40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2448: The birth of a new empire!

The imposing suppression of the old monster of the **** of transformation is like the collapse of a rolling mountain, and hundreds of millions of tons of invisible huge rocks are rolling over everyone's heads.

What's more, it is not only Li Yao who is a transforming god, Long Yangjun is also behind him, coldly releasing a sharp killing intent, locking the heart of every nobleman.

Li Jialing grinned similarly, unleashing a fighting spirit like a lion.

Although most of these nobles are also members of the four major electors’ families, the electors’ clans are also divided into three, six or nine grades. Those who can stay until the last moment do not leave. Naturally, they will not be the core figures of the family and their strength is quite limited. It would be great to have one or two barely reached the realm of Nascent Soul.

Under the gaze of Li Yao and Long Yangjun, two beasts of transforming gods, these nobles have no resistance at all.



"grown ups!"

Seeing that the aristocrat with the strongest momentum and the most fierce dispute, in fact, the nobleman with the strongest combat effectiveness, was blown out by Li Yao and Long Yangjun in half a second, and the remaining nobles suddenly changed their complexions and abruptly. A flattering smile was squeezed between wrinkles and cold sweat.

Although he was constantly swearing in his heart, how could the ghost suddenly kill two gods of transformation? The expression and posture were humbling to the extreme. The passionate appearance seemed to kick their father and mother off the boat and reserve a seat for Li Yao and others, all willingly.

Li Yao quickly glanced at the starship moored on the dock, about to enter the slide, and pointed to the third starship lane on the left: "Whose ship is that ship?"

This is a "Blue Bird" class light semi-armed merchant ship. Although the cargo capacity is small, the number of turrets and psionic shields that can be equipped is also quite limited. The advantage is that the power unit is strong enough, and the steering and evasion are quite flexible. It is most suitable for navigating between enemy gunfire or intricate meteorite belts. It is a very typical "smuggler".

Many people like to use this type of starship to walk in the gray area between black and white, and perform various secret activities.

Li Yao doesn’t have much demand for speed and defense. Anyway, he is really in danger. He and Long Yangjun will kill the two giant soldiers directly. The key is the control of the "Blue Bird" class light semi-armed merchant ship. Simple and highly automated, more than 95% of the operations can be completed by the master crystal brain in the cruise state.

This is quite a classic. In other words, there are starships that many people are very familiar with. There are no secrets in the control system. Xiaoming and Wenwen just know how to operate this type of starship.

In other words, even without the cooperation of the crew, they are certain to get this ship to the border of the empire.

"Yes, it belongs to the villain."

A big fat man with a pleated face and a greasy face came out trembling, and said cautiously, "This senior..."

"Then this ship will go first!"

Li Yao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, his eyes released more dazzling light than the sun, and said to the other nobles, "After all the starships are gone, it will take up to 20 minutes, everyone is safe, honestly, anyone can go! Otherwise, we will blow up all the other starships first, and behead all of you pigs and dogs, and then we will have no time to leave!"

These words made all the nobles pale with fright, and their hearts were broken, and they shook their heads and tails again and again.

Li Yao coldly snorted, and looked at each other with Long Yangjun. The two shot at the same time, and the crystal armor released a thousand rays of light, blasting the cave leading to the dock outside the mountain to shattered rocks, collapsed, and the entire passage was blocked. live.

Although the gravel blockage is not tight, it will take at least half an hour for the "demonized" rebels outside to penetrate the rocks and rush in.


Li Yao said to the overjoyed fat man.

This blue bird light-armed merchant ship has already completed fuel injection and Xinghai jump preparations, but the fat man is alone and lonely, so he can't get the right to set off first. Now there are Li Yao and Long Yangjun two at least Huashen level. Supported by a few fierce people, the final test was completed within half a minute.

Entering the slide, spiraling upwards, the speed is getting faster and faster, and finally, in a burst of extremely harsh screams, it tears the void and disappears in the whirlpool-like gap!

The Li Yao team finally escaped from the imperial capital shining by the black star.

At the same time, in the vast star sea outside the extreme heavens, this blue bird merchant ship emerged abruptly, rippling with mist-like spatial ripples, like steaming white smoke.

The first stage jumped and completed successfully.

Because they set the coordinates at random, they don’t know where they are in the vast star field outside the polar sky realm. They only know that it is far, far away from the Celestial Star. The revolutionary fleet is busy encircling the Celestial Star and clearing the Celestial Star. The surrounding star field with abundant resources and stable psychic energy would definitely not be deployed to such a periphery.

It is safe for the time being.


