Behind Wu Yingqi, nine of the ten suns were all dimmed out, leaving only the last one that seemed to be in the prime of life. The unremarkable and extremely stable sun was constantly magnified, revealing the frantic dancing tongue of fire and enough to swallow it. The vortex of the planet gave Lei Chenghu the feeling of burning everything.

And near this shining sun, as a contrast, there are still some insignificant glass projectiles scattered—all planets orbiting the sun.

And around these planets, there are a handful of dust floating around, even if Lei Chenghu turns the psychic power of the transformation of the gods to the limit, he can only vaguely see the small black spots that make up the dust.

These dust-sized black spots are the super warships that mankind is proud of, boasting that they can conquer the stars with it.

Suddenly, the sun sneezed a little.

In other words, it was just a small sneeze in an extremely hot vortex that occupies less than one percent of the sun's surface area.

Suddenly, countless tongues of flames that were millions of kilometers long spouted out, like the arm of a **** and demon extending from the sun, grabbing towards the sea of ​​stars.

Although this arm did not catch the specific substance, it was like a hand reaching into the lake surface and constantly stirring it, which soon disturbed the waves of the mountains and the sea, destroying the world.

The arm splits, spreads, and explodes, and the crimson ripples are like a stellar storm sweeping all the planets.

Even planets with atmospheric protection felt a strong shock, not to mention those dusty fleets, which were blown to each other, smashed into the sand, and vanished in smoke.

"I am not a person who is presumptuous, but compared with the vastness and strength of the universe, how small and weak is the current human civilization? Our boasted Star Sea battleship, our so-called "doomsday weapon" giant soldier, we The supernatural and holy psychic powers and supernatural powers... everything, in the face of the rage of the universe, is nothing, nothing can stop it."

Wu Yingqi sighed deeply, "Throughout the ages, countless classic battles of defeating the strong by the weak are indispensable with the help of the right time and place, and even the mighty power of nature is the key to victory. Thousands of troops are lost in the vast desert, or destroyed by the stormy waves deep in the sea.

"This time, it is no exception.

"From the very beginning, I never thought about winning this war with the imperial forest army, the deep-sea fleet or the thunder-thundering fleet of the Liaohaihou-facing an enemy ten times or a hundred times greater than ours, any courage, will, or magical calculations. It's all useless.

"But even if the strength of the four major electoral families is ten times, a hundred times or even a thousand times stronger, they will have only one dead end in the face of the roar of the sun!"

Lei Chenghu’s eyes were deeply attracted by the raging sun, just like his pupils, there was a small volcanic eruption. He watched the virtual picture intently for a long time, and couldn’t help asking: "Your Majesty has a way. ...Let the sun sneez?"

"Yes it is."

Wu Yingqi smiled, "As I said just now, I will never pretend to be indifferent-no matter how small human beings, and how vast and powerful the universe, but one day, humans can completely conquer and use the universe!

"Although a star is one of the most important celestial bodies in the universe, its structure and operation state are relatively simple, even much simpler than many planets. The reason why a star in the prime of life can maintain a stable operation state mainly depends on The internal fusion force resists the gravitational force, thereby forming a delicate balance-you can imagine it as an extremely sensitive balance, in fact, as long as a small force is applied, it can temporarily break the balance and move into chaos uncontrollably. And violently slipped down.

"It's just that, relative to the cognitive scope and technical capabilities of human civilization, this scale is too huge. It is necessary to accurately calculate and master all the characteristics of the scale to find the ‘power point’.

"As long as you find this point, you can trigger a series of chain reactions, and effortlessly, you can make the sun sneezes.

"Liao Haihou needn’t doubt our abilities. In fact, this incident is like a young and ignorant urchin playing in the mountains with high winds and dry things. He accidentally collided with a spark, which triggered a forest fire and burned it. Dozens of mountains, killing countless creatures-with the heat produced by the urchin, his wisdom and physical strength, can he burn dozens of mountains and kill countless people in one breath? Of course impossible! But as long as it is critical The timing, the key location, and all the conditions miraculously came together. As long as one urchin and one spark are enough to do it.

"Now, it's the same for us. Just project a small Mars on the sun."

Lei Chenghu was silent for a long time, seeming to be judging the truth of this matter, he asked very cautiously: "Your Majesty said just now that you must know the characteristics of the sun in order to find the relationship between the power of fusion and the force of gravity. The delicate balance is broken with Mars', and the subordinates believe that the size, mass, and life cycle of stars in each world are different, and their characteristics are also different.

"So, how does your Majesty know the specific characteristics of the star in the extreme heavens, how to grasp the delicate balance, and what means are needed to shoot'Mars' to the sun?"

"That's why I named the plan'shoot the sun'.'Houyi shoots the sun'. Liao Haihou said nothing wrong. I just woke up from a thousand-year dormancy and did not master the basic research of the empire. Institutions and experts naturally have no time to understand the characteristics of the sun, but the Houyi clan in the old Pangu Civilization Alliance can."

Wu Yingqi said, “I don’t know how much Liao Haihou knows about the Houyi tribe—this is a kind of carbon-based life born on a solid planet very close to a star. Like a planet suitable for human survival, it is often the first in the star system. The third or fourth planet, and the Houyi people mostly live on the second planet of the star system. Even if the planets closest to the star can maintain a solid state, the Houyi people can barely survive for a while.

