40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2581: Suddenly hideous!

Qi Yuanbao was already convulsing and was about to squirt out a huge mouthful of fuel, and the ghost cried out: "No, I don't blame the Black Wind King, it's my fault..."

"It's good for you to have this understanding, it proves that your consciousness has improved very quickly!"

Li Yao helped Qi Yuanbao's psychic prosthesis return to its normal mode with seven hands and eight feet, poking his head hard, and poking the steel skull "banging", "Tell me honestly, are you doing something tricky? Or have you concealed something, did Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi give you any other secret instructions?"

"No, it's not me, it's really not me!"

Qi Yuanbao cried out two rows of lubricant aggrievedly, and yelled, "I really don't know anything. I have already confessed all my arrangements in the Seven Seas Market. Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi did not give us any other secret instructions. ——He just asked us to think of ways to take up Jin Yuyan, but as a last resort, try not to hurt Jin Yuyan's life. Even if we really want to solve Jin Yuyan, we must wait until the victory of the Battle of the Seven Seas.

"I am eager to achieve success because of my own greed. If Wu Yingqi gives us other secret instructions, I have the courage to do it at this time!"

"It seems so."

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and felt that Qi Yuanbao’s wisdom really didn’t look like a behind-the-scenes man. The point is that this guy jumped out too early and was bluffing there at the beginning. It didn’t fit the image of a dark conspiracy, a real conspiracy. Home, shouldn't it be low-key from beginning to end, even if it has always been in the sight of everyone, it is always ignored by everyone?

Li Yao felt tight, and suddenly thought of someone, "Your sister, where is Wu Yingqin's heart?"

"I, I don't know."

Qi Yuanbao's face was dazed, "She and I were placed under house arrest separately. We have no possibility of exchanging news at all, and I don't know where she is."

"Ask you again, this question is very important, you must answer me honestly!"

Li Yao said sternly, "The whole thing, the whole plan to assassinate Jin Yuyan with the'Soul Removal Dafa', did you think of it first, or did your sister think of it first?"

"This one……"

Qi Yuanbao was stunned for a long time, his soul rippled with uncertain waves, "I can't say that."

Li Yao said anxiously: "What is ‘you can’t say it, too’, can’t anyone think it out first?"

"The completed plan should have been proposed by me first, but my sister had to speak out about the technical feasibility before it inspired my ambitions."

Qi Yuanbao said, "Wu Yingqin was originally a very powerful meditator. In the way of spiritual cultivation, she even mastered countless weird methods that even I had never heard of. One day she was very excited to tell me that she was moving A breakthrough has been made in the cultivation of "Soul Dafa". I can exchange the souls of two people without any damage and no trace. Even the strong person above the Yuan Ying stage can exchange bodies. A move in my heart came up with that. idea."

"and many more--"

Li Yao squinted his eyes, and instantly pinched the point, "You are known as the'hanged ghost', and you are the most secretive ace assassin in the outer world of the empire. That's why you can practice a powerful method of divine soul sacrifice, but Wu Yingqin's heart has basically been waiting for the past 100 years. Beside the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and Jin Yuyan, there are talents in the market. Why can she master more spiritual cultivation methods than you, don't you all come from the same source?"

"I don't know this anymore."

Qi Yuanbao said helplessly, "Although my sister and I have inherited the family inheritance, we were all destroyed in the past. Only the two of us escaped, and we were separated for several decades until we had a little bit of each other. Only after her achievements did she meet again. During this period, she would not tell me all of her chances, who she worshiped as a teacher, what magical powers she had cultivated, and even what ruins and caves she went to.

"Everyone is a cultivator, even if there are some secrets between my brothers and sisters, it is normal. I have a lot of magical powers at the bottom of the box, and I didn't tell her!"

Li Yao's expression became very ugly: "If that's the case, then she has practiced the new'Soul Removal Dafa', why should she rush to tell you?"

Qi Yuanbao was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Yes, now that I think about it, this matter is a bit strange. Usually, our two brothers and sisters practice our own, even if we have cultivated some powerful supernatural powers, we rarely tell each other. At most, sometimes when you encounter a problem or need someone to protect the law, you will talk to the other party.

"I, I didn't think so much at that time. I thought she was over-excited for a while, and then she said it accidentally..."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said every word: "So, without Wu Yingqin's breakthrough in the'Soul Removal Dafa', your ambition would never explode. The assassination against Jin Yuyan would never be launched. In other words, the whole piece Although the mastermind is you on the face of the matter, the actual chief messenger is actually her, including you. She is also using extremely clever psychological hints to push it step by step!"

Qi Yuanbao was stunned for a long time, and said: "This, think about it now, maybe?"

Li Yao said angrily: "Then you didn't say it earlier!"

