where the fingers cannot be seen.


While following Li Yao, Li Jialing said strangely, "This way...it doesn't seem to be the direction of the main battlefield, the submarine base is over there!"

"Nonsense, of course I know this is not the main battlefield, so I have to go here!"

Li Yao naturally said, "Quickly adjust the crystal armor to the hidden mode. Except for the compression unit, the other power units are all converged to the limit. Don't be found by anyone!"

With that, Li Yao first extinguished the flames of the golden eagle's body, dimmed like a piece of rusty brass.

"What is this for?"

Li Jialing said in amazement, "Aren't we going to rescue His Majesty the Emperor?"

"That's a joke with you. It's a real human empire, and there are countless loyal ministers and righteous men. We don't have to do everything, right?"

Li Yao rightly said, "Young people keep a low profile, don't show off the limelight casually!"

Li Jialing: "...but, but every previous battle of Brother Yao has been brilliant and showcasing!"

"Hey, let Brother Yao teach you a little bit of experience, so that you know what the limelight can and what cannot be."

Li Yaoyu said earnestly, "I have been carefully evaluated in every previous battle when I was in the limelight. It is estimated that the difficulty of the battle is not too high, and the opponent's will to resist is not very tenacious. It is very likely that it will be collapsed or even fall on the verge of— —When you encounter this kind of battlefield, of course you have to be outstanding. If you are not in the limelight, I am sorry for your hard work, right?

"There is another situation. Although the battle is difficult, even the death of nine deaths, there is no way to retreat. All the responsibilities are on your shoulders. Then there is no way, but you can only give it a go. It will be cool to die!

"Today's battle is completely different.

"Of course you've heard the words'dog jump over the wall'. Dongfangwang is the former prime minister of the dignified empire. There are many strangers under him. This is the last lair he has worked so hard to manage for many years. Various institutions, restrictions, and formations. Laws are emerging in endlessly, and they don't hesitate to Longtan Tiger Lair!

"The masters deployed here are the last confidants of Dongfangwang. Destiny and Dongfangwang are completely tied together. There is no possibility of surrender. They are just a bunch of vicious mad dogs. They didn't even want to escape alive. They only wanted to kill one. Enough money, kill two and earn one.

"In addition, the sea pressure is so strong, even if the old monster like me is going to capsize the ship in the gutter if I am not careful, do you think we need to go to jade with these mad dogs?

"One more thing. In this operation to capture Dongfangwang, the four major electors’ families have all sent powerhouses of the transformation of gods to participate, and there are so many crystal armors and assault ships that have blocked all sides, and they are not afraid of being Dongfang. Hope to run away, it doesn't matter more than the two of us less than the two of us.

"So, let's keep a low profile, hide in the periphery to clean up the miscellaneous fish that are trying to break through, and just wave the flag for many masters!"

Li Jialing was stunned for a long time, and said: "But, the Queen said..."

"Oh, why don't you be so rigid in your mind? What the Queen said!"

Li Yao said, "You can carefully perceive the **** transformation powerhouses on the main battlefield, whether you perceive that the'our' **** transformation powerhouses are all soft and unsatisfied, and there is no such thing as a **** transformation boss. Everyone is working on the same idea, and no one wants to bear the brunt of their lives - even these four major families and the backbone of the reformists are like this. The two of us joined halfway, so why bother to work so hard?"

Li Jialing had nothing to say, and followed Li Yao into the deep sea.

Li Yao nodded in satisfaction, only feeling that the child could teach.

Just as he wanted to teach him more experience, the golden eagle suddenly received a familiar signal from the depths of the dark and endless ocean.

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