40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2598: Hou Ye's Aid

Lei Chenghu put on the neuro-interactive helmet again, and presented the war game deduction that he had condensed with his superb computing power on a three-dimensional light screen.

It can be clearly seen that if the speed and tactical intentions of Lei Chenghu, Yun Xuefeng, and the mysterious fleet do not change, then Lei Chenghu’s fleet will collide with Yun Xuefeng’s fleet first—regardless of Yun Xuefeng’s How weak the command is, how chaotic the fleet is, at least in terms of numbers, it is still a daunting tide of star sea beasts.

When the Thunder Fleet pierced through such a wave of star-sea beasts, its own formation will be greatly affected. Countless starships will be entangled by the enemy. Some of them will be destroyed instantly, while others will be busy dealing with the Yunxuefeng Group. It's impossible for the giant soldiers to maintain such a perfect and seamless battle formation.

At this time, the mysterious fleet that jumped out abruptly will hit head-on against the thundering fleet that is in the most chaotic state, reaping the greatest results.

"Did you see that? This is the intention of the opposing commander."

Lei Chenghu said coldly, "He wants to prevent us from regrouping after the second battle. If the timing is clever and the tactics are used properly, it is really possible to completely disperse the Thunder Fleet and never regroup."

After hearing Lei Chenghu's instructions, the numerous combat staffs suddenly realized, and immediately felt a lingering feeling of trembling and shuddering.

The commander of the mysterious fleet is so terrible that he has calculated the Thunder Fleet and the Yunxuefeng Group, the two most powerful forces in the starry sky battlefield!

If it wasn't for Tiger Commander to see through it in time, wouldn't the Thunder Fleet be very likely to capsize in the gutter?

"Hu handsome, what shall we do now?"

A combat staff officer wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and asked, "Should you turn your head to deal with this mysterious fleet first?"

"Without turning, continue to sprint towards the Yunxuefeng Group, only slowing down the speed by 20%, disrupting the opponent's rhythm-paying such a high price to break up Yunxuefeng, if you give him time and let him regroup, What a pity!"

Lei Chenghu tapped the neural interaction helmet lightly, and said in deep thought, "Moreover, the time for this mysterious fleet to jump out is a little bit earlier, or, in terms of its commander's ability, if he really wants to execute The tactics just mentioned should be able to hide oneself for a longer period of time, until the last moment to bombard the ultimate psionic power, output the maximum power, and we found it.

"So, did he deliberately jump out so early and be insightful by us?

"Is this some kind of demonstration, to show us its power, or to faintly hold us back and prevent us from attacking the Yunxuefeng Group, or even... to convey some kind of information?"

"Send message?"

The combat staff of the Thunder Fleet looked at each other and didn't understand what the commander meant.

Although the origin of the mysterious fleet is not known yet, since the opponent is so terrifying, they must be elite, ace and hard-core supporters of the four major families. They and the Thunder Fleet are in an endless situation, what information can be conveyed?

But then, the scene that surprised all the combat staff members happened again-Tieliu actually received a secret communication request from the mysterious fleet!


Ten thousand combat staff can't figure it out, "Hu handsome, be careful of the opponent's trap!"

"Even if there is a trap, it can't be used in the communication channel."

Lei Chenghu smiled slightly and motioned to his subordinates, "Open communication with the other side, this commander wants to see, what is the sacred fleet that can arouse this commander's highest fighting spirit!"

If there hadn't been the military display of the mysterious fleet just now, perhaps Lei Chenghu wouldn't care about such a small fleet of insignificance.

But since the opponent's edge is so exposed to this level, Lei Chenghu, who has longed for "unifying all the soldiers of the empire and forming a powerful national defense army", must pay attention to it.

"His hiss!"

The severely disturbed Lingbo presented a frantically dancing vortex on the light curtain. The vortex swallowed and merged, and gradually became clear, but it formed a face that made everyone stunned and couldn't believe it.

Even Lei Chenghu, whose planet collapsed in front of him without changing its color, gave a soft "um", his eyebrows were raised high, expressing his surprise: "Hou Yongchun... Li Wuji?"

That's right, on behalf of the mysterious fleet, speaking to the Thunder Fleet, with a stinking face, as if unwilling to stand in front of Lei Chenghu, it was Li Wuji, Lord Li!

"Tiger handsome!"

Li Wuji squinted his eyes, covered his mouth with silk, and covered the corners of his twitching mouth by the way, "Unexpectedly, we would meet in this way."

"This commander didn't expect that Yongchunhou was such a hidden master who modulated his fleet to such an elite level. It could be called the secret weapon of the four major electors' families!"

With an unfathomable light gleaming in the eyes of Lei Chenghu, he carefully observed the condition of the Alloy Virus bridge behind Li Wuji, and said lightly, "A handsome talent like you is only a third-class man. The four big families really don’t use people Ah, according to the ability you have just shown, it is hundreds of times stronger than that of Yun Xuefeng's brazen man. Even if he controls the entire combined fleet, it is more than enough."

