40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2456: Be careful on the road, Lord Hou! (First!)

Li Wuji took a half step back, avoiding the smell of wine in Boss Bai's mouth, covering his mouth and nose with silk, and glanced at the guard.

The personal guard took two steps forward and said loudly: "You generals, please drink slowly. Lord Hou still has an important task, so I have to go ahead. When the Seven Seas Market is conquered, Lord Hou will host a banquet in person to entertain all the generals!"

"Send Master Hou!"

Boss Bai bowed his hands deeply, bowed deeply, and saluted Li Wuji with many star thief.

But he did not prevent him from drinking too much, and for a while, he was too excited to forget his digestion or something else. When he bowed down, his stomach suddenly turned upside down, and his throat let out a "uh" sound, spitting out a lot of sour gas, and seeing that even the wine was about to squirt out. Up.

Li Wuji was taken aback, his entire face turned black, and he hurried away, clutching his nose.

The rest of the star thief leaders wanted to laugh but did not dare. Seeing Boss Bai’s ugly appearance, they put aside the unhappiness of the three barrels of wine just now, and became more and more convinced that this guy who was crowned by monkeys could not have any conspiracy. .

Boss Bai breathed out two sour breaths, and swallowed the wine in his throat abruptly. He also knew that he almost had a big ugly, and he was more likely to provoke Li Wuyi's unhappiness. He didn't even bother to greet the many star thief leaders, so he sorted it out a bit. He clicked on his clothes, wiped the sweat on his face with a hot towel, and chased him in the direction of Li Wuji.

"Master Hou, Master Hou!"

Boss Bai chased down the road leading to Dock No. 1 with no problem.

"Commander Bai, is there anything else?"

Li Wuji turned his head back when he heard the sound, and said rather coldly, "If it's okay, go back and gather your troops. As you said, it is really not easy to twist so many star thief groups into one strand. The empire is not thin to you. You have to work hard for the empire to be worthy of the word'loyalty'."

"Yes, yes, the subordinates must do everything they can to smash their hearts and brains, to pieces, that..."

Boss Bai stammered, he didn't know what he was talking about, and said in embarrassment, "Well, some of my subordinates were a little drunk just now, I hope Master Hou will not, uh, not..."

Li Wuji endured and endured, and smiled reluctantly.

This time, Boss Bai’s fur coat was covered with wine and vegetable juice. It was shiny, smelly, and extremely sloppy. Even if separated by ten layers of silk, Li Wuji, who has a reputation for cleanliness, could not take him personally. shoulder.

The personal bodyguard knew the master's temper, but Dai Li Wuji stepped forward and patted Boss Bai on the shoulder neither lightly nor severely.

"Commander Bai, you are good at everything, but Benhou really didn't know before. You still have the problem of being greedy for a cup."

Li Wuji said earnestly, "I also know your star thief's style of behavior and survival methods. Many times the mental pressure is extremely high. If the nerves are always kept tight, it is very likely to become crazy. Therefore, a small number of people like to use specially made ones. Medicinal wine to soothe the nerves and calm the soul, this is also a special cultivation method.

"It's just that the war is imminent. You have just conquered these unruly and rebellious people. You still need to be up to 120,000 points. If you are really drunk and misbehaving, even Benhou will not be able to keep you."


Boss Bai suddenly became energetic, and raised his chest and said, "Don't worry, Lord Hou, your subordinates won't drink any alcohol from this moment, and then take half a drop, please cut off the tongue of your subordinates!"

"I don't want your tongue, I only want the Seven Seas Big Market, and I want the rebels and rebels of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and the reformists!"

Li Wuji squinted his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, then softened his voice, and said earnestly, "Commander Bai, Commander Bai, don't think that Benhou just treats you star thief as chess pieces and cannon fodder. At least, you and Others are different.

"If it's really chess pieces and cannon fodder, your life and death has nothing to do with Benhou, and what does it have to do with Benhou if you drink or not? You don't have to say so much to you at all.

"But Benhou is really optimistic about you, thinking that you are a craftable material, and I believe you shouldn't be a humble star thief, or it should be not long before you joined the star thief circle, and there is still some rescue.

"Come here, there is no other star thief here, you and I will tell the truth, in your opinion, is the four major families' solicitation of star thief sincerely? The possibility of a donkey?"

Boss Bai was startled slightly. It seemed that he didn't expect Li Wuji to say such subtle words. For a while, he didn't know how to answer, and the cold sweat on his forehead became more and more severe: "Subordinates, this, subordinates don't know, uh, subordinates can't tell."

"I don't know, or is it hard to tell?"

Li Wuji smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Actually, you should know that those old thieves who have been star thief for decades and hundreds of years have had their bad qualities infiltrate their bones, even if they are really in the regular army. Signs, still can't stand the constraints, endure too long, after all, it's hard to change the nature, and will go wrong.

"Therefore, the cooperation with these people is only temporary. One day, the Loyalty and Righteous National Salvation Army will have to further reorganize and completely wash away the brand of the star thief in the past, before it can be reborn and become a true regular army.

