40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2474: The origin of the boxing champion


The boxing king still asked calmly, "Even I don't know where I am...what sacred, what did Boss Bai explore?"

"You are a fan of the authorities, but I am a bystander. How can you generalize?"

Boss Bai smiled slightly, and said calmly, "First, I know that before the destruction of this group of magical civilization starships, they tried to launch some escape pods, but they were all annihilated in a cruel star sea storm, but Even if the escape capsule were annihilated, some of the fragments containing important information sputtered out and drifted aimlessly in the sea of ​​stars. After a few years, they drifted to the vicinity of Wu Yingxing, and even fell on Wu Yingxing-this inference, is it reasonable? ?"

The boxing champion nodded: "If the starship of the magic civilization is really on the verge of destruction, it will naturally launch all escape capsules and information streams to fight for one billionth of a billion of life. This kind of speculation is reasonable."

"Secondly, the Wuying community has been a very important new magic weapon test base for the real human empire since hundreds of years ago. All kinds of weird and whimsical new magic weapons and new magic powers were created here, and they have undergone intricate research and experimentation. Only then can it spread to the entire empire. Naturally, for a long time, Wuying circles have also gathered the best, most creative, in other words, the most frenzied and bold top scholars in the entire empire."

Boss Bai continued to speak slowly, "Then, let us boldly assume that if one day a few hundred years ago, a certain ambitious and frenzied genius scholar, while working in the Wuying industry, accidentally obtained a piece of...mysterious, What will he do with a chip that is incompatible with or even the opposite of the existing cultivation system, or a certain kind of information flow, data flow, and new energy model that has no entity?

"Report to high-level leaders and hand it over to the country? Don't be funny, this is the empire, he is a cultivator! There is no reason to make such a secret public, right?

"Compared with'disclosing the world's rare secrets and handing over the secret treasures from the outside world to the country', it seems that this is the core, and I am launching my own research, hoping to learn new magical powers and incomparably powerful power from it. This idea is even more reasonable?"

The boxing champion "cracking" calculated for a long time, and nodded again: "Yes, if he is a typical research-type immortal cultivator, he will definitely not tell others, but he will carry out experiments and research secretly without researching the results that have attracted much attention. , Will never be made public, otherwise it is extremely likely that someone will be killed, take away treasures, and rob the research results."

"The hero sees the same thing, then the third one is you, the origin of the boxing champion."

Boss White looked at the boxing champion and laughed, "The instructors I sent to the cultivator fleet, get along very well with those cultivators and sinners, and they will naturally talk about the customs and experiences of the cultivators. Including that I occasionally talked to Hante about his past, his acquaintance with you and Li Yao, etc. Under the side effects, I gradually figured out your origin.

"Boxing champion, after all, a little guy like Hante is too immature. He can't hide what I want to know. You won't blame him?"

The boxing king shook his head: "No, my past is not a secret. Everyone in the evil land knows everything. Even if Hante doesn’t say it, other evil people can tell you, even if you come to ask me, I I will tell you openly, what's the matter?"

"Yes, of course the life and experience of the person'Lei Zonglie' is not a big deal, and it can be completely disclosed."

Boss Bai stared at the boxing champion, like a mouse staring at the minced meat, "But the more I study your way to rise, the more weird I feel-you, not Lei Zonglie!

"The real Lei Zonglie, even if he becomes a ghost cultivator, what will he get... the messy secret methods of ghost cultivating and super ghost cultivator cultivation are definitely not like you.

"This kind of strange feeling, after you come to the depths of the stars, miraculously rises within half a year, from a land bandit in a paradise of evil, the speed of light grows to an excellent fleet commander, it becomes more and more Strong, so strong that I can be absolutely certain.

"Mountains have mountains and roads, and waters have waterways. The gangsters on land have become starship commanders so quickly. By the way, they have increased their strength so much, oh, at the same time they have become experts in invading crystal brains and interfering with the spirit net—— Is it too exaggerated, Master Boxer?"

The boxing champion was silent for a long time, tuned out a wry smile, and said: "Indeed, I have carefully calculated it myself. This kind of learning and upgrading speed is indeed appalling, and it is very easy to attract attention, especially to the attention of people like your boss. .

"If possible, I should really converge a little bit and keep a low profile.

"But there is no way. I promised Li Yao to protect Miss Liuli, Hante, the sinners and the cultivators of the Starlight Organization. Li Yao saved my life, and he will be of great help to my future development. , So this commitment ranks high in my priority sequence, so you must race against time to devour resources, improve strength, and make yourself stronger at all costs. How can it be-low-key?"

