40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2462: See the picture poorly, the true shape is revealed! (First!)

He had already stood by Li Yuanzhen's side, poked a finger, and pointed towards Shen Xinshi's bracelet.

Li Yuanzhen suddenly gave out a very subtle warning sign, so subtle that it was like a bite by a mosquito.

He felt that the light released by Shen Xinshi's bracelet was too soft, too hypnotic, and after invading the eyes, the calming effect on the soul was too strong, it was not "stable the soul", but directly paralyzed.

Staring at Shen Xinshi's bracelet for a long time, the more I looked at it, the more I realized that there was a bottomless whirlpool hidden in the bracelet, and he sucked in his spirit and perception, making his nerve reaction extremely slow.

Also, the touch of Shen Xinshi's bracelet was too slippery, as if something was attached to it.

When he rubbed the bracelet with his fingertips, the greasy layer turned into tiny worms, scrambling to get into his pores, rushing along the blood vessels and meridians all the way to the upper arm, as if to rush into the heart. .

"This... isn't Shen Xinshi?"

It wasn't until the greasy feeling was about to penetrate into the heart that Li Yuanzhen reacted in a trance. The introduction of "Shen Xinshi" in the Encyclopedia of Tiancai Dibao did not seem to have so many weird features.

Too late.

Under the double attack of phantom and poisonous, even if he tried to shrink his pupils to the limit, he couldn't do it, so he could only watch as Mr. Bai smiled and poked his finger over.

Li Yuanzhen's heart contracted suddenly, his instinctive reaction wanted to avoid the fingers stretched out by Boss Bai, and staring at Boss Bai's expression intently, the star thief leader had completely changed his face-not only the mouse-like insignificance and flattery just disappeared without a trace. Without a trace, even without any trickery, hideous and proud, on the wrinkled monkey cheeks, there is only the indescribable calm and indifferent, which is simply...boring.

That's right, it's boring. It seems that for Boss Bai, a son of a noble family like Li Yuanzhen is not worthy of being his opponent or even a prey. He just yawned while indifferently completing his ordinary daily work.

Such "plain and plain" made Li Yuanzhen's hair terrified, like falling into an ice cave.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to condense the strength of the nine ox two tigers, screaming heartbreakingly, calling out to all the soldiers outside to hear.

But the finger that Boss had clearly poked towards Shen Xinshi, it looked like a dragon flicking his tail, and with a "pop", he nodded towards his throat from an incredibly tricky angle.


With a single tap, the force like a screw drill penetrated Li Yuanzhen's neck, and he smashed his throat neatly. Broken bones and blood blocked the throat, and the screams were squeezed in his chest.

Quick, "fast like lightning" is simply not enough to describe the speed of this finger. Even if Li Yuanzhen is not attacked by phantoms and venom, he will definitely not be able to avoid this astonishing finger!

Li Yuanzhen’s blue veins on his forehead almost burst with pain. The instinctive reaction was to control the five fingers of his right hand, quickly forming seals, and extracting all kinds of powerful magic weapons from the universe ring—he had realized that the white boss standing in front of him was definitely not the same. Only the smelly mouse that came out of the gutter was a terrifying beast that he could not estimate at all. Even if he summoned various magic weapons, it would not be enough to kill the opponent.

But at least it can make a noise, let the soldiers outside know that the startling battle is taking place in the warehouse.

But even such a small wish fell through in a burst of piercing pain.

Boss Bai held his right hand wearing the Universe Ring in advance, and squeezed it lightly. His entire right hand changed from a semi-solid to a sloppy liquid. The bones and flesh and blood were all turned into mud, only a thin layer. It's just wrapped in his skin.

Li Yuanzhen's tears surged with pain—not entirely because of severe pain, but more of a physiological reaction caused by extreme fear.

Even so, he still gritted his teeth and displayed the final counterattack, his right leg folded like a war knife, and a heavy knee bump, hitting Boss Bai's lower abdomen hard.


Boss Bai didn't have time to react and was hit by him.

Li Yuanzheng was in ecstasy, and was about to perform a continuous counterattack like flooding, but the touch of the knee was extremely strange.

It's not like hitting the flesh and breaking bones, but like hitting some kind of gel with strong suction, all the psychic energy that rushed out was dispersed and disappeared without a trace.


Li Yuanzhen was so frightened that he completely lost his reaction.

And Boss Bai didn't give him even 0.01 seconds of reaction time at all, curled his lips, and gave him a knee bump.

Li Yuanzhen felt that a starship moving at full speed slammed into his crotch.

Of course it hits from the bottom up.

His entire reproductive system was smashed into finely divided cells and cell sap.

This is a blow of incomparable ecstasy-"ecstasy" in the literal sense.

