40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2486: Then, die!

In the maintenance warehouse of the broken transport aircraft, Li Yao made the final preparation of the crystal armor and the giant soldier, and carried the most suitable magic weapon according to the changes in the battle situation.

Xiaoming and Wenwen are also debugging space shuttles and psionic puppet kits that are adapted to vacuum combat. In terms of combat methods, they and the champion are like retreating.

"Dad, Xiao Ming and I thought about it for a long time, but still want to ask you—"

Wenwen said in earnest while debugging, "Even children under ten are cheated. Is this really good? Or, you have decided to embark on the road of the ultimate devil, so it doesn't matter how despicable you are?"

"What is this, what is cheating, what is mean?"

Li Yao took it for granted, "I call it'necessary modesty', OK? In front of the children, of course I can only say that I am a'little, insignificant hero'. Tell them the truth, tell them that I am saving A super invincible hero who is ordinary in the world like drinking water and eating? Sounds too arrogant, right?"

Xiao Ming: "...No one is entangled in that matter! We are talking about Boss Bai, what he is a good man, a hero, a keen spirit, and a knife to help those nonsense!"

"Uh, this?"

Li Yao smiled "hehe" and said, "This can't be regarded as a complete lie. In fact, there are so many natural good people or bad people, it is nothing more than the environment forced or whether there is someone leading in the front and pushing behind.

"The old white boss may not be considered a good person, but if I pushed him behind my back, and even kicked him **** his ass, how could he be kicked into the camp of good people?

"Do you know, many times, being a good person is a very enjoyable thing, maybe at first it is a bit reluctant, but unconsciously, subtly... it will be addictive, and in the end, you can't stop it, hahahaha!

"By the way, let's not talk about this. Just now Long Yangjun proposed to divide the troops into two groups. How do you say, is it with me or her?"

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen exchanged a meaningful look.

"Let's go all the way with Aunt Long."

Wen Wen said in a low voice, "After all, this is the first time we have officially appeared on the starry sky battlefield of human war. The first impression is very important, and we still have to leave a good impression on most human beings as much as possible."

"It's okay, then you just follow her, be careful!"

Li Yao filled the crystal brain with fuel and completed the cloning. He suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Wait, what is a good impression? Why can I leave a good impression all the way with Long Yangjun? No? What does that mean!"

Just about to question, the two little guys have been carried away by more than a dozen psionic puppets.

"Dad, there's no time. If you have anything, I'll talk about it after typing!"

The two little guys got into the space war shuttle equipped with the super crystal brain and the most advanced number gathering spirit tower, enough to become the "spiritual net hot spot", surrounded by countless psionic puppets, flew out of the transport ship without looking back, and Long Yangjun went back to his teacher.

"What an unlovable child."

Li Yao murmured, incorporating the giant soldier into the ring of the universe, and escaped from the transport ship through the double airtight gates, and invaded the starry sky battlefield in full swing, "The situation is a bit bad, then solve the battle in three minutes, and then talk to the old boss. !"

At this moment, the situation is indeed a bit unfavorable for the Federation Star Thieves and cultivation practitioners.

The Great White Star Pirates and the Comprehensive Fleet have just gone through a fierce battle, and there is no time to replenish the lost fuel and ammunition, and the starship’s devastated damage has not been repaired. In this case, the enveloping formation is loose and weak. It is imaginable. of.

No matter how big the Feihong Fleet is, it is after all a ground snake on the periphery of the empire. It has just received a batch of powerful starship upgrades, and it also has its own fangs and claws.

They condensed the starships into the most compact assault formation, and achieved a firepower density of three to five times that of the Great White Star Pirates Group in the unit space. Not long after the confrontation, they faintly tore the Great White Star Pirates group's encirclement circle.

"Boss, it's not a way to fight like this, let's change!"

On the Alloy Virus, Xiao Lishui, the loyal chief of staff, once again suggested, "If we fight like this again, our encirclement will be torn apart by the Feihong fleet in less than half an hour, and the entire formation will be completely collapsed!

"The other party even began to scan our information flow to chase the dense core, we must lock our flagship!

"With the current intensive firepower of the opponent, once we start an attack against our flagship, it is really possible that even the Alloy Virus number will be destroyed!"

"No hurries."

Even though the flagship began to bear the enemy's artillery fire, Boss Bai was still as silent as water, with his fingers crossed on the tip of his nose, "Wait a minute."

"What are you waiting for?"

Xiao Lishui was anxious, "It won't be too late if we don't change the formation!"

"wait until--"

Old Bai glanced at Xiao Lishui, then stared at the few light spots on the light curtain representing the tattered transport ships. He gritted his teeth and said, "Until Li Yao has changed his tricks, in any case, he is now and The same as last time, I can only believe that this bastard...can bring a new miracle!"

More than 800 kilometers away from the Alloy Virus, on the "Stainless Steel Rat", the super arsenal ship with the strongest firepower of the Great White Star Pirates.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Hante was also hurriedly distributing firepower, venting the power of destruction along with his own roar, "Too much, too much, too much, why are there so many enemy ships in front of us, and we can't fight it!"

