40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2420: The attacker appeared!

The center of the big iron factory is facing the square of the geothermal energy well. Under the reflection of the raging flames, hundreds of the backbone of Wuyoujiao were taken out of the crowd of countless workers.

After several days of torture, their bodies were damaged to varying degrees. Many people supported each other and staggered forward. The heavy shackles dragged on the ground, making harsh sounds and a series of faint sparks.

It's just that there is no fear of death on their faces, nor the indifference and loss when practicing "Wang You Jue", only a touch of joy and relief.

Everyone gently hummed the old and warm tone, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, towards their end, and left the last smile to the workers around.

It is different from the impassioned and passionate war song that Li Yao played over the big iron factory more than half a month ago. The tone is almost as low as the dust, and it is as dim as the unquenched coal core in the ashes, but full of "moisture". "Things are silent" appeal.

After the riot failed, the workers who had stayed voluntarily were already heartbroken, dragging their bodies like walking corpses, embedding themselves into the assembly line and the depths of the mines, leaving them at the mercy of the cultivators.

But the scene before me—the smiles of Xu Zhicheng, Shidun’s "teacher" and others, as well as their soft humming, reawakened the sleeping hearts of the workers, as if they had thrown a hand into their throats. The intricate taste of the soft white sugar mixed with salt came to my heart again.

I don't know who started it first, and all the workers followed Xu Zhicheng and others and sang softly together.

Maybe they have forgotten the lyrics, maybe they even remember the rhythm in fragments, and even some young workers have never heard this melody, but the melody was actually engraved in their genes long ago. They just need to be courageous and let go. Open your throat, and the sound will flow naturally.

Such a warm melody makes the cultivator feel a deep chill.

Li Minghui had never seen such a scene--even more than half a month ago, the shocking war song during the Wuyoujia riot seemed to be less strange and terrifying than the workers' near whispers at this moment.

"Don't sing, don't sing!"

The immortal cultivator wielded an electromagnetic war whip, threw out dazzling ball-shaped lightning bolts in mid-air, pulling his throat and roaring.

The singing sound was like a calm ocean, quickly engulfing these small electric sparks.

Now that the workers are dead-hearted, naturally they will no longer be afraid of the threat of immortals.

However, Li Minghui did not dare to kill. Most of the workers ran away, and new workers and psionic puppets were not so convenient to mobilize. He only had these available people on hand, and it was difficult for him to complete the production tasks that Yue Wushuang had given him. Dengtian, if the workers' anger is aroused again and the task is not fulfilled, even he will be buried with these lowly dog ​​bastards!

Li Minghui could only gritted his teeth and ordered his subordinates and the fighting puppets to separate the workers as much as possible and did not give them a chance to gather together. Then he ordered the executioners to execute quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Originally, he also prepared a sentence of grace and grace. I am also prepared to wait until the heads of these people are cut off.

The whole big iron factory is like this, dead silence and chaos coexist very contradictory, just like the ocean before the storm, or the volcano where magma is about to erupt.

This scene was clearly seen by a sneak attacker in a hidden mine lying on the abandoned rock wall in the southwest of the big iron factory.

Including the new firepower setting of the big iron factory at the moment, as well as the number of the elite of the forest army and the hunting witches and the patrol routes, all turned into waterfall-like data and shining translucent circuit diagrams, and the crystal brain light curtain beside the attacker The last one appears.

The blonde and golden retriever carried a heavy anti-shield sniper rifle, locked one firepower point after another, and set the corresponding shooting parameters, with fine beads of sweat oozing out of his forehead, and said anxiously: "Sister Long, Protector Xu They are going to be executed by the cultivators. When shall we wait before we can go down and save people?"

"I've said it many times along the way, and now I'll say it again for the last time-we are not here to save people, but to kill people, really want to save, you go and save yourself!"

Long Yangjun coiled the waterfall-like black hair around behind his head, biting a blue barking dagger in his mouth, his face was as cold as iron, "There are so many elite soldiers and hunting witches underneath, and Yue Wushuang, the heavenly demon. The female devil in the trial court sits in person, how to save it?

"Don't underestimate Yue Wushuang. Although she has not been considered the most famous and outstanding among all the gods in the empire in the past few decades, she has largely been dragged down by the weakness of the Heavenly Demon Tribunal.

"Judging from the fighting performance in the past few months, she definitely deserves the words'streak, cruel and cruel'. The achievements of the Trial Chamber of Heaven Demon's extermination of Heaven Demon and the study of Nether Energy over the past few hundred years have all been concentrated on her. .

