40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2569: Yun Xuefeng and Li Wuji

Six hours before the war, one of the four great families, the Yun family, was in the "Ziyun Realm", the world that was closest to the periphery of the empire.

In the past one or two months, more than a dozen main fleets of the Yun family and their vassal families have gathered here to strengthen armor and firepower, carry the new "Flying Lightning Magic Super Tactical Chain System", and practice the corresponding tactics of the large corps joint operations. .

There are also "solar slingshots" made from a large number of special materials that can absorb the energy of stellar storms and transform them into the driving force of star jumps, and they have also been shipped to this vast world with super giant stars.

The solar slingshot is like a hexagonal metal panel with a slight curvature. All the hexagons are spliced ​​together like a honeycomb to become a huge metal pot. The original silver-white metal pot absorbs a lot of violent solar energy. , Have become crimson like blood.

It seems that the solar slingshots have been stretched to the limit, and as long as they let go, they can release a powerful force that is enough to tear the space.

More than a dozen main fleets are already ready to go. They are neatly arranged like silver chess pieces, symmetrical up and down, and condensed into one after another in the vast expanse of exquisite and gorgeous cubes.

Not to mention the contradictions between the various families and the undercurrents of the peripheral warlord forces, at least these Yun family's main fleets really wanted to fight this battle sincerely, and the wind can completely eliminate the "revolutionary rebels".

This determination turned into a series of photoelectric and spiritual waves, which were transmitted quickly between the starships, making the silver cubes all appear colorful.

The core of this mixed fleet, the four King Kong-class super arsenal ships, finally arrived at the jumping point.

Regardless of whether the internal combat units have been castrated due to congenital deficiencies, just from the magnificent appearance, these four super arsenal ships really live up to the name of "King Kong", just like four slowly moving star war castles, densely packed with cannons on the surface. Tubes and stacked turrets as well as drones and battle puppet launchers make the scalp numb at a glance, blood is boiling, and the heartbeat either accelerates to the limit or stops completely.

The visual effects of the Four King Kong are even more amazing than the flagships of the elite super-class fleets of the four major families. The use of words such as "doom, destruction, and suffocation" is simply not enough to describe their majesty and hideousness.

Up to this moment, there are still countless maintenance ships and comprehensive supply ships surrounding the four King Kong-class super arsenal ships, carrying out final enhancements and supplies, and transporting various resources to them-the King Kong-class super arsenal ships are like four black holes. It has swallowed countless ammunition, fuel, combat puppets, and advanced drones for more than a month, and still failed to fill its belly.

"Hurray! Hurray! Long live the King Kong class!"

The advent of the King Kong class deeply shocked all officers and soldiers, especially those from the vassal family, who had never seen the style of the King Kong class before.

At this moment, seeing the four asteroids crushing head-on, did I know that "the empire's largest super battleship" is by no means a boast. The oppressive force that destroys the world is unmatched by any starship.

The surface of all starships flashed magnificently, forming a series of colorful semaphores, expressing their awe, desire and belief in victory to the four King Kong-class ships.

Even in these fleets, there are many unpredictable "traitors". When they see such a giant ship, doubts arise again in their hearts-just relying on the weak power of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance can really defeat such a majestic mountain. King Kong?

Standing on his flagship, one of the four King Kong-class ships, on the bridge of the "Avalanche", Yunxuefeng Zhuo inspected the troops through a 360-degree surround virtual light curtain, and couldn't help but grow up in his chest. Pride, I really want to roar up to the sky and sing loudly.

As a fleet commander, it's really worth having such a moment in your life!

Yun Xuefeng is an almost perfect nobleman in all aspects.

He is nearly two meters tall, tall and mighty, handsome but also heroic. Since childhood, he has been the best among his peers. No matter in any competition or competition, no one can stand in front of him.

In the empire's counterattack, most of the nobles were hesitant, huddling in the rear, waiting to die and waiting to steal the fruits of victory, but Yun Xuefeng was not ashamed to be with these people, dominating his fleet bravely forward and out. The name of "Invasion like the wind".

Some people refer to him and Lei Chenghu as the "Expeditionary Army Shuangbi", and some even say that Lei Chenghu is old and a toothless tiger. The empire in the next hundred years must be his cloud, snow and wind.

Yun Xuefeng is not stupid. He naturally knows that there is a lot of water in these flatteries, but his heart is always eager to compete with Lei Chenghu.

Although there is no chance now, he will surely be able to collide with Lei Chenghu's thundering fleet when he reaches the Seven Seas Market, right?

At that time, everyone will know who is better than the so-called "cloud and tiger".


When the four King Kong-class super arsenal ships were divided into two groups and sailed into the center of their own fleet respectively, Yun Xuefeng received a communication request from a distant world. The name of the other party made his mouth turn up and his face was beaming.

"Report Xueshuai that his fleet and the'Loyalty Salvation Army' are ready to go, ready to launch the first wave of jumps at any time!"

The figure of Hou Li Wuji of Yongchun appeared on the communication light screen, his face was determined, and he said in a deep voice, "After completing the jump, the fleet and the Loyalty Salvation Army must be assembled at the fastest speed, desperately entangled in the hands and feet of the enemy. Buy time for the assembly of the'King Kong Fleet'!"


