40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2322: Who seized the house?

In Li Yao's perception, Dongfangwang's spirit spewed out from the depths of his brain like a volcanic eruption.

This is by no means a good phenomenon, but the last reflection.

Li Yao said anxiously: "Eastern Prime Minister, don't get excited, I believe you, speak slowly!"

Dongfang Wang's eyes were burned into gray glass beads, not sure if he still had normal vision, but his dry hands were scooping in the void, tearing the map of the empire's territory into fragments of ripples.

The former prime minister of the empire yelled hysterically: "Li Linghai, Li Linghai, you can count everything, but it is impossible to count that I and Dongfang Tuo have reached a secret agreement long ago. I have evidence that I will never assassinate Dongfang Tuo!

"Vulture Li Yao, Dongfang Mingyue, if both of you are Li Linghai's people, then you will stop doing everything, and I am willing to bet!

"However, if you two still have the slightest care for the overall situation of the empire and human civilization in your heart, then help me bring this evidence and all the words just said to General Lei Chenghu, and tell everyone in the world. , Let's expose Li Linghai's true face together!"

Li Yao was about to inject another medicine into Dongfangwang, but he stood up swayingly, and every pore in his body was filled with faint flames, and he gave out a weird laugh: "Haha, hahahaha, but even you All of the conspiracies succeed, Li Linghai is useless! You can defeat me, you can deceive and steal the entire empire, but you can't fight this piece of star sea! You will be like me, crushed by the empire and swallowed by the star sea!

"No one...no one can escape this star sea, this vast and barren star sea, this cage of billions of civilizations!

"Whether we are the gods and demons of the Primordial Era, we are all ants in the sea of ​​stars, dust in the universe..."

Dongfang Wang's hands tore through the map of the empire's territory, passing through the dots of light, as if to reach the top of his head, through the sea, and into the real universe.

The spiritual flames lingering around him gradually dimmed, and his movements finally solidified, like a botched statue, thus ending an invaluable life.

Li Yao gave up his plan to inject him with medical drugs.

Dongfangwang's magnetic field of life had long been on the verge of collapse, and it was only by amazing willpower and unforgettable hatred for Li Linghai that he persisted to this moment. Now that everything is said, letting go of the burden, the last breath of real gas disappears, and Da Luo Jinxian cannot save it.

Li Yao sighed, took a step forward, gently closed Dongfang's staring eyes, and flattened him on the ground, tidying up his clothes, as if he was falling asleep.

Dongfangwang is naturally not a good person. In modern society, he can still do things like "cannibalism and cultivation". It can only be said that he has trampled on all the bottom lines of human nature and is a well-dressed beast.

However, in the past two decades, he has indeed worked hard for the real human empire, sacrificed his soul and life, integrated all resources, and brought temporary victory in the empire's counterattack-this is also an indisputable fact.

Li Yao really didn't know how to evaluate "Iron and Blood Prime Minister Dongfang Wang".

Naturally, I don't even know how to face what he said just now, facing "Empire Queen Li Linghai"!


Dongfang Mingyue, who had been leaning silently next to him, stepped forward, patted Li Yao's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "I didn’t lie to you, Dongfangwang’s last words, are they very thrilling, very stimulate?"

"It's really exciting."

After Li Yao collected Dongfangwang's body, he cleaned up the remains of Emperor Shenwu, placed them side by side, and took out a few bottles of potions for processing the treasures of heaven and earth from the Qiankun Ring, and processed them carefully.

Many treasures of heaven, material and earth are the body tissues of spirit beasts, monsters, and starry beasts. Naturally, they can only be stored and used for a long time after careful preparation. The flesh and blood of human beings are not much different from spirit beasts and monsters. The medicine can also be used to preserve human corpses.

Both of these remains are vital evidence, and Li Yao naturally cannot allow them to be annihilated in the deep sea for nothing.

While processing the corpse, Li Yao analyzed and said: "Dongfangwang's words can not be fully believed. They can only be said to have great reference value. Indeed, from the perspective of'who gets the most benefit afterwards', Her Royal Highness is indeed The first suspect of the'Blood League Incident'; and her series of thunder counterattacks after the outbreak of the'Blood League Incident' was indeed too smooth, too violent, and too traces of careful planning and conspiracy; and Dongfangwang dealt with it. The whole thing is really clumsy and passive, like being caught off guard!

"However, even if all the circumstantial evidence points to Her Royal Highness, the most critical question cannot be circumvented-if the empire is really messed up, what good will it do to Li Linghai, what can she do, and what can she get?

"There is no military power, no prestige, and no too strong power in the Senate. The four major electoral families cannot easily obey her. Even the reformers do not follow her personally, but follow her ideas. Li Linghai, in the face of a chaotic empire, how can he clean up the situation?"

"Perhaps, she doesn't need to clean up the situation at all?"

