40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2528: The whole picture of the Seven Seas Market!

Li Jialing wrinkled his nose and said, "Since Brother Yao knows that Jin Yuyan's Dao heart is firm, and Free Star Coin is so dangerous, you can rest assured to cooperate with the profiteers of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance?"

"I've said it, the two evils are the less powerful!"

Li Yao spread his hands and said, "I also think that overnight, all the immortal cultivators in the center of Xinghai will have their brains flooded and become my kind-hearted, chivalrous, selfless, self-interested, and dedicated cultivator. We can create a bright and beautiful tomorrow with our hands, but how is it possible? We can only fight one group by one group. First, we will fight against the heinous cultivators with a little better cultivator, and then slowly figure out a way to cultivate a better cultivator. The person has transformed into a comprehensionist.

"A true cultivator must be a realist who seeks truth from facts, not an idealist who can only sing high-profile. Even if you want to change the entire sea of ​​stars, you can only take it slowly, one star by one star.

"Furthermore, I don't think Free Starcoin is really that untraceable and untraceable. It still leaves a lot of very clear information in the transaction process, and even everyone knows it, but most of these transactions are dynamically changing.' On the dark web, both parties to the transaction are anonymous.

"But the so-called'dark web' is not really impossible to capture. Even if there is no way to completely tear the invisible veil of Free Star Coin, with the advancement of technology, I believe there is always a way to solve its problem."

Li Jialing still frowned, was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "The sea of ​​stars is too big and there are too many problems. I suddenly understand the black star emperor Wu Yingqi's scorching forehead and arbitrarily - if I am Wu Yingqi, facing the holy Alliance, Reformers, Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, Comprehensions, Warlords and Earth Snake, Free Star Coins...the endless troubles, I am afraid I will go crazy in less than three days."

Li Yao said, "No, are you sympathizing with Wu Yingqi now?"

Li Jialing snorted coldly: "Wu Yingqi has occupied the body of the Queen, and wants to take my body. Of course, he and I are endlessly dying, and I can't wait to kill him personally!

"It's just that, what about killing Wu Yingqi, will the chaotic sea of ​​stars return to calm, and will the vast universe become better? Who can replace Wu Yingqi to rule the empire and maintain the'post-empire era' situation? Well, is it a profiteer like Jin Yuyan who advocates'absolute freedom', or a cultivator like Brother Yao—Brother Yao, can you do it?"


Li Yao thought about it very seriously, squeezing his chin and said, "In terms of force, Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi is naturally far from my opponent, but he has a special skill in the art industry. I am afraid it is a bit inferior to the level of governance of the country. He is one-of-a-kind, probably, maybe, or, not very capable of replacing him."

"That's it, what is the future of the empire..."

A young man who was as fierce as a panther and as mighty as a lion, looked at the tranced stars outside the porthole, and fell into contemplation.

At this moment, the Little Bear shuddered slightly and slowed down.

However, they passed the inspection, attracted by the magnetic field of the tractor, and led to the outer ports of the Seven Seas Market.

"Okay, don't think about so much mess at a young age, okay!"

Li Yao lightly patted the back of Li Jialing's head, "Anyway, the sky is falling and there is a tall man against it, and you don't need to manage the entire empire and worry about so many major events in the country. I found that you have become more and more mature recently. I can't answer what I say, it's not cute!"

"I was like this."

Li Jialing curled his lips and said, "Li Lingfeng originally regarded me as his successor, and cultivated as the'future elector'. In those few years, these messy national events have been instilled into my mind. It's just that I have deliberately in the past. Seal, I don't want to think about it.

"But no matter how I seal it, these things are coming out of my mind, especially after swallowing the power of the'Emperor Flame Orb', these things come out faster and faster, every time I encounter I can't help but keep analyzing any problems, what can I do?"

As the two talked, the Little Bear was firmly anchored in a dock outside the Star Harbor of the Seven Seas Market.

Waves of psionic energy flooded into the cabin, connecting the Little Bear and the dynamic psychic web of the Seven Seas Big Market. More and more three-dimensional light curtains appeared around them, as if the entire starship was gradually melting. , Making them directly exposed to the vacuum of the universe, floating in front of the colorful and extremely bright Seven Seas Big Market.

Both Li Yao and Li Jialing were shocked by the size and beauty of the Seven Seas Market.

The core of the Seven Seas Market is an asteroid that has been hollowed out inside. Because the entire Seven Seas Star Field is full of space cracks, it is one of the most suitable places for star jumps on the periphery of the empire, so it was built here as early as the Xinghai Empire era. To become a large-scale military material transfer base, this asteroid is a super-giant arsenal.

After thousands of years of development, asteroids have long lost sight of their true colors. Not only have their interiors been hollowed out and built into honeycombs and ant nests, but also countless circular orbits have been built on the surface. The orbits crisscross and overlap each other, constantly moving towards It grows wildly outside, and extends the vacuum channel of yachts. The two sides of the channel are covered with spherical dwelling warehouses. The dwelling warehouses are surrounded by new vacuum channels, and the periphery is connected with the permanent living area transformed from the abandoned starship. Connected with various circular orbits, and then connected with more vacuum channels, abandoned starships and spherical housing silos... Today, no one can even tell how many floors the Seven Seas Big Market is divided into, and how many areas and residences there are. How many people are there?

