40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2576: It's all Xueshuai's orders!

Everyone on the battlefield saw an incredible scene.

Crystal clear, completely natural, like a giant crystal carved from a single piece of crystal, "Sky Crystal", jumping a beautiful death dance, drawing the other three giant soldiers into their own rhythm.

These three giant soldiers are like puppets manipulated by it. Accompanied by the rhythm of the "Tianjing", their hands and feet twitched and slammed together.

There are countless large iron **** lasing in all directions, adsorbing to the three giant soldiers, in addition to using magnetic fields to lock the giant soldiers, a large amount of extremely viscous glue is sprayed from the inside. Glue yourself and the giant soldier together, as if on the giant soldier, add countless heavy burdens weighing thousands of catties.

These burdens continued to spray flames in all directions, causing the giant soldiers to lose control completely, leaving them at the mercy of the iron ball.

Until the end, they were pried open by the "Tianjing", and they ruthlessly blasted all the riders inside into flesh!

The battlefield that was still in full swing a moment ago fell into a desperate silence.

Of course, it was the despair of Hushan Hou Song Changlie.

"you you you you you……"

Song Changlie took two steps backwards, sat down on his command chair, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word.

"Boss Bai, what on earth do you want to do?"

His voice was full of doubts and despair, and he screamed, "I am the Hushanhou of the dignified empire, how dare you do this, you...you can't kill me, you kill me, you can't escape death by yourself, you are in the Big Four There is absolutely no way for the family to confess!"

"Idiot, don't you understand it now?"

The holographic projection of Boss Bai burst into a smile of contempt and sarcasm, "Everything is from the instruction of'Xueshuai'. You think it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to gather a fleet of hundreds of worlds, and jump here at the same time. Is the small Seven Seas Star Territory really just to destroy a group of insignificant reform rebels?

"Huh, the revolutionary rebels are nothing but scabies. They are trivial cockroaches and mice. If you want to get rid of them, you just need to sneez lightly, and they will be wiped out in an instant!

"Xueshuai’s real goal is to take advantage of this great opportunity to completely control the'Million Starship Allied Forces', to condense into a loyal, indestructible, and resolutely obedient force that only obeys his orders. Only obey the Yun family's orders!"


Hushan Hou Song Changlie opened his eyes wide and blurted out, "How dare Yun Xuefeng do this, how dare the Yun family do this!"

"Heaven doesn't take it, but takes the blame. With such a great opportunity in front of him, why doesn't Xue Shuai dare?"

Boss Bai grinned and said, "After this battle, the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant Alliance has disappeared, but the 16 King Kong-class super arsenal ships and millions of starships will be completely owned by Xue Shuai and the Yun family. , Looking at the entire Xinghai, who else can compete with Xue Shuai and the Yun family?

"Haha, this commander is Xueshuai, who has made such a great contribution to the Yun family, and he is qualified to be a minister of honor, what else can't you tell me?"

"You are crazy!"

Hushan Hou Song Changlie pointed at the light curtain, his head full of long hair rooted up, not knowing whether it was angry or shocked, "You and Yun Xuefeng, and everyone in the Yun family are crazy, you, you guys are so disregarded of the overall situation! "

"The overall situation? Humph, if your Song family really cares about the overall situation, why bother competing with the Yun family for the new emperor's candidate? If your Song family really cares about the overall situation, why does your fleet always wander around the outer space of the star field? Are you planning to attack the Seven Seas Big Market? Are you waiting for Xueshuai's fleet to rush up and hit his head first, and your Song family will come out to clean up the mess? Even, if Xueshuai didn't hit his head, you guys. It might even be stabbed in the back!"

Boss Bai took a sip and said with a smile, "Okay, don't care about him. It's a waste of time. This commander knows that you are secretly preparing an escape pod. It's useless. You know too much. Go and die now. !"

Hundreds of starships belonging to the "Arsonist United Fleet" opened fire at the same time, tens of thousands of rays of destruction once again illuminate the dark starry sky, strong psychic energy fluctuations in the vacuum tore through the ripples of the debut, as if encountering a stormy sea , The muddy waves are monstrous!

Under the concentrated fire attack of tens of thousands of beams of light, the psychic shield of the "Tiger Howl" lasted only half a minute. It changed from green to orange, from orange to crimson, and finally became full of cracks. The glass shattered like a shock.

Without the protection of the psychic shield, only relying on the armor made of super alloy embedded reflective ceramics can not withstand the burning of nearly ten thousand degrees of high temperature concentrated on one point.

What's more, at this time, various physical weapons-high-energy metal ion currents, high-explosive bombs and cosmic torpedoes launched from crystal magnetic orbits have also hit their targets.

The fireball erupts like a supernova. At first, it was just a small spot of light, but in the blink of an eye, it expanded into a behemoth with a diameter of hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters. It was easily torn apart, a large amount of materials, fuel and even the crew were sucked out, gathered into a mighty torrent of wreckage, sprayed into the depths of the star sea, making the "Tiger Roar" look like it was seriously injured and lost blood. Many tigers.