Li Yuanzhen opened his big mouth, "pupupupupu", a large amount of plasma mixed with broken bones spewed out, like a weird fountain blooming slowly, and his whole body was shriveled and weakened like a deflated leather ball.

Boss Bai was expressionless, with a three-point boring, "click", twisted Li Yuanzhen's neck and turned his head 180 degrees.

With a good luck against the opponent's spine, the aristocratic noble could clearly see his ass.


Li Yuanzhen's eyes burst out, the blue veins and roots buried deep in his face burst, and his entire face was terribly green.

The tenacious vitality of the immortal cultivator enables him to make intermittent sounds after spewing out the broken bones and rotten meat in his throat, but before the last "gut" exit, the white boss has already spread his five fingers, like a red iron rod. , Deeply embedded in his face, crushed his entire skull.


From Boss Bai’s fingertips and palms, violent white flames spewed through Li Yuanzhen’s fragmented head, completely destroying the brain tissue and the soul hidden deep in the brain, and in a moment, the Li Wuji fleet lieutenant was burned to ashes.

Then, Boss Bai was so bored that he yawned and squeezed out tears.

While humming the star thief ballad with a weird tone, he raised his hand to look at the time on his wrist and brain and the progress of the other links, and then knelt on one knee, next to Li Yuanzhen’s bones and ashes, from his own universe. A humanoid psychic puppet was extracted from the ring.

The height and figure of this psychic puppet are quite similar to Li Yuanzhen.

Boss Bai activated the psychic puppet and quickly clicked on the puppet’s breastplate operation interface. An incredible scene happened. A soft light flowed from the gaps in the psychic puppet, completely enclosing the puppet. In the end, it turned into a vivid three-dimensional "skin", just condensed into the appearance of Li Yuanzhen!

Under the remote control of Boss Bai, the psionic puppet disguised as Li Yuanzhen stood up and walked a few steps stiffly.

This type of psionic puppet is called a "stand-in", which is specially used to increase the sense of participation when holding a remote meeting.

If you are close at hand, or use psychic temptation, you will naturally be exposed in minutes.

But if you just look at it from a distance, you might be able to hide it—at least, if it takes ten or twenty minutes, it's not a big problem.

At this time, there was a soft knock on the door outside.

"Come in."

Boss White said lightly.

The ugly, flattering, arrogant, or hideous that had been shrouded in his face since a few days ago was wiped out. At this moment, although he is still an ugly man with a scorched face and a shameless appearance, his eyes are like a blue mirror. Incorporating all the stars and stars in, washing with one's own ambitions, and then reflecting it with ten times the brightness, the bright eyes and the ugly face formed a strong contrast, but gave him a fascinating and unique charm.

Even if it is really a mouse, this is a superalloy mouse that can bite out a hole in the three-dimensional universe.

If what Li Wuji and many star thief leaders saw earlier was his face at the moment, and killed those people, they would not dare to "cooperate" with such a white boss easily.

A small slit opened at the warehouse door, and two soldiers from the Great White Star Thief Group stepped in.

No, it's not a "snoopy soldier", but after following Boss Bai to shake the Black Wind fleet, then jumped from the Federation to the Empire, and came to ravage the center of the Star Sea!

"Boss, those horses have been dealt with, and all the links have been prepared. After you give an order, you can fully close the net."

The two senior gangsters from the Star Federation could not contain the tension in their hearts, and they were quite excited.

"What's the hurry, the meat is already rotten in the pot and can't run away."

Elder Bai glanced at them and said lightly, "If even such a small scene is excited, next time if we are going to rob the palace of the real human empire or the tomb of the emperor, don't you all have a heart attack? Now? Don't worry, get my shirt."

The two Federation Star Thieves took a deep breath, and one of them took a step forward, holding a set of colorful silk blouses and beach pants in both hands, and respectfully said: "Boss, here is the shirt!"


Boss Bai tore off the fur and messy silk and silk, put on a floral shirt and shorts, and said, "There are also boots."

"Boss, please wear your boots!"

Another star thief brought blue and white flip-flops—the kind commonly found in bathhouses.

Boss Bai finished dressing and wiped his mouth, only then showed a knowing smile.

"Boss, would you like to get you a glass of iced tropical fruit juice?"

The two subordinates asked eagerly.

"No, oolong tea, remember to make it thicker."

Boss Bai curled his lips and said, "It's not challenging to deal with these idiots. It's not as good as the murderers in the Black Wind Fleet. It's really boring."


The two men grinned.

Boss Bai "Papa Pat" stepped out of the warehouse door, looked at the blue sky market in front of him without knowing that death came, and said, "No way, let's go, teach these idiots in the middle of Xinghai how to be a real" Star Pirates'!"

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