"Why does Boss Bai put up such a weird encirclement formation? Does he think that with the help of my future'Xinghai Cannon King', Master Hante, he can explode so many enemy ships in one go?

"His elders also-too dear to me, right?

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, it must be so, ha ha ha ha, since Boss Bai thinks of me so much, I will never let him down. Come on, let the storm come harder, even if there are ten times more enemy ships, I have to ship one by one, blasting you to dregs!"

On the other side of the battlefield, on the Starlight Organization’s flagship "Tekken", the boxing champion’s computing power has also soared to the limit. The hundreds of array-type super crystal brains condensed into his main brain make "squeak" and "squeak" sounds from time to time. , A curling green smoke came out.

Liuli hurriedly manipulated the maintenance interface of the array crystal brain, mobilizing various ventilation and cooling symbols to cool the boxing master's brain, and exclaimed from time to time.

"Master Boxing, no!

"You don't need to improve the trajectory calculation of shooting accuracy. If you increase it again, your left area 17th crystal brain will explode in 20 seconds, and you will lose an additional 0.9% of your computing power!

"What the **** are you doing? You just used up your computing power just when the war started, and didn't leave yourself any room for change. What will you do later?"

Seeing the boxing champion so crazy overdraft and not cherishing his own brain, Liuli was so angry that he wanted to hit his iron skull hard.

"Don't worry, Miss Liuli."

The boxing king manipulated an ordinary psionic puppet to stand beside Liuli as the main carrier of his usual actions. In the specially adjusted sound transmission array, he made a low and gentle voice, "Reinforcement will be here soon, even if it runs out. It doesn't matter if you have computational power, as long as you persist until that moment, and then...just watch him perform quietly."


Liuli was stunned, staring at the burning star sea created by the virtual light curtain, "What kind of reinforcement can withstand the high-speed rush of an entire fleet?"

In the center of the battlefield, with the flagship as the core, the elite combat power of the Feihong Fleet has indeed soared its speed to the limit, and it is about to collide head-on against the Great White Star Pirates with the densest information flow, which is the area where the flagship Alloy Virus is located.

It seems that with the relatively sparse firepower around the Alloy Virus, it is indeed impossible to stop the torrent of the Feihong Fleet, but it may be scattered by the torrent of the flagship and surrounding support ships.

On the bridge of the flagship of the Feihong Fleet, light and fluttering laughter have already emerged one after another.

"These pampered nobles are all vain and ostentatious. They don't know how to fight at all. They put up such a strange formation, and they disperse in one shot!"

"In normal wars, these great nobles just need to move their lips. They really bleed and sweat. Don't they rely on us?"

"They should have just fought a fierce battle with the garrison of the Blue Sky Market. It didn't take long to capture the Blue Sky Market and their footing was not stable. That's why the starship was damaged, the fuel was scarce, and even the psionic shield could not reach the limit. Under the circumstances, do you still want to be "friends"? What are these great nobles thinking in their minds?"

"It doesn't matter. After breaking down their encirclement and completely separating them, you will know what their calculations are. This conflict is ours, and we won so simply and neatly. We are not afraid to sue the four major electors. !"

"Chong, Chong, Chong!"

The Feihong fleet's flagship is getting faster and faster.

But only three seconds later, the laughter was interrupted by stammering exclamations.

"Report, report, detect an unusually strong ultra-high energy response, impartiality, just-on the road of our fleet's advance!"


The vast sea of ​​stars, the burning battlefield, and the boundless bright stars are all suppressed and eclipsed by the fire of destruction provoked by human wisdom and hatred.

In the place where the destruction of artillery fire is the most intense, that is, right in front of the flying rainbow fleet, Li Yao is only wearing a thin crystal armor, hands stretched out, floating quietly in the scorching vacuum, staring not far away, like a meteor. Hundreds of main battleships that are rapidly zooming in.

"The last confirmation—"

Li Yao asked Xiaoming and Wenwen on the communication channel, "You invaded the intelligence collected by the Feihong Fleet flagship. This flagship did not detain the captured young man, right?"

"Yes it is."

Xiao Ming and Wen Wen said, "The flagship is very important, and the space is seriously insufficient. Of course, we will not imprison the insignificant young man in such an important place."

"That's good."

Li Yao said, "Then, your work on the intrusion, cracking and copying of the Feihong Fleet War Lingnet is almost complete. I do not ask you to create a second'Feihong Fleet Command Center', as long as I... succeed. , The multi-level cooperative tactical chain that can disrupt the opponent to the greatest extent can be reunited.

"Simply put, once I cut off the heads of the Feihong Fleet, I don't want them to grow a second head, can it be done?"

"Don't worry, Dad."

Xiaoming and Wenwen happily said, "We have been entangled with the Feihong Fleet for so long, isn't it just to buy time, to completely invade their battle nets, and plant all kinds of'viruses' and'bombs'? It's all done, no problem. of!"


Facing the main force of the flying rainbow fleet, Li Yao raised his arms forward and spread his five fingers. The Universe Ring that stored the giant soldiers bloomed with a mysterious and **** brilliance, "Then... die!"

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