40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2504: New world, new master!

In addition to the most advanced crystal brain and psychic magnetic interference magic weapon unit, the two "Super Vortex Class" warships are naturally indispensable for the configuration of warships.

Although Xiaoming, Wenwen and Boxing King can reduce about one-half of the manual jobs through a fully automated operating system, in key positions, human flexibility, independence, and even creativity cannot be replaced by a large amount of data accumulation. .

Li Yao chose the most reliable candidate from the Great White Star Pirates Group who knew the truth about the Federation, and had relatives in the Federation, as well as the warriors who had bitter and deep feuds in the Cultivator fleet, and were transferred to the "Xiao Ming" and "Xiao Ming". Document number" to serve as a crew member.

These people either regard the Federation as their homeland, or they have an antagonism with the empire. Loyalty is definitely not a problem.

The question is how to explain to them the existence of Xiaoming and Wenwen.

Li Yao had made up his mind long ago and would never hide the truth for too long.

Xiao Ming, Wen Wen and Boxing King have also been deduced precisely-if they do not want to have a full-scale conflict with human civilization and lead to the consequences of losing both sides, the sooner the truth is announced, the better.

It is simply impossible for the suspicious and sensitive humans to not explode their hair after they have mastered dozens or twenty fleets and tens of millions of murderous combat puppets, and then the truth is revealed by others.

In the budding state, he proactively announces the truth, and grows in the next step under the gaze and guidance of human beings. Perhaps this is the best way to grow a "sub-civilization".

Of course, the situation in the center of Xinghai is still too chaotic. The reformists, the Black Star Emperor hidden in the reformists, the four major electors’ families, and the holy alliance staring at them in the dark, oh, and the mysterious emperor ancient The tomb and the unidentified emperor and blood **** son... many variables are in a mess.

The Blue Sky Market is far from being a monolithic one. The battle for the Seven Seas Market is about to begin again. A thorough disclosure of the truth will only make all the crew confused. Therefore, after discussing with the boxing champion and the white boss, Li Yao decided to take a step. Come, let's disclose some of the truth first, and see the crew's reaction.

For these two psychic countermeasure ships that were automated to an incredible degree, Li Yao explained that they applied the latest, super artificial intelligence technology from the Federation, that is, the "super psychic technology" left by the demon Mo Xuan.

The sky demon Mo Xuan created countless virtual spirit bodies, and strengthened 18 of them into "super spirit bodies" in an attempt to use them to control the entire federation. This is true.

Super spirits have computing power and logical judgment capabilities far beyond ordinary artificial intelligence, and can easily invade and control a super crystal brain. Of course, when applied to a super large magic weapon complex, it can also greatly improve starships or Star Wars. This is also true of the automation performance of the system.

The predecessors of Xiaoming and Wenwen were Super Spirit Body No. 17 and No. 18-this is even more true.

Of course, no matter how powerful the super spirit is, it still hasn't gotten rid of the category of artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence technology is popular in both the Federation and the empire. It is an indispensable auxiliary technology for any large-scale magic weapon or even a virtual world, regardless of Federal Star Pirates. Even the empire cultivators are not surprised, and they have become accustomed to it.

"It is very powerful artificial intelligence that controls these two starships", this is an acceptable statement.

As for the two cute little guys, Xiaoming and Wenwen, Li Yao also honestly told the crew-they are his children, they are born with supernatural powers, they are very powerful "artificial intelligence experts", and only they can be talented. Maneuver the super spirits on the two starships.

Although a little weird, considering that the two little guys are the children of "Vulture Li Yao", it seems, uh, it doesn't seem so strange.

As a result, the crew got along very happily with the two starships and the two little guys, and there were no problems that Li Yao worried about.

Regardless of the Federation Star Pirates or the Empire Cultivator, they are all warship soldiers. For a warship soldier, the most important thing is always a bigger, faster and stronger starship.

What could be more exciting than assigning to a starship with the highest level of psychic countermeasures in the entire empire?

Although the former "super spirits" almost brought devastating disasters to the Federation, the weapon itself is innocent, depending on who holds it. Now the "super spirits" belong to their "arsonist united fleet". , Naturally the stronger the better.

The two little guys are also extraordinarily likable, and one can't help but win over a sense of protection. After seeing how cute the two little guys are, many crew members secretly complained about Li Yao, how could he be so cruel and so small Put his little baby on the starship, and go to participate in the dangerous and dangerous war? Even if they really have any unique magical powers, they shouldn't mess around like this!

In short, under the dual effects of the great pride of the crew and the emotional incentives of the same hatred and hatred, as well as the superb automation performance of the starship itself, it took just over half a month to obtain the two highly modified psychromagnetic counter-ships miraculously. The initial combat effectiveness.

The remaining wonderful abilities will be activated and improved step by step in actual combat.

After half a month, almost all the starships of the two squadrons were repaired and upgraded, and Boss White presided over a small-scale exercise.

One side of the exercise is the fleet commanded by Boss Bai himself in the traditional way.