Yun Xuefeng sighed and said, "I really didn't expect that there are loyal people like you in Yongchunhou among the four big families - if there are more loyal ministers like you, how could the situation be so corrupt! Don't worry, as long as you win this battle, no matter how much you lose, this coach will double up to supplement you!"

"Yes, the subordinates must do everything they can to serve the country, as well as Xueshuai's grace and trust of trust!"

Li Wuji said with gratitude, "Unexpectedly, Xue Shuai would be able to give his subordinates such high command authority in the'Flying Lightning Magic Super Tactical Chain', so that more than 90% of the starships can be controlled and commanded by his subordinates. This is really true. ,It is really……"

"Huh, more than 90% of the starships in our combined fleet belong to those warlords and ground snakes who have ghosts, the first mouse and the end of the mouse. These people, if you don't hold the gun against the back of their heads, they will never move forward. Half a step."

Yun Xuefeng said with a sullen face, "Since you are so loyal to this commander and the combat effectiveness of the fleet under your command is so good, of course I have to let go and give you part of the command. After jumping to the Seven Seas Star Region, I will give this commander a good collection of these. Skirmish and force them to fight to the death-if anyone steals, rapes, and wants to retain their strength, you don't show mercy with your hands and do all military methods!"

"Yes, yes, with Xueshuai's words, even if all the warlords of the subordinates and the outer world turn their faces, they will not hesitate!"

Li Wuji rubbed his hands and said rather firmly. Then the conversation turned and he was a little embarrassed. "However, the general warlord force can say that the subordinates are confident that they can control and drive them, if it is the Yun family's own starship, or even the Li family. , Song family and Dongfang family’s starship? This and this, Xue Shuai should also know that they would never put this little "third-class" in their eyes, even if their subordinates have the tactical chain. With higher command authority, they may not obey the commands of their subordinates."


Yun Xuefeng frowned slightly, and said displeased, "Now everyone knows that you are a handsome person, who dares not obey your orders? Your fleet is so powerful, are those naval guns vegetarian?"

"Speaking of which, but the other party is really rebellious, and I can't just shoot it if I don't obey the command!"

Li Wuji smiled bitterly, "The subordinates are determined to wipe out the'revolutionary rebels'. In all likelihood, they will suffer heavy losses. Regardless of whether the Li family, the Song family or the Dongfang family, there are a lot of people who want to keep it. Strength, Xue Shuai think about it, can they obey my command?"

Yun Xuefeng coughed awkwardly: "So, how are you doing?"

"The subordinates don't mean anything else, even if they really want to force these daunting guys to obey orders by force, they can do it."

Li Wuzhi said, "But regardless of the family's opinion, the subordinates stand on Xueshuai's side with a clear-cut stand. His position in the family is already very embarrassing. If there is any misunderstanding or conflict with the friendly forces, it will be more difficult to get along with the same clan in the future, and some even say In the name of'domineering', if you want to punish the crimes of your subordinates, they have nothing to say.

"So, my subordinates are wondering whether they can ask Xueshuai to give a secret order first, stamped with the imprint of the soul, to prove that the actions of the subordinates and the fleet on the battlefield are all at the command of Xueshuai.

"Then, when your subordinates gather the stragglers, if you encounter the four major families' own starships, just show them Xueshuai's secret order, thinking that they will definitely be awed by Xueshuai's prestige and obey the orders of his subordinates. ."


Yun Xuefeng knocked his fingers for a long time, and then glanced at Li Wuji’s ambitious and sincere face. Of course he knew what the other party was thinking. He just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to recruit soldiers and expand his strength. Many stragglers gathered "temporarily" and finished the fight. After this battle, don't even think about putting it back.

It's just that Li Wuji is now his loyal dog, and a big battle is just around the corner. If you don't even feed two fleshy bones, it would be too unreasonable.

Expansion of strength is to expand strength, let Li Wuji expand strength, it is better than let those nasty ghosts of Song family expand strength.

Thinking of this, Yun Xuefeng waved his hand, "Okay, in my own name and in the name of the'Military Fleet Commander', I will give you two secret orders. When the chaotic battlefield, who has seen two secret orders, dare you? If you don't obey your orders, it's not a matter of killing!"

"Thank you Xueshuai!"

Li Wuji's eyes instantly turned red, and his voice was a little choked, "Xueshuai trusts and supports his subordinates so much, even if his subordinates are crushed and devastated, they will not be able to repay Xueshuai..."

He forwarded to Yun Xuefeng what Boss Bai had said to him a few months ago.

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Yun Xuefeng has not thought about life over the septic tank. Naturally, he doesn't know how much rancid venom is contained in Li Wuji's remarks. He raised his head and laughed: "Okay, let go of all your worries and do your best to fight. After the victory, your destiny will be completely different from the past!"

"Yes it is."

Li Wuji bowed his head deeply, preventing the other party from seeing the malice flowing out of his eyes, his voice was extremely cold, "Subordinates firmly believe this."

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