40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2423: Sky Crystal Fights Moon Demon!

"Damn it!"

There are more than twenty strengthened ceramic spheres spewing out from the Universe Ring along with the giant weapon components, but under the psychic power of Yue Wushuang, the pieces burst, and a wave of turbulent shock waves are condensed into the naked eye. The visible twisting barrier blocked Long Yangjun's attack.

Taking this opportunity, Yue Wushuang got into the spiritual palace of the Giant God Soldier and merged with the "Moon Demon"!

The faint blue eyes of the "Moon Demon" instantly brightened, and there was a grinning smile in the slender throat.

"Moon Demon" is a rather rare beast-like giant soldier, like a huge and friendless lizard, with two short forelimbs and a thick and powerful long tail. Its tail is covered with shocking jagged teeth, even It can be turned back and bend all the way to the head, turning the entire giant soldier into a huge metal moon wheel.

The opponent has extracted the giant soldier, and if he fights like this, he will undoubtedly die. Long Yangjun can only act decisively and flash into the chaotic Imperial Forest Army and the Hunting Witch. A few rabbits flock and fall, suddenly bursting out like a crystal-like bright light, like a vast ocean. It also swallowed the lives of dozens of immortal cultivators, and under the cover of the stump and broken arm and the **** storm, he also summoned his own giant soldier "Sky Crystal"!

Almost the moment she got into the "Tianjing" spiritual house, Yue Wushuang's "Moon Demon" curled up into a sharp moon wheel and slammed into it in a devastating posture.


The collision of the two giants shook the entire big iron factory; the deafening roar tore the eardrums of everyone around; the overwhelming shock wave even blew out several spar chariots. , Rolled dozens of times in mid-air before landing heavily, exploding one after another, turning into huge fireballs.

Long Yangjun's cultivation base and the ranks of the giant soldier "Tianjing" were higher than the other one after all, even if Yue Wushuang took the initiative to attack and she just rushed to defend, she still didn't suffer too much.

However, after the giant soldier "Tianjing" showed its complete form, it was at least four or five stories high, no matter how she covered it and dodged it, it instantly became the focus of everyone's attention.

The underground cave where the big iron factory is located is quite limited no matter how large it is. There are intricate factory areas everywhere, piles of steel components and fragments of debris, which are really not the best place for giant soldiers to exert their combat effectiveness.

That's right, the giants have strong psychic interference and anti-locking magical powers, but at such a close distance, the enemy does not need any magical assistance at all. Using only the naked eye and a ruler, you can use the "three points and one line" method to aim. she was.

Under Yue Wushuang’s triumphant order, all the surrounding Imperial Forest Army and Witch Hunter all aimed at Long Yangjun’s giant soldier "Tianjing", with arrow-burst warheads, miniature flying swords, crystal magnetic cannons, thermal cannons, Vulcan cannons, and destruction. Cannons, chaotic fire crossbows... form thousands of crossed lines of fire, smashing their heads and brains on the "Sky Crystal", smashing the "Sky Crystal"'s psychic shield full of holes, causing countless fine ripples, like It is a pond shrouded in pouring rain.

Although the levels of ordinary cultivators and Long Yang are very different, and the gap between ordinary crystal armor and giant soldiers is even more than one hundred and eight thousand miles, but the number is accumulated to the limit, quantitative changes can still cause qualitative changes.

An attack by a crystal armor on the giant soldier was like a light **** with an embroidery needle.

But if ten thousand embroidery needles pierce fiercely at the same time, no one can stand it.

This is the reason why Long Yangjun was unwilling to summon the Giant God Soldier "Sky Crystal" at the beginning-the target was too big, there was no place to hide, facing the attack of the gust of wind and rain, he could only gritted his teeth.

After all, no magic weapon is "invincible". Every magic weapon has its own most suitable environment. The Titan Soldier is the ultimate weapon developed for cosmic warfare. In the vast and frictionless universe, the Titan Soldiers can be made into giants tens of meters or even hundreds of meters high, as long as the spirit and spirit of the rider can hold it.

In a star-sea battle, combat units several meters, tens of meters, and hundreds of meters high have little difference in their chances of being locked and hit by the enemy. These factors include comprehensive ammunition carrying capacity, endurance combat capability, and instant output combat power. Considering that a giant soldier with a height between fifteen and forty or fifty meters has the strongest battlefield survivability.

Even if you occasionally fall into a starship with a small space, you can completely rely on your own powerful destructive power to smash a blood path, even if the enemy starship explodes, it may not be able to injure the giant soldiers that sneak into it.

But underground warfare is completely another concept.

The huge figure of the giant soldier turned into a fatal flaw.

The giant soldiers "Tianjing" and "Moon Demon", like two red-eyed rhinos, were locked in a small iron cage with no room to move.

The question is, the "Moon Demon" "rhino" also has countless flexible and sharp-toothed mice to help. How to fight this battle?

Up to now, Long Yangjun has no choice but to carry out the "decapitation tactics" arbitrarily.

Yue Wushuang's style of play is very "thief". He clearly has the ability to fight Long Yangjun. Except for the first moon round slash, he never fights head-on. Instead, he is outside the entire big iron factory. Walking up the rocky wall of Wang, the huge and unreliable giant soldier "diyo" turned around, like a top with four legs, lightly dipping through most of Long Yangjun's attacks.