The paralysis of the "Tiger Howl" meant that this short fire was completely over.

Nine out of ten starships have chosen to surrender to Boss Bai-they don’t care who their commander is, as long as they are strong and ruthless, they can bring them greater hope of survival and more loot. That's it.

Therefore, the commanders of these starships are simply cheering to join the camp of Boss White.

Of course, Boss Bai was so cruel and even killed an empire's third-class prince, which made them somewhat worried.

But the worries return to the worries, the old Dalian Hushanhou dare to kill, let alone these insignificant shrimp soldiers and crabs, who wants to bury Hushan Hou Song Changlie?

Only a small part of the starships belonging to the Song family, after witnessing the demise of the "Tiger Howl", fled to the outer regions of the Seven Seas Star Territory without prejudice.

Most of them are driving fast assault ships, which are extremely fast and have good concealment. After the two sides have opened a distance of millions of kilometers, it is extremely difficult to catch up with them.

Boss Bai did not intend to kill them all, allowing these starships to flee, but instead seized the time to rectify the stragglers who had just surrendered.

He did not know that even though Hushan Hou Song Changlie did not have time to escape the destructive vortex of the "Hushao", at the last minute, he sent the call records between himself and Boss Bai to the other Song family starships to let these starships Take it and fled the battlefield.

Or maybe, he knew it a long time ago, but didn't care at all.

"Okay, the number of our fleet has reached the limit, and if it expands, it will exceed the level we can control and command."

Boss Bai smiled and said to Xiao Lishui, his chief of staff, "Let all the starships that have just returned to us sweep the battlefield, let them smash the wreckage of the Tiger Roar to pieces, and make sure that everyone's hands are , All stained with blood.

"If anyone dare not do anything, let the others kill his starship too.

"Within three hours, I will complete the most thorough reorganization, and then we will set off to find dear Xueshuai!"


The general flagship of the "Million Starship United Fleet", "Avalanche".

Yun Xuefeng paced back and forth anxiously along the diagonal of the bridge, taking the one hundred and thirty-seventh step in twenty-four hours.

In the center of the bridge, the holographic projection of the Seven Seas Star Region was still shrouded in thick and confusing fog, and it was impossible to see the direction of victory or defeat.

The real war is completely different from the game.

In the game, the commander can perceive everything on the battlefield like the omnipresent gods and demons. Even if he can't see the number and movements of the enemy, he can at least see his own power clearly, and every command can be instantly transmitted to the forefront. In addition, these combat units will definitely be loyal, complete orders without compromising, and 100% "go through the waters and fire, wherever they are."

The real war is far from this.

The Xinghai Sea is too vast, the diameter of the battlefield has even reached billions of kilometers, and there are too many combat units scattered in it. Under the circumstances of the continuous coverage of the enemy, the connection between the two combat units is very great. Difficulties, let alone Yun Xuefeng’s flagship, are cross-linked with many combat units.

In fact, it took Yun Xuefeng 30 full hours, but he still couldn't contact all the starships under his command.

On the status icon that represents each starship’s access to the tactical chain, about 70% of the starships are still in a dim state, which means that they have not yet been connected to the battle.net and do not know where they are struggling in the dark star sea. Struggling, even sunk by the defending side.

Yun Xuefeng feels like sitting alone in a black fog, waiting for the dimly lit up of a little or two starbursts, and every starburst is a battleship under his command, and he still doesn't know what to do. How long will it take to gather enough power to attack the Seven Seas Big Market?

The good news is that his flagship "Avalanche" finally found a calm rallying point, which has not been discovered by the defender, and can continue to summon more starships to rally here.

Moreover, only two King Kong-class super arsenal ships were discovered by the defender and were caught in a bitter battle. Among the remaining 14 King Kong-class ships, ten have been contacted, all of which are intact, and they are summoning nearby Aegis ships and arsenal ships. And the integrated supply ship, united into a powerful King Kong fleet.

Yun Xuefeng estimated that as long as there are three to four diamond fleets condensed and formed, they can advance to the Seven Seas Big Market and suppress the power of the defender.

The bad news is that although ten King Kong-class super arsenal ships have been contacted, the commanders of these ultimate warships have a lower will to fight than he imagined. Almost everyone complained and said that a large number of merchants appeared around him. The fleet of the alliance is about to encounter a bitter battle, and is doing everything possible to break away, temporarily unable to cooperate with the commander's next combat action.

At first, Yun Xuefeng thought that these King Kong-class super arsenal ships had really encountered an accident.

But after contacting ten super arsenal ships, nine out of ten commanders said so, it almost made his nose crooked-how can there be so many starships in the Ten Thousand World Trade Alliance, which can besiege ten super ships at the same time. Arsenal ship?

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