"Also, not to mention, it's useless even if you want to keep a low profile."

Boss Bai smiled slightly and said faintly, "Your unique and tyrannical existence is like a supernova explosion in a deadly universe. Even if you can perceive your light from tens of billions of light years away, it is impossible to cover it up. Low-key."

The King of Boxing said: "Perhaps, then, if I am not the real'Lei Zonglie', who does Boss Bai think I am?"


Boss Bai replied, "You seem to wish that you are a human, but I don't think you are a human, at least not a normal person, but ‘Goste-a person in a shell."

"I'm not."

There was a touch of sadness and confusion in the boxing king's calm voice, "I don't know what I am..., but I am sure that I am not a person in a shell from a magical civilization. I have no memory data in this regard. "

"Memory is not a reliable thing. It can be modified or even covered. Compared to memory, what is more important is your heart, your ability, and your constant definition of the self as'now'."

Boss Bai carried his hands on his back, facing the man-made sea breeze, and his wide floral shirt and shorts hunted in the wind. He said leisurely, "I am a person who likes thinking and thinking - this was when I was young, in the dark and horrible crypt. , Every second is faced with the bad habits developed in the life and death decision.

"I've been thinking about the social form and context of magic civilization just now. Now, let's let our imagination run free and deduced the champion of boxing. You don't know the past, or even you don't know the past?

"You have the ability to control so many psychic prostheses at the same time. If it is not for the ghost repair with extremely powerful mental power, it is like some kind of abnormally advanced combat psychic puppet, or even the entire control system of the combat puppet. Surprised, anyone with a little bit of either-or analysis ability, plus imagination, can come to this conclusion, right?

"Assuming that you are really some kind of very advanced, super-precise psionic puppet that can mimic human activities vividly, is there any direct or indirect evidence to support this ‘hypothesis’?

"Haha, I went back to study the evil soil laboratory in the Wuying world, and found that indirect evidence exists-about two to three hundred years ago, it was the peak of the development of intelligent combat puppets in the real human empire. There were hundreds of self-upgrading and Fighting puppets with independent thinking concepts were developed, and that was also the evil soil laboratory of Wu Yingjie, the last golden age before Wu Yinglan and Li Lingfeng took over.

"In other words, two or three hundred years ago, there were at least dozens of different types of psionic puppets that were able to upgrade themselves and think independently in the Nietu Lab two or three hundred years ago."

The boxing king was silent for a moment, and said: "The Empire has never successfully developed a self-upgrading psionic puppet that can do what I did."

"Yes, ordinary psionic puppets can't work, but what if it is a psionic puppet with a magic civilization chip? Or not a physical chip, but a series of data from magic civilization, or some kind of mysterious and complicated branding. , Or some kind of brand new energy release model?"

Bailao Avenue, "Remember what we just said, there was an ambitious crazy scholar who got a chip incompatible with the current world and decided to hide it and start researching it secretly.

"But research is an extremely resource-consuming thing, and it is unlikely to be completely confidential. Two or three hundred years ago, in the Nietu Lab, there were at least hundreds of experts and scholars working at the same time, and everyone was a human being. Human spirit, how could this scholar start his own experiment quietly without being discovered?

"I put myself into the perspective of this crazy scholar, racking my brains and thinking about it for a long time. Suddenly, I suddenly felt that I was too stupid to scold myself - there was no need to carry out a new and independent research. Just think of a way to do this. The treasures of alien civilizations are embedded in the ongoing public research at hand. Can they not hide the truth, but can also use official resources?

"For example, suppose that the scholar who obtained this heterogeneous chip is an expert in the field of artificial intelligence and self-upgrading psionic puppets. He is also conducting research in this area in the Nietu Lab. Then he surreptitiously used one of the psychic puppets to test. A chip is embedded in the crystal brain that can puppet, or some data is injected, or by other means, some things are "branded" into the depths of the crystal brain, and then this seemingly ordinary psionic puppet is dropped. Go to Nietu to conduct a survival experiment-isn't it very convenient, it's simple, is it unaware of it?"

"Although there is no evidence, Boss Bai's deduction does make sense."

The boxing king calmly said, "The only problem is, what will happen later? If there is really a crazy scholar who gets the fragments of the magic civilization, embeds it into the self-learning and upgraded psionic puppet under test, and throws it into the evil soil, there is no reason to forget it. What about this? Later, where did this person go and why didn't he find his own'test body'?"

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