40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2501: We, only us!

With a word of Li Yao, many powerful people in the room were in deep thought. These powerful people are all monsters with super computing power and outrageous deduction ability. When he tapped them lightly, he immediately discovered the strangeness.

"Yes, Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi really has no reason to be so low-key."

Long Yangjun, who had fought head-to-head with Wu Yingqi, first saw the problem, "If he was too weak during the'dormancy period' and was afraid of revealing his identity, he would be suppressed and even killed by the four major electors' families. So now the reformists and the four major families have completely torn their skins, the two sides have met each other in battle, and even the entire polar world has been beaten down by the reformers, and even the'senate reform committee' has been established. He has an entire imperial army guard, countless The **** transforming powerhouse offers him advice, what else is he afraid of, and what else is he worried about?

"Publishing one's own identity has many benefits-in the real human empire where the strong respects, the'Black Star Emperor' is not an invisible identity. Many people can accept the gorgeous return of a strong man who has been sleeping for thousands of years, and even countless people I am eager to see a real strong man who can stand up, condense a scattered empire, re-lead them, and recreate the glory of the past!

"Look at the illusory flowery'Emperor Shenwu'. Just temporarily winning an expedition, he was boasted of being the'Second Black Star Emperor.' Now he is the true founding emperor, the ancestor of the immortal cultivator has come. In terms of righteousness, the legitimacy of his rule is simply too strong.

"I think if Wu Yingqi dares to disclose his identity, the morale of the loyalists will surely soar to the top, and the morale of the four major families will fall to the lowest point. Not only the immortal cultivators in the territory will be shaken, even the family. The middle and low-level immortal cultivators in the interior may also tremble in Dao Heart, and turn to Black Star Great Emperor, right?

"Not to mention the people at the bottom. The vast majority of the people at the bottom of the true human empire grew up listening to the story of the Black Star Emperor's wise martial arts. If you know that the emperor is resurrected, how can there be no reason to not worship and follow?

"On the other hand, even if he does not disclose his identity, now the imperial empress Li Linghai is also a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the four major electoral families. The four major families will still kill Li Linghai at all costs, and there is no possibility of continuing to'hide our power and bide our time'.

"Whatever you look at, what you think, Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi should disclose his existence-at least on the side of the four major electors' families, he has nothing to worry about."

"You are right. Therefore, the reason why Wu Yingqi does not disclose his existence is not his enemy-the four major electoral families. On the contrary, he is afraid or even afraid of his temporary ally-Wanjieshang. Alliance!"

Li Yao's gaze was like a blade slowly unsheathed, sharpened inch by inch, and every word was as precise as a scalpel across the lesion. "What organization is the Ten Thousand Worlds Business League? It's the periphery of the empire, no, it's actually the entire The consortium of empire’s emerging capital represents the power of hundreds of millions of small and medium-sized business groups in the entire empire. For emerging capital and small and medium-sized business groups, what are their demands and their instinct for survival and development?

"First of all, in a unified and open market, private checkpoints and exorbitant taxes can be eliminated between the various worlds, allowing capital to flow completely like blood, instead of being in the hands of those who only know how to squeeze and enjoy themselves.

"Secondly, a more fair, just and open society and business environment.

"Capital is born to be fair, and it is born to oppose nobility and imperial power. Everyone is equal before ugly money. This is the most basic business logic. If the emperor’s one dollar can be used for three yuan, the noble’s one dollar can be used for two yuan. , And the common people’s dollar can only be used as fifty cents, then this business is absolutely impossible to continue.

"Third, and most importantly, a healthy, vibrant, and constantly expanding market. Specifically, emerging capital requires that ordinary people, the so-called primitive class of the empire, be given better treatment and more leisure time. Time, more rights and freedom, only in this way, the primitive class has the ability and interest to carry the dumping of capital, and will be willing to help capital continue to grow.

"Of course, capital is cruel and ruthless, and will never do anything like'liberate the primitive people' for no reason, but if most primitive people are slaves and puppets, except for the'energy pills' and'killing live broadcasts' all day long. 'Besides, there is no interest in consuming more commodities at all, then emerging capital will starve to death.

"Therefore, I still stick to the point of view that came into being when I first came to the empire-the new type of commercial capital and its representative, the "Commercial Union of Ten Thousand Realms", are the most progressive, most enlightened, and most eager for change in the real human empire today. , So it is most likely to cooperate with us."

Bai Lao Avenue: "But the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League is hostile to the cultivators, and they have already chosen the reformists."