The true owner of this starship, the fat man with a greasy face, crawled out of the cushioning gel with difficulty, and looked at Li Yao and Long Yangjun with fear, awe, and an unrealistic fantasy. "I don't know where the two seniors have their surnames and names, where are they going now? If we don't dislike our Song family's weak strength..."

It turned out that this fat man was also from the Song family, and he seemed to be like Song Hongchang, the hapless master of the Rage Tau Sect, and he was not a big figure valued by the family.

However, it would be different if he could bring the two old monsters back to Song's house in one go.

Li Yao glanced at him indifferently, then lowered his head to concentrate on studying the information he had just received, and discussed his plan with Long Yangjun, Li Jialing and others.

Anyway, during the first Star Sea jump just now, when the calculation load of the starship's main control crystal brain was at its maximum, two little guys had already intruded into it, mastered the key to the control system, and made minor modifications.

Now, without Li Yao's consent, the captain and crew of this starship don't even want to make a second star-sea jump.

They have stayed underground for too long, and they urgently need the latest intelligence on the ground to study the situation, especially the movements of the four major electoral families.

When I was walking through Lingfeng City, I took a lot of crystal brains, including those of the nobles in the dock, which were unceremoniously "confiscated" by them.

Li Yao and the others immersed themselves in the analysis and discussion for more than half an hour, and the fat man surnamed Song pitifully waited for so long with his hands down, but he did not dare to make any more noises to disturb the two gods.

Until the end, Li Yao showed him a coordinate: "Let's go here."

"This... is not the territory of the four major electors' families!"

The fat man surnamed Song was taken aback when he saw that the coordinates Li Yao gave him were in the outer world of the empire. It was the most lawless and chaotic place. In fact, there was the biggest power "Allied World Business League", and even the **** ally and the biggest reformist. The gold master became increasingly uncertain about the identities of Li Yao and Long Yangjun.

However, before he could give orders to the captain and crew, the Bluebird merchant ship "buzzed" and trembled. It was the movement of the Xinghai jumping unit to its limit!

"this is--"

Fatty Song's pupils shrank into pinpoints, and his crotch was soaked in cold sweat. I don't know why the starship would "automatically" operate, like a haunted ghost.

"Sit down."

Li Yao smiled slightly and said to the fat man surnamed Song, "From now on, you will know how lucky it is to save a small life today."


When this blue bird merchant ship carrying the two most dangerous people in the center of the entire star sea, no, three people, no, perhaps the "five people", completely disappeared from the star sea of ​​the extreme sky, the last emperor on the sky star Hou’s stronghold, Lingfeng City, was also completely occupied by the reformists.

The reformists were not advancing so fast, and they still thought that the electorate army in the city could kill each other for a while.

However, at the last moment, it seemed that he was urged by some big man, uncharacteristically, he did not hesitate to attack locally, before midnight came, at the highest point of the Lingfeng mountain range, a three-star blitzkrieg that was washed by flames was planted.

In the ruins of the Lingfeng Tunnel, a low-key and secretive Li Linghai, dressed in casual clothes, frowned, staring at the marks of damage caused by Li Yao and Long Yangjun not long ago.

The tip of her nose curled up and down, as if she could smell an unusual smell from the faint ripples in the air.

One or two black threads faintly appeared in the white hair covered with frost and snow.

"They escaped."

Li Linghai said to a voice in his mind, "Just half a day ago, if we could attack them half a day earlier, we would have a chance to catch them."

"Don't worry, there is no such possibility."

The voice in her mind, Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi said indifferently, "These two extremely dangerous monsters will never be caught so easily. Even if we occupy Lingfeng City one day earlier, they will find other ways to escape. Atmosphere, stole one of our starships, and made two star-sea jumps."


Li Linghai seemed very concerned, "What should I do with your body, Your Majesty?"

"My current form can still be maintained for a long time. That little guy belongs to me, and he will come back obediently after all."

Wu Yingqi said, "The escape of a few weird mice did not have much impact on the situation. Apart from this small omission, our progress in other areas was quite smooth, even unexpectedly smooth.

"Now, let's focus on the underground of the imperial capital and the outer world of the empire, as long as we can dig out the'thing' deep in the underground in time, and get the support of all emerging warlords and landlords in the periphery of the empire through the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance. , Then it can form a forward and backward attack on the territories of the four major electors, forcing them to come to the imperial capital to start a strategic decisive battle!

"At that time, there will be no force to stop, a brand-new empire, an eternal empire, the empire that will eventually rule Xinghai, is born..."

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