"The original Houyi tribe was a kind of insignificant bug, covered in a black carapace similar to a solar panel, with extremely high temperature resistance, but their living environment was too harsh, and the stars gave them too much light and Heat and even destructive radiation, they must always pay attention to the changes of stars, according to the changes in radiation, to fine-tune the composition and internal structure of their black carapace, to maximize energy and isolate radiation, in order to survive in such an extreme environment Go down.

"When the Houyi people developed a high degree of intelligence and possessed the ability to travel in the sea of ​​stars, they naturally became experts in the study of stars, as well as experts in the Pangu Civilization Alliance who were responsible for the continuous output of large amounts of energy.

"In the Pangu Civilization Alliance, there is also a Kuafu clan who is also a stellar expert who was born in the same way as them. They specialize in chasing stars and obtain energy. However, the Kuafu clan’s specialty is the stable utilization of stellar energy. They are in the orbit of stars. A large number of energy-absorbing panels were built, trying to wrap the entire star with a magic weapon called "Kwafu's Sphere" to achieve 100% energy utilization.

"Even if it can't cover the entire sun, as long as it can cover one percent of the star's surface area, the energy collected is terrible.

"Unlike the relatively gentle and peace-loving Kuafu tribe, the Houyi tribe is a more sturdy fighting race, better at breaking the delicate balance of the stars, and instantly releasing incomparably powerful power for the purpose of war and destruction.

"It is said that before the Pangu Civilization Alliance was established millions of years ago, the Kuafu and Houyi tribes, two interstellar civilizations that were also good at using stars, had a protracted and magnificent war.

"At that time, the Kuafu tribe was a pioneering civilization. It had already stepped out of its home star nearly ten thousand years earlier than the Houyi tribe, and colonized dozens of neighboring worlds, and found a total of ten in these great worlds. Period, very stable, suitable for collecting energy stars.

"The Kuafu tribe built a'ball of Kuafu' around these ten stars, using the energy of the ten suns to establish a brilliant and powerful interstellar civilization, suppressing all the later civilizations within their exploration range, and never let it Latecomers have a chance to surpass them.

"Especially the Houyi people, similar to the way they were born, are also good at making use of stars. They are also their key targets for prevention and suppression.

"In the beginning, the Houyi clan was not an opponent of the Kuafu clan at all. The strength of the two sides was roughly tens to one. The energy collected by the other party using ten suns was defeated and the entire civilization was almost annihilated.

"Everyone in the Houyi clan is saying that the enemy has a full ten suns, and they will be roasted alive.

"In the end, the Houyi clan made a desperate move, assembled all the elites, formed dozens of death squads to go forward, surprise the stars, and finally detonated nine of the ten stable stars controlled by the Kuafu clan.

"The nine stars have undergone drastic changes, spewing out flames and radiation of destruction, destroying almost all the Kuafu Ball and the Kuafu tribe's fleet.

"The Kuafu clan was shrouded in endless darkness. Countless fleets watched the sun storm and wailed in the dim and messy sea of ​​stars. They jumped from one big world to another, looking for the sun in vain, but what they saw It was a similar tragedy. Most of the fleet couldn't hold on to the last stable and calm sun. Everyone died on the way due to lack of resources.

"This battle has caused an earth-shaking change in the power balance between the Kuafu tribe and the Houyi tribe. The Houyi tribe has achieved a complete strategic advantage, and it is necessary to take advantage of the victory and pursue to shoot down the last sun of the Kuafu tribe— —It’s not very good for them. After all, they are also a race based on stars, but their strong hatred of each other and the fear of the Kuafu clan’s rise again make them risk losing both sides and must be thorough. Cut off Kua's father's future.

"At this time, the Pangu clan appeared.

"In other words, the dramatic changes of the nine suns enabled the Pangu tribe to discover the existence of the Kuafu tribe and the Houyi tribe, and understand that in this vast sea of ​​stars, there is not only the existence of a carbon-based intelligent life of the Pangu tribe.

"At this time, the Pangu tribe possesses civilization and warfare capabilities far superior to those of Kuafu and descendants, but they are also amazed by the use of stars by these two carbon-based life-whether in peaceful or fierce ways. .

"The Pangu people realize that carbon-based intelligent life has developed to such a terrible level. The war between each other is very likely to destroy the entire star sea, and even affect other civilizations that have nothing to do with this war. All carbon-based intelligent life must be allowed. Stop the war between them and maintain the peace of the entire universe-therefore, the Pangu tribe mediated the war between the Kuafu tribe and the Houyi tribe, secretly supported the Kuafu tribe, and prevented the Houyi tribe from destroying the last sun of the Kuafu tribe. And a tripartite covenant was concluded, which may be the embryonic form of the Pangu Civilization Alliance.

"What I said was not time-consuming nonsense. It was just to let Liao Haihou know that the Houyi clan had mastered the ability to'make the sun sneez' long ago, and did not hesitate to put it into actual combat, which almost resulted in The complete destruction of an interstellar civilization!"

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