"How can it be possible to rescue so many workers and worry-free believers under her nose?

"It is the most ideal result to be able to find a chance to kill her. As for whether the immortal cultivator's control of the big iron factory will collapse after she is killed, how much workers and worry-free believers can escape, then ask for more blessings. !"

Li Jialing said anxiously: "But—"

"No but!"

Long Yangjun glared at the young man, "Do you think I like to come back here? Do you think I was fed up or suffering from madness, so I was willing to go back to the big iron factory heavily guarded by immortal cultivators. hero?

"It's not that I was seriously injured, had run out of ammunition and food, and was chased by those two gods, so I had to kill a carbine to try my luck here!

"Listen, our ammunition, fuel, and psionic reserves are all left. We can only hold on to a short assault battle at most. It is absolutely impossible to continue entanglement with the immortal cultivator, let alone the ability to grow extravagantly.

"Within a radius of hundreds of miles, only the big iron factory stores enough resources to allow us to receive effective supplies, and no one would have thought that we would have the courage to come back, so here is the safest place-this is us. The reason to venture back, the only reason!

"In the past few days, we tried our best and finally managed to get rid of the chase of the two gods, and won a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity-but the ecstasy formation we set up can't fool them for too long. Once the trick is exposed, They will definitely react soon, and we will only have six hours to half a day to return to the big iron factory as quickly as possible; at least, in at least five minutes, they will come out from behind our ass!

"With one enemy and three, I am definitely not an opponent, so I must kill the'Moon Demon' Yue Wushuang before the other two Transfiguration Gods appear, and then get enough supplies to consolidate my energy to face the new enemy.

"After killing Yue Wushuang, just dealing with two gods, there is still room for maneuver or even reversal, otherwise, just wipe your neck and hang!

"In short, now is not the time for the benevolence of women, remember your mission clearly, and then pray that I can successfully kill Yue Wushuang, if so, there may be a few people below who can survive; if you are still half-hearted, worrying about gains and losses, Don't try to save any of them!"

"I, I understand, I'm sorry, Sister Long."

Li Jialing lowered his head in shame. After a while, he asked with concern, "Sister Long, how is your injury?"

"Can't die."

Long Yangjun's face was pale, expressionless, a gloomy chill appeared in his eyes, and he said every word, "I, Long Yangjun, can't kill any cat or dog. How can three gods be enough, at least ten? !"

"I don't know where Brother Yao went."

Li Jialing hesitated for a while, still whispering, "It would be fine if he was here."

"Don't tell me this beast!"

Long Yangjun said angrily as expected, "If it weren't for him... the rhetoric deceived me, how could I fall into this **** whirlpool in a daze, and make it to the end of the fire!

"In the beginning, I kindly let him escape, but he just didn't want to run, and he wanted to go up to his life in awe; when we were all dragged down by him, he escaped sneakily? It's a scumbag!

"I tell you, the biggest mistake I made in my life was to know your eldest brother as a scumbag, and for a moment, I actually regarded him as a good friend; and the second biggest mistake I made was to be stupid enough to believe him. Oh my god! Looking back on it now, I am really ashamed. At that time, I was fascinated by what ghost, how could I become like him!"

"This one……"

Li Jialing thought for a while and said, "In fact, sister Long can't be blamed for being obsessed with ghosts, mainly because Brother Yao is too cunning and too sensational."

"So, if he dared to show up in front of me—"

Long Yangjun said fiercely, "I will definitely not give him a chance to speak again. I just slashed him neatly, the world will be quiet, and the universe will be peaceful!"

Li Jialing didn't know how to answer, so he had to concentrate on the scope.

In the scope, above the execution ground, the executioner wearing a steel mask had already fired the chain saw sword, and the gleaming jagged teeth quickly spun.

Xu Zhicheng and others were suppressed by the fighting puppets on the ground, and their backs were straightened in the fight against steel.

Li Jialing swallowed hard, his palms were wet, and every muscle in his body was tight, unable to restrain the urge to pull the trigger at the center of the executioner's eyebrows.

For some reason, Li Yao appeared in his mind again with a bloodbath, one enemy ten thousand.

Did Brother Yao really run away?

It's really impossible for a billionth of a million miracles to happen. Can they really save everyone?

The executioner raised the chainsaw sword high, and the first to bear the brunt was the great guardian Xu Zhicheng.

Li Jialing saw Xu Zhicheng's smile in the scope, his fingers almost screamed, and then exploded.

"Do it."

At this moment, Long Yangjun patted his **** lightly, "I have locked Yue Wushuang's position!"

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