"All the cultivators are hostile to the cultivators, so it's up to them who is the'least hostile' group."

Li Yao said, "And I just said that the Ten Thousand Realms Business League chose the reformists, and the imperial queen Li Linghai, not the Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi.

"In the open ideas of the reformers, although they want to establish a strong and unified government under the banner of'respecting the emperor and rebellious, reforming the empire', the so-called'respecting the emperor' is pure nonsense, regardless of whether the reformists or its The Golden Lord Ten Thousand Realms Merchant Alliance has never wanted a strong emperor. Once the so-called reform is successful, they are more likely to implement a constitutional monarchy. The emperor is merely elevated as a symbol of dignity, and the real power is concentrated in ' In the hands of the Senate Innovation Committee, it goes without saying that in this committee, there will be a large number of spokespersons for the interests of business groups to ensure that the future of the empire is firmly in the hands of capital.

"Why did they choose Li Linghai as the leader of the reformists? Li Linghai’s strong horses are naturally one aspect, but more importantly, they know very well that Li Linghai came from a powerful family and has been the queen of the empire for decades. Such an identity is destined to be impossible. A powerful emperor is even less likely to become a tyrant, he can only act as the spokesperson of capital obediently!

"This is the basis for the reformists, or Li Linghai, to cooperate with the Wanjie Business Alliance.

"But we are not talking about Li Linghai, but Wu Yingqi. Is it possible for a hero, a tyrant, and a demon like Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi to obediently become the spokesperson of capital?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Judging from the words he revealed when we played against Wu Yingqi, he seems to have mastered some secret method that can immortality, oh, immortality is too exaggerated, at least listen to that and live again. Two to three thousand years are not a big problem.

"Wu Yingqi is bad enough to live for two to three hundred years, let alone two to three thousand years! He will surely control all power and capital firmly in his own hands, and must closely monitor all the strong and The people will surely become extremely powerful tyrants!

"Under the rule of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, there is no room for nobles to live, and they can only kneel under his feet and shiver, let alone small and medium business groups and free capital? I have never heard of it, a tyrant. You can live in peace with free capital!

"Yes, those short-sighted free capital controllers can be transformed into aristocratic capital by virtue of the merits of'Conglong's Minister', but you must know that the source of the so-called aristocratic capital's power is still firmly controlled by the Black Star Emperor Wu Ying. In Qi hands, what does the founding emperor like most? Of course, it is to kill heroes! After Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi came to power, are there few heroes killed? The leader of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League only has a little brain cell. If you are eroded by the immediate interests, you will never believe him!

"To sum up, my conclusion is that the vast majority of the leaders of the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance should be kept in the dark. They think that they are only the'relatively harmless' imperial queen Li Linghai who is pushing to the forefront. They are confident. To control Li Linghai, at least in the future Senate Innovation Committee, to play with Li Linghai to jointly carve up the big pie of the empire.

"But they never dreamed of it. What they pushed to the front desk was a tyrant who was a hundred times more terrifying than the four major electors, and this tyrant had both power and righteousness. Once he came to power, he would never share the cake with anyone. It will only squeeze all the opposition to death, turn it into jam on the cake, and eat it in one bite!

"Now that the reformists and the four major families have no difference in victory or defeat, Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi still needs to use the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance. Of course, he will not reveal his identity at this time! At least wait for the four major families to be completely interrupted. With the spine, the overall situation has been determined. No matter how hard the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League struggles, he can't escape his palm. He will completely tear off the disguise,'The King is over the world'!"

"It seems...makes sense."

Boss Bai pondered for a long time, and said, "Li Yao, it seems that you really saved your intelligence and used the current'blade'. In this case, we really have a great opportunity to cooperate with the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance. ?"

"Not only the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, but also most of the true reformers."

Li Yao's eyes sparkled, and he said seriously, "For those who really want to'renovate the empire,' not just fighting for power, the rebirth of Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is a great retrogression. They will never Those who tolerate this kind of thing happen are the collaborators we want to fight for.

"To put it simply, Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is a silverfish that dormant inside the reformists. He wants to shamelessly steal the fruits of victory after the reformists and the four major families have suffered a defeat. Our mission is to never Let him do this!

"The idea of ​​the reformed empire is correct, but at the moment Wu Yingqi and Li Linghai of the imperial capital are both fake reformers. They are taking advantage of the reformers. After the incident is completed, they will intensify their efforts to crack down on the reformers! In danger, now, only we can carry the true banner of innovation!"

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