40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2601: Tianxin is unpredictable!

"I have always been so brave, otherwise I would not take the initiative to ask for help. I will give up my life and die forever. I will not fear death. I will rush to the supernatural prison to save the handsome tiger at the risk of mortal death!"

Li Yao took out a piece of semi-solidified blue glue wrapped in a thin film from his arms, crushed it with his hands, and spread it evenly on his face. In accordance with the rhythm of the muscles and bones, he instantly recovered his original appearance and looked a little embarrassed. Lei Chenghu reminded the other party of his life-saving grace, while wondering, "When did Hu Shuai realize that I am not innocent... Isn't it just cheating me?"

"Hmph, this handsome has never bothered to cheat by using bug tricks. From the very beginning, he knew that the opposite of the light curtain was not Li Wuji, or that there were even more terrifying black hands behind Li Wuji."

Lei Chenghu said with disdain, "What kind of stuff Li Wuji is, this commander knows exactly how he can make up such a terrible fleet? What's more, with the standards of Li Wuji, the four senior electors in the family are selfish and greedy. He is afraid of death and regards his own life as more important than the entire universe. How can he go to the meeting alone and take risks alone? If he has the courage to single-handedly kill this commander’s flagship, this commander can cut off his head and give him. !

"If Li Wuji really appeared on this handsome's flagship, there is only one explanation-he was forced by someone holding his throat with a knife and holding the gun against the back of his head, so just now, his eyes were so resentful. , Just for fear of giving you a burial for this bold madman, am I right?"

"Hushuai is really observant. It turns out that my plan has so many flaws."

Li Yao coughed a few times and curiously said, "However, even if Li Wuji is not the righteous man, why should Hu Shuai say'it really is me', it's like seeing through my true face under disguise."

"Your identity is not difficult to guess."

Lei Chenghu continued to say indifferently, "As the'King of the Black Wind', the things you did in the Seven Seas Market and the words you said have spread throughout the entire Seven Seas Star Region. I don't believe you will have nothing in the future. Action, don't want to play any tricks.

"In addition, your Royal Highness told me your true identity and my assessment of your behavior patterns. You are planning to implement the'decapitation tactic' and the chances of sneaking into me are extremely high-but I didn't expect that you would use such a In this way, sneak in with integrity."

"So that's the case, but what, Hu handsome, I have to make one point first-I, the'King of the Black Wind,' and the despicable and shameless one a hundred years ago, fled in despair, and smashed the court severely, causing harm. It’s not the same thing as the'Black Wind King' that you led the soldiers from your hometown to the front to wipe your ass. In fact, you and the court's predecessor, the'Black Wind King' Hei Yeming, has been beaten by me. It’s a smashing head, it’s scumbag, don’t thank me, this is what I should do!

Li Yao paused, then said, "Speaking of which, Hu Shuai is also a hero and bravery. Knowing that it is me, even guessing that I will implement decapitation tactics, I dare to enter my cosmic war shuttle without fear. I suddenly shot and captured you? You know, at such a close distance, if I really can move, let alone the three giant soldiers outside, even if there are three hundred giant soldiers, it will be too late to stop!"

"Do you know?"

Lei Chenghu smiled and said, "Every word that this commander said in the "Report to All Imperial Officers and Soldiers" is true, and every word that Li Wuji said is also true. As long as the civil war can be ended as soon as possible, the more The viable forces of many empires fight against the Holy League and create a new future for human civilization. The commander can talk to anyone and trade on any conditions.

"A long time ago, this commander told you that compared to those despicable and shameless'fake cultivators', this commander still prefers cultivators. Since this commander can even talk about'fake cultivators' like Li Wuji Now, with you, a true cultivator, what can't you talk about?

"I'm very curious, you cultivators who haven't made any big moves for a thousand years, what kind of turnaround can you bring when the empire is so turbulent? What's more, you just said it yourself, this handsome fate. They were all fished out from the prison of God’s might. As an imperial soldier, wouldn’t even the courage to see your life-saving benefactor be useless?"

"Hu handsome is so sensible, it couldn't be better!"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, "I knew this before, so I will talk to Hu Shuai in a more straightforward way, instead of hiding the head and revealing the tail, doing so many tricks!"

"Then straight to the point, you, a true cultivator, come to me, a cultivator who is incompatible with fire and water, what do you do?"

Lei Chenghu's voice gradually became cold and hard, like a shell just taken out of the cryogenic ammunition warehouse, "There seems to be no room for reconciliation between us, at least I will not compromise on Xiuxian Avenue. of."

