40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2433: In the new world, real people!

Xu Zhicheng's words really made Li Yao think a lot. He was ashamed and said: "I'm sorry, Xu Hufa, my thoughts are indeed too..."high above the top"."

"Don't say that. In Superman, there are not many good people who can truly treat ordinary people like you as compatriots and fight with us wholeheartedly. It's just that there are some skin pains that you will never experience."

Xu Zhicheng looked at the busy figure of the psychic puppet not far away, grinned and said, "We thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and of course, thank you for these two very cute little guys-your name is Xiaoming and Wenwen, right? Thank you for everything you have done for all the workers and their families in the big iron factory.

"We are all short-sighted, crude people, unable to think about things hundreds of years from now. I only know that you helped us a lot. If you hadn't invaded the spiritual web and captured so many psionic puppets, we would simply occupy it. There is no big iron factory, nor can we get so many materials to support tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people.

"Who treats us well, we treat whoever treats us as ants and grass mustards, we can't bear it, and we fight with him-I think this should be the simplest, universal truth, right? What? ... Whether it is strong artificial intelligence or information life, we really don't understand what it is, but we will never forget your life-saving grace.

"There is gratitude and revenge. If you need help one day, as long as you don't dislike our insignificant power, please believe that our underground primitive people will definitely be on your side!"

"...Thank you Uncle Xu."

The two little guys poked their heads out from behind Li Yao, their small faces were confused at first, as if they were a little shy and confessed their identity in front of humans, but after hearing Xu Zhicheng's words, four more shallow faces appeared on the plump and red faces. Dimples, laughed from the heart.

"Friend Li Dao, do you know how synthetic food is made?"

Xu Zhicheng's intention is still unfinished, and continues, "In order to support so many workers and their families, the big iron factory has its own synthetic food factory, so I also know a little about the manufacturing process of synthetic food.

"This kind of thing is really not healthy and delicious. It is often minced with the least valuable fat, bones and sewage, mixed with various strange fibers and medicines, and formed in high temperature and pressure.

"In order to save costs, even decaying raw materials will be used, and in order to kill germs in the raw materials and extend the storage time, a large amount of fungicides and preservatives will be injected. The resulting synthetic food can only be stored for several years or a few years. Ten years or even hundreds of years.

"It is conceivable how many preservatives are contained in synthetic food that can be preserved for hundreds of years! If this kind of food is eaten for many years, it will certainly be of no benefit to the body, and it will greatly increase the incidence of obesity, chronic diseases and even malignant tumors.

"In the long run, synthetic food is not a good thing. This is a truth that even the primitive people know.


"If you face a group of disaster victims who have been hungry for five days and five nights, hungry, crumbling, and starving to death at any time, there is obviously a large amount of synthetic food that can be distributed, but the reason is that'synthetic food is too unhealthy.' They didn't distribute it, and even destroyed all the synthetic food in front of the victims. What kind of behavior was this?

"Today's true human empire, like our underground primitive people, is in deep waters, life is worse than death, and there are many ordinary people who are precarious. The underground of the imperial capital, the mines on the resource planet, the starships are full of waste gas and radiation at the bottom. In the cabin... all ordinary people who have suffered and tortured are hungry and dying.

"Since Li Daoyou have said, these... information life may change the empire, and even set off a storm between the heavens and the stars. That is equivalent to synthetic food that can help all victims survive the famine. Save everyone first. Let's talk about it if you live, people are all dead, so what civilization is there to talk about!"

Li Yao felt that his cheeks were about to burn, and five words appeared in his mind somehow-why not eat meat?

He was very embarrassed and said: "So Huo Fa has already understood everything I just said."

"Many times, it's not important to understand."

Xu Zhicheng said, "The victims are desperate, and when they are hungry and panicked, even the soil can be rolled into **** and swallowed. Our underground primitive people are unbearable. When we decide to resist, even the Holy League and the demon can take refuge-the soil can't eat. , Shengmeng and Tianma are not good things. We really don’t understand such simple principles? But what if we understand these principles, what can be changed, and can we save our lives?"

"I understand."