Here is a haven for star thief, here is a resort for wanted criminals, here is an arena where unknown people use their lives to get ahead, here is a paradise for adventurers, here is a cemetery for the faint-hearted, and here is in the black market. The black market, the abattoir in the abattoir, the paradise in the paradise, here is the freest place in the universe!

Looking far away from Li Yao and Li Jialing, they saw countless torrents of mighty light scattered on the shining branches outside the Seven Seas Market.

That was when countless merchant ships landed, just like the Little Bear, integrating themselves into the huge life form of the Seven Seas Big Market.

This scene reminded the two of the giant colorful corals on the seabed, each starship is like plankton falling into the coral.


At this time, the latest product and service roster of the Seven Seas Big Market, as well as the Too Unreal Realm display system, are all synchronized and matched with the master crystal brain model of the Bear, which can be directly presented.

Through the Unreal Realm trading system, merchants can browse the commodities immersively. After trading with Free Starcoin on the dark web, the fully automated barge will load the commodities directly onto the merchant ships. The merchants don’t even have to leave during the whole process. Your own starship is extremely convenient.

Of course, for those natural treasures that are of special nature and require on-site inspection, or simply people are commodities-all kinds of human resource transactions such as mercenaries, killers, assassins, and ordinary labor services, merchants still need to go deep into the seven seas big market. To be done.

Li Yao was about to make secret contact with Jin Yuyan, so naturally he wanted to get off the ship.

But before leaving the Little Bear, you might as well go shopping in the virtual market and pick up the market.

Both of them are neurite-triggered and super-computing powerhouses. With a thought, they immediately completed the interaction with the Tai Unreal Realm display system, and a large number of product lists spewed out from the three-dimensional light screen like a waterfall.

From the most basic water purification tablets, air circulation filter chips, synthetic canned food; to various refined ores necessary for industry, strengthening medicines and high-energy nutrients cultivated by the strong; to more sensitive space shuttles, crystal armors, and combat The puppets even modified semi-armed smuggling ships, with a dazzling array of everything, and both of them are dazzled and dizzy.

Li Jialing randomly clicked on a detailed introduction of a refined ore. This refined ore is an indispensable raw material for refining artillery barrels. He found that even such important strategic materials, the quantity that buyers can purchase is extremely large. Above, as long as you have enough Free Star Coins, you can buy as many as you want.

Clicking on the introduction of the latest semi-armed smuggling ship, Li Jialing discovered that it was transformed from a new type of patrol boat jointly developed by the four major families-the question is where did the Ten Thousand Worlds Commercial Alliance get so many four. The new patrol boat of the big family, where can I get the most confidential technical manual about this patrol boat to complete the transformation?

Seeing the words "Original produced by XX magic weapon base under the four major families" in the product description, Li Jialing felt absurd that could not be described with pen and ink.

"The commodities offered by the Seven Seas Market are really rich and varied."

Li Jialing couldn't figure it out. "It is clear that the combined fleet of the four major families has stuck most of the navigation channels, trapping the Ten Thousand Realms Business League in the Seven Seas Stars, yet there is still an open supply of so many commodities, and there are so many more. There is no reason why the caravan can penetrate the blockade of the combined fleet of the four major families and come here!"

Li Yao told Li Jialing that this is what he only knows, but he doesn't know the other. The so-called Wanjie Business Alliance does not produce any goods by itself, and even gradually liberalized the equity of many transportation groups. Heroes from all walks of life are welcome to buy shares." Together, they just provide a platform, a platform for free commerce and anonymous transactions.

The individuals who trade and make fortunes on the platform established by the Wanjie Business Alliance are still a large and small business.

And who are these firms formed, or whose shares are secretly there? That's right, of course there are countless cultivators including the four major families!

A collateral cultivator from the four major families may have taken a small position in the government, or worked as a staff officer in the fleet, such as a low-spirited small official, relying on salary and the family’s annual dividends. I didn’t want to die and I couldn’t eat enough. Seeing that my entire life was so silly and confused, at this time, a company affiliated with the Ten Thousand Realms Business League secretly gave him a share of shares, and he didn’t have to do anything, just “make a good relationship with him” "Fate", who would be unhappy?

This kind of thing is not a day or two, but decades ago, before the Wanjie Commercial League had revealed its hideous features, it was completely legal at the time.

And after decades of operation, this dry stock is not a small amount when converted into Free Star Coins.

From the four major families to other giants, from the small officials in the core world to the warlords in the outer world, which one does not have the stocks of more than a dozen or two hundred or two hundred thousand business alliances, and who does not have a single account on the dark web. Who does not receive the filial piety of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance every year with Free Star Coins that are dozens of times more than legal income? This "good relationship" knot is out!

Now, relying on this group of people to encircle the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, cut off their own financial means, and turn the Free Star Coins in their pockets into illusory numbers? Haha, daydreaming!

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