"Hushuai does not need to provoke the relationship between Benhou and Xueshuai, or if you really want to provoke, red mouth and white teeth are useless, real money is enough!"

Li Wuji's eyes narrowed into two slits, and he made up his mind to say, "Hushuai, I just want to know, whether the "Report to the Imperial Soldiers" you just sent to all the fleets on the Starry Sky Battlefield include those belonging to our four major families. Fleet? If we are willing to accept the restraint and dominance of the Tiger Commander, will we be able to get the corresponding treatment and status, including what you said, "the glory that an imperial soldier deserves"?"

As soon as this statement came out, many combat staff members on the Tieliu had a lot of arguments-what do you mean, listen to this tone, even if you are not sick?

Yongchun Hou was Li Wushu, in the four major family camps, he was originally just an inconspicuous little role.

Even though he heard that he had surrendered the 28 most fierce Star Thieves in the periphery of the empire, and conquered one of the largest free markets under the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, the "Blue Sky Market", he did not perform well in the strangulation battle that blocked the waterway. However, many immortal cultivators in the Lei Chenghu Group thought that he, like Yun Xuefeng, was a "famous general" touted in the aristocratic circle. In fact, he was embroidered with no real material. It’s just a pillow.

When I saw him today, I realized that he was extraordinary, but I didn't expect even such a rare general to betray the four major family camps?

Is this really a conspiracy trap?

"This commander has never even wanted to fight this **** civil war for even a second. As long as the civil war can be ended at the fastest speed and at the lowest cost, and a strong and united national defense force can be built, this commander can compromise on any conditions. You can talk to anyone-this is a consistent attitude that this coach has never concealed."

Lei Chenghu carried his hands on his back, halting every word, and categorically said, "Even if this commander does not shame the corruption and depravity of the four major electoral families, the vast majority of the officers and soldiers of the combined fleet of the four major families are innocent, even affected. The highest pressure is the deepest, this commander is never willing to meet any of you in battle, and even more unwilling to have your hands full of your blood. Therefore, Yongchunhou wants to abandon the dark and cast out. Of course, this commander welcomes extremely. Every word in the book will be honored with his life!


"Yongchunhou just collected 28 Star Thieves Groups, captured the blue sky market, and shined in the subsequent channel blockade battles. He is a rising star in the four major family camps, and he also controls one under his hand. With such a sharp fleet, it can be called strong and strong, and the future is bright. How can you choose to rebel from the family when such a situation is still unclear? You have so little confidence in your own fleet, are you afraid of the thunder and anger of the four major families? ?"

"Hushuai doesn't know anything, Ben Hou has, has nowhere to go."

Li Wuji smiled bitterly, "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. The first stage of the prince's sharpness has already aroused the envy, dissatisfaction and even hatred of countless people, and our Li family has just gone through a series of changes, the overall strength When I fell to the end of the four major families, I was unable to protect my little third-class prince, and even the loyal and righteous national salvation army that I... had suffered so hard to reassemble would be very likely to be taken away by others.

"In order to protect myself and gain more room for further development, I had to rely on Yun Xuefeng, the commander of this battle. With the support of Yun Xuefeng, I received a lot of resources to supplement, and I was able to shine.

"But Yun Xuefeng's support is not without cost. He regards my fleet as the'supervisor team' of this battle, and asks me to patrol the battlefield and slay the unruly and unruly generations among the four major families who disobey him. I went to the forefront to be a wicked person, severely offending those intertwined nobles.

"I have nowhere but to obey Yun Xuefeng's arrangement, acting as his butcher knife, driving away countless starships belonging to the other three families, and joining his battlefield. During this period, I will inevitably have fierce conflicts with many nobles, and even Beheaded'Hushanhou' Song Changlie, and offended all those who can and cannot be offended!

"Hushuai understand. For me, there is only one way forward, and that is to hope that Yun Xuefeng can win the war, and win this war simply and destructively. In this way, Yun Xuefeng's prestige is as high as the sky. I may still rely on his asylum to save my life.

"Unexpectedly, Hu Shuai would appear suddenly, and Yun Xuefeng is a foreign-powered, vulnerable straw bag. He was defeated by Hu Shuai in just one round. It is only a matter of time before the overall collapse.

"I and Yun Xuefeng are grasshoppers on a rope. He is finished, and I will definitely die. Even if the other three companies can take over his handsome flag, defeat the Thunder Fleet, and win this war, what has it to do with me? benefit?

"In addition to the Yun family, the Song family is now the strongest. Song Yushi, the frontline commander of the Song family in the Seven Seas Star Region, is a veteran with rich experience, fierce methods, and prestige. He was originally the most qualified person to be the commander-in-chief. .

"If Yun Xuefeng died in battle or disappeared or even surrendered, Shuai Qi would definitely fall into Song Yushi's hands, but I just killed Song Changlie, Song Yushi's direct line, how this new commander would treat me, I can hardly imagine.

"So, I don't take advantage of Yun Xuefeng's complete collapse, to find a new way out for myself and my brothers, do I really wash my neck and wait for death?"

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