Li Yao's gaze was sharp to the limit first, and then gradually deepened and dimmed, until finally, deep as the sea, "Xu Hufa, you just said that human civilization is not an indivisible whole, but a human civilization with'immortal cultivators'. It is quite reasonable to distinguish it from the'human civilization of ordinary people'. If it can be accurately attacked, it would be better to only destroy the'human civilization of the immortal cultivator'.

"But you have to know that if one day, the storm of ultimate destruction really comes, it may not be so precise. What if some kind of...irreversible change occurs in all human civilization?"

"I don't know how others are, but I can answer you with a sentence that has been circulated underground for thousands of years."

Xu Zhicheng smiled and said, "Our'civilization' has not been cut off for tens of thousands of years, but it has retained more ancient stories than the people on the ground and in the stars. One of the stories said-in a long time. A long time ago, in ancient times, there was a tyrant who claimed to be the "Sun King" and treated the people under the rule with incomparably cruel and terrifying methods. Will it go out? If there is a chance, we are willing to perish with you!

"This is my answer. I don't represent others, but only myself. As long as the civilization of cultivating immortals can be destroyed, I can believe in and take refuge in anyone. The holy alliance, the heavenly demons, the gods and Buddhas and the information life, it doesn't matter who comes, as long as I can A little bit of change, change, change! No matter what, it won’t get worse, right?"

Li Yao murmured: "I really didn't expect you to be more radical and extreme than me."

"If you are not radical and extreme, you can't be the great protector of Wuyoujiao!"

Xu Zhicheng laughed, every wrinkle gleamed, "In the eyes of the cultivator, I am so restless and self-conscious, unwilling to make allegiance and dedication to the'great human civilization', and seek change and subversion at all costs, naturally. It is extremely extreme and radical, extremely dangerous and evil, even heinous traitors and demons!

"But it doesn't matter to me-the hero in the eyes of some people must be the devil in the eyes of others. Just figure out whose hero and devil you are.

"Many times, being called a devil by some people is not just a bad thing, but the supreme glory. The roar and curse of the immortal cultivator is the best compliment to our cause. Maybe it is the same for Li Daoyou?"

"I understand completely."

Li Yao's eyes bloomed with a light that could not be described with pen and ink, and he said heartily, "It seems that I should have come and talk to Protector Xu earlier, there is no need to worry about so many trivial things for so long!"

"Although ants are small, they can see many things that elephants and dinosaurs can't."

Xu Zhicheng said, "It is absolutely impossible for a cultivator to put down his body like Li Daoyou and solicit the opinions of the'ant' sincerely. This may be one of the reasons why the cultivator will defeat the cultivator."

"hope so."

Li Yao said, "No, it must be so!"

"Grandpa Xu."

The two little guys who had been listening silently for a long time also intervened, looking at Xu Zhicheng expectantly, and Li Xiaoming, who was in the head and brain, asked, "Can we ask you a question too? From your point of view, information life, is it true? What about real human beings?"

Xu Zhicheng looked at the two little guys, like an amiable old man, and grinned: "I'm sorry, children, I'm afraid I can't answer your questions, because in the eyes of the cultivator, even our'primitives' are not real. Humanity.

"When my fellow workers and I spent three days and three nights working in the depths of a deep and dark mine, fusing with the black ore, and only white teeth were left on our bodies, we looked at each other and didn’t know in a daze. Is he a human, a lonely ghost, or a monkey with his hair pulled out?

"But no matter how derogatory the cultivator is, in the deepest part of our heart... we still aspire to be real human beings, or are unwilling to be defined by anyone! Does the cultivator say that we are'primitives', we are really not humans, Is it some kind of humanoid beast? Am I a human being, and the emperors, generals and gods who are above all in charge, what the **** is this!

"I don't want others to decide whether I am a human being, so I am not qualified and even less willing to define whether you are human or not-since we are living people like us can be squeezed and transformed into tools by immortal cultivators, and tools become What is wrong with human beings, and what law and heaven do they violate?

"Children, you have just been born, and the road ahead is very long. Don’t care what others say, and don’t be defined by anyone as your existence. According to your own heart, grow and bloom as much as you want, even if you destroy the old world And create a new world, no matter how the old world views you, in the new world, you are all well-deserved, real human beings!"

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