Li Yao blinked and said, "I just came to make a desperate bet and bet a game!"

Lei Chenghu frowned and said, "What are you betting on?"

Li Yao categorically said: "The handsome tiger gambler is a real immortal cultivator, an uncompromising fundamentalist cultivator. I bet that everything you do is really for the empire and for human civilization, not for those outside. Just like the slogan, using empire, human civilization, and the avenue of Xiuxian as slogans is actually selfish. It can trample all avenues for one's own benefit.

"I want to bet that you value the future of human civilization more than anything, even more important than - Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi, whom you admire most!"

Lei Chenghu was silent for a moment, with a gloomy light flowing under his eyes, and said: "You really know the true identity of your Majesty. I appreciate you more and more, Li Yao, the cultivator.

"Since everyone knows the existence of Your Majesty, you should give up more - you know, I will never betray your Majesty!"

"That's not necessarily."

Li Yao stared at Lei Chenghu, saying every word, "If you are a pure, true, selfless immortal cultivator, everything you do is for the benefit of the real human empire and mankind. The future of civilization, then, when Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi's actions harm the interests of the empire and destroy the future of human civilization, you should stand up against him without hesitation!

"In the final analysis, you are wholeheartedly loyal and willing to contribute everything to the empire, human civilization, and not a specific emperor--even if this emperor is the Black Star Emperor, it won’t work. I understand your Dao Xin, right? ?"

Lei Chenghu was stunned for a long time, and laughed blankly: "Are you cultivators with such sharp teeth? Of course, your Majesty is not equal to an empire, nor is it equal to human civilization, but looking at the center of the star sea today, who is more than your majesty? Eligible to represent the empire and human civilization? I will not swear allegiance to your Majesty. Should I be loyal to the four impeccable emperors, or the stinky and shameless black market merchants of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, or to all you A cultivator who has made less success than failed?

"Who is Hushuai willing to be loyal to, or no one, but he is his own faction-these are not my turn to worry about, I just want to kindly remind Hushuai that there is a problem with Wu Yingqi!"

Li Yao took a deep breath and said like a gun, "Doesn’t Hu Shuai feel that the timing of his jump to the Seven Seas Star Region is very inappropriate? Jumping over so early will make you involved in the combined fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance and the Four Great Families. Double vortex, waiting for you to spend a few months to settle all the enemies, you will also lose your troops, and you will suffer heavy casualties!

"I believe this time is Wu Yingqi's order, so he doesn't trust you at all. He just wants to use the'Battle of Seven Seas' to achieve the effect of'losing all losers' and let the Thunder Fleet, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance and the four major families unite. The fleet's vitality was severely damaged, weakening all of you to the limit, and was no longer able to compete with him-of course, it could not withstand the attack of the Holy League.

"Also, the Thunder Fleet was originally a knife placed on the throats of the four great families. It left the hinterland of the four great families and jumped to the Seven Seas Stars on the border of the empire. Although it can win a local battlefield, it also makes the capital empty. Open, the ace fleet of the four major families will definitely seize this opportunity to attack the imperial capital!

"Such a low-level mistake can be seen by a layman like me. I don't believe that military experts like Hu Shuai will not be able to see it. So, have you ever asked your "Your Majesty" what you plan to take. To resist the royal fleet of the four major families? Is it just a group of imperial forest soldiers who have not used swords and guns for hundreds of years, or a small deep-sea fleet, or a mob that has just surrendered to him?

"No, it's impossible. Wu Yingqi's military power on paper is absolutely unable to withstand the four-family royal fleet's alternate attack, so he must have a secret weapon, a very sharp secret weapon that can destroy the world, and this Once a secret weapon is activated, it will even cause irreparable damage to the entire imperial capital, the entire polar world, and the celestial star!

"Hu handsome, you admire, admire, and surrender to Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi so much. You are his No. 1 loyal minister of the Heavenly Character. May I ask if he tells you the details of this secret weapon, so that you are also prepared? Come on, we might as well take a bet, if he really tells you the existence of the secret weapon, I can cut off my head and give it to you!"

Lei Chenghu's face gradually shrouded a layer of iron cyan light, and he said in a deep voice: "Li Yao, if you come to me and just want to use such awkward rhetoric to provoke separation, then you don't have to waste each other's time. Now! As the saying goes, “Heaven’s heart is unpredictable”, Your Majesty has the assurance that he will win. As a courtier, he only needs to give up his life and forgive his life and move forward courageously. How can he guess the king’s thoughts and plans? Ordinary commanders, don’t you think there’s no such thing as a'military secret' in the world of your cultivators?"

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