Long Yangjun said indifferently, "Assuming that the current empire queen is not the real Li Linghai, but is occupied by something else, for example, has become... a holy alliance?

"If Li Linghai is a member of the Holy League, then everything makes sense, she is deliberately deliberately trying to mess up the empire, so that the Holy League army can take advantage of it!"

Li Yao's eyebrow head is a towel twisted together. He thought about it for a long time, and slowly shook his head and said: "Indeed, if Li Linghai is a Saint League member, everything has a reasonable explanation, but I always feel that things are not that simple.

"I know that Shengmeng now has a very advanced'simulated emotion' technology, which can make a flesh and blood puppet simulate normal emotions and six desires, avoiding all'spiritual tests', but Li Linghai and I are both strong in the transformation of gods, I I have seen her furious and her psychic burst, and I always feel... she is unlikely to be a holy ally."

There is one more point, Li Yao didn't say.

Li Yao's adoptive father was a holy ally, but because of the appearance of Li Linghai, he broke through the three fundamental laws and obtained the emotion and will that human beings deserve.

Can a foster father become a normal person from a holy ally, but Li Linghai has become a holy ally? This is ridiculous!

When mentioning the foster father, Li Yao could clearly perceive the fragility and longing in Li Linghai's heart. Such a real emotion can never be simulated.

"It seems that even if Li Linghai is a holy ally, she can't explain many things, for example, why she knows the depths of the Royal Library and the secrets of the'Underground Palace'."

Long Yangjun paused and said, "By the way, you haven't told me the source of Li Linghai's power--why can she change from an ordinary puppet queen to mysterious and unpredictable in just a few decades. The conspirators who call the wind and the rain have secretly formed a very elite deep-sea fleet, and have connected many opposition forces to form a new force like the'innovatives'?

"Innovation is about money and resources. Regardless of scheming, tactics and combat effectiveness, where does she get so many resources?"

Li Yao pondered for a moment, but now that it's impossible to tell the truth. "

"If I say--"

Li Yao thought twice and finally said, "Li Linghai was indeed occupied by the magpie's nest, but not by the holy ally, but by the legendary... Emperor, do you believe it?"

Long Yangjun was startled slightly, and said, "Li Linghai actually got the emperor's inheritance? She, she discovered the ‘Golden Sacred Seat—Lingxiao Realm’!"

Li Yao nodded: "If this is the case, can you explain everything?"

Long Yangjun thought for a while and shook his head: "I don't really believe that this is true. The legendary emperor symbolizes light and justice. He is on the road of opening up and sweeping the army. If Li Linghai is true Being seized by the emperor, or inherited from the emperor, must be disdainful of using this conspiracy.

"Of course, you have to say that the legends are all false. The emperor was originally a sinister villain, or something weird changed during his ten thousand years of sleep, which caused a big change in personality. I can't deny your statement."

Li Yao also felt that this idea was too reluctant. The most important thing was that the half of the key to the depths of the Emperor’s Tomb was always in his hand. In other words, Li Linghai never entered the Emperor’s Tomb from beginning to end. The core, how could it be seized by the emperor, or inherited by the emperor?

Thinking of this, Li Yao suddenly shook his heart.

Yes, Li Linghai would never be able to enter the core of the emperor's tomb, she, she would never be inherited by the emperor!

Then where did her domineering starry sky, the sword intent of the Purple Flame True Dragon come from?

"In the depths of the emperor's tomb, what is so weird!"

Li Yao suddenly thought that Li Linghai asked him to pay more attention to the relevant materials of the emperor’s tomb. He moved in his heart and couldn’t help asking, “Long Yang, haven’t you been close to the Royal Library? I heard that there are various ancient books of the entire empire. In the place with the most complete information, there must be a lot of ancient books related to the tomb of the emperor? Is there any...very special information?"

"Very special information? No, no!"

Long Yangjun quickly shook his head, frowned and said, "I'm angry when I talk about this. The Royal Library does have millions of materials related to the Emperor's Tomb, which accounts for almost ten of the entire library. One part of the area, I thought there would be something to find inside, who knows that after a long time searching for it, it is not a ridiculous legend, or a bizarre travel note, there is nothing useful at all, it is a waste of time!"

"One-tenth of the entire royal library is used to store ancient books related to the emperor's tomb?"

Li Yao went inside without knowing it, and asked, "Why?"

"Because the black star emperor Wu Yingqi likes to study the tombs of the emperors the most. He has collected almost all the materials for exploring the tombs of the emperors in the past ten thousand years. They are piled up in the royal library and studied like crazy. Will future generations pull out all these classics and burn them?"

Long Yangjun said indifferently, "As early as five or six hundred years ago, there were rumors in the empire that Black Star Great Wu Yingqi did not die in the imperial palace of the extremely heavenly realm and the heavenly star, but was perceiving that his time limit was approaching. , I set off to the depths of the Xinghai, looking for the emperor’s tomb, and finally fell in the emperor’s tomb!"

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