40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2454: The villain will be mad when he is aspiring!

There is not much trust among the star thiefs. Everyone gathered together because of the strength of the electorate family and the generous shots.

Letting Boss Bai be the commander of the improvised "Loyalty and Salvation Army" is also quite a bit of pushing him out as a bird to help everyone block guns.

Star pirates are all clues to the wind. Although it seems that the electorate is more powerful now, what if something goes wrong and the electorate army fails, will the reformers really gain the upper hand?

In the future, the reformers will be held accountable for the war. Naturally, the ‘Commander-in-Chief of the Loyalty and Salvation Army’ can hardly escape the blame.

Especially those star thief leaders who have been in the Star Sea for decades or even hundreds of years, none of them really obeyed Boss Bai in their hearts.

It's just that Li Wuji, the third-class prince of the dignified empire, and the real power figures of the four major electors' families stood behind Boss Bai, and a large number of imperial starships were staring at him in the distance.

Against this background, Mr. Bai smiled and held a large sea bowl to toast them. Naturally, they couldn't "toast without eating and fine wine."

No way, depending on Li Wuji...for the face of so many starships, today you have to get drunk.

"Brothers, the Blue Sky Market has completely belonged to our Star Pirates. No, it belongs to our Loyal Salvation Army! With a radius of several million miles, there will never be any Starships from the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Alliance and the Revolutionary School. Firmly control every nearby airspace suitable for star-sea jumping, even if half of a feather jumps over, we will be burnt in an instant! So, don’t worry, it’s absolutely safe here. Let’s eat it today. Drink it happily, if the **** doesn’t get down after drinking it, or else it’s my boss who didn’t take care of you, you can come up and slap me in the face, or else you’ll just **** don’t give me boss white face La! Haha, wowhahahaha!"

Boss Bai was the first to get drunk, revealing his ambitions. He didn’t know how many jins of his bones were. He was a little sloppy and unscrupulous. The big sea bowl made of stainless steel was hitting the alloy magnum desperately. , Talking a bit big tongue.

His dress is also very qualified to be included in the textbook of nouveau riche.

The flames of war in the blue sky market had just been extinguished, and the artificially adjusted temperature was still extremely high, not much better than a steamer, but he first wore a red solid-color fur coat stolen from the warehouse, and he also wore a heavy coat. A dozen or twenty catties, the chimney also looks like a sea dragon leather hat, the top of the hat is a colorful, shining large crystal, like a searchlight, it shimmers and shines, and it is as magnanimous as it is.

It's a pity that this priceless red fur and a fur hat were originally prepared for the muscular man who lives on an extremely cold planet and is more than two meters tall. The white boss is a little man with a burnt face and a thin skeleton. , A big piece of fur was put on his body, it was like a child stole adult clothes, not to mention that the big hat often looked like a chimney, covering his face, then it became a headgear without eye holes. It made him have to poke up and poke with his fingers from time to time, so that he can barely wear his hat crookedly. There is no such thing as a heroic spirit. It really makes the most illiterate star thief have four in his mind. Words-Muhou and crown!

That's not even counted. In order to forcefully open the fur and the fur hat, Boss Bai also stuffed a lot of rare silks and satin into the fur. The things were good things, and they couldn't hold him so hard to put them in his arms.

At the beginning, when he delivered the "Inaugural Address of the Commander-in-Chief of the Loyalty and Salvation Army," he didn't show his stuff. Later, when he was toasting to the star pirates at a table, it was not right. These silk satin also fell to the ground one after another, dragging behind him, but it looked like a little mouse with a fiery red skin with a colorful tail.

Several soldiers of the Great White Star Pirates Group watched by the side. They wanted to remind the boss to pay attention but did not dare. They looked at each other for a while, so they had to tremblingly carry the silk that was thrown off and follow behind the boss. That funny scene is really a real experience. The rich and ruthless old thief watched it, and couldn't help laughing.

As for the huge universe ring on the ten fingers, it is estimated that it was just snatched from the warehouse, and before the extraction code was cracked, it was anxious to use it to support the scene, and the spar could only be stuffed around the waist, making it bulging. Just drop a few pieces with each step-let alone these "trivial" things!

The vast majority of star thief themselves are not very image-conscious people, such as wolves like tigers, insatiable and insatiable, they are them. However, this man who has only risen magically in the past two years, the "super newcomer" in the star thief circle, the white boss, is too eager to eat. Too ugly!

This also confirms what many years old thieves think of him-strength is there, but it is too ostentatious and arrogant, all day long, flamboyant, arrogant, arrogant, this kind of person is the sky cannon, rushing up quickly , The heads fall quickly, just to hold them up as their shield.

Whatever the commander-in-chief of the loyal and righteous national salvation army, he can become the commander-in-chief of the loyal national salvation army. Anyway, the aristocratic coalition really won a big victory, and they will follow to reap the benefits. When the time comes, several old thieves and senior star thief will join forces, and they are afraid that they will not be able to stand up Such a bluffing little guy? Even throwing a shot at the back of his head on the battlefield to carve up his Great White Star Thieves Group, that would be easy!