"You just said ‘the direct line.’ In fact, what qualifications do those star thief have to be the direct line of the lord?

"Only you, Commander White, Boss Bai, I am really looking forward to your future. I will train your confidant and direct line to train you, including the Loyalty Salvation Army after the future reorganization. I will also spare no effort to invest in the construction. Help you build a deep space fleet of unprecedented scale, capable of spanning hundreds of worlds, invincible and invincible.

"In a word, Benhou deeply believes that you should be one of the most powerful fleet commanders in the empire in the next hundred years, not a star thief who is not seen.

"Now, you understand the importance of yourself, young man, with a great future, so you can do it for yourself."

Boss Bai seemed to be taken aback. He didn't expect that Li Wuji would pick things so clearly, speak so thoroughly, and value himself so much.

His lips and every wrinkle on his face trembled at the same time, and in the end, tears flowed silently.

"Master Hou, you, you value the little one so much. It's like a new parent of the little one!"

Elder Bai said dryly, "Small, the little life was given by the father and mother, but now it belongs to Master Hou! Oh, the little biological father and mother have been dead for many years, so many years. It was a lonely wandering in the sea of ​​stars. No one taught the young man how to behave. In addition, the environment forced him to be forced to go astray. The young man actually regretted being the ghost star thief.

"Master Hou has the kindness to reinvent the little ones, let alone abandon them from humble origins. He can cultivate the little ones with such care. I really don’t know what to say to the little ones. Master Hou, the little ones also have an unsympathetic request-if It’s too much, so please ask Master Hou to be a kid and get drunk and talk nonsense. That is, uh, that is, the little biological father and mother have been dead for so long, suffering from loneliness and helplessness. It's so good, so that the little one can feel the warmth of his parents, and makes the little ghost think that if Hou Ye was a little godfather, it would be great!

"Oh, the young man knows that it is too abrupt, it is too abrupt-what a noble status is Hou Ye, how can he accept such a thing as a son? However, at the age of Hou Ye, he is actually a young grandfather. , I heard that several young Master Hou are also powerful and valuable national pillars. The young one can be the adopted son of one of them and the god-grandson of Master Hou, all of which are considered blessings from the three lives of cultivation."

Li Wuji was slightly surprised, and looked at Boss Bai seriously.

Boss Bai was a little embarrassed by him, "hehe", laughed twice and lowered his head.

"You really are..."

Li Wuji thought for a long time, but didn't know how to describe Boss Bai, waved his hand, "This matter, when the battle of the Seven Seas Big Market is over, let's completely wipe out the anti-thief of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, let's talk about it, since you have this filial piety. , Hum, it's not that there is no discussion."

"Thank you Lord Hou!"

Mr. Bai was overjoyed and knelt down again.

This time it was not on one knee, but on both knees.

Li Wuji dodged his body, and the personal guard also stepped forward to make Boss Bai kneel down.

"Don't want to be like that, you are now considered a dignified general of the Imperial Army, somewhat decent as the Imperial Army."

Li Wuji couldn’t help it, and pointed to Boss Bai’s fur coat, “You have your clothes, and change them quickly. Haven’t I already sent you the regular uniforms and combat uniforms of the Imperial Army? He looks like a regular soldier!"

"Yes, what Hou Ye taught!"

Boss Bai immediately stripped off his clothes layer by layer, and it seemed that he was going to clean it up in front of Li Wuji.

Li Wuji sighed, really couldn't stand it, speeded up and left.

"Hey, wait, Lord Hou, wait again!"

Boss Bai chased after taking off his clothes.

"What else!"

Li Wuji's patience reached the limit, and his face was calm.

"It's okay, it's okay, just ask Master Hou to be careful all the way."

Boss Bai said pitifully, "You have left half of the fleet, and leave with the other half. Don't go wrong."

Li Wuji curled his lips and said: "We have wiped out all the **** fleets of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Alliance in the port of the Blue Sky Market. Not even one of them escaped. The rest of their fleets are rushing to the Seven Seas Market in a frenzy, ready to go. Concentrate your forces to guard the lair. As for the rest of the reformist fleets to clean up the situation in the imperial capital, it is impossible to divide their troops to us for the time being? Benhou must be careful not to make anything wrong?"

Boss Bai realized that he had made a mistake, and his face blushed at the equator: "The subordinates just want to remind Lord Hou, be careful...the cultivator!"


Li Wuji's toes shrank back, "I haven't heard such an old name for a long time. How old is it? Why are there still cultivators in this area?"

"Noisy, why not?"

Boss Bai said seriously, "These cultivators are more cruel and terrifying than our star thief. They have no selfish desires, no weakness, and no possibility of negotiation and solicitation. They don't even know what they are thinking. They are not afraid of defeat or death at all. same.

"In our star field, we haven't made much trouble with cultivators for many years, but recently it has started to make trouble again. It's not a problem in general, but it's farmers and miners who stole a few chain saw swords and a few arrow guns. That's it, there is a leader called... Lei Zonglie, the'Boxing King', really a tricky character."

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