Qi Yuanbao cried and said with a sad face: "I didn't realize this myself, let alone say it in the morning, would the Black Wind King believe me? Would you think that I was shifting responsibility to Wu Yingqin's heart, thus justifying myself? , And then despise me even more, hate me, torture me, abuse me, and abuse me?"

Li Yao was speechless for a while, took a deep breath, and released his mind to search for Wu Yingqin's house under house arrest.

In order to locate these important figures, in addition to leaving marks on Qi Yuanbao’s psychic prosthesis, he also put a tracking collar around Wu Yingqinxin’s neck, releasing special features every minute and every second. The frequency ripples, within a radius of a few kilometers, Li Yao should be able to scan it as soon as he moves his mind.

But now, Li Yao's divine mind scan was empty and nothing was achieved.

This is impossible. Li Yao's tracking collar is extremely sturdy and full of psychic energy just yesterday. Even if Wu Yingqin's heart is blown to pieces or crushed into meatloaf by a collapsed building, there is no reason why the tracking collar will fail.

The only possibility is that Wu Yingqin ran away wearing a tracking collar. At the moment of the explosion, he killed all the guards around him and left.

Li Yao cursed fiercely in his heart again, calling himself really a pig head. After eating so many losses, he still doesn’t have a long memory. Like Qi Yuanbao, the guy who jumped to the face to show his teeth and claws in the first place, he must be a dead ghost, a little boy. Hello, Wu Yingqin is so low-key that he should focus on it!

"Believe you for the first time, if this king finds out that you are lying, this king will have to tear your three souls and seven souls apart for drinking!"

Li Yao grabbed Qi Yuanbao by the neck, slammed him into the air, then took a kick, kicked the guy out of the window, kicked into the air at a height of hundreds of meters, and blocked him. This guy's phantom body, let him scream and smash it to the ground.

Anyway, this servant is a ghost repairer, and the psychic prosthesis is rough and thick enough to be undead if thrown. At most, it will suffer a little bit more.

This is the fastest way for him to escape the burning mansion.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao stepped on both feet and directly smashed the ground, smashed all the way under the three-story floor, and swept towards Wu Yingqin's house under house arrest.

Sure enough, the corridor and the room were empty, with nothing but the bodies of seven or eight guards, and Wu Yingqin's heart disappeared.

Li Yao knelt down on one knee and inspected the bodies of these guards, but the investigation became more and more frightened.

These guards were not stunned by the shock wave generated by the explosion, nor were they crushed to death by the floor. Instead, they were smashed to death by people using heavy techniques to blast their brains alive, exploding their brains, blasting their souls to pieces, and instantly dying.

Everyone's brains trembled like a balloon filled with water, and there was not even a strand of remnant soul left behind, and Da Luo Jinxian could not save it.

Two guards summoned the crystal armor in time to wear them, including their heads protected by the strongest helmets, and they still couldn't escape death.

Judging from the incomparably clear fist marks remaining on the helmet, three points into the wood, the attacker didn't even wear the crystal armor, and just bare-handedly beat these sturdy men wearing crystal armor to death.

Li Yao compared it with his fist. The fist mark imprinted on the helmet was several times smaller than his fist. It was obviously a woman's fist.

It's Wu Yingqin Xin.

Li Yao's heart sank into the bottomless abyss.

According to all the information, Wu Yingqinxin is a pure meditator, between the management and research cultivators, and is not too powerful in combat.

Jin Yuyan also told Li Yao that for a whole hundred years, he hadn't seen his wife do anything. Wu Yingqin used his brain instead of his fists.

Including Li Yao himself, before the house arrest, a comprehensive examination of Wu Yingqinxin was carried out, and she was not found to be abnormal at all.

If she used the spiritual attack unique to the meditator to hypnotize these guards and let them kill each other and die together, Li Yao could understand.

But with one's own fists and punches, so many guards were beaten to death, and the power even penetrated through the two crystal armors and treated the crystal armors as paper shells. How could this be possible?

Li Yao pondered for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, his entire face almost turned black, and he hurried to the other side of the corridor to investigate.

Before breaking into the room, he found another body in the hallway, the body of a woman.

This is a woman with high cheekbones, huge eyes, and her arms as long as her knees.

She did not stare at her, her eyes that had long been frozen were full of doubts and fears, her mouth opened wide, as if to make an incredible cry.

But her chest was sunken deeply, and her spine could almost be seen.

There was also a small hole in his forehead, which ran through the back of his head, and the brain tissue inside was completely burned out by the spiritual flame.

She is as famous as Qi Yuanbao, one of the "Four Death Gods", the leader of the Blood Skeleton Killer Group, and one of the strongest snipers in the empire, the Red Lady.

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