In the unlikely event that the noble coalition loses and the reformers win, they will immediately "anyway" and tie this "loyalty and salvation army commander-in-chief" to the reformer's guillotine with a "click", wanting to come and be "forced". The "accompaniers" who are helpless and "battlefield uprising" will not be severely punished.

In the past few decades, many old thieves have both killed each other and robbed each other. They have also been enemies and friends, fighting and making peace. They have long formed a strong tacit understanding. This kind of tacit thing is not necessary at all. Said that when they exchanged eyes with each other, they understood what the other side was thinking, and the corners of their lips could not help but sneered and weird smiles.

Of course, this smile is fleeting and will never be discovered by Boss Bai-since this young man is so hot-headed now and thinks he is the king of heaven, let them continue to perfuse, flatter, and put him in the sky. Up.

Call you the commander-in-chief, drink a few bowls of wine with you, even if you are really drunk with you, the Ming Dynasty might use your head for it, the little guy who doesn't know the situation!

At the moment, "the host and the host enjoy themselves", and the atmosphere is extremely hot.

"Leader Zhao, I still remember the ticket that I did with the Tiger Demon Star Pirates Group last time. Hahahaha, it's so happy, so happy! At that time, I was wondering when I could join hands with you again. One vote is enough. I didn’t expect that this time I really hit the opportunity. Let’s join hands to grab it. Oh, it’s to wipe out the rebels and rebellious parties in the Seven Seas Big Market. And I, the White Boss, will be your commander! Come and come, drink, drink, drink, know you are not drunk a thousand cups, this bucket, this bucket is finished, then this commander will let your "Tiger Demon Star Pirates Group" be the first to rush in and grab , The most, the most, the most **** coquettish girls, all belong to you, all belong to you!

"Head Sun, let's, hehehehe, let's not know each other. The business in the Heihe Star Territory last time is really embarrassing. You have lost so many manpower. But let's come out as star thief, and the business belongs to business. , Friends belong to friends, I admire your reputation as a "Ghost Knife", my boss is very impressed! Don't say anything, I will respect you three cups first, it is regarded as apologizing for the last collision, and then everyone is a good brother , Good friend, what's not up to you, let's go to the Seven Seas Market to vent!"

"Qian, Qian Qiye, you are an old man in our star thief circle. Have you eaten this bite more than a hundred years ago? It's not easy, it's not easy. When you debuted, I was still wearing open pants. Well, ha ha, ha ha ha ha! Originally, the position of the commander-in-chief of the loyal and righteous salvation army was not available for a respected senior like you. Where can I get a junior who hasn’t gotten all the feathers? But I heard that you’ve accepted it. Injury, not in good health, take the initiative to let Xian? Oh, I see you look like a dragon and a tiger, how can there be any injury that can hurt you "Canghai Hengdao" Qian Qiye? Come, this is the best medicinal wine. "Fighting Tiger Down" is made from the bone marrow of dozens of liger animals. Although the wine is strong, it will be drunk overnight, but after the power of the medicine is dissipated, it will activate the muscles and bones, stimulate the psychic energy, and repair the damaged flesh and blood. But it's the best! Come, this commander will help the old man to pour the wine himself, old man, please!

"Everyone, brothers, listen to this commander's words!"

Elder Bai staggered to clear the level. Naturally, he talked a lot and drank less wine, but a barrel of fine wine was poured into the star thief’s throat. Those low-powered little star thief did not dare to disobey him. The powerful star thief deliberately wants to encourage his arrogance and arrogance, and also sell his face, one by one like a giant whale sucking water, but it is a lot of water.

Even the most vigorous and quick-minded old thief on weekdays can't help but give birth to a slight drunkenness.

At this time, Boss Bai suddenly jumped onto a wine barrel, like a drunk bear, and raised his glass high, "This commander asks everyone a word-do you think, who are we now?"

The star thief underneath looked at each other, and there were scattered voices saying that they were all members of the Imperial Army and were members of the four major electors.

"Yes, of course we are from the Imperial Army and from the Four Electors, but--"

Boss Bai looked around, suddenly widened his eyes, and said loudly, "In the eyes of ordinary nobles, we star thief are the most abominable jackals and the most greedy pigs and dogs. When nothing is wrong, they won't even look straight. Let us half-eyed, relying on Yongchunhou to run up and down, mediate from it, and exert great efforts to sell adult favors, so that the four big families can accept us!

"If you don’t know how to report, what's the difference between being a wolf-hearted bastard? It’s all the **** memorized to Lao Tzu. No matter what the empire and the four big families, we are first of all the people of Yongchunhou, the direct line of the Hou Ye , Direct line!

"Master Hou tells us to fight, let's hit whoever, Master Hou tells us to bite whoever, let's bite whoever, this is the'loyalty salvation army', if you can't do it, don't blame Lao Tzu for turning his face and ruthlessly, three knives and six holes. , The first one to **** him!

"Come on, everyone, let us respect Master Hou together. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, how can a cup be enough to express our admiration and gratitude to Master Hou? A bucket! A bucket for each person, full, full, respect Hou master !"

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