On the other side is a new generation of fighters commanded by the champion, Xiaoming and Wenwen, a more intelligent and fully automated fleet.

As a result, although Boss Bai has more experience, faster and more powerful elite warships, it is still extremely difficult to win. He has used all his best to take out all the real skills at the bottom of the box before peeling the onion step by step. Likely tore open the battlefield of the Champions fleet.

Even if it failed, the Champion Fleet still led a third of the starships to retreat in an orderly retreat and retained a very powerful "seed" under the control of exquisite firepower deployment, superb scheduling, and absolute calmness without any emotional waves.

Of course, being able to make such a wonderful "failure" is not entirely the credit of the boxing champion, Xiao Ming and Wenwen, but more like the first perfect cooperation between a new life of information and mankind.

Boss Bai is right, pure information life, the weakness is very obvious-their existence and strength depend on communication with each other, and in the vast sea of ​​stars, communication is extremely psychic and extremely easy. Things that are disturbed.

If a fleet completely relies on information life to control, then in the most extreme case, as long as a stellar storm is set off to completely disrupt all information transmission on the starry sky battlefield, and achieve the effect of "full band jamming", human combat effectiveness may be improved. A decline of 70%, but the life of information is all over.

What's more, ultra-long-distance communication takes time and delays. On the ever-changing battlefield, just relying on a "master brain" to send commands to "neurons" hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, this combat mode is really "thousands." Sores and holes".

And the greatest advantage of human beings is the ability to independently handle vague commands. In the most extreme case, a human soldier is an army-his own army!

Human beings plus information life, this may be the correct development direction of future wars, and it is also the only way for their civilization to break through the black wall and rush beyond the Pangu universe.

Seeing Xiaoming and Wenwen getting stronger day by day, and integrating into human society day by day, and getting together with countless people, Li Yao felt a little bit conflicted.

Even if part of the truth is announced, they still have reservations. Once the crew knows all the truth and knows that the so-called "artificial intelligence" actually has their own thoughts and wills, they may not necessarily obey the orders of human beings. "Children" will one day. What would they think of resisting "father"?

Will you be happy because the so-called "artificial intelligence" is so similar to humans, or will you feel greater fear?

Power, money, and strength will erode mankind and make mankind completely lost. Is this also true for artificial intelligence, information life?

At present, the power of Xiaoming, Wenwen and the champion of boxing is relatively weak. Li Yao believes that they are cooperating with humans sincerely, but if one day, they will master a power far superior to humans, reaching ten times that of humans. How about a hundred times or even a thousand times?

Information life is a creation of mankind, a child of mankind, and how evil and cruel mankind can be, Li Yao has deeply understood. As the saying goes, "the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked". Human beings are like this. "Son of mankind" how is it?

Although in front of everyone, he can say some passionate slogans righteously and insist on using "love" and "communication" to solve all problems, but in the dead of night, when he thinks alone, is it true?

Finally, the words of Boss Bai comforted him.

"I believe that human nature is evil, and the star thief is the wicked among the wicked, but did you know that in the flying star realm, the old nest of the star thief, the spider's nest, the most vicious and selfish star thief, also often works hand in hand, side by side? Why, did they change their **** in the battle? No, it's because more powerful enemies have appeared, such as the crusade troops of the cultivators, forcing the evil star thief to gather for warmth."

Boss Bai said, "Everyone is naturally selfish and extremely evil, but in the primitive world where the crisis is perilous, the individual's power is so weak, no matter how evil people need to cooperate with others in order to survive. In the reluctant cooperation, the initial understanding and trust were born step by step. The so-called brothers, family, society, and country are all like this. They were not born because of'love', but just some kind of... compelling.

"People are like this, and will civilization be like this?

"Perhaps, all civilizations are inherently selfish, ruthless, and extremely evil-otherwise, they simply cannot survive.

"However, in the face of all kinds of unexpected threats in the vast sea of ​​stars, it is not enough to rely on selfishness, ruthlessness, and extreme evil. When it develops to a certain degree, when facing great threats, civilization and civilization must also Join hands, hold a group for warmth, fight with the enemy and fight side by side.

"So, the point is not whether Pangu civilization, human civilization, information civilization or even magic civilization is evil-of course they are inherently evil. The point is whether there is a threat that they absolutely cannot resist on their own, forcing them to give up each other temporarily. The evil and vigilance, united together, even had to produce a weird thing called'love'.

"Ah, fortunately, we seem to have such a threat - Hong Chao."

Is the flood that destroys all civilizations a kind of luck?

This sounded absurd, but it was the same as the meaning of the boxing champion.

Throughout human history, most glorious civilizations originated in flooded river basins. Floods are destruction, and floods are also vitality. Floods bring endless despair, but they are also the light of new hope.

Facing the turbulent flood, the creatures in the dark forest seemed to have no choice but to summon all their wisdom and courage, walk out of the forest, unite together, and move forward courageously to become the brand new world and the new master after the flood receded!

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