Her giant soldier "Moon Demon" is very adaptable to the battle environment of three hundred and sixty degrees in the rock wall. With four legs gently gripping the rock wall, she can also fight back with a tens of meters long tail, just like that of a gecko and a scorpion. Combination-It seems that the characteristics of this giant soldier is also a major reason why Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi sent her to carry out the mission of hunting and killing underground.

Under the harassment of the surrounding imperial forest army and the hunting witch, Long Yangjun was unable to effectively aim and lock, even if she had always been like a water stop, she could not help but feel a little impetuous in the face of the gnawing of countless "rats".

But just when she was ready to turn her head and tackle these "rats" first, Yue Wushuang would again control the "Moon Demon" to jump down from the rock wall, pounce on her most vulnerable flank, and interfere with her newly formed offensive.

This stalemate lasted for a full five minutes. Long Yangjun only killed hundreds of Yulin Army and Hunter Girl, but did not cause too serious damage to Yue Wushuang’s giant soldier "Yue Demon", but instead his own giant soldier "Tianjing". "A few more shocking wounds were added, fuel and ammunition reserves also fell below the cordon, and piercing sirens sounded one after another.

Her giant soldier "Tianjing" was originally injured extremely badly in the battle with Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi's "Hell Star", so it is reasonable to say that it should be sent for overhaul.

But her base in the depths of the earth did not have the ability to fully repair the giant soldiers, so she could only simply maintain it and take the wounds into battle.

Therefore, in the last battle against the three gods, they were hit hard by the opponent.

After the heavy damage, she has been running hurriedly, rushing left and right all the way, so she has not stopped for half a second, and finally returned to the big iron factory, but she did not even have the time and conditions for simple maintenance. .

Under the seemingly sparkling armor, there are cobweb-like gaps, and you can hear the cracking sound of "crack crack" after a little vigorous activity.

The alarm of the master crystal brain has long been turned off by Long Yangjun, otherwise the harsh screaming will not stop for even a second-this giant soldier has reached the limit of fatigue, and it will be unbearable to fight again!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The opponent's artillery fire still poured on her mercilessly, and the colorful fireball wrapped her whole body like a deformed tumor, covering the original bright light of the "Sky Crystal".


There was a sharp noise from the right knee joint of "Tianjing". The entire giant soldier slid to the right, staggered, and then staggered back, as if there was a big problem with the leg support shaft. , Had to flee.

"Yue Demon" obviously hesitated. It seems that Yue Wushuang is thinking about whether Long Yang is really going to escape or is a trap. After a while, she still can't match the temptation to catch Long Yang alive, "Yue Demon" escapes from all around again. The gecko turned into an extremely ferocious poisonous lizard, commanding it, swooping!


"Tianjing"'s right knee burst out an abnormal noise again, the entire support and steering unit burst completely, and the right calf was missing, and it was half short!

Even if Yue Wushuang had judged that this might be a trap in advance, he didn't expect Long Yangjun to take the initiative to break a calf of the Giant God Soldier, just to gain an instant opportunity.

Her culling height was a little bit higher.


The tail that had been poking hard at the chest of "Tian Jing", but it hit the shoulder of "Tian Jing" and pierced deeply.

If you pierce your chest, you have the opportunity to penetrate the "spiritual house" and crush the rider inside into mud.

But just poke a transparent hole in the shoulder, at most it will make the opponent lose the combat power of an arm.

What's more terrible is that Long Yangjun also took this opportunity to narrow the distance between the two sides. While deliberately sending out the flaw in his shoulder, his right hand condensed into a crystal sharp blade, and it stabbed into the lower abdomen of the "Moon Demon"!

Although the lower abdomen is not a part of the spirit palace that can "kill in one hit", it is directly connected to the reaction furnace of the giant soldier, and there is a crystal spine that connects the upper and lower body of the giant soldier. Once cut off, the giant soldier is very likely paralysis!


"Tianjing"'s crystal hand knife instantly spurred thousands of degrees of high temperature, driving straight into the "Moon Demon"'s lower abdomen.

Yue Wushuang was shocked, and he didn't expect Long Yangjun's combat effectiveness to be so tyrannical.

Wanting to pull out his tail and distance himself from Long Yangjun, Long Yangjun clung to her, and the two giant soldiers rolled into a ball, as if two skyscrapers were collapsing at the same time.


Long Yangjun's eyes with ice crystals almost exploded, regardless of how his left arm was almost poked off by the enemy's tail, he let out a hoarse roar.


Yue Wushuang's head was covered with cold sweat and it was all frozen, and there was a ray of despair in the extremely calm eyes.

Just at the very moment, a flash of sword light that was as fast as lightning and silently lased, directly piercing the "Tianjing" left leg intact, making Long Yangjun's ready-to-fire fierce attack slightly deviated from it. direction.

Two tall and towering figures like gods and demons appeared on the edge of the battlefield at the same time.

The other two old monsters, "Moyuan" Li Jianyi and "Smashing Star Sword" Song Huanzhen, finally controlled their giant soldiers